#![allow(dead_code)] // types pub type c_char = i8; pub type __s16_type = ::c_short; pub type __u16_type = ::c_ushort; pub type __s32_type = ::c_int; pub type __u32_type = ::c_uint; pub type __slongword_type = ::c_long; pub type __ulongword_type = ::c_ulong; pub type __u_char = ::c_uchar; pub type __u_short = ::c_ushort; pub type __u_int = ::c_uint; pub type __u_long = ::c_ulong; pub type __int8_t = ::c_schar; pub type __uint8_t = ::c_uchar; pub type __int16_t = ::c_short; pub type __uint16_t = ::c_ushort; pub type __int32_t = ::c_int; pub type __uint32_t = ::c_uint; pub type __int_least8_t = __int8_t; pub type __uint_least8_t = __uint8_t; pub type __int_least16_t = __int16_t; pub type __uint_least16_t = __uint16_t; pub type __int_least32_t = __int32_t; pub type __uint_least32_t = __uint32_t; pub type __int_least64_t = __int64_t; pub type __uint_least64_t = __uint64_t; pub type __dev_t = __uword_type; pub type __uid_t = __u32_type; pub type __gid_t = __u32_type; pub type __ino_t = __ulongword_type; pub type __ino64_t = __uquad_type; pub type __mode_t = __u32_type; pub type __nlink_t = __uword_type; pub type __off_t = __slongword_type; pub type __off64_t = __squad_type; pub type __pid_t = __s32_type; pub type __rlim_t = __ulongword_type; pub type __rlim64_t = __uquad_type; pub type __blkcnt_t = __slongword_type; pub type __blkcnt64_t = __squad_type; pub type __fsblkcnt_t = __ulongword_type; pub type __fsblkcnt64_t = __uquad_type; pub type __fsfilcnt_t = __ulongword_type; pub type __fsfilcnt64_t = __uquad_type; pub type __fsword_t = __sword_type; pub type __id_t = __u32_type; pub type __clock_t = __slongword_type; pub type __time_t = __slongword_type; pub type __useconds_t = __u32_type; pub type __suseconds_t = __slongword_type; pub type __suseconds64_t = __squad_type; pub type __daddr_t = __s32_type; pub type __key_t = __s32_type; pub type __clockid_t = __s32_type; pub type __timer_t = __uword_type; pub type __blksize_t = __slongword_type; pub type __fsid_t = __uquad_type; pub type __ssize_t = __sword_type; pub type __syscall_slong_t = __slongword_type; pub type __syscall_ulong_t = __ulongword_type; pub type __cpu_mask = __ulongword_type; pub type __loff_t = __off64_t; pub type __caddr_t = *mut ::c_char; pub type __intptr_t = __sword_type; pub type __ptrdiff_t = __sword_type; pub type __socklen_t = __u32_type; pub type __sig_atomic_t = ::c_int; pub type __time64_t = __int64_t; pub type ssize_t = __ssize_t; pub type size_t = ::c_ulong; pub type wchar_t = ::c_int; pub type wint_t = ::c_uint; pub type gid_t = __gid_t; pub type uid_t = __uid_t; pub type off_t = __off_t; pub type off64_t = __off64_t; pub type useconds_t = __useconds_t; pub type pid_t = __pid_t; pub type socklen_t = __socklen_t; pub type in_addr_t = u32; pub type _Float32 = f32; pub type _Float64 = f64; pub type _Float32x = f64; pub type _Float64x = f64; pub type __locale_t = *mut __locale_struct; pub type locale_t = __locale_t; pub type u_char = __u_char; pub type u_short = __u_short; pub type u_int = __u_int; pub type u_long = __u_long; pub type quad_t = __quad_t; pub type u_quad_t = __u_quad_t; pub type fsid_t = __fsid_t; pub type loff_t = __loff_t; pub type ino_t = __ino_t; pub type ino64_t = __ino64_t; pub type dev_t = __dev_t; pub type mode_t = __mode_t; pub type nlink_t = __nlink_t; pub type id_t = __id_t; pub type daddr_t = __daddr_t; pub type caddr_t = __caddr_t; pub type key_t = __key_t; pub type clock_t = __clock_t; pub type clockid_t = __clockid_t; pub type time_t = __time_t; pub type timer_t = __timer_t; pub type suseconds_t = __suseconds_t; pub type ulong = ::c_ulong; pub type ushort = ::c_ushort; pub type uint = ::c_uint; pub type u_int8_t = __uint8_t; pub type u_int16_t = __uint16_t; pub type u_int32_t = __uint32_t; pub type u_int64_t = __uint64_t; pub type register_t = ::c_int; pub type __sigset_t = ::c_ulong; pub type sigset_t = __sigset_t; pub type __fd_mask = ::c_long; pub type fd_mask = __fd_mask; pub type blksize_t = __blksize_t; pub type blkcnt_t = __blkcnt_t; pub type fsblkcnt_t = __fsblkcnt_t; pub type fsfilcnt_t = __fsfilcnt_t; pub type blkcnt64_t = __blkcnt64_t; pub type fsblkcnt64_t = __fsblkcnt64_t; pub type fsfilcnt64_t = __fsfilcnt64_t; pub type __pthread_spinlock_t = ::c_int; pub type __tss_t = ::c_int; pub type __thrd_t = ::c_long; pub type __pthread_t = ::c_long; pub type pthread_t = __pthread_t; pub type __pthread_process_shared = ::c_uint; pub type __pthread_inheritsched = ::c_uint; pub type __pthread_contentionscope = ::c_uint; pub type __pthread_detachstate = ::c_uint; pub type pthread_attr_t = __pthread_attr; pub type __pthread_mutex_protocol = ::c_uint; pub type __pthread_mutex_type = ::c_uint; pub type __pthread_mutex_robustness = ::c_uint; pub type pthread_mutexattr_t = __pthread_mutexattr; pub type pthread_mutex_t = __pthread_mutex; pub type pthread_condattr_t = __pthread_condattr; pub type pthread_cond_t = __pthread_cond; pub type pthread_spinlock_t = __pthread_spinlock_t; pub type pthread_rwlockattr_t = __pthread_rwlockattr; pub type pthread_rwlock_t = __pthread_rwlock; pub type pthread_barrierattr_t = __pthread_barrierattr; pub type pthread_barrier_t = __pthread_barrier; pub type __pthread_key = ::c_int; pub type pthread_key_t = __pthread_key; pub type pthread_once_t = __pthread_once; pub type __rlimit_resource = ::c_uint; pub type __rlimit_resource_t = __rlimit_resource; pub type rlim_t = __rlim_t; pub type rlim64_t = __rlim64_t; pub type __rusage_who = ::c_int; pub type __priority_which = ::c_uint; pub type sa_family_t = ::c_uchar; pub type in_port_t = u16; pub type __sigval_t = ::sigval; pub type sigevent_t = sigevent; pub type nfds_t = ::c_ulong; pub type tcflag_t = ::c_uint; pub type cc_t = ::c_uchar; pub type speed_t = ::c_int; pub type sigval_t = ::sigval; pub type greg_t = ::c_int; pub type gregset_t = [greg_t; 19usize]; pub type __ioctl_dir = ::c_uint; pub type __ioctl_datum = ::c_uint; pub type __error_t_codes = ::c_int; pub type int_least8_t = __int_least8_t; pub type int_least16_t = __int_least16_t; pub type int_least32_t = __int_least32_t; pub type int_least64_t = __int_least64_t; pub type uint_least8_t = __uint_least8_t; pub type uint_least16_t = __uint_least16_t; pub type uint_least32_t = __uint_least32_t; pub type uint_least64_t = __uint_least64_t; pub type int_fast8_t = ::c_schar; pub type uint_fast8_t = ::c_uchar; pub type intmax_t = __intmax_t; pub type uintmax_t = __uintmax_t; pub type tcp_seq = u32; pub type tcp_ca_state = ::c_uint; pub type idtype_t = ::c_uint; pub type mqd_t = ::c_int; pub type Lmid_t = ::c_long; pub type regoff_t = ::c_int; pub type nl_item = ::c_int; pub type iconv_t = *mut ::c_void; #[cfg_attr(feature = "extra_traits", derive(Debug))] pub enum fpos64_t {} // FIXME: fill this out with a struct impl ::Copy for fpos64_t {} impl ::Clone for fpos64_t { fn clone(&self) -> fpos64_t { *self } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "extra_traits", derive(Debug))] pub enum timezone {} impl ::Copy for timezone {} impl ::Clone for timezone { fn clone(&self) -> timezone { *self } } // structs s! { pub struct ip_mreq { pub imr_multiaddr: in_addr, pub imr_interface: in_addr, } pub struct ip_mreqn { pub imr_multiaddr: in_addr, pub imr_address: in_addr, pub imr_ifindex: ::c_int, } pub struct ip_mreq_source { pub imr_multiaddr: in_addr, pub imr_interface: in_addr, pub imr_sourceaddr: in_addr, } pub struct sockaddr { pub sa_len: ::c_uchar, pub sa_family: sa_family_t, pub sa_data: [::c_char; 14usize], } pub struct in_addr { pub s_addr: in_addr_t, } pub struct sockaddr_in { pub sin_len: ::c_uchar, pub sin_family: sa_family_t, pub sin_port: in_port_t, pub sin_addr: ::in_addr, pub sin_zero: [::c_uchar; 8usize], } pub struct sockaddr_in6 { pub sin6_len: ::c_uchar, pub sin6_family: sa_family_t, pub sin6_port: in_port_t, pub sin6_flowinfo: u32, pub sin6_addr: ::in6_addr, pub sin6_scope_id: u32, } pub struct sockaddr_un { pub sun_len: ::c_uchar, pub sun_family: sa_family_t, pub sun_path: [::c_char; 108usize], } pub struct sockaddr_storage { pub ss_len: ::c_uchar, pub ss_family: sa_family_t, pub __ss_padding: [::c_char; 122usize], pub __ss_align: __uint32_t, } pub struct sockaddr_at { pub _address: u8, } pub struct sockaddr_ax25 { pub _address: u8, } pub struct sockaddr_x25 { pub _address: u8, } pub struct sockaddr_dl { pub _address: u8, } pub struct sockaddr_eon { pub _address: u8, } pub struct sockaddr_inarp { pub _address: u8, } pub struct sockaddr_ipx { pub _address: u8, } pub struct sockaddr_iso { pub _address: u8, } pub struct sockaddr_ns { pub _address: u8, } pub struct addrinfo { pub ai_flags: ::c_int, pub ai_family: ::c_int, pub ai_socktype: ::c_int, pub ai_protocol: ::c_int, pub ai_addrlen: socklen_t, pub ai_addr: *mut sockaddr, pub ai_canonname: *mut ::c_char, pub ai_next: *mut addrinfo, } pub struct msghdr { pub msg_name: *mut ::c_void, pub msg_namelen: socklen_t, pub msg_iov: *mut ::iovec, pub msg_iovlen: ::c_int, pub msg_control: *mut ::c_void, pub msg_controllen: socklen_t, pub msg_flags: ::c_int, } pub struct cmsghdr { pub cmsg_len: ::socklen_t, pub cmsg_level: ::c_int, pub cmsg_type: ::c_int, } pub struct dirent { pub d_ino: __ino_t, pub d_reclen: ::c_ushort, pub d_type: ::c_uchar, pub d_namlen: ::c_uchar, pub d_name: [::c_char; 1usize], } pub struct dirent64 { pub d_ino: __ino64_t, pub d_reclen: ::c_ushort, pub d_type: ::c_uchar, pub d_namlen: ::c_uchar, pub d_name: [::c_char; 1usize], } pub struct fd_set { pub fds_bits: [__fd_mask; 8usize], } pub struct termios { pub c_iflag: ::tcflag_t, pub c_oflag: ::tcflag_t, pub c_cflag: ::tcflag_t, pub c_lflag: ::tcflag_t, pub c_cc: [::cc_t; 20usize], pub __ispeed: ::speed_t, pub __ospeed: ::speed_t, } pub struct mallinfo { pub arena: ::c_int, pub ordblks: ::c_int, pub smblks: ::c_int, pub hblks: ::c_int, pub hblkhd: ::c_int, pub usmblks: ::c_int, pub fsmblks: ::c_int, pub uordblks: ::c_int, pub fordblks: ::c_int, pub keepcost: ::c_int, } pub struct mallinfo2 { pub arena: ::size_t, pub ordblks: ::size_t, pub smblks: ::size_t, pub hblks: ::size_t, pub hblkhd: ::size_t, pub usmblks: ::size_t, pub fsmblks: ::size_t, pub uordblks: ::size_t, pub fordblks: ::size_t, pub keepcost: ::size_t, } pub struct sigaction { pub sa_sigaction: ::sighandler_t, pub sa_mask: __sigset_t, pub sa_flags: ::c_int, } pub struct sigevent { pub sigev_value: ::sigval, pub sigev_signo: ::c_int, pub sigev_notify: ::c_int, __unused1: *mut ::c_void, //actually a function pointer pub sigev_notify_attributes: *mut pthread_attr_t, } pub struct siginfo_t { pub si_signo: ::c_int, pub si_errno: ::c_int, pub si_code: ::c_int, pub si_pid: __pid_t, pub si_uid: __uid_t, pub si_addr: *mut ::c_void, pub si_status: ::c_int, pub si_band: ::c_long, pub si_value: ::sigval, } pub struct timespec { pub tv_sec: __time_t, pub tv_nsec: __syscall_slong_t, } pub struct __locale_data { pub _address: u8, } pub struct stat { pub st_fstype: ::c_int, pub st_dev: __fsid_t, /* Actually st_fsid */ pub st_ino: __ino_t, pub st_gen: ::c_uint, pub st_rdev: __dev_t, pub st_mode: __mode_t, pub st_nlink: __nlink_t, pub st_uid: __uid_t, pub st_gid: __gid_t, pub st_size: __off_t, pub st_atim: ::timespec, pub st_mtim: ::timespec, pub st_ctim: ::timespec, pub st_blksize: __blksize_t, pub st_blocks: __blkcnt_t, pub st_author: __uid_t, pub st_flags: ::c_uint, pub st_spare: [::c_int; 11usize], } pub struct stat64 { pub st_fstype: ::c_int, pub st_fsid: __fsid_t, pub st_ino: __ino64_t, pub st_gen: ::c_uint, pub st_rdev: __dev_t, pub st_mode: __mode_t, pub st_nlink: __nlink_t, pub st_uid: __uid_t, pub st_gid: __gid_t, pub st_size: __off64_t, pub st_atim: ::timespec, pub st_mtim: ::timespec, pub st_ctim: ::timespec, pub st_blksize: __blksize_t, pub st_blocks: __blkcnt64_t, pub st_author: __uid_t, pub st_flags: ::c_uint, pub st_spare: [::c_int; 8usize], } pub struct statx { pub stx_mask: u32, pub stx_blksize: u32, pub stx_attributes: u64, pub stx_nlink: u32, pub stx_uid: u32, pub stx_gid: u32, pub stx_mode: u16, __statx_pad1: [u16; 1], pub stx_ino: u64, pub stx_size: u64, pub stx_blocks: u64, pub stx_attributes_mask: u64, pub stx_atime: ::statx_timestamp, pub stx_btime: ::statx_timestamp, pub stx_ctime: ::statx_timestamp, pub stx_mtime: ::statx_timestamp, pub stx_rdev_major: u32, pub stx_rdev_minor: u32, pub stx_dev_major: u32, pub stx_dev_minor: u32, __statx_pad2: [u64; 14], } pub struct statx_timestamp { pub tv_sec: i64, pub tv_nsec: u32, pub __statx_timestamp_pad1: [i32; 1], } pub struct