path: root/vendor/exr/tests/roundtrip.rs
diff options
authorValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-01-08 00:21:28 +0300
committerValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-01-08 00:21:28 +0300
commit1b6a04ca5504955c571d1c97504fb45ea0befee4 (patch)
tree7579f518b23313e8a9748a88ab6173d5e030b227 /vendor/exr/tests/roundtrip.rs
parent5ecd8cf2cba827454317368b68571df0d13d7842 (diff)
Initial vendor packages
Signed-off-by: Valentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/exr/tests/roundtrip.rs')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/exr/tests/roundtrip.rs b/vendor/exr/tests/roundtrip.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3181ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/exr/tests/roundtrip.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+extern crate exr;
+extern crate smallvec;
+use std::{panic};
+use std::io::{Cursor};
+use std::panic::catch_unwind;
+use std::path::{PathBuf, Path};
+use std::ffi::OsStr;
+use exr::prelude::*;
+use exr::error::{Error, UnitResult};
+use exr::prelude::pixel_vec::PixelVec;
+use exr::image::validate_results::ValidateResult;
+use rayon::prelude::IntoParallelIterator;
+use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;
+use exr::block::samples::IntoNativeSample;
+fn roundtrip_all_files_in_repository_x4(){
+ check_all_files_in_repo(|path|{
+ let file = std::fs::read(path).expect("cannot open file");
+ round_trip_simple(&file)?;
+ round_trip_full(&file)?;
+ round_trip_rgba_file(path, &file)?;
+ round_trip_parallel_file(&file)?;
+ Ok(())
+ });
+fn round_trip_full(file: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
+ let read_image = read()
+ .no_deep_data().all_resolution_levels().all_channels().all_layers().all_attributes()
+ .non_parallel();
+ let image = read_image.clone().from_buffered(Cursor::new(file))?;
+ let mut tmp_bytes = Vec::with_capacity(file.len());
+ image.write().non_parallel().to_buffered(Cursor::new(&mut tmp_bytes))?;
+ let image2 = read_image.from_buffered(Cursor::new(tmp_bytes))?;
+ image.assert_equals_result(&image2);
+ Ok(())
+fn round_trip_simple(file: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
+ let read_image = read()
+ .no_deep_data().largest_resolution_level().all_channels().all_layers().all_attributes()
+ .non_parallel();
+ let image = read_image.clone().from_buffered(Cursor::new(file))?;
+ let mut tmp_bytes = Vec::with_capacity(file.len());
+ image.write().non_parallel().to_buffered(&mut Cursor::new(&mut tmp_bytes))?;
+ let image2 = read_image.from_buffered(Cursor::new(&tmp_bytes))?;
+ image.assert_equals_result(&image2);
+ Ok(())
+fn round_trip_rgba_file(path: &Path, file: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
+ // these files are known to be invalid, because they do not contain any rgb channels
+ let blacklist = [
+ Path::new("tests/images/valid/openexr/LuminanceChroma/Garden.exr"),
+ Path::new("tests/images/valid/openexr/MultiView/Fog.exr"),
+ Path::new("tests/images/valid/openexr/TestImages/GrayRampsDiagonal.exr"),
+ Path::new("tests/images/valid/openexr/TestImages/GrayRampsHorizontal.exr"),
+ Path::new("tests/images/valid/openexr/TestImages/WideFloatRange.exr"),
+ Path::new("tests/images/valid/openexr/IlmfmlmflmTest/v1.7.test.tiled.exr")
+ ];
+ if blacklist.contains(&path) { return Ok(()) }
+ let image_reader = read()
+ .no_deep_data()
+ .largest_resolution_level() // TODO all levels
+ .rgba_channels(PixelVec::<(f32,f32,f32,f32)>::constructor, PixelVec::set_pixel)
+ .first_valid_layer()
+ .all_attributes()
+ .non_parallel();
+ let image = image_reader.clone().from_buffered(Cursor::new(file))?;
+ let mut tmp_bytes = Vec::with_capacity(file.len());
+ image.write().non_parallel()
+ .to_buffered(&mut Cursor::new(&mut tmp_bytes))?;
+ let image2 = image_reader.from_buffered(Cursor::new(&tmp_bytes))?;
+ image.assert_equals_result(&image2);
+ Ok(())
+// TODO compare rgba vs rgb images for color content, and rgb vs rgb(a?)
+fn round_trip_parallel_file(file: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
+ let image = read()
+ .no_deep_data().all_resolution_levels().all_channels().all_layers().all_attributes()
+ .from_buffered(Cursor::new(file))?;
+ let mut tmp_bytes = Vec::with_capacity(file.len());
+ image.write().to_buffered(Cursor::new(&mut tmp_bytes))?;
+ let image2 = read()
+ .no_deep_data().all_resolution_levels().all_channels().all_layers().all_attributes()
+ .pedantic()
+ .from_buffered(Cursor::new(tmp_bytes.as_slice()))?;
+ image.assert_equals_result(&image2);
+ Ok(())
+/// read all images in a directory.
