path: root/vendor/clap_builder/src/parser/validator.rs
diff options
authorValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-01-08 00:21:28 +0300
committerValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-01-08 00:21:28 +0300
commit1b6a04ca5504955c571d1c97504fb45ea0befee4 (patch)
tree7579f518b23313e8a9748a88ab6173d5e030b227 /vendor/clap_builder/src/parser/validator.rs
parent5ecd8cf2cba827454317368b68571df0d13d7842 (diff)
Initial vendor packages
Signed-off-by: Valentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/clap_builder/src/parser/validator.rs')
1 files changed, 561 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/clap_builder/src/parser/validator.rs b/vendor/clap_builder/src/parser/validator.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55f4633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap_builder/src/parser/validator.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+// Internal
+use crate::builder::StyledStr;
+use crate::builder::{Arg, ArgGroup, ArgPredicate, Command, PossibleValue};
+use crate::error::{Error, Result as ClapResult};
+use crate::output::Usage;
+use crate::parser::{ArgMatcher, ParseState};
+use crate::util::ChildGraph;
+use crate::util::FlatMap;
+use crate::util::FlatSet;
+use crate::util::Id;
+pub(crate) struct Validator<'cmd> {
+ cmd: &'cmd Command,
+ required: ChildGraph<Id>,
+impl<'cmd> Validator<'cmd> {
+ pub(crate) fn new(cmd: &'cmd Command) -> Self {
+ let required = cmd.required_graph();
+ Validator { cmd, required }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn validate(
+ &mut self,
+ parse_state: ParseState,
+ matcher: &mut ArgMatcher,
+ ) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debug!("Validator::validate");
+ let conflicts = Conflicts::with_args(self.cmd, matcher);
+ let has_subcmd = matcher.subcommand_name().is_some();
+ if let ParseState::Opt(a) = parse_state {
+ debug!("Validator::validate: needs_val_of={a:?}");
+ let o = &self.cmd[&a];
+ let should_err = if let Some(v) = matcher.args.get(o.get_id()) {
+ v.all_val_groups_empty() && o.get_min_vals() != 0
+ } else {
+ true
+ };
+ if should_err {
+ return Err(Error::empty_value(
+ self.cmd,
+ &get_possible_values_cli(o)
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|pv| !pv.is_hide_set())
+ .map(|n| n.get_name().to_owned())
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ o.to_string(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ if !has_subcmd && self.cmd.is_arg_required_else_help_set() {
+ let num_user_values = matcher
+ .args()
+ .filter(|(_, matched)| matched.check_explicit(&ArgPredicate::IsPresent))
+ .count();
+ if num_user_values == 0 {
+ let message = self.cmd.write_help_err(false);
+ return Err(Error::display_help_error(self.cmd, message));
+ }
+ }
+ if !has_subcmd && self.cmd.is_subcommand_required_set() {
+ let bn = self.cmd.get_bin_name_fallback();
+ return Err(Error::missing_subcommand(
+ self.cmd,
+ bn.to_string(),
+ self.cmd
+ .all_subcommand_names()
+ .map(|s| s.to_owned())
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ Usage::new(self.cmd)
+ .required(&self.required)
+ .create_usage_with_title(&[]),
+ ));
+ }
+ ok!(self.validate_conflicts(matcher, &conflicts));
+ if !(self.cmd.is_subcommand_negates_reqs_set() && has_subcmd) {
+ ok!(self.validate_required(matcher, &conflicts));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn validate_conflicts(
+ &mut self,
+ matcher: &ArgMatcher,
+ conflicts: &Conflicts,
+ ) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debug!("Validator::validate_conflicts");
+ ok!(self.validate_exclusive(matcher));
+ for (arg_id, _) in matcher
+ .args()
+ .filter(|(_, matched)| matched.check_explicit(&ArgPredicate::IsPresent))
+ .filter(|(arg_id, _)| self.cmd.find(arg_id).is_some())
+ {
+ debug!("Validator::validate_conflicts::iter: id={arg_id:?}");
+ let conflicts = conflicts.gather_conflicts(self.cmd, arg_id);
+ ok!(self.build_conflict_err(arg_id, &conflicts, matcher));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn validate_exclusive(&self, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debug!("Validator::validate_exclusive");
+ let args_count = matcher
+ .args()
+ .filter(|(arg_id, matched)| {
+ matched.check_explicit(&crate::builder::ArgPredicate::IsPresent)
+ // Avoid including our own groups by checking none of them. If a group is present, the
+ // args for the group will be.
