path: root/vendor/miette/src/handlers/graphical.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/miette/src/handlers/graphical.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 920 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/miette/src/handlers/graphical.rs b/vendor/miette/src/handlers/graphical.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index b5dd754..0000000
--- a/vendor/miette/src/handlers/graphical.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,920 +0,0 @@
-use std::fmt::{self, Write};
-use owo_colors::{OwoColorize, Style};
-use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthChar;
-use crate::diagnostic_chain::{DiagnosticChain, ErrorKind};
-use crate::handlers::theme::*;
-use crate::protocol::{Diagnostic, Severity};
-use crate::{LabeledSpan, MietteError, ReportHandler, SourceCode, SourceSpan, SpanContents};
-A [`ReportHandler`] that displays a given [`Report`](crate::Report) in a
-quasi-graphical way, using terminal colors, unicode drawing characters, and
-other such things.
-This is the default reporter bundled with `miette`.
-This printer can be customized by using [`new_themed()`](GraphicalReportHandler::new_themed) and handing it a
-[`GraphicalTheme`] of your own creation (or using one of its own defaults!)
-See [`set_hook()`](crate::set_hook) for more details on customizing your global
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct GraphicalReportHandler {
- pub(crate) links: LinkStyle,
- pub(crate) termwidth: usize,
- pub(crate) theme: GraphicalTheme,
- pub(crate) footer: Option<String>,
- pub(crate) context_lines: usize,
- pub(crate) tab_width: usize,
- pub(crate) with_cause_chain: bool,
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub(crate) enum LinkStyle {
- None,
- Link,
- Text,
-impl GraphicalReportHandler {
- /// Create a new `GraphicalReportHandler` with the default
- /// [`GraphicalTheme`]. This will use both unicode characters and colors.
- pub fn new() -> Self {
- Self {
- links: LinkStyle::Link,
- termwidth: 200,
- theme: GraphicalTheme::default(),
- footer: None,
- context_lines: 1,
- tab_width: 4,
- with_cause_chain: true,
- }
- }
- ///Create a new `GraphicalReportHandler` with a given [`GraphicalTheme`].
- pub fn new_themed(theme: GraphicalTheme) -> Self {
- Self {
- links: LinkStyle::Link,
- termwidth: 200,
- theme,
- footer: None,
- context_lines: 1,
- tab_width: 4,
- with_cause_chain: true,
- }
- }
- /// Set the displayed tab width in spaces.
- pub fn tab_width(mut self, width: usize) -> Self {
- self.tab_width = width;
- self
- }
- /// Whether to enable error code linkification using [`Diagnostic::url()`].
- pub fn with_links(mut self, links: bool) -> Self {
- self.links = if links {
- LinkStyle::Link
- } else {
- LinkStyle::Text
- };
- self
- }
- /// Include the cause chain of the top-level error in the graphical output,
- /// if available.
- pub fn with_cause_chain(mut self) -> Self {
- self.with_cause_chain = true;
- self
- }
- /// Do not include the cause chain of the top-level error in the graphical
- /// output.
- pub fn without_cause_chain(mut self) -> Self {
- self.with_cause_chain = false;
- self
- }
- /// Whether to include [`Diagnostic::url()`] in the output.
- ///
- /// Disabling this is not recommended, but can be useful for more easily
- /// reproducible tests, as `url(docsrs)` links are version-dependent.
- pub fn with_urls(mut self, urls: bool) -> Self {
- self.links = match (self.links, urls) {
- (_, false) => LinkStyle::None,
- (LinkStyle::None, true) => LinkStyle::Link,
- (links, true) => links,
- };
- self
- }
- /// Set a theme for this handler.
- pub fn with_theme(mut self, theme: GraphicalTheme) -> Self {
- self.theme = theme;
- self
- }
- /// Sets the width to wrap the report at.
