path: root/vendor/image/src/imageops/mod.rs
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authorValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-07-19 15:37:58 +0300
committerValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-07-19 15:37:58 +0300
commita990de90fe41456a23e58bd087d2f107d321f3a1 (patch)
tree15afc392522a9e85dc3332235e311b7d39352ea9 /vendor/image/src/imageops/mod.rs
parent3d48cd3f81164bbfc1a755dc1d4a9a02f98c8ddd (diff)
Deleted vendor folder
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/image/src/imageops/mod.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 485 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/image/src/imageops/mod.rs b/vendor/image/src/imageops/mod.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index fdd2bf3..0000000
--- a/vendor/image/src/imageops/mod.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-//! Image Processing Functions
-use std::cmp;
-use crate::image::{GenericImage, GenericImageView, SubImage};
-use crate::traits::{Lerp, Pixel, Primitive};
-pub use self::sample::FilterType;
-pub use self::sample::FilterType::{CatmullRom, Gaussian, Lanczos3, Nearest, Triangle};
-/// Affine transformations
-pub use self::affine::{
- flip_horizontal, flip_horizontal_in, flip_horizontal_in_place, flip_vertical, flip_vertical_in,
- flip_vertical_in_place, rotate180, rotate180_in, rotate180_in_place, rotate270, rotate270_in,
- rotate90, rotate90_in,
-/// Image sampling
-pub use self::sample::{
- blur, filter3x3, interpolate_bilinear, interpolate_nearest, resize, sample_bilinear,
- sample_nearest, thumbnail, unsharpen,
-/// Color operations
-pub use self::colorops::{
- brighten, contrast, dither, grayscale, grayscale_alpha, grayscale_with_type,
- grayscale_with_type_alpha, huerotate, index_colors, invert, BiLevel, ColorMap,
-mod affine;
-// Public only because of Rust bug:
-// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/18241
-pub mod colorops;
-mod sample;
-/// Return a mutable view into an image
-/// The coordinates set the position of the top left corner of the crop.
-pub fn crop<I: GenericImageView>(
- image: &mut I,
- x: u32,
- y: u32,
- width: u32,
- height: u32,
-) -> SubImage<&mut I> {
- let (x, y, width, height) = crop_dimms(image, x, y, width, height);
- SubImage::new(image, x, y, width, height)
-/// Return an immutable view into an image
-/// The coordinates set the position of the top left corner of the crop.
-pub fn crop_imm<I: GenericImageView>(
- image: &I,
- x: u32,
- y: u32,
- width: u32,
- height: u32,
-) -> SubImage<&I> {
- let (x, y, width, height) = crop_dimms(image, x, y, width, height);
- SubImage::new(image, x, y, width, height)
-fn crop_dimms<I: GenericImageView>(
- image: &I,
- x: u32,
- y: u32,
- width: u32,
- height: u32,
-) -> (u32, u32, u32, u32) {
- let (iwidth, iheight) = image.dimensions();
- let x = cmp::min(x, iwidth);
- let y = cmp::min(y, iheight);
- let height = cmp::min(height, iheight - y);
- let width = cmp::min(width, iwidth - x);
- (x, y, width, height)
-/// Calculate the region that can be copied from top to bottom.
-/// Given image size of bottom and top image, and a point at which we want to place the top image
-/// onto the bottom image, how large can we be? Have to wary of the following issues:
-/// * Top might be larger than bottom
-/// * Overflows in the computation
-/// * Coordinates could be completely out of bounds
-/// The main idea is to make use of inequalities provided by the nature of `saturating_add` and
-/// `saturating_sub`. These intrinsically validate that all resulting coordinates will be in bounds
-/// for both images.
-/// We want that all these coordinate accesses are safe:
-/// 1. `bottom.get_pixel(x + [0..x_range), y + [0..y_range))`
-/// 2. `top.get_pixel([0..x_range), [0..y_range))`
-/// Proof that the function provides the necessary bounds for width. Note that all unaugmented math
-/// operations are to be read in standard arithmetic, not integer arithmetic. Since no direct
-/// integer arithmetic occurs in the implementation, this is unambiguous.
-/// ```text
-/// Three short notes/lemmata:
-/// - Iff `(a - b) <= 0` then `a.saturating_sub(b) = 0`
-/// - Iff `(a - b) >= 0` then `a.saturating_sub(b) = a - b`
-/// - If `a <= c` then `a.saturating_sub(b) <= c.saturating_sub(b)`
-/// 1.1 We show that if `bottom_width <= x`, then `x_range = 0` therefore `x + [0..x_range)` is empty.
