use std::io; use crate::{ theme::{SimpleTheme, TermThemeRenderer, Theme}, validate::PasswordValidator, }; use console::Term; use zeroize::Zeroizing; type PasswordValidatorCallback<'a> = Box Option + 'a>; /// Renders a password input prompt. /// /// ## Example usage /// /// ```rust,no_run /// # fn test() -> Result<(), Box> { /// use dialoguer::Password; /// /// let password = Password::new().with_prompt("New Password") /// .with_confirmation("Confirm password", "Passwords mismatching") /// .interact()?; /// println!("Length of the password is: {}", password.len()); /// # Ok(()) } fn main() { test().unwrap(); } /// ``` pub struct Password<'a> { prompt: String, report: bool, theme: &'a dyn Theme, allow_empty_password: bool, confirmation_prompt: Option<(String, String)>, validator: Option>, } impl Default for Password<'static> { fn default() -> Password<'static> { Self::new() } } impl Password<'static> { /// Creates a password input prompt. pub fn new() -> Password<'static> { Self::with_theme(&SimpleTheme) } } impl<'a> Password<'a> { /// Sets the password input prompt. pub fn with_prompt>(&mut self, prompt: S) -> &mut Self { self.prompt = prompt.into(); self } /// Indicates whether to report confirmation after interaction. /// /// The default is to report. pub fn report(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self { = val; self } /// Enables confirmation prompting. pub fn with_confirmation(&mut self, prompt: A, mismatch_err: B) -> &mut Self where A: Into, B: Into, { self.confirmation_prompt = Some((prompt.into(), mismatch_err.into())); self } /// Allows/Disables empty password. /// /// By default this setting is set to false (i.e. password is not empty). pub fn allow_empty_password(&mut self, allow_empty_password: bool) -> &mut Self { self.allow_empty_password = allow_empty_password; self } /// Registers a validator. /// /// # Example /// /// ```no_run /// # use dialoguer::Password; /// let password: String = Password::new() /// .with_prompt("Enter password") /// .validate_with(|input: &String| -> Result<(), &str> { /// if input.len() > 8 { /// Ok(()) /// } else { /// Err("Password must be longer than 8") /// } /// }) /// .interact() /// .unwrap(); /// ``` pub fn validate_with(&mut self, validator: V) -> &mut Self where V: PasswordValidator + 'a, V::Err: ToString, { let old_validator_func = self.validator.take(); self.validator = Some(Box::new(move |value: &String| -> Option { if let Some(old) = &old_validator_func { if let Some(err) = old(value) { return Some(err); } } match validator.validate(value) { Ok(()) => None, Err(err) => Some(err.to_string()), } })); self } /// Enables user interaction and returns the result. /// /// If the user confirms the result is `true`, `false` otherwise. /// The dialog is rendered on stderr. pub fn interact(&self) -> io::Result { self.interact_on(&Term::stderr()) } /// Like `interact` but allows a specific terminal to be set. pub fn interact_on(&self, term: &Term) -> io::Result { let mut render = TermThemeRenderer::new(term, self.theme); render.set_prompts_reset_height(false); loop { let password = Zeroizing::new(self.prompt_password(&mut render, &self.prompt)?); if let Some(ref validator) = self.validator { if let Some(err) = validator(&password) { render.error(&err)?; continue; } } if let Some((ref prompt, ref err)) = self.confirmation_prompt { let pw2 = Zeroizing::new(self.prompt_password(&mut render, prompt)?); if *password != *pw2 { render.error(err)?; continue; } } render.clear()?; if { render.password_prompt_selection(&self.prompt)?; } term.flush()?; return Ok((*password).clone()); } } fn prompt_password(&self, render: &mut TermThemeRenderer, prompt: &str) -> io::Result { loop { render.password_prompt(prompt)?; render.term().flush()?; let input = render.term().read_secure_line()?; render.add_line(); if !input.is_empty() || self.allow_empty_password { return Ok(input); } } } } impl<'a> Password<'a> { /// Creates a password input prompt with a specific theme. pub fn with_theme(theme: &'a dyn Theme) -> Self { Self { prompt: "".into(), report: true, theme, allow_empty_password: false, confirmation_prompt: None, validator: None, } } }