- pub fn with_width(mut self, width: usize) -> Self {
- self.termwidth = width;
- self
- }
- /// Sets the 'global' footer for this handler.
- pub fn with_footer(mut self, footer: String) -> Self {
- self.footer = Some(footer);
- self
- }
- /// Sets the number of lines of context to show around each error.
- pub fn with_context_lines(mut self, lines: usize) -> Self {
- self.context_lines = lines;
- self
- }
-impl Default for GraphicalReportHandler {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self::new()
- }
-impl GraphicalReportHandler {
- /// Render a [`Diagnostic`]. This function is mostly internal and meant to
- /// be called by the toplevel [`ReportHandler`] handler, but is made public
- /// to make it easier (possible) to test in isolation from global state.
- pub fn render_report(
- &self,
- f: &mut impl fmt::Write,
- diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic),
- ) -> fmt::Result {
- self.render_header(f, diagnostic)?;
- self.render_causes(f, diagnostic)?;
- let src = diagnostic.source_code();
- self.render_snippets(f, diagnostic, src)?;
- self.render_footer(f, diagnostic)?;
- self.render_related(f, diagnostic, src)?;
- if let Some(footer) = &self.footer {
- writeln!(f)?;
- let width = self.termwidth.saturating_sub(4);
- let opts = textwrap::Options::new(width)
- .initial_indent(" ")
- .subsequent_indent(" ");
- writeln!(f, "{}", textwrap::fill(footer, opts))?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn render_header(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write, diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic)) -> fmt::Result {
- let severity_style = match diagnostic.severity() {
- Some(Severity::Error) | None => self.theme.styles.error,
- Some(Severity::Warning) => self.theme.styles.warning,
- Some(Severity::Advice) => self.theme.styles.advice,
- };
- let mut header = String::new();
- if self.links == LinkStyle::Link && diagnostic.url().is_some() {
- let url = diagnostic.url().unwrap(); // safe
- let code = if let Some(code) = diagnostic.code() {
- format!("{} ", code)
- } else {
- "".to_string()
- };
- let link = format!(
- "\u{1b}]8;;{}\u{1b}\\{}{}\u{1b}]8;;\u{1b}\\",
- url,
- code.style(severity_style),
- "(link)".style(self.theme.styles.link)
- );
- write!(header, "{}", link)?;
- writeln!(f, "{}", header)?;
- writeln!(f)?;
- } else if let Some(code) = diagnostic.code() {
- write!(header, "{}", code.style(severity_style),)?;
- if self.links == LinkStyle::Text && diagnostic.url().is_some() {
- let url = diagnostic.url().unwrap(); // safe
- write!(header, " ({})", url.style(self.theme.styles.link))?;
- }
- writeln!(f, "{}", header)?;
- writeln!(f)?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn render_causes(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write, diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic)) -> fmt::Result {
- let (severity_style, severity_icon) = match diagnostic.severity() {
- Some(Severity::Error) | None => (self.theme.styles.error, &self.theme.characters.error),
- Some(Severity::Warning) => (self.theme.styles.warning, &self.theme.characters.warning),
- Some(Severity::Advice) => (self.theme.styles.advice, &self.theme.characters.advice),
- };
- let initial_indent = format!(" {} ", severity_icon.style(severity_style));
- let rest_indent = format!(" {} ", self.theme.characters.vbar.style(severity_style));
- let width = self.termwidth.saturating_sub(2);
- let opts = textwrap::Options::new(width)
- .initial_indent(&initial_indent)
- .subsequent_indent(&rest_indent);
- writeln!(f, "{}", textwrap::fill(&diagnostic.to_string(), opts))?;
- if !self.with_cause_chain {
- return Ok(());
- }