+ && self.cmd.find(arg_id).is_some()
+ })
+ .count();
+ if args_count <= 1 {
+ // Nothing present to conflict with
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ matcher
+ .args()
+ .filter(|(_, matched)| matched.check_explicit(&crate::builder::ArgPredicate::IsPresent))
+ .filter_map(|(id, _)| {
+ debug!("Validator::validate_exclusive:iter:{id:?}");
+ self.cmd
+ .find(id)
+ // Find `arg`s which are exclusive but also appear with other args.
+ .filter(|&arg| arg.is_exclusive_set() && args_count > 1)
+ })
+ .next()
+ .map(|arg| {
+ // Throw an error for the first conflict found.
+ Err(Error::argument_conflict(
+ self.cmd,
+ arg.to_string(),
+ Vec::new(),
+ Usage::new(self.cmd)
+ .required(&self.required)
+ .create_usage_with_title(&[]),
+ ))
+ })
+ .unwrap_or(Ok(()))
+ }
+ fn build_conflict_err(
+ &self,
+ name: &Id,
+ conflict_ids: &[Id],
+ matcher: &ArgMatcher,
+ ) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ if conflict_ids.is_empty() {
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ debug!("Validator::build_conflict_err: name={name:?}");
+ let mut seen = FlatSet::new();
+ let conflicts = conflict_ids
+ .iter()
+ .flat_map(|c_id| {
+ if self.cmd.find_group(c_id).is_some() {
+ self.cmd.unroll_args_in_group(c_id)
+ } else {
+ vec![c_id.clone()]
+ }
+ })
+ .filter_map(|c_id| {
+ seen.insert(c_id.clone()).then(|| {
+ let c_arg = self.cmd.find(&c_id).expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG);
+ c_arg.to_string()
+ })
+ })
+ .collect();
+ let former_arg = self.cmd.find(name).expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG);
+ let usg = self.build_conflict_err_usage(matcher, conflict_ids);
+ Err(Error::argument_conflict(
+ self.cmd,
+ former_arg.to_string(),
+ conflicts,
+ usg,
+ ))
+ }
+ fn build_conflict_err_usage(
+ &self,
+ matcher: &ArgMatcher,
+ conflicting_keys: &[Id],
+ ) -> Option<StyledStr> {
+ let used_filtered: Vec<Id> = matcher
+ .args()
+ .filter(|(_, matched)| matched.check_explicit(&ArgPredicate::IsPresent))
+ .map(|(n, _)| n)
+ .filter(|n| {
+ // Filter out the args we don't want to specify.
+ self.cmd
+ .find(n)
+ .map(|a| !a.is_hide_set())
+ .unwrap_or_default()
+ })
+ .filter(|key| !conflicting_keys.contains(key))
+ .cloned()
+ .collect();
+ let required: Vec<Id> = used_filtered
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|key| self.cmd.find(key))
+ .flat_map(|arg| arg.requires.iter().map(|item| &item.1))
+ .filter(|key| !used_filtered.contains(key) && !conflicting_keys.contains(key))
+ .chain(used_filtered.iter())
+ .cloned()
+ .collect();
+ Usage::new(self.cmd)
+ .required(&self.required)
+ .create_usage_with_title(&required)
+ }
+ fn gather_requires(&mut self, matcher: &ArgMatcher) {
+ debug!("Validator::gather_requires");
+ for (name, matched) in matcher
+ .args()
+ .filter(|(_, matched)| matched.check_explicit(&ArgPredicate::IsPresent))
+ {
+ debug!("Validator::gather_requires:iter:{name:?}");
+ if let Some(arg) = self.cmd.find(name) {
+ let is_relevant = |(val, req_arg): &(ArgPredicate, Id)| -> Option<Id> {
+ let required = matched.check_explicit(val);
+ required.then(|| req_arg.clone())
+ };
+ for req in self.cmd.unroll_arg_requires(is_relevant, arg.get_id()) {
+ self.required.insert(req);
+ }
+ } else if let Some(g) = self.cmd.find_group(name) {
+ debug!("Validator::gather_requires:iter:{name:?}:group");
+ for r in &g.requires {
+ self.required.insert(r.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn validate_required(&mut self, matcher: &ArgMatcher, conflicts: &Conflicts) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debug!("Validator::validate_required: required={:?}", self.required);
+ self.gather_requires(matcher);
+ let mut missing_required = Vec::new();
+ let mut highest_index = 0;
+ let is_exclusive_present = matcher
+ .args()
+ .filter(|(_, matched)| matched.check_explicit(&ArgPredicate::IsPresent))
+ .any(|(id, _)| {
+ self.cmd
+ .find(id)
+ .map(|arg| arg.is_exclusive_set())
+ .unwrap_or_default()
+ });
+ debug!("Validator::validate_required: is_exclusive_present={is_exclusive_present}");
+ for arg_or_group in self
+ .required
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|r| !matcher.check_explicit(r, &ArgPredicate::IsPresent))
+ {
+ debug!("Validator::validate_required:iter:aog={arg_or_group:?}");
+ if let Some(arg) = self.cmd.find(arg_or_group) {
+ debug!("Validator::validate_required:iter: This is an arg");
+ if !is_exclusive_present && !self.is_missing_required_ok(arg, conflicts) {
+ debug!(
+ "Validator::validate_required:iter: Missing {:?}",
+ arg.get_id()
+ );
+ missing_required.push(arg.get_id().clone());
+ if !arg.is_last_set() {