-/// x_range
-/// = (top_width.saturating_add(x).min(bottom_width)).saturating_sub(x)
-/// <= bottom_width.saturating_sub(x)
-/// bottom_width <= x
-/// <==> bottom_width - x <= 0
-/// <==> bottom_width.saturating_sub(x) = 0
-/// ==> x_range <= 0
-/// ==> x_range = 0
-/// 1.2 If `x < bottom_width` then `x + x_range < bottom_width`
-/// x + x_range
-/// <= x + bottom_width.saturating_sub(x)
-/// = x + (bottom_width - x)
-/// = bottom_width
-/// 2. We show that `x_range <= top_width`
-/// x_range
-/// = (top_width.saturating_add(x).min(bottom_width)).saturating_sub(x)
-/// <= top_width.saturating_add(x).saturating_sub(x)
-/// <= (top_wdith + x).saturating_sub(x)
-/// = top_width (due to `top_width >= 0` and `x >= 0`)
-/// ```
-/// Proof is the same for height.
-pub fn overlay_bounds(
- (bottom_width, bottom_height): (u32, u32),
- (top_width, top_height): (u32, u32),
- x: u32,
- y: u32,
-) -> (u32, u32) {
- let x_range = top_width
- .saturating_add(x) // Calculate max coordinate
- .min(bottom_width) // Restrict to lower width
- .saturating_sub(x); // Determinate length from start `x`
- let y_range = top_height
- .saturating_add(y)
- .min(bottom_height)
- .saturating_sub(y);
- (x_range, y_range)
-/// Calculate the region that can be copied from top to bottom.
-/// Given image size of bottom and top image, and a point at which we want to place the top image
-/// onto the bottom image, how large can we be? Have to wary of the following issues:
-/// * Top might be larger than bottom
-/// * Overflows in the computation
-/// * Coordinates could be completely out of bounds
-/// The returned value is of the form:
-/// `(origin_bottom_x, origin_bottom_y, origin_top_x, origin_top_y, x_range, y_range)`
-/// The main idea is to do computations on i64's and then clamp to image dimensions.
-/// In particular, we want to ensure that all these coordinate accesses are safe:
-/// 1. `bottom.get_pixel(origin_bottom_x + [0..x_range), origin_bottom_y + [0..y_range))`
-/// 2. `top.get_pixel(origin_top_y + [0..x_range), origin_top_y + [0..y_range))`
-fn overlay_bounds_ext(
- (bottom_width, bottom_height): (u32, u32),
- (top_width, top_height): (u32, u32),
- x: i64,
- y: i64,
-) -> (u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32) {
- // Return a predictable value if the two images don't overlap at all.
- if x > i64::from(bottom_width)
- || y > i64::from(bottom_height)
- || x.saturating_add(i64::from(top_width)) <= 0
- || y.saturating_add(i64::from(top_height)) <= 0
- {
- return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- // Find the maximum x and y coordinates in terms of the bottom image.
- let max_x = x.saturating_add(i64::from(top_width));
- let max_y = y.saturating_add(i64::from(top_height));
- // Clip the origin and maximum coordinates to the bounds of the bottom image.
- // Casting to a u32 is safe because both 0 and `bottom_{width,height}` fit
- // into 32-bits.
- let max_inbounds_x = max_x.clamp(0, i64::from(bottom_width)) as u32;
- let max_inbounds_y = max_y.clamp(0, i64::from(bottom_height)) as u32;
- let origin_bottom_x = x.clamp(0, i64::from(bottom_width)) as u32;
- let origin_bottom_y = y.clamp(0, i64::from(bottom_height)) as u32;
- // The range is the difference between the maximum inbounds coordinates and
- // the clipped origin. Unchecked subtraction is safe here because both are
- // always positive and `max_inbounds_{x,y}` >= `origin_{x,y}` due to
- // `top_{width,height}` being >= 0.
- let x_range = max_inbounds_x - origin_bottom_x;
- let y_range = max_inbounds_y - origin_bottom_y;
- // If x (or y) is negative, then the origin of the top image is shifted by -x (or -y).