- if let Some(mut cause_iter) = diagnostic
- .diagnostic_source()
- .map(DiagnosticChain::from_diagnostic)
- .or_else(|| diagnostic.source().map(DiagnosticChain::from_stderror))
- .map(|it| it.peekable())
- {
- while let Some(error) = cause_iter.next() {
- let is_last = cause_iter.peek().is_none();
- let char = if !is_last {
- self.theme.characters.lcross
- } else {
- self.theme.characters.lbot
- };
- let initial_indent = format!(
- " {}{}{} ",
- char, self.theme.characters.hbar, self.theme.characters.rarrow
- )
- .style(severity_style)
- .to_string();
- let rest_indent = format!(
- " {} ",
- if is_last {
- ' '
- } else {
- self.theme.characters.vbar
- }
- )
- .style(severity_style)
- .to_string();
- let opts = textwrap::Options::new(width)
- .initial_indent(&initial_indent)
- .subsequent_indent(&rest_indent);
- match error {
- ErrorKind::Diagnostic(diag) => {
- let mut inner = String::new();
- // Don't print footer for inner errors
- let mut inner_renderer = self.clone();
- inner_renderer.footer = None;
- inner_renderer.with_cause_chain = false;
- inner_renderer.render_report(&mut inner, diag)?;
- writeln!(f, "{}", textwrap::fill(&inner, opts))?;
- }
- ErrorKind::StdError(err) => {
- writeln!(f, "{}", textwrap::fill(&err.to_string(), opts))?;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn render_footer(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write, diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic)) -> fmt::Result {
- if let Some(help) = diagnostic.help() {
- let width = self.termwidth.saturating_sub(4);
- let initial_indent = " help: ".style(self.theme.styles.help).to_string();
- let opts = textwrap::Options::new(width)
- .initial_indent(&initial_indent)
- .subsequent_indent(" ");
- writeln!(f, "{}", textwrap::fill(&help.to_string(), opts))?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn render_related(
- &self,
- f: &mut impl fmt::Write,
- diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic),
- parent_src: Option<&dyn SourceCode>,
- ) -> fmt::Result {
- if let Some(related) = diagnostic.related() {
- writeln!(f)?;
- for rel in related {
- match rel.severity() {
- Some(Severity::Error) | None => write!(f, "Error: ")?,
- Some(Severity::Warning) => write!(f, "Warning: ")?,
- Some(Severity::Advice) => write!(f, "Advice: ")?,
- };
- self.render_header(f, rel)?;
- self.render_causes(f, rel)?;
- let src = rel.source_code().or(parent_src);
- self.render_snippets(f, rel, src)?;
- self.render_footer(f, rel)?;
- self.render_related(f, rel, src)?;
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn render_snippets(
- &self,
- f: &mut impl fmt::Write,
- diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic),
- opt_source: Option<&dyn SourceCode>,
- ) -> fmt::Result {
- if let Some(source) = opt_source {
- if let Some(labels) = diagnostic.labels() {
- let mut labels = labels.collect::<Vec<_>>();
- labels.sort_unstable_by_key(|l| l.inner().offset());
- if !labels.is_empty() {
- let contents = labels
- .iter()
- .map(|label| {
- source.read_span(label.inner(), self.context_lines, self.context_lines)
- })
- .collect::<Result<Vec<Box<dyn SpanContents<'_>>>, MietteError>>()
- .map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
- let mut contexts = Vec::with_capacity(contents.len());
- for (right, right_conts) in labels.iter().cloned().zip(contents.iter()) {
- if contexts.is_empty() {
- contexts.push((right, right_conts));
- } else {
- let (left, left_conts) = contexts.last().unwrap().clone();
- let left_end = left.offset() + left.len();
- let right_end = right.offset() + right.len();
- if left_conts.line() + left_conts.line_count() >= right_conts.line() {
- // The snippets will overlap, so we create one Big Chunky Boi
