path: root/vendor/dialoguer/src/prompts/fuzzy_select.rs
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authorValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-07-19 15:37:58 +0300
committerValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-07-19 15:37:58 +0300
commita990de90fe41456a23e58bd087d2f107d321f3a1 (patch)
tree15afc392522a9e85dc3332235e311b7d39352ea9 /vendor/dialoguer/src/prompts/fuzzy_select.rs
parent3d48cd3f81164bbfc1a755dc1d4a9a02f98c8ddd (diff)
Deleted vendor folder
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/dialoguer/src/prompts/fuzzy_select.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 326 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/dialoguer/src/prompts/fuzzy_select.rs b/vendor/dialoguer/src/prompts/fuzzy_select.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b7f992..0000000
--- a/vendor/dialoguer/src/prompts/fuzzy_select.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-use crate::theme::{SimpleTheme, TermThemeRenderer, Theme};
-use console::{Key, Term};
-use fuzzy_matcher::FuzzyMatcher;
-use std::{io, ops::Rem};
-/// Renders a selection menu that user can fuzzy match to reduce set.
-/// User can use fuzzy search to limit selectable items.
-/// Interaction returns index of an item selected in the order they appear in `item` invocation or `items` slice.
-/// ## Examples
-/// ```rust,no_run
-/// use dialoguer::{
-/// FuzzySelect,
-/// theme::ColorfulTheme
-/// };
-/// use console::Term;
-/// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
-/// let items = vec!["Item 1", "item 2"];
-/// let selection = FuzzySelect::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default())
-/// .items(&items)
-/// .default(0)
-/// .interact_on_opt(&Term::stderr())?;
-/// match selection {
-/// Some(index) => println!("User selected item : {}", items[index]),
-/// None => println!("User did not select anything")
-/// }
-/// Ok(())
-/// }
-/// ```
-pub struct FuzzySelect<'a> {
- default: Option<usize>,
- items: Vec<String>,
- prompt: String,
- report: bool,
- clear: bool,
- highlight_matches: bool,
- max_length: Option<usize>,
- theme: &'a dyn Theme,
- /// Search string that a fuzzy search with start with.
- /// Defaults to an empty string.
- initial_text: String,
-impl Default for FuzzySelect<'static> {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self::new()
- }
-impl FuzzySelect<'static> {
- /// Creates the prompt with a specific text.
- pub fn new() -> Self {
- Self::with_theme(&SimpleTheme)
- }
-impl FuzzySelect<'_> {
- /// Sets the clear behavior of the menu.
- ///
- /// The default is to clear the menu.
- pub fn clear(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self {
- self.clear = val;
- self
- }
- /// Sets a default for the menu
- pub fn default(&mut self, val: usize) -> &mut Self {
- self.default = Some(val);
- self
- }
- /// Add a single item to the fuzzy selector.
- pub fn item<T: ToString>(&mut self, item: T) -> &mut Self {
- self.items.push(item.to_string());
- self
- }
- /// Adds multiple items to the fuzzy selector.
- pub fn items<T: ToString>(&mut self, items: &[T]) -> &mut Self {
- for item in items {
- self.items.push(item.to_string());
- }
- self
- }
- /// Sets the search text that a fuzzy search starts with.
- pub fn with_initial_text<S: Into<String>>(&mut self, initial_text: S) -> &mut Self {
- self.initial_text = initial_text.into();
- self
- }
- /// Prefaces the menu with a prompt.
- ///
- /// When a prompt is set the system also prints out a confirmation after
- /// the fuzzy selection.
- pub fn with_prompt<S: Into<String>>(&mut self, prompt: S) -> &mut Self {
- self.prompt = prompt.into();
- self
- }
- /// Indicates whether to report the selected value after interaction.
- ///
- /// The default is to report the selection.
- pub fn report(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self {
- self.report = val;
- self
- }
- /// Indicates whether to highlight matched indices
- ///
- /// The default is to highlight the indices
- pub fn highlight_matches(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self {
- self.highlight_matches = val;
- self
- }
- /// Sets the maximum number of visible options.
- ///
- /// The default is the height of the terminal minus 2.
- pub fn max_length(&mut self, rows: usize) -> &mut Self {
- self.max_length = Some(rows);
- self
- }
- /// Enables user interaction and returns the result.
- ///
- /// The user can select the items using 'Enter' and the index of selected item will be returned.
- /// The dialog is rendered on stderr.
- /// Result contains `index` of selected item if user hit 'Enter'.
- /// This unlike [interact_opt](#method.interact_opt) does not allow to quit with 'Esc' or 'q'.
- #[inline]
- pub fn interact(&self) -> io::Result<usize> {
- self.interact_on(&Term::stderr())
- }
- /// Enables user interaction and returns the result.
- ///
- /// The user can select the items using 'Enter' and the index of selected item will be returned.
- /// The dialog is rendered on stderr.
- /// Result contains `Some(index)` if user hit 'Enter' or `None` if user cancelled with 'Esc' or 'q'.
- #[inline]
- pub fn interact_opt(&self) -> io::Result<Option<usize>> {
- self.interact_on_opt(&Term::stderr())
- }
- /// Like `interact` but allows a specific terminal to be set.
