use std::path::Path; use exr::prelude::*; use exr::image::validate_results::ValidateResult; fn dir() -> &'static Path { Path::new("tests/images/valid/custom/compression_methods") } fn expect_eq_other(sub_dir: &str, image_name: &str, expected: &str) { let path = dir().join(sub_dir).join(image_name); match read_first_flat_layer_from_file(path) { Err(Error::NotSupported(message)) => println!("skipping ({})", message), Err(error) => panic!("unexpected error: {}", error), Ok(mut decompressed) => { let decompressed_path = dir().join(sub_dir).join(expected); let mut expected_decompressed = read_first_flat_layer_from_file(decompressed_path) .expect("uncompressed image could not be loaded"); // HACK: make metadata match artificially, to avoid failing the check due to meta data mismatch // (the name of the compression methods should not be equal, as we test between compression methods) expected_decompressed.layer_data.encoding.compression = Compression::Uncompressed; decompressed.layer_data.encoding.compression = Compression::Uncompressed; debug_assert_eq!(expected_decompressed.layer_data.attributes, decompressed.layer_data.attributes, "attributes should not be affected by compression"); debug_assert_eq!(expected_decompressed.layer_data.size, decompressed.layer_data.size, "size should not be affected by compression"); // Note: Unimplemented methods may still work, if each compressed tile would be larger than uncompressed. expected_decompressed.assert_equals_result(&decompressed); } } } // comparing to a different format, png, // is the only real way to check that // little endian data is unpacked correctly on big endian systems // it does not attempt to compare NaN fn expect_eq_png(image_name: &str) { type Rgb16Image = ::image::ImageBuffer<::image::Rgb, Vec>; let exr_path = dir().join("u16").join(image_name); let png_from_exr = read_first_rgba_layer_from_file( exr_path, |resolution, _channels: &RgbaChannels| -> Rgb16Image { ::image::ImageBuffer::new( resolution.width() as u32, resolution.height() as u32 ) }, // set each pixel in the png buffer from the exr file |png_pixels: &mut Rgb16Image, position: Vec2, (r,g,b,_): (f32,f32,f32,f32)| { png_pixels.put_pixel( position.x() as u32, position.y() as u32, ::image::Rgb([to_u16(r), to_u16(g), to_u16(b)]) ); } ); fn to_u16(num: f32) -> u16 { (num.powf(1.0/2.14).clamp(0.0, 1.0) * u16::MAX as f32).round() as u16 } match png_from_exr { Err(Error::NotSupported(message)) => println!("skipping ({})", message), Err(error) => panic!("unexpected error: {}", error), Ok(decompressed) => { let truth_path = dir().join("u16").join("ground_truth.png"); let truth_dyn_img = image::open(truth_path).unwrap(); let ground_truth_png = truth_dyn_img.to_rgb16(); let exr_as_png_px = decompressed.layer_data.channel_data.pixels; debug_assert_eq!(ground_truth_png.dimensions(), exr_as_png_px.dimensions(), "size should not be affected by compression"); let expected_px = ground_truth_png.pixels() .flat_map(|px| px.0.iter().copied()); let actual_px = exr_as_png_px.pixels() .flat_map(|px| px.0.iter().copied()); let max_diff = u16::MAX/10; for (exp, val) in { assert!( exp.abs_diff(val) < max_diff, "values not similar enough: found {}, expected {}", val, exp ); } } } } fn expect_eq_uncompressed(sub_dir: &str, image_name: &str) { expect_eq_other(sub_dir, image_name, "uncompressed.exr") } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_zip_f32() { expect_eq_uncompressed("f32", "zip.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_zip_f16() { expect_eq_uncompressed("f16", "zip.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_zips_f32() { expect_eq_uncompressed("f32", "zips.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_zips_f16() { expect_eq_uncompressed("f16", "zips.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_b44_f32() { expect_eq_uncompressed("f32", "b44.exr"); // f32s are not compressed in b44 and can be compared exactly } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_b44_f16() { expect_eq_other("f16", "b44.exr", "decompressed_b44.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_b44a_f32() { expect_eq_uncompressed("f32", "b44a.exr"); // f32s are not compressed in b44 and can be compared exactly } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_b44a_f16() { expect_eq_other("f16", "b44a.exr", "decompressed_b44a.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_dwaa_f32() { expect_eq_other("f32", "dwaa.exr", "decompressed_dwaa.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_dwaa_f16() { expect_eq_other("f16", "dwaa.exr", "decompressed_dwaa.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_dwab_f32() { expect_eq_other("f32", "dwab.exr", "decompressed_dwab.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_dwab_f16() { expect_eq_other("f16", "dwab.exr", "decompressed_dwab.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_piz_f32() { expect_eq_uncompressed("f32", "piz.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_piz_f16() { expect_eq_uncompressed("f16", "piz.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_rle_f32() { expect_eq_uncompressed("f32", "rle.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_compression_contents_rle_f16() { expect_eq_uncompressed("f16", "rle.exr"); } #[test] #[cfg(target_endian = "little")] // TODO make it work on big endian fn compare_compression_contents_pxr24_f16() { expect_eq_other("f16", "pxr24.exr", "decompressed_pxr24.exr"); } #[test] #[cfg(target_endian = "little")] // TODO make it work on big endian fn compare_compression_contents_pxr24_f32() { expect_eq_other("f32", "pxr24.exr", "decompressed_pxr24.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_png_to_uncompressed_f16() { expect_eq_png("f16_uncompressed.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_png_to_piz_f16() { expect_eq_png("f16_piz.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_png_to_rle_f16() { expect_eq_png("f16_rle.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_png_to_zip_f16() { expect_eq_png("f16_zip.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_png_to_zips_f16() { expect_eq_png("f16_zips.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_png_to_dwaa_f16() { expect_eq_png("f16_dwaa.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_png_to_b44_f16() { expect_eq_png("f16_b44.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_png_to_b44a_f16() { expect_eq_png("f16_b44a.exr"); } #[test] #[cfg(target_endian = "little")] // TODO make it work on big endian fn compare_png_to_pxr24_f16() { expect_eq_png("f16_pxr24.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_png_to_uncompressed_f32() { expect_eq_png("f32_uncompressed.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_png_to_piz_f32() { expect_eq_png("f32_piz.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_png_to_rle_f32() { expect_eq_png("f32_rle.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_png_to_zip_f32() { expect_eq_png("f32_zip.exr"); } #[test] fn compare_png_to_dwaa_f32() { expect_eq_png("f32_dwaa.exr"); } #[test] #[cfg(target_endian = "little")] // TODO make it work on big endian fn compare_png_to_pxr24_f32() { expect_eq_png("f32_pxr24.exr"); }