- let new_span = LabeledSpan::new(
- left.label().map(String::from),
- left.offset(),
- if right_end >= left_end {
- // Right end goes past left end
- right_end - left.offset()
- } else {
- // right is contained inside left
- left.len()
- },
- );
- if source
- .read_span(
- new_span.inner(),
- self.context_lines,
- self.context_lines,
- )
- .is_ok()
- {
- contexts.pop();
- contexts.push((
- // We'll throw this away later
- new_span, left_conts,
- ));
- } else {
- contexts.push((right, right_conts));
- }
- } else {
- contexts.push((right, right_conts));
- }
- }
- }
- for (ctx, _) in contexts {
- self.render_context(f, source, &ctx, &labels[..])?;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn render_context<'a>(
- &self,
- f: &mut impl fmt::Write,
- source: &'a dyn SourceCode,
- context: &LabeledSpan,
- labels: &[LabeledSpan],
- ) -> fmt::Result {
- let (contents, lines) = self.get_lines(source, context.inner())?;
- // sorting is your friend
- let labels = labels
- .iter()
- .zip(self.theme.styles.highlights.iter().cloned().cycle())
- .map(|(label, st)| FancySpan::new(label.label().map(String::from), *label.inner(), st))
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- // The max number of gutter-lines that will be active at any given
- // point. We need this to figure out indentation, so we do one loop
- // over the lines to see what the damage is gonna be.
- let mut max_gutter = 0usize;
- for line in &lines {
- let mut num_highlights = 0;
- for hl in &labels {
- if !line.span_line_only(hl) && line.span_applies(hl) {
- num_highlights += 1;
- }
- }
- max_gutter = std::cmp::max(max_gutter, num_highlights);
- }
- // Oh and one more thing: We need to figure out how much room our line
- // numbers need!
- let linum_width = lines[..]
- .last()
- .map(|line| line.line_number)
- // It's possible for the source to be an empty string.
- .unwrap_or(0)
- .to_string()
- .len();
- // Header
- write!(
- f,
- "{}{}{}",
- " ".repeat(linum_width + 2),
- self.theme.characters.ltop,
- self.theme.characters.hbar,
- )?;
- if let Some(source_name) = contents.name() {
- let source_name = source_name.style(self.theme.styles.link);
- writeln!(
- f,
- "[{}:{}:{}]",
- source_name,
- contents.line() + 1,
- contents.column() + 1
- )?;
- } else if lines.len() <= 1 {
- writeln!(f, "{}", self.theme.characters.hbar.to_string().repeat(3))?;
- } else {
- writeln!(f, "[{}:{}]", contents.line() + 1, contents.column() + 1)?;
- }
- // Now it's time for the fun part--actually rendering everything!
- for line in &lines {
- // Line number, appropriately padded.
- self.write_linum(f, linum_width, line.line_number)?;
- // Then, we need to print the gutter, along with any fly-bys We
- // have separate gutters depending on whether we're on the actual
- // line, or on one of the "highlight lines" below it.
- self.render_line_gutter(f, max_gutter, line, &labels)?;
- // And _now_ we can print out the line text itself!
- self.render_line_text(f, &line.text)?;
- // Next, we write all the highlights that apply to this particular line.
- let (single_line, multi_line): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = labels
- .iter()
- .filter(|hl| line.span_applies(hl))
- .partition(|hl| line.span_line_only(hl));
- if !single_line.is_empty() {
- // no line number!
- self.write_no_linum(f, linum_width)?;
- // gutter _again_
- self.render_highlight_gutter(f, max_gutter, line, &labels)?;
- self.render_single_line_highlights(
- f,
- line,
- linum_width,
- max_gutter,
- &single_line,
- &labels,
- )?;
- }
- for hl in multi_line {
- if hl.label().is_some() && line.span_ends(hl) && !line.span_starts(hl) {
- // no line number!