+ highest_index = highest_index.max(arg.get_index().unwrap_or(0));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if let Some(group) = self.cmd.find_group(arg_or_group) {
+ debug!("Validator::validate_required:iter: This is a group");
+ if !self
+ .cmd
+ .unroll_args_in_group(&group.id)
+ .iter()
+ .any(|a| matcher.check_explicit(a, &ArgPredicate::IsPresent))
+ {
+ debug!(
+ "Validator::validate_required:iter: Missing {:?}",
+ group.get_id()
+ );
+ missing_required.push(group.get_id().clone());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Validate the conditionally required args
+ for a in self
+ .cmd
+ .get_arguments()
+ .filter(|a| !matcher.check_explicit(a.get_id(), &ArgPredicate::IsPresent))
+ {
+ let mut required = false;
+ for (other, val) in &a.r_ifs {
+ if matcher.check_explicit(other, &ArgPredicate::Equals(val.into())) {
+ debug!(
+ "Validator::validate_required:iter: Missing {:?}",
+ a.get_id()
+ );
+ required = true;
+ }
+ }
+ let match_all = a.r_ifs_all.iter().all(|(other, val)| {
+ matcher.check_explicit(other, &ArgPredicate::Equals(val.into()))
+ });
+ if match_all && !a.r_ifs_all.is_empty() {
+ debug!(
+ "Validator::validate_required:iter: Missing {:?}",
+ a.get_id()
+ );
+ required = true;
+ }
+ if (!a.r_unless.is_empty() || !a.r_unless_all.is_empty())
+ && self.fails_arg_required_unless(a, matcher)
+ {
+ debug!(
+ "Validator::validate_required:iter: Missing {:?}",
+ a.get_id()
+ );
+ required = true;
+ }
+ if required {
+ missing_required.push(a.get_id().clone());
+ if !a.is_last_set() {
+ highest_index = highest_index.max(a.get_index().unwrap_or(0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // For display purposes, include all of the preceding positional arguments
+ if !self.cmd.is_allow_missing_positional_set() {
+ for pos in self
+ .cmd
+ .get_positionals()
+ .filter(|a| !matcher.check_explicit(a.get_id(), &ArgPredicate::IsPresent))
+ {
+ if pos.get_index() < Some(highest_index) {
+ debug!(
+ "Validator::validate_required:iter: Missing {:?}",
+ pos.get_id()
+ );
+ missing_required.push(pos.get_id().clone());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if !missing_required.is_empty() {
+ ok!(self.missing_required_error(matcher, missing_required));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn is_missing_required_ok(&self, a: &Arg, conflicts: &Conflicts) -> bool {
+ debug!("Validator::is_missing_required_ok: {}", a.get_id());
+ if !conflicts.gather_conflicts(self.cmd, a.get_id()).is_empty() {
+ debug!("Validator::is_missing_required_ok: true (self)");
+ return true;
+ }
+ for group_id in self.cmd.groups_for_arg(a.get_id()) {
+ if !conflicts.gather_conflicts(self.cmd, &group_id).is_empty() {
+ debug!("Validator::is_missing_required_ok: true ({group_id})");
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ false
+ }
+ // Failing a required unless means, the arg's "unless" wasn't present, and neither were they
+ fn fails_arg_required_unless(&self, a: &Arg, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> bool {
+ debug!("Validator::fails_arg_required_unless: a={:?}", a.get_id());
+ let exists = |id| matcher.check_explicit(id, &ArgPredicate::IsPresent);
+ (a.r_unless_all.is_empty() || !a.r_unless_all.iter().all(exists))
+ && !a.r_unless.iter().any(exists)
+ }
+ // `req_args`: an arg to include in the error even if not used
+ fn missing_required_error(
+ &self,
+ matcher: &ArgMatcher,
+ raw_req_args: Vec<Id>,
+ ) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debug!("Validator::missing_required_error; incl={raw_req_args:?}");
+ debug!(
+ "Validator::missing_required_error: reqs={:?}",
+ self.required
+ );
+ let usg = Usage::new(self.cmd).required(&self.required);
+ let req_args = {
+ #[cfg(feature = "usage")]
+ {
+ usg.get_required_usage_from(&raw_req_args, Some(matcher), true)
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|s| s.to_string())
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ }
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "usage"))]
+ {
+ raw_req_args
+ .iter()
+ .map(|id| {
+ if let Some(arg) = self.cmd.find(id) {
+ arg.to_string()
+ } else if let Some(_group) = self.cmd.find_group(id) {
+ self.cmd.format_group(id).to_string()
+ } else {
+ debug_assert!(false, "id={id:?} is unknown");
+ "".to_owned()
+ }
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ }
+ };
+ debug!("Validator::missing_required_error: req_args={req_args:#?}");
+ let used: Vec<Id> = matcher
+ .args()
+ .filter(|(_, matched)| matched.check_explicit(&ArgPredicate::IsPresent))
+ .map(|(n, _)| n)
+ .filter(|n| {
+ // Filter out the args we don't want to specify.