- let origin_top_x = x.saturating_mul(-1).clamp(0, i64::from(top_width)) as u32;
- let origin_top_y = y.saturating_mul(-1).clamp(0, i64::from(top_height)) as u32;
- (
- origin_bottom_x,
- origin_bottom_y,
- origin_top_x,
- origin_top_y,
- x_range,
- y_range,
- )
-/// Overlay an image at a given coordinate (x, y)
-pub fn overlay<I, J>(bottom: &mut I, top: &J, x: i64, y: i64)
- I: GenericImage,
- J: GenericImageView<Pixel = I::Pixel>,
- let bottom_dims = bottom.dimensions();
- let top_dims = top.dimensions();
- // Crop our top image if we're going out of bounds
- let (origin_bottom_x, origin_bottom_y, origin_top_x, origin_top_y, range_width, range_height) =
- overlay_bounds_ext(bottom_dims, top_dims, x, y);
- for y in 0..range_height {
- for x in 0..range_width {
- let p = top.get_pixel(origin_top_x + x, origin_top_y + y);
- let mut bottom_pixel = bottom.get_pixel(origin_bottom_x + x, origin_bottom_y + y);
- bottom_pixel.blend(&p);
- bottom.put_pixel(origin_bottom_x + x, origin_bottom_y + y, bottom_pixel);
- }
- }
-/// Tile an image by repeating it multiple times
-/// # Examples
-/// ```no_run
-/// use image::{RgbaImage};
-/// let mut img = RgbaImage::new(1920, 1080);
-/// let tile = image::open("tile.png").unwrap();
-/// image::imageops::tile(&mut img, &tile);
-/// img.save("tiled_wallpaper.png").unwrap();
-/// ```
-pub fn tile<I, J>(bottom: &mut I, top: &J)
- I: GenericImage,
- J: GenericImageView<Pixel = I::Pixel>,
- for x in (0..bottom.width()).step_by(top.width() as usize) {
- for y in (0..bottom.height()).step_by(top.height() as usize) {
- overlay(bottom, top, i64::from(x), i64::from(y));
- }
- }
-/// Fill the image with a linear vertical gradient
-/// This function assumes a linear color space.
-/// # Examples
-/// ```no_run
-/// use image::{Rgba, RgbaImage, Pixel};
-/// let mut img = RgbaImage::new(100, 100);
-/// let start = Rgba::from_slice(&[0, 128, 0, 0]);
-/// let end = Rgba::from_slice(&[255, 255, 255, 255]);
-/// image::imageops::vertical_gradient(&mut img, start, end);
-/// img.save("vertical_gradient.png").unwrap();
-pub fn vertical_gradient<S, P, I>(img: &mut I, start: &P, stop: &P)
- I: GenericImage<Pixel = P>,
- P: Pixel<Subpixel = S> + 'static,
- S: Primitive + Lerp + 'static,
- for y in 0..img.height() {
- let pixel = start.map2(stop, |a, b| {
- let y = <S::Ratio as num_traits::NumCast>::from(y).unwrap();
- let height = <S::Ratio as num_traits::NumCast>::from(img.height() - 1).unwrap();
- S::lerp(a, b, y / height)
- });
- for x in 0..img.width() {
- img.put_pixel(x, y, pixel);
- }
- }
-/// Fill the image with a linear horizontal gradient
-/// This function assumes a linear color space.
-/// # Examples
-/// ```no_run
-/// use image::{Rgba, RgbaImage, Pixel};
-/// let mut img = RgbaImage::new(100, 100);
-/// let start = Rgba::from_slice(&[0, 128, 0, 0]);
-/// let end = Rgba::from_slice(&[255, 255, 255, 255]);
-/// image::imageops::horizontal_gradient(&mut img, start, end);
-/// img.save("horizontal_gradient.png").unwrap();
-pub fn horizontal_gradient<S, P, I>(img: &mut I, start: &P, stop: &P)
- I: GenericImage<Pixel = P>,
- P: Pixel<Subpixel = S> + 'static,
- S: Primitive + Lerp + 'static,
- for x in 0..img.width() {
- let pixel = start.map2(stop, |a, b| {
- let x = <S::Ratio as num_traits::NumCast>::from(x).unwrap();
- let width = <S::Ratio as num_traits::NumCast>::from(img.width() - 1).unwrap();
- S::lerp(a, b, x / width)
- });
- for y in 0..img.height() {
- img.put_pixel(x, y, pixel);
- }
- }
-/// Replace the contents of an image at a given coordinate (x, y)
-pub fn replace<I, J>(bottom: &mut I, top: &J, x: i64, y: i64)
- I: GenericImage,
- J: GenericImageView<Pixel = I::Pixel>,
- let bottom_dims = bottom.dimensions();
- let top_dims = top.dimensions();
- // Crop our top image if we're going out of bounds
- let (origin_bottom_x, origin_bottom_y, origin_top_x, origin_top_y, range_width, range_height) =
- overlay_bounds_ext(bottom_dims, top_dims, x, y);
- for y in 0..range_height {
- for x in 0..range_width {
- let p = top.get_pixel(origin_top_x + x, origin_top_y + y);
- bottom.put_pixel(origin_bottom_x + x, origin_bottom_y + y, p);
- }
- }
-mod tests {
- use super::{overlay, overlay_bounds_ext};
- use crate::color::Rgb;
- use crate::ImageBuffer;
- use crate::RgbaImage;
- #[test]
- fn test_overlay_bounds_ext() {