- self.write_no_linum(f, linum_width)?;
- // gutter _again_
- self.render_highlight_gutter(f, max_gutter, line, &labels)?;
- self.render_multi_line_end(f, hl)?;
- }
- }
- }
- writeln!(
- f,
- "{}{}{}",
- " ".repeat(linum_width + 2),
- self.theme.characters.lbot,
- self.theme.characters.hbar.to_string().repeat(4),
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn render_line_gutter(
- &self,
- f: &mut impl fmt::Write,
- max_gutter: usize,
- line: &Line,
- highlights: &[FancySpan],
- ) -> fmt::Result {
- if max_gutter == 0 {
- return Ok(());
- }
- let chars = &self.theme.characters;
- let mut gutter = String::new();
- let applicable = highlights.iter().filter(|hl| line.span_applies(hl));
- let mut arrow = false;
- for (i, hl) in applicable.enumerate() {
- if line.span_starts(hl) {
- gutter.push_str(&chars.ltop.style(hl.style).to_string());
- gutter.push_str(
- &chars
- .hbar
- .to_string()
- .repeat(max_gutter.saturating_sub(i))
- .style(hl.style)
- .to_string(),
- );
- gutter.push_str(&chars.rarrow.style(hl.style).to_string());
- arrow = true;
- break;
- } else if line.span_ends(hl) {
- if hl.label().is_some() {
- gutter.push_str(&chars.lcross.style(hl.style).to_string());
- } else {
- gutter.push_str(&chars.lbot.style(hl.style).to_string());
- }
- gutter.push_str(
- &chars
- .hbar
- .to_string()
- .repeat(max_gutter.saturating_sub(i))
- .style(hl.style)
- .to_string(),
- );
- gutter.push_str(&chars.rarrow.style(hl.style).to_string());
- arrow = true;
- break;
- } else if line.span_flyby(hl) {
- gutter.push_str(&chars.vbar.style(hl.style).to_string());
- } else {
- gutter.push(' ');
- }
- }
- write!(
- f,
- "{}{}",
- gutter,
- " ".repeat(
- if arrow { 1 } else { 3 } + max_gutter.saturating_sub(gutter.chars().count())
- )
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn render_highlight_gutter(
- &self,
- f: &mut impl fmt::Write,
- max_gutter: usize,
- line: &Line,
- highlights: &[FancySpan],
- ) -> fmt::Result {
- if max_gutter == 0 {
- return Ok(());
- }
- let chars = &self.theme.characters;
- let mut gutter = String::new();
- let applicable = highlights.iter().filter(|hl| line.span_applies(hl));
- for (i, hl) in applicable.enumerate() {
- if !line.span_line_only(hl) && line.span_ends(hl) {
- gutter.push_str(&chars.lbot.style(hl.style).to_string());
- gutter.push_str(
- &chars
- .hbar
- .to_string()
- .repeat(max_gutter.saturating_sub(i) + 2)
- .style(hl.style)
- .to_string(),
- );
- break;
- } else {
- gutter.push_str(&chars.vbar.style(hl.style).to_string());
- }
- }
- write!(f, "{:width$}", gutter, width = max_gutter + 1)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn write_linum(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write, width: usize, linum: usize) -> fmt::Result {
- write!(
- f,
- " {:width$} {} ",
- linum.style(self.theme.styles.linum),
- self.theme.characters.vbar,
- width = width
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn write_no_linum(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write, width: usize) -> fmt::Result {
- write!(
- f,
- " {:width$} {} ",
- "",
- self.theme.characters.vbar_break,
- width = width
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Returns an iterator over the visual width of each character in a line.
- fn line_visual_char_width<'a>(&self, text: &'a str) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> + 'a {
- let mut column = 0;
- let tab_width = self.tab_width;
- text.chars().map(move |c| {
- let width = if c == '\t' {
- // Round up to the next multiple of tab_width
- tab_width - column % tab_width
- } else {
- c.width().unwrap_or(0)
- };
- column += width;
- width
- })
- }
- /// Returns the visual column position of a byte offset on a specific line.
