//! ## Quick Start //! //! You can create an application with several arguments using usage strings. //! //! First, ensure `clap` is available: //! ```console //! $ cargo add clap //! ``` //! //! ```rust #![doc = include_str!("../../examples/tutorial_builder/01_quick.rs")] //! ``` //! #![doc = include_str!("../../examples/tutorial_builder/01_quick.md")] //! //! See also //! - [FAQ: When should I use the builder vs derive APIs?][crate::_faq#when-should-i-use-the-builder-vs-derive-apis] //! - The [cookbook][crate::_cookbook] for more application-focused examples #![allow(unused_imports)] use crate::builder::*; pub use super::chapter_1 as next; pub use crate::_tutorial as table_of_contents;