# III Client [![npm][npm-image]][npm-url] [![david][david-image]][david-url] [![david-dev][david-dev-image]][david-dev-url] [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iii-client.svg [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/iii-client [david-image]: https://david-dm.org/valentineus/iii-client/status.svg [david-url]: https://david-dm.org/valentineus/iii-client [david-dev-image]: https://david-dm.org/valentineus/iii-client/dev-status.svg [david-dev-url]: https://david-dm.org/valentineus/iii-client?type=dev Simple API for communicating with the bot of the \"iii.ru\" service. ## Features - A small and light library. - Receiving and sending messages. - Create sessions, support for any available. - Independent of the session or bot. ## Installation ```bash npm install --save iii-client ``` ## Using To use the library, you need to know the bot ID. It's easy to learn it, you need to go to the home address of a particular bot. The address is as follows `http://iii.ru/inf/109cd867-0ef3-4473-af71-7543a9b2fccd`. The value `109cd867-0ef3-4473-af71-7543a9b2fccd` and is the required parameter. Initial connection with the bot: ```javascript var bot = require('iii-client'); var uuid = '109cd867-0ef3-4473-af71-7543a9b2fccd'; bot.connect(uuid, function(data) { // code... }); ``` The answer is as follows: ```javascript { cuid: '6791728a-263d-4bc8-9f7f-622856eb55ff', text: { // Lots of text... } ``` The value of `cuid` is a session identifier and should be specified when sending a message: ```javascript const options = { cuid: '6791728a-263d-4bc8-9f7f-622856eb55ff', text: 'Проверка связи. Ты получил моё сообщение?', } bot.send(options, function(raw) { /// code... }); ``` As a result, you will receive an answer: ```javascript { result: { text: { value: 'Открой ближайшую к тебе книжку на 30-й странице и перепечатай 13-ю строчку сверху.', // Lots of text... } ``` Enjoy! ## API Description of the internal kitchen can be seen on the [documentation page](https://valentineus.github.io/iii-client/). Found out a mistake or feel a lack of functionality? [issues](https://github.com/valentineus/iii-client/issues) ## License [![JavaScript Style Guide](https://cdn.rawgit.com/feross/standard/master/badge.svg)](https://github.com/feross/standard) [MIT](LICENSE.md). Copyright (c) [Valentin Popov](https://valentineus.link/).