- fn visual_offset(&self, line: &Line, offset: usize) -> usize {
- let line_range = line.offset..=(line.offset + line.length);
- assert!(line_range.contains(&offset));
- let text_index = offset - line.offset;
- let text = &line.text[..text_index.min(line.text.len())];
- let text_width = self.line_visual_char_width(text).sum();
- if text_index > line.text.len() {
- // Spans extending past the end of the line are always rendered as
- // one column past the end of the visible line.
- //
- // This doesn't necessarily correspond to a specific byte-offset,
- // since a span extending past the end of the line could contain:
- // - an actual \n character (1 byte)
- // - a CRLF (2 bytes)
- // - EOF (0 bytes)
- text_width + 1
- } else {
- text_width
- }
- }
- /// Renders a line to the output formatter, replacing tabs with spaces.
- fn render_line_text(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write, text: &str) -> fmt::Result {
- for (c, width) in text.chars().zip(self.line_visual_char_width(text)) {
- if c == '\t' {
- for _ in 0..width {
- f.write_char(' ')?
- }
- } else {
- f.write_char(c)?
- }
- }
- f.write_char('\n')?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn render_single_line_highlights(
- &self,
- f: &mut impl fmt::Write,
- line: &Line,
- linum_width: usize,
- max_gutter: usize,
- single_liners: &[&FancySpan],
- all_highlights: &[FancySpan],
- ) -> fmt::Result {
- let mut underlines = String::new();
- let mut highest = 0;
- let chars = &self.theme.characters;
- let vbar_offsets: Vec<_> = single_liners
- .iter()
- .map(|hl| {
- let byte_start = hl.offset();
- let byte_end = hl.offset() + hl.len();
- let start = self.visual_offset(line, byte_start).max(highest);
- let end = self.visual_offset(line, byte_end).max(start + 1);
- let vbar_offset = (start + end) / 2;
- let num_left = vbar_offset - start;
- let num_right = end - vbar_offset - 1;
- if start < end {
- underlines.push_str(
- &format!(
- "{:width$}{}{}{}",
- "",
- chars.underline.to_string().repeat(num_left),
- if hl.len() == 0 {
- chars.uarrow
- } else if hl.label().is_some() {
- chars.underbar
- } else {
- chars.underline
- },
- chars.underline.to_string().repeat(num_right),
- width = start.saturating_sub(highest),
- )
- .style(hl.style)
- .to_string(),
- );
- }
- highest = std::cmp::max(highest, end);
- (hl, vbar_offset)
- })
- .collect();
- writeln!(f, "{}", underlines)?;
- for hl in single_liners.iter().rev() {
- if let Some(label) = hl.label() {
- self.write_no_linum(f, linum_width)?;
- self.render_highlight_gutter(f, max_gutter, line, all_highlights)?;
- let mut curr_offset = 1usize;
- for (offset_hl, vbar_offset) in &vbar_offsets {
- while curr_offset < *vbar_offset + 1 {
- write!(f, " ")?;
- curr_offset += 1;
- }
- if *offset_hl != hl {
- write!(f, "{}", chars.vbar.to_string().style(offset_hl.style))?;
- curr_offset += 1;
- } else {
- let lines = format!(
- "{}{} {}",
- chars.lbot,
- chars.hbar.to_string().repeat(2),
- label,
- );
- writeln!(f, "{}", lines.style(hl.style))?;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn render_multi_line_end(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write, hl: &FancySpan) -> fmt::Result {
- writeln!(
- f,
- "{} {}",
- self.theme.characters.hbar.style(hl.style),
- hl.label().unwrap_or_else(|| "".into()),
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn get_lines<'a>(
- &'a self,
- source: &'a dyn SourceCode,
- context_span: &'a SourceSpan,
- ) -> Result<(Box<dyn SpanContents<'a> + 'a>, Vec<Line>), fmt::Error> {
- let context_data = source
- .read_span(context_span, self.context_lines, self.context_lines)
- .map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
- let context = std::str::from_utf8(context_data.data()).expect("Bad utf8 detected");