+ self.cmd
+ .find(n)
+ .map(|a| !a.is_hide_set())
+ .unwrap_or_default()
+ })
+ .cloned()
+ .chain(raw_req_args)
+ .collect();
+ Err(Error::missing_required_argument(
+ self.cmd,
+ req_args,
+ usg.create_usage_with_title(&used),
+ ))
+ }
+#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
+struct Conflicts {
+ potential: FlatMap<Id, Vec<Id>>,
+impl Conflicts {
+ fn with_args(cmd: &Command, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> Self {
+ let mut potential = FlatMap::new();
+ potential.extend_unchecked(
+ matcher
+ .args()
+ .filter(|(_, matched)| matched.check_explicit(&ArgPredicate::IsPresent))
+ .map(|(id, _)| {
+ let conf = gather_direct_conflicts(cmd, id);
+ (id.clone(), conf)
+ }),
+ );
+ Self { potential }
+ }
+ fn gather_conflicts(&self, cmd: &Command, arg_id: &Id) -> Vec<Id> {
+ debug!("Conflicts::gather_conflicts: arg={arg_id:?}");
+ let mut conflicts = Vec::new();
+ let arg_id_conflicts_storage;
+ let arg_id_conflicts = if let Some(arg_id_conflicts) = self.get_direct_conflicts(arg_id) {
+ arg_id_conflicts
+ } else {
+ // `is_missing_required_ok` is a case where we check not-present args for conflicts
+ arg_id_conflicts_storage = gather_direct_conflicts(cmd, arg_id);
+ &arg_id_conflicts_storage
+ };
+ for (other_arg_id, other_arg_id_conflicts) in self.potential.iter() {
+ if arg_id == other_arg_id {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if arg_id_conflicts.contains(other_arg_id) {
+ conflicts.push(other_arg_id.clone());
+ }
+ if other_arg_id_conflicts.contains(arg_id) {
+ conflicts.push(other_arg_id.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ debug!("Conflicts::gather_conflicts: conflicts={conflicts:?}");
+ conflicts
+ }
+ fn get_direct_conflicts(&self, arg_id: &Id) -> Option<&[Id]> {
+ self.potential.get(arg_id).map(Vec::as_slice)
+ }
+fn gather_direct_conflicts(cmd: &Command, id: &Id) -> Vec<Id> {
+ let conf = if let Some(arg) = cmd.find(id) {
+ gather_arg_direct_conflicts(cmd, arg)
+ } else if let Some(group) = cmd.find_group(id) {
+ gather_group_direct_conflicts(group)
+ } else {
+ debug_assert!(false, "id={id:?} is unknown");
+ Vec::new()
+ };
+ debug!("Conflicts::gather_direct_conflicts id={id:?}, conflicts={conf:?}",);
+ conf
+fn gather_arg_direct_conflicts(cmd: &Command, arg: &Arg) -> Vec<Id> {
+ let mut conf = arg.blacklist.clone();
+ for group_id in cmd.groups_for_arg(arg.get_id()) {
+ let group = cmd.find_group(&group_id).expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG);
+ conf.extend(group.conflicts.iter().cloned());
+ if !group.multiple {
+ for member_id in &group.args {
+ if member_id != arg.get_id() {
+ conf.push(member_id.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Overrides are implicitly conflicts
+ conf.extend(arg.overrides.iter().cloned());
+ conf
+fn gather_group_direct_conflicts(group: &ArgGroup) -> Vec<Id> {
+ group.conflicts.clone()
+pub(crate) fn get_possible_values_cli(a: &Arg) -> Vec<PossibleValue> {
+ if !a.is_takes_value_set() {
+ vec![]
+ } else {
+ a.get_value_parser()
+ .possible_values()
+ .map(|pvs| pvs.collect())
+ .unwrap_or_default()
+ }