+/// does not check any content, just checks whether a read error or panic happened.
+fn check_all_files_in_repo<T>(
+ operation: impl Sync + std::panic::RefUnwindSafe + Fn(&Path) -> exr::error::Result<T>
+) {
+ #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
+ enum Result { Ok, Unsupported(String), Error(String) }
+ let files: Vec<PathBuf> = all_exr_files_in_repo().collect();
+ let mut results: Vec<(PathBuf, Result)> = files.into_par_iter()
+ .map(|file| {
+ let result = catch_unwind(||{
+ let prev_hook = panic::take_hook();
+ panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| (/* do not println panics */)));
+ let result = operation(&file);
+ panic::set_hook(prev_hook);
+ result
+ });
+ let result = match result {
+ Ok(Ok(_)) => Result::Ok,
+ Ok(Err(Error::NotSupported(message))) => Result::Unsupported(message.to_string()),
+ Ok(Err(Error::Io(io))) => Result::Error(format!("IoError: {:?}", io)),
+ Ok(Err(Error::Invalid(message))) => Result::Error(format!("Invalid: {:?}", message)),
+ Ok(Err(Error::Aborted)) => panic!("a test produced `Error::Abort`"),
+ Err(_) => Result::Error("Panic".to_owned()),
+ };
+ match &result {
+ Result::Error(_) => println!("✗ Error when processing {:?}", file),
+ _ => println!("✓ No error when processing {:?}", file)
+ };
+ (file, result)
+ })
+ .collect();
+ results.sort_by(|(_, a), (_, b)| a.cmp(b));
+ println!("{:#?}", results.iter().map(|(path, result)| {
+ format!("{:?}: {}", result, path.to_str().unwrap())
+ }).collect::<Vec<_>>());
+ assert!(results.len() > 80, "Not enough files were tested!");
+ if let Result::Error(_) = results.last().unwrap().1 {
+ panic!("A file triggered a panic");
+ }
+fn all_exr_files_in_repo() -> impl Iterator<Item=PathBuf> {
+ walkdir::WalkDir::new("tests/images/valid").into_iter().map(std::result::Result::unwrap)
+ .filter(|entry| entry.path().extension() == Some(OsStr::new("exr")))
+ .map(walkdir::DirEntry::into_path)
+fn roundtrip_unusual_2() -> UnitResult {
+ let random_pixels: Vec<(f16, u32)> = vec![
+ ( f16::from_f32(-5.0), 4),
+ ( f16::from_f32(4.0), 9),
+ ( f16::from_f32(2.0), 6),
+ ( f16::from_f32(21.0), 8),
+ ( f16::from_f32(64.0), 7),
+ ];
+ let size = Vec2(3, 2);
+ let pixels = (0..size.area())
+ .zip(random_pixels.into_iter().cycle())
+ .map(|(_index, color)| color).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let pixels = PixelVec { resolution: size, pixels };
+ let channels = SpecificChannels::build()
+ .with_channel("N")
+ .with_channel("Ploppalori Taranos")
+ .with_pixels(pixels.clone()
+ );
+ let image = Image::from_channels(size, channels);
+ let mut tmp_bytes = Vec::new();
+ image.write().non_parallel().to_buffered(&mut Cursor::new(&mut tmp_bytes))?;
+ let image_reader = read()
+ .no_deep_data()
+ .largest_resolution_level() // TODO all levels
+ .specific_channels().required("N").required("Ploppalori Taranos")
+ .collect_pixels(PixelVec::<(f16,u32)>::constructor, PixelVec::set_pixel)
+ .first_valid_layer()
+ .all_attributes()
+ .non_parallel();
+ let image2 = image_reader.from_buffered(Cursor::new(&tmp_bytes))?;
+ // custom compare function: considers nan equal to nan
+ assert_eq!(image.layer_data.size, size, "test is buggy");
+ let pixels1 = &image.layer_data.channel_data.pixels;
+ let pixels2 = &image2.layer_data.channel_data.pixels;
+ assert_eq!(pixels1.pixels, pixels2.pixels);
+ Ok(())
+// TODO test optional reader
+// TODO dedup
+fn roundtrip_unusual_7() -> UnitResult {
+ let random_pixels: Vec<(f16, u32, f32,f32,f32,f32,f32)> = vec![
+ ( f16::from_f32(-5.0), 4, 1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0),
+ ( f16::from_f32(4.0), 8, 2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,1.0),
+ ( f16::from_f32(2.0), 9, 3.0,4.0,5.0,1.0,2.0),
+ ( f16::from_f32(21.0), 6, 4.0,5.0,1.0,2.0,3.0),
+ ( f16::from_f32(64.0), 5, 5.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0),
+ ];
+ let size = Vec2(3, 2);
+ let pixels = (0..size.area())
+ .zip(random_pixels.into_iter().cycle())
+ .map(|(_index, color)| color).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let pixels = PixelVec { resolution: size, pixels };
+ let channels = SpecificChannels::build()
+ .with_channel("N")
+ .with_channel("Ploppalori Taranos")
+ .with_channel("4")
+ .with_channel(".")