- #[inline]
- pub fn interact_on(&self, term: &Term) -> io::Result<usize> {
- self._interact_on(term, false)?
- .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Quit not allowed in this case"))
- }
- /// Like `interact` but allows a specific terminal to be set.
- #[inline]
- pub fn interact_on_opt(&self, term: &Term) -> io::Result<Option<usize>> {
- self._interact_on(term, true)
- }
- /// Like `interact` but allows a specific terminal to be set.
- fn _interact_on(&self, term: &Term, allow_quit: bool) -> io::Result<Option<usize>> {
- // Place cursor at the end of the search term
- let mut position = self.initial_text.len();
- let mut search_term = self.initial_text.to_owned();
- let mut render = TermThemeRenderer::new(term, self.theme);
- let mut sel = self.default;
- let mut size_vec = Vec::new();
- for items in self.items.iter().as_slice() {
- let size = &items.len();
- size_vec.push(*size);
- }
- // Fuzzy matcher
- let matcher = fuzzy_matcher::skim::SkimMatcherV2::default();
- // Subtract -2 because we need space to render the prompt.
- let visible_term_rows = (term.size().0 as usize).max(3) - 2;
- let visible_term_rows = self
- .max_length
- .unwrap_or(visible_term_rows)
- .min(visible_term_rows);
- // Variable used to determine if we need to scroll through the list.
- let mut starting_row = 0;
- term.hide_cursor()?;
- loop {
- render.clear()?;
- render.fuzzy_select_prompt(self.prompt.as_str(), &search_term, position)?;
- // Maps all items to a tuple of item and its match score.
- let mut filtered_list = self
- .items
- .iter()
- .map(|item| (item, matcher.fuzzy_match(item, &search_term)))
- .filter_map(|(item, score)| score.map(|s| (item, s)))
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- // Renders all matching items, from best match to worst.
- filtered_list.sort_unstable_by(|(_, s1), (_, s2)| s2.cmp(s1));
- for (idx, (item, _)) in filtered_list
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .skip(starting_row)
- .take(visible_term_rows)
- {
- render.fuzzy_select_prompt_item(
- item,
- Some(idx) == sel,
- self.highlight_matches,
- &matcher,
- &search_term,
- )?;
- }
- term.flush()?;
- match (term.read_key()?, sel) {
- (Key::Escape, _) if allow_quit => {
- if self.clear {
- render.clear()?;
- term.flush()?;
- }
- term.show_cursor()?;
- return Ok(None);
- }
- (Key::ArrowUp | Key::BackTab, _) if !filtered_list.is_empty() => {
- if sel == Some(0) {
- starting_row =
- filtered_list.len().max(visible_term_rows) - visible_term_rows;
- } else if sel == Some(starting_row) {
- starting_row -= 1;
- }
- sel = match sel {
- None => Some(filtered_list.len() - 1),
- Some(sel) => Some(
- ((sel as i64 - 1 + filtered_list.len() as i64)
- % (filtered_list.len() as i64))
- as usize,
- ),
- };
- term.flush()?;
- }
- (Key::ArrowDown | Key::Tab, _) if !filtered_list.is_empty() => {
- sel = match sel {
- None => Some(0),
- Some(sel) => {
- Some((sel as u64 + 1).rem(filtered_list.len() as u64) as usize)
- }
- };
- if sel == Some(visible_term_rows + starting_row) {
- starting_row += 1;
- } else if sel == Some(0) {
- starting_row = 0;
- }
- term.flush()?;
- }
- (Key::ArrowLeft, _) if position > 0 => {
- position -= 1;
- term.flush()?;
- }
- (Key::ArrowRight, _) if position < search_term.len() => {
- position += 1;
- term.flush()?;
- }
- (Key::Enter, Some(sel)) if !filtered_list.is_empty() => {
- if self.clear {
- render.clear()?;
- }
- if self.report {
- render
- .input_prompt_selection(self.prompt.as_str(), filtered_list[sel].0)?;
- }
- let sel_string = filtered_list[sel].0;
- let sel_string_pos_in_items =
- self.items.iter().position(|item| item.eq(sel_string));
- term.show_cursor()?;
- return Ok(sel_string_pos_in_items);
- }
- (Key::Backspace, _) if position > 0 => {
- position -= 1;
- search_term.remove(position);
- term.flush()?;
- }
- (Key::Char(chr), _) if !chr.is_ascii_control() => {
- search_term.insert(position, chr);
- position += 1;
- term.flush()?;
- sel = Some(0);
- starting_row = 0;
- }
- _ => {}
- }
- render.clear_preserve_prompt(&size_vec)?;
- }
- }
-impl<'a> FuzzySelect<'a> {
- /// Same as `new` but with a specific theme.
- pub fn with_theme(theme: &'a dyn Theme) -> Self {
- Self {
- default: None,
- items: vec![],
- prompt: "".into(),
- report: true,
- clear: true,
- highlight_matches: true,
- max_length: None,
- theme,
- initial_text: "".into(),
- }
- }