- assert_eq!(
- overlay_bounds_ext((10, 10), (10, 10), 0, 0),
- (0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10)
- );
- assert_eq!(
- overlay_bounds_ext((10, 10), (10, 10), 1, 0),
- (1, 0, 0, 0, 9, 10)
- );
- assert_eq!(
- overlay_bounds_ext((10, 10), (10, 10), 0, 11),
- (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- );
- assert_eq!(
- overlay_bounds_ext((10, 10), (10, 10), -1, 0),
- (0, 0, 1, 0, 9, 10)
- );
- assert_eq!(
- overlay_bounds_ext((10, 10), (10, 10), -10, 0),
- (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- );
- assert_eq!(
- overlay_bounds_ext((10, 10), (10, 10), 1i64 << 50, 0),
- (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- );
- assert_eq!(
- overlay_bounds_ext((10, 10), (10, 10), -(1i64 << 50), 0),
- (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- );
- assert_eq!(
- overlay_bounds_ext((10, 10), (u32::MAX, 10), 10 - i64::from(u32::MAX), 0),
- (0, 0, u32::MAX - 10, 0, 10, 10)
- );
- }
- #[test]
- /// Test that images written into other images works
- fn test_image_in_image() {
- let mut target = ImageBuffer::new(32, 32);
- let source = ImageBuffer::from_pixel(16, 16, Rgb([255u8, 0, 0]));
- overlay(&mut target, &source, 0, 0);
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(0, 0) == Rgb([255u8, 0, 0]));
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(15, 0) == Rgb([255u8, 0, 0]));
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(16, 0) == Rgb([0u8, 0, 0]));
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(0, 15) == Rgb([255u8, 0, 0]));
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(0, 16) == Rgb([0u8, 0, 0]));
- }
- #[test]
- /// Test that images written outside of a frame doesn't blow up
- fn test_image_in_image_outside_of_bounds() {
- let mut target = ImageBuffer::new(32, 32);
- let source = ImageBuffer::from_pixel(32, 32, Rgb([255u8, 0, 0]));
- overlay(&mut target, &source, 1, 1);
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(0, 0) == Rgb([0, 0, 0]));
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(1, 1) == Rgb([255u8, 0, 0]));
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(31, 31) == Rgb([255u8, 0, 0]));
- }
- #[test]
- /// Test that images written to coordinates out of the frame doesn't blow up
- /// (issue came up in #848)
- fn test_image_outside_image_no_wrap_around() {
- let mut target = ImageBuffer::new(32, 32);
- let source = ImageBuffer::from_pixel(32, 32, Rgb([255u8, 0, 0]));
- overlay(&mut target, &source, 33, 33);
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(0, 0) == Rgb([0, 0, 0]));
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(1, 1) == Rgb([0, 0, 0]));
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(31, 31) == Rgb([0, 0, 0]));
- }
- #[test]
- /// Test that images written to coordinates with overflow works
- fn test_image_coordinate_overflow() {
- let mut target = ImageBuffer::new(16, 16);
- let source = ImageBuffer::from_pixel(32, 32, Rgb([255u8, 0, 0]));
- // Overflows to 'sane' coordinates but top is larger than bot.
- overlay(
- &mut target,
- &source,
- i64::from(u32::max_value() - 31),
- i64::from(u32::max_value() - 31),
- );
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(0, 0) == Rgb([0, 0, 0]));
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(1, 1) == Rgb([0, 0, 0]));
- assert!(*target.get_pixel(15, 15) == Rgb([0, 0, 0]));
- }
- use super::{horizontal_gradient, vertical_gradient};
- #[test]
- /// Test that horizontal gradients are correctly generated
- fn test_image_horizontal_gradient_limits() {
- let mut img = ImageBuffer::new(100, 1);
- let start = Rgb([0u8, 128, 0]);
- let end = Rgb([255u8, 255, 255]);
- horizontal_gradient(&mut img, &start, &end);
- assert_eq!(img.get_pixel(0, 0), &start);
- assert_eq!(img.get_pixel(img.width() - 1, 0), &end);
- }
- #[test]
- /// Test that vertical gradients are correctly generated
- fn test_image_vertical_gradient_limits() {
- let mut img = ImageBuffer::new(1, 100);
- let start = Rgb([0u8, 128, 0]);
- let end = Rgb([255u8, 255, 255]);
- vertical_gradient(&mut img, &start, &end);
- assert_eq!(img.get_pixel(0, 0), &start);
- assert_eq!(img.get_pixel(0, img.height() - 1), &end);
- }
- #[test]
- /// Test blur doesn't panick when passed 0.0
- fn test_blur_zero() {
- let image = RgbaImage::new(50, 50);
- let _ = super::blur(&image, 0.0);
- }