path: root/vendor/unicode-linebreak/src/lib.rs
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authorValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-07-19 15:37:58 +0300
committerValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-07-19 15:37:58 +0300
commita990de90fe41456a23e58bd087d2f107d321f3a1 (patch)
tree15afc392522a9e85dc3332235e311b7d39352ea9 /vendor/unicode-linebreak/src/lib.rs
parent3d48cd3f81164bbfc1a755dc1d4a9a02f98c8ddd (diff)
Deleted vendor folder
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/unicode-linebreak/src/lib.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/unicode-linebreak/src/lib.rs b/vendor/unicode-linebreak/src/lib.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ca473d8..0000000
--- a/vendor/unicode-linebreak/src/lib.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-//! Implementation of the Line Breaking Algorithm described in [Unicode Standard Annex #14][UAX14].
-//! Given an input text, locates "line break opportunities", or positions appropriate for wrapping
-//! lines when displaying text.
-//! # Example
-//! ```
-//! use unicode_linebreak::{linebreaks, BreakOpportunity::{Mandatory, Allowed}};
-//! let text = "a b \nc";
-//! assert!(linebreaks(text).eq([
-//! (2, Allowed), // May break after first space
-//! (5, Mandatory), // Must break after line feed
-//! (6, Mandatory) // Must break at end of text, so that there always is at least one LB
-//! ]));
-//! ```
-//! [UAX14]: https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/
-#![deny(missing_docs, missing_debug_implementations)]
-use core::iter::once;
-/// The [Unicode version](https://www.unicode.org/versions/) conformed to.
-pub const UNICODE_VERSION: (u8, u8, u8) = (15, 0, 0);
-/// Returns the line break property of the specified code point.
-/// # Examples
-/// ```
-/// use unicode_linebreak::{BreakClass, break_property};
-/// assert_eq!(break_property(0x2CF3), BreakClass::Alphabetic);
-/// ```
-pub fn break_property(codepoint: u32) -> BreakClass {
- let data_pos = if codepoint < BMP_LIMIT {
- let i = codepoint >> BMP_SHIFT;
- BREAK_PROP_TRIE_INDEX[i as usize] + (codepoint & (BMP_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH - 1)) as u16
- } else if codepoint < BREAK_PROP_TRIE_HIGH_START {
- let i1 = codepoint >> SHIFT_1;
- + ((codepoint >> SHIFT_2) & (INDEX_2_BLOCK_LENGTH - 1)) as u16;
- let i3_block = BREAK_PROP_TRIE_INDEX[i2 as usize];
- let i3_pos = ((codepoint >> SHIFT_3) & (INDEX_3_BLOCK_LENGTH - 1)) as u16;
- debug_assert!(i3_block & 0x8000 == 0, "18-bit indices are unexpected");
- let data_block = BREAK_PROP_TRIE_INDEX[(i3_block + i3_pos) as usize];
- data_block + (codepoint & (SMALL_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH - 1)) as u16
- } else {
- return XX;
- };
- BREAK_PROP_TRIE_DATA[data_pos as usize]
-/// Break opportunity type.
-#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
-pub enum BreakOpportunity {
- /// A line must break at this spot.
- Mandatory,
- /// A line is allowed to end at this spot.
- Allowed,
-/// Returns an iterator over line break opportunities in the specified string.
-/// Break opportunities are given as tuples of the byte index of the character succeeding the break
-/// and the type.
-/// Uses the default Line Breaking Algorithm with the tailoring that Complex-Context Dependent
-/// (SA) characters get resolved to Ordinary Alphabetic and Symbol Characters (AL) regardless of
-/// General_Category.
-/// # Examples
-/// ```
-/// use unicode_linebreak::{linebreaks, BreakOpportunity::{Mandatory, Allowed}};
-/// assert!(linebreaks("Hello world!").eq(vec![(6, Allowed), (12, Mandatory)]));
-/// ```
-pub fn linebreaks(s: &str) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, BreakOpportunity)> + Clone + '_ {
- use BreakOpportunity::{Allowed, Mandatory};
- s.char_indices()
- .map(|(i, c)| (i, break_property(c as u32) as u8))
- .chain(once((s.len(), eot)))
- .scan((sot, false), |state, (i, cls)| {
- // ZWJ is handled outside the table to reduce its size
- let val = PAIR_TABLE[state.0 as usize][cls as usize];
- let is_mandatory = val & MANDATORY_BREAK_BIT != 0;
- let is_break = val & ALLOWED_BREAK_BIT != 0 && (!state.1 || is_mandatory);
- *state = (
- cls == BreakClass::ZeroWidthJoiner as u8,
- );
- Some((i, is_break, is_mandatory))
- })
- .filter_map(|(i, is_break, is_mandatory)| {
- if is_break {
- Some((i, if is_mandatory { Mandatory } else { Allowed }))
- } else {
- None
- }
- })
-/// Divides the string at the last index where further breaks do not depend on prior context.
-/// The trivial index at `eot` is excluded.
-/// A common optimization is to determine only the nearest line break opportunity before the first
-/// character that would cause the line to become overfull, requiring backward traversal, of which
-/// there are two approaches:
-/// * Cache breaks from forward traversals
-/// * Step backward and with `split_at_safe` find a pos to safely search forward from, repeatedly
-/// # Examples
-/// ```
-/// use unicode_linebreak::{linebreaks, split_at_safe};
-/// let s = "Not allowed to break within em dashes: — —";
-/// let (prev, safe) = split_at_safe(s);
-/// let n = prev.len();
-/// assert!(linebreaks(safe).eq(linebreaks(s).filter_map(|(i, x)| i.checked_sub(n).map(|i| (i, x)))));
-/// ```
-pub fn split_at_safe(s: &str) -> (&str, &str) {
- let mut chars = s.char_indices().rev().scan(None, |state, (i, c)| {
- let cls = break_property(c as u32);
- let is_safe_pair = state
- .replace(cls)
- .map_or(false, |prev| is_safe_pair(cls, prev)); // Reversed since iterating backwards
- Some((i, is_safe_pair))
- });
- chars.find(|&(_, is_safe_pair)| is_safe_pair);
- // Include preceding char for `linebreaks` to pick up break before match (disallowed after sot)
- s.split_at(chars.next().map_or(0, |(i, _)| i))
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- #[test]
- fn it_works() {
- assert_eq!(break_property(0xA), BreakClass::LineFeed);
- assert_eq!(break_property(0xDB80), BreakClass::Surrogate);
- assert_eq!(break_property(0xe01ef), BreakClass::CombiningMark);
- assert_eq!(break_property(0x10ffff), BreakClass::Unknown);
- }