+ .with_channel("____")
+ .with_channel(" ")
+ .with_channel(" ")
+ .with_pixels(pixels.clone()
+ );
+ let image = Image::from_channels(size, channels);
+ let mut tmp_bytes = Vec::new();
+ image.write().non_parallel().to_buffered(&mut Cursor::new(&mut tmp_bytes))?;
+ let image_reader = read()
+ .no_deep_data()
+ .largest_resolution_level() // TODO all levels
+ .specific_channels()
+ .required("N")
+ .required("Ploppalori Taranos")
+ .required("4")
+ .required(".")
+ .required("____")
+ .required(" ")
+ .required(" ")
+ .collect_pixels(PixelVec::<(f16, u32, f32,f32,f32,f32,f32)>::constructor, PixelVec::set_pixel)
+ .first_valid_layer()
+ .all_attributes()
+ .non_parallel();
+ let image2 = image_reader.from_buffered(Cursor::new(&tmp_bytes))?;
+ // custom compare function: considers nan equal to nan
+ assert_eq!(image.layer_data.size, size, "test is buggy");
+ let pixels1 = &image.layer_data.channel_data.pixels;
+ let pixels2 = &image2.layer_data.channel_data.pixels;
+ assert_eq!(pixels1.pixels, pixels2.pixels);
+ Ok(())
+#[cfg(target_endian = "big")] // TODO big endian pxr24
+fn pxr24_expect_error_on_big_endian(){
+ let image = exr::prelude::read_all_data_from_file(
+ "tests/images/valid/custom/compression_methods/f16/pxr24.exr"
+ );
+ match image {
+ Err(Error::NotSupported(_)) => {}
+ _ => panic!("pxr24 should report an error on big endian architecture")
+ }
+#[cfg(target_endian = "little")] // TODO big endian pxr24
+fn roundtrip_pxr24() {
+ test_mixed_roundtrip_with_compression(Compression::PXR24)
+fn roundtrip_rle() {
+ test_mixed_roundtrip_with_compression(Compression::RLE)
+fn roundtrip_zip1() {
+ test_mixed_roundtrip_with_compression(Compression::ZIP1)
+fn roundtrip_zip16() {
+ test_mixed_roundtrip_with_compression(Compression::ZIP16)
+fn roundtrip_b44() {
+ test_mixed_roundtrip_with_compression(Compression::B44)
+fn roundtrip_b44a() {
+ test_mixed_roundtrip_with_compression(Compression::B44A)
+fn roundtrip_piz() {
+ test_mixed_roundtrip_with_compression(Compression::PIZ)
+fn roundtrip_uncompressed() {
+ test_mixed_roundtrip_with_compression(Compression::Uncompressed)
+fn test_mixed_roundtrip_with_compression(compression: Compression) {
+ let original_pixels: [(f16,f32,f32); 4] = [
+ (0.0.to_f16(), -1.1, std::f32::consts::PI),
+ (9.1.to_f16(), -3.1, std::f32::consts::TAU),
+ (-10.0.to_f16(), -11.1, f32::EPSILON),
+ (half::f16::NAN, 10000.1, -1024.009),
+ ];
+ let mut file_bytes = Vec::new();
+ let original_image = Image::from_encoded_channels(
+ (2,2),
+ Encoding {
+ compression,
+ .. Encoding::default()
+ },
+ SpecificChannels::rgb(
+ PixelVec::new(Vec2(2,2), original_pixels.to_vec())
+ )
+ );
+ original_image.write().to_buffered(Cursor::new(&mut file_bytes)).unwrap();
+ let lossy_image = read().no_deep_data().largest_resolution_level()
+ .rgb_channels(PixelVec::<(f16,f32,f32)>::constructor, PixelVec::set_pixel)
+ .first_valid_layer().all_attributes().from_buffered(Cursor::new(&file_bytes)).unwrap();
+ // use automatic lossy detection by compression method
+ original_image.assert_equals_result(&original_image);
+ lossy_image.assert_equals_result(&lossy_image);
+ original_image.assert_equals_result(&lossy_image);