- let mut line = context_data.line();
- let mut column = context_data.column();
- let mut offset = context_data.span().offset();
- let mut line_offset = offset;
- let mut iter = context.chars().peekable();
- let mut line_str = String::new();
- let mut lines = Vec::new();
- while let Some(char) = iter.next() {
- offset += char.len_utf8();
- let mut at_end_of_file = false;
- match char {
- '\r' => {
- if iter.next_if_eq(&'\n').is_some() {
- offset += 1;
- line += 1;
- column = 0;
- } else {
- line_str.push(char);
- column += 1;
- }
- at_end_of_file = iter.peek().is_none();
- }
- '\n' => {
- at_end_of_file = iter.peek().is_none();
- line += 1;
- column = 0;
- }
- _ => {
- line_str.push(char);
- column += 1;
- }
- }
- if iter.peek().is_none() && !at_end_of_file {
- line += 1;
- }
- if column == 0 || iter.peek().is_none() {
- lines.push(Line {
- line_number: line,
- offset: line_offset,
- length: offset - line_offset,
- text: line_str.clone(),
- });
- line_str.clear();
- line_offset = offset;
- }
- }
- Ok((context_data, lines))
- }
-impl ReportHandler for GraphicalReportHandler {
- fn debug(&self, diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic), f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
- if f.alternate() {
- return fmt::Debug::fmt(diagnostic, f);
- }
- self.render_report(f, diagnostic)
- }
-Support types
-struct Line {
- line_number: usize,
- offset: usize,
- length: usize,
- text: String,
-impl Line {
- fn span_line_only(&self, span: &FancySpan) -> bool {
- span.offset() >= self.offset && span.offset() + span.len() <= self.offset + self.length
- }
- fn span_applies(&self, span: &FancySpan) -> bool {
- let spanlen = if span.len() == 0 { 1 } else { span.len() };
- // Span starts in this line
- (span.offset() >= self.offset && span.offset() < self.offset + self.length)
- // Span passes through this line
- || (span.offset() < self.offset && span.offset() + spanlen > self.offset + self.length) //todo
- // Span ends on this line
- || (span.offset() + spanlen > self.offset && span.offset() + spanlen <= self.offset + self.length)
- }
- // A 'flyby' is a multi-line span that technically covers this line, but
- // does not begin or end within the line itself. This method is used to
- // calculate gutters.
- fn span_flyby(&self, span: &FancySpan) -> bool {
- // The span itself starts before this line's starting offset (so, in a
- // prev line).
- span.offset() < self.offset
- // ...and it stops after this line's end.
- && span.offset() + span.len() > self.offset + self.length
- }
- // Does this line contain the *beginning* of this multiline span?
- // This assumes self.span_applies() is true already.
- fn span_starts(&self, span: &FancySpan) -> bool {
- span.offset() >= self.offset
- }
- // Does this line contain the *end* of this multiline span?
- // This assumes self.span_applies() is true already.
- fn span_ends(&self, span: &FancySpan) -> bool {
- span.offset() + span.len() >= self.offset
- && span.offset() + span.len() <= self.offset + self.length
- }
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-struct FancySpan {
- label: Option<String>,
- span: SourceSpan,
- style: Style,
-impl PartialEq for FancySpan {
- fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
- self.label == other.label && self.span == other.span
- }
-impl FancySpan {
- fn new(label: Option<String>, span: SourceSpan, style: Style) -> Self {
- FancySpan { label, span, style }
- }
- fn style(&self) -> Style {
- self.style
- }
- fn label(&self) -> Option<String> {
- self.label
- .as_ref()
- .map(|l| l.style(self.style()).to_string())
- }
- fn offset(&self) -> usize {
- self.span.offset()
- }
- fn len(&self) -> usize {
- self.span.len()
- }