statfs { pub f_type: ::c_uint, pub f_bsize: ::c_ulong, pub f_blocks: __fsblkcnt_t, pub f_bfree: __fsblkcnt_t, pub f_bavail: __fsblkcnt_t, pub f_files: __fsblkcnt_t, pub f_ffree: __fsblkcnt_t, pub f_fsid: __fsid_t, pub f_namelen: ::c_ulong, pub f_favail: __fsfilcnt_t, pub f_frsize: ::c_ulong, pub f_flag: ::c_ulong, pub f_spare: [::c_uint; 3usize], } pub struct statfs64 { pub f_type: ::c_uint, pub f_bsize: ::c_ulong, pub f_blocks: __fsblkcnt64_t, pub f_bfree: __fsblkcnt64_t, pub f_bavail: __fsblkcnt64_t, pub f_files: __fsblkcnt64_t, pub f_ffree: __fsblkcnt64_t, pub f_fsid: __fsid_t, pub f_namelen: ::c_ulong, pub f_favail: __fsfilcnt64_t, pub f_frsize: ::c_ulong, pub f_flag: ::c_ulong, pub f_spare: [::c_uint ; 3usize], } pub struct statvfs { pub __f_type: ::c_uint, pub f_bsize: ::c_ulong, pub f_blocks: __fsblkcnt_t, pub f_bfree: __fsblkcnt_t, pub f_bavail: __fsblkcnt_t, pub f_files: __fsfilcnt_t, pub f_ffree: __fsfilcnt_t, pub f_fsid: __fsid_t, pub f_namemax: ::c_ulong, pub f_favail: __fsfilcnt_t, pub f_frsize: ::c_ulong, pub f_flag: ::c_ulong, pub f_spare: [::c_uint; 3usize], } pub struct statvfs64 { pub __f_type: ::c_uint, pub f_bsize: ::c_ulong, pub f_blocks: __fsblkcnt64_t, pub f_bfree: __fsblkcnt64_t, pub f_bavail: __fsblkcnt64_t, pub f_files: __fsfilcnt64_t, pub f_ffree: __fsfilcnt64_t, pub f_fsid: __fsid_t, pub f_namemax: ::c_ulong, pub f_favail: __fsfilcnt64_t, pub f_frsize: ::c_ulong, pub f_flag: ::c_ulong, pub f_spare: [::c_uint; 3usize], } pub struct aiocb { pub aio_fildes: ::c_int, pub aio_lio_opcode: ::c_int, pub aio_reqprio: ::c_int, pub aio_buf: *mut ::c_void, pub aio_nbytes: ::size_t, pub aio_sigevent: ::sigevent, __next_prio: *mut aiocb, __abs_prio: ::c_int, __policy: ::c_int, __error_code: ::c_int, __return_value: ::ssize_t, pub aio_offset: off_t, #[cfg(all(not(target_arch = "x86_64"), target_pointer_width = "32"))] __unused1: [::c_char; 4], __glibc_reserved: [::c_char; 32] } pub struct mq_attr { pub mq_flags: ::c_long, pub mq_maxmsg: ::c_long, pub mq_msgsize: ::c_long, pub mq_curmsgs: ::c_long, } pub struct __exit_status { pub e_termination: ::c_short, pub e_exit: ::c_short, } #[cfg_attr(target_pointer_width = "32", repr(align(4)))] #[cfg_attr(target_pointer_width = "64", repr(align(8)))] pub struct sem_t { __size: [::c_char; 20usize], } pub struct __pthread { pub _address: u8, } pub struct __pthread_mutexattr { pub __prioceiling: ::c_int, pub __protocol: __pthread_mutex_protocol, pub __pshared: __pthread_process_shared, pub __mutex_type: __pthread_mutex_type, } pub struct __pthread_mutex { pub __lock: ::c_uint, pub __owner_id: ::c_uint, pub __cnt: ::c_uint, pub __shpid: ::c_int, pub __type: ::c_int, pub __flags: ::c_int, pub __reserved1: ::c_uint, pub __reserved2: ::c_uint, } pub struct __pthread_condattr { pub __pshared: __pthread_process_shared, pub __clock: __clockid_t, } pub struct __pthread_rwlockattr { pub __pshared: __pthread_process_shared, } pub struct __pthread_barrierattr { pub __pshared: __pthread_process_shared, } pub struct __pthread_once { pub __run: ::c_int, pub __lock: __pthread_spinlock_t, } pub struct __pthread_cond { pub __lock: __pthread_spinlock_t, pub __queue: *mut __pthread, pub __attr: *mut __pthread_condattr, pub __wrefs: ::c_uint, pub __data: *mut ::c_void, } pub struct __pthread_attr { pub __schedparam: sched_param, pub __stackaddr: *mut ::c_void, pub __stacksize: size_t, pub __guardsize: size_t, pub __detachstate: __pthread_detachstate, pub __inheritsched: __pthread_inheritsched, pub __contentionscope: __pthread_contentionscope, pub __schedpolicy: ::c_int, } pub struct __pthread_rwlock { pub __held: __pthread_spinlock_t, pub __lock: __pthread_spinlock_t, pub __readers: ::c_int, pub __readerqueue: *mut __pthread, pub __writerqueue: *mut __pthread, pub __attr: *mut __pthread_rwlockattr, pub __data: *mut ::c_void, } pub struct __pthread_barrier { pub __lock: __pthread_spinlock_t, pub __queue: *mut __pthread, pub __pending: ::c_uint, pub __count: ::c_uint, pub __attr: *mut __pthread_barrierattr, pub __data: *mut ::c_void, } pub struct seminfo { pub semmap: ::c_int, pub semmni: ::c_int, pub semmns: ::c_int, pub semmnu: ::c_int, pub semmsl: ::c_int, pub semopm: ::c_int, pub semume: ::c_int, pub semusz: ::c_int, pub semvmx: ::c_int, pub semaem: ::c_int, } pub struct _IO_FILE { _unused: [u8; 0], } pub struct sched_param { pub sched_priority: ::c_int, } pub struct iovec { pub iov_base: *mut ::c_void, pub iov_len: size_t, } pub struct passwd { pub pw_name: *mut ::c_char, pub pw_passwd: *mut ::c_char, pub pw_uid: __uid_t, pub pw_gid: __gid_t, pub pw_gecos: *mut ::c_char, pub pw_dir: *mut ::c_char, pub pw_shell: *mut ::c_char, } pub struct spwd { pub sp_namp: *mut ::c_char, pub sp_pwdp: *mut ::c_char, pub sp_lstchg: ::c_long, pub sp_min: ::c_long, pub sp_max: ::c_long, pub sp_warn: ::c_long, pub sp_inact: ::c_long, pub sp_expire: ::c_long, pub sp_flag: ::c_ulong, } pub struct itimerspec { pub it_interval: ::timespec, pub it_value: ::timespec, } pub struct tm { pub tm_sec: ::c_int, pub tm_min: ::c_int, pub tm_hour: ::c_int, pub tm_mday: ::c_int, pub tm_mon: ::c_int, pub tm_year: ::c_int, pub tm_wday: ::c_int, pub tm_yday: ::c_int, pub tm_isdst: ::c_int, pub tm_gmtoff: ::c_long, pub tm_zone: *const ::c_char, } pub struct lconv { pub decimal_point: *mut ::c_char, pub thousands_sep: *mut ::c_char, pub grouping: *mut ::c_char, pub int_curr_symbol: *mut ::c_char, pub currency_symbol: *mut ::c_char, pub mon_decimal_point: *mut ::c_char, pub mon_thousands_sep: *mut ::c_char, pub mon_grouping: *mut ::c_char, pub positive_sign: *mut ::c_char, pub negative_sign: *mut ::c_char, pub int_frac_digits: ::c_char, pub frac_digits: ::c_char, pub p_cs_precedes: ::c_char, pub p_sep_by_space: ::c_char, pub n_cs_precedes: ::c_char, pub n_sep_by_space: ::c_char, pub p_sign_posn: ::c_char, pub n_sign_posn: ::c_char, pub int_p_cs_precedes: ::c_char, pub int_p_sep_by_space: ::c_char, pub int_n_cs_precedes: ::c_char, pub int_n_sep_by_space: ::c_char, pub int_p_sign_posn: ::c_char, pub int_n_sign_posn: ::c_char, } pub struct Dl_info { pub dli_fname: *const ::c_char, pub dli_fbase: *mut ::c_void, pub dli_sname: *const ::c_char, pub dli_saddr: *mut ::c_void, } pub struct ifaddrs { pub ifa_next: *mut ifaddrs, pub ifa_name: *mut c_char, pub ifa_flags: ::c_uint, pub ifa_addr: *mut ::sockaddr, pub ifa_netmask: *mut ::sockaddr, pub ifa_ifu: *mut ::sockaddr, // FIXME This should be a union pub ifa_data: *mut ::c_void } pub struct arpreq { pub arp_pa: ::sockaddr, pub arp_ha: ::sockaddr, pub arp_flags: ::c_int, pub arp_netmask: ::sockaddr, pub arp_dev: [::c_char; 16], } pub struct arpreq_old { pub arp_pa: ::sockaddr, pub arp_ha: ::sockaddr, pub arp_flags: ::c_int, pub arp_netmask: ::sockaddr, } pub struct arphdr { pub ar_hrd: u16, pub ar_pro: u16, pub ar_hln: u8, pub ar_pln: u8, pub ar_op: u16, } pub struct arpd_request { pub req: ::c_ushort, pub ip: u32, pub dev: ::c_ulong, pub stamp: ::c_ulong, pub updated: ::c_ulong, pub ha: [::c_uchar; ::MAX_ADDR_LEN], } pub struct mmsghdr { pub msg_hdr: ::msghdr, pub msg_len: ::c_uint, } pub struct ifreq { /// interface name, e.g. "en0" pub ifr_name: [::c_char; ::IFNAMSIZ], pub ifr_ifru: ::sockaddr, } pub struct __locale_struct { pub __locales: [*mut __locale_data; 13usize], pub __ctype_b: *const ::c_ushort, pub __ctype_tolower: *const ::c_int, pub __ctype_toupper: *const ::c_int, pub __names: [*const ::c_char; 13usize], } pub struct utsname { pub sysname: [::c_char; 65], pub nodename: [::c_char; 65], pub release: [::c_char; 65], pub version: [::c_char; 65], pub machine: [::c_char; 65], pub domainname: [::c_char; 65] } pub struct rlimit64 { pub rlim_cur: rlim64_t, pub rlim_max: rlim64_t, } pub struct stack_t { pub ss_sp: * mut ::c_void, pub ss_size: ::size_t, pub ss_flags: ::c_int, } pub struct dl_phdr_info { pub dlpi_addr: Elf_Addr, pub dlpi_name: *const ::c_char, pub dlpi_phdr: *const Elf_Phdr, pub dlpi_phnum: Elf_Half, pub dlpi_adds: ::c_ulonglong, pub dlpi_subs: ::c_ulonglong, pub dlpi_tls_modid: ::size_t, pub dlpi_tls_data: *mut ::c_void, } pub struct flock { #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] pub l_type : ::c_int, #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] pub l_whence : ::c_int, #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] pub l_type : ::c_short, #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] pub l_whence : ::c_short, pub l_start : __off_t, pub l_len : __off_t, pub l_pid : __pid_t, } pub struct flock64 { #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] pub l_type : ::c_int, #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] pub l_whence : ::c_int, #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] pub l_type : ::c_short, #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] pub l_whence : ::c_short, pub l_start : __off_t, pub l_len : __off64_t, pub l_pid : __pid_t, } pub struct glob_t { pub gl_pathc: ::size_t, pub gl_pathv: *mut *mut c_char, pub gl_offs: ::size_t, pub gl_flags: ::c_int, __unused1: *mut ::c_void, __unused2: *mut ::c_void, __unused3: *mut ::c_void, __unused4: *mut ::c_void, __unused5: *mut ::c_void, } pub struct glob64_t { pub gl_pathc: ::size_t, pub gl_pathv: *mut *mut ::c_char, pub gl_offs: ::size_t, pub gl_flags: ::c_int, __unused1: *mut ::c_void, __unused2: *mut ::c_void, __unused3: *mut ::c_void, __unused4: *mut ::c_void, __unused5: *mut ::c_void, } pub struct regex_t { __buffer: *mut ::c_void, __allocated: ::size_t, __used: ::size_t, __syntax: ::c_ulong, __fastmap: *mut ::c_char, __translate: *mut ::c_char, __re_nsub: ::size_t, __bitfield: u8, } pub struct cpu_set_t { #[cfg(all(target_pointer_width = "32", not(target_arch = "x86_64")))] bits: [u32; 32], #[cfg(not(all(target_pointer_width = "32", not(target_arch = "x86_64"))))] bits: [u64; 16], } pub struct if_nameindex { pub if_index: ::c_uint, pub if_name: *mut ::c_char, } // System V IPC pub struct msginfo { pub msgpool: ::c_int, pub msgmap: ::c_int, pub msgmax: ::c_int, pub msgmnb: ::c_int, pub msgmni: ::c_int, pub msgssz: ::c_int, pub msgtql: ::c_int, pub msgseg: ::c_ushort, } pub struct sembuf { pub sem_num: ::c_ushort, pub sem_op: ::c_short, pub sem_flg: ::c_short, } pub struct mntent { pub mnt_fsname: *mut ::c_char, pub mnt_dir: *mut ::c_char, pub mnt_type: *mut ::c_char, pub mnt_opts: *mut ::c_char, pub mnt_freq: ::c_int, pub mnt_passno: ::c_int, } pub struct posix_spawn_file_actions_t { __allocated: ::c_int, __used: ::c_int, __actions: *mut ::c_int, __pad: [::c_int; 16], } pub struct posix_spawnattr_t { __flags: ::c_short, __pgrp: ::pid_t, __sd: ::sigset_t, __ss: ::sigset_t, __sp: ::sched_param, __policy: ::c_int, __pad: [::c_int; 16], } pub struct regmatch_t { pub rm_so: regoff_t, pub rm_eo: regoff_t, } pub struct option { pub name: *const ::c_char, pub has_arg: ::c_int, pub flag: *mut ::c_int, pub val: ::c_int, } } s_no_extra_traits! { pub struct utmpx { pub ut_type: ::c_short, pub ut_pid: ::pid_t, pub ut_line: [::c_char; __UT_LINESIZE], pub ut_id: [::c_char; 4], pub ut_user: [::c_char; __UT_NAMESIZE], pub ut_host: [::c_char; __UT_HOSTSIZE], pub ut_exit: __exit_status, #[cfg(any( all(target_pointer_width = "32", not(target_arch = "x86_64"))))] pub ut_session: ::c_long, #[cfg(any(all(target_pointer_width = "32", not(target_arch = "x86_64"))))] pub ut_tv: ::timeval, #[cfg(not(any(all(target_pointer_width = "32", not(target_arch = "x86_64")))))] pub ut_session: i32, #[cfg(not(any(all(target_pointer_width = "32", not(target_arch = "x86_64")))))] pub ut_tv: __timeval, pub ut_addr_v6: [i32; 4], __glibc_reserved: [::c_char; 20], } } cfg_if! { if #[cfg(feature = "extra_traits")] { impl PartialEq for utmpx { fn eq(&self, other: &utmpx) -> bool { self.ut_type == other.ut_type && self.ut_pid == other.ut_pid && self.ut_line == other.ut_line && self.ut_id == other.ut_id && self.ut_user == other.ut_user && self .ut_host .iter() .zip(other.ut_host.iter()) .all(|(a,b)| a == b) && self.ut_exit == other.ut_exit && self.ut_session == other.ut_session && self.ut_tv == other.ut_tv && self.ut_addr_v6 == other.ut_addr_v6 && self.__glibc_reserved == other.__glibc_reserved } } impl Eq for utmpx {} impl ::fmt::Debug for utmpx { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::fmt::Formatter) -> ::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("utmpx") .field("ut_type", &self.ut_type) .field("ut_pid", &self.ut_pid) .field("ut_line", &self.ut_line) .field("ut_id", &self.ut_id) .field("ut_user", &self.ut_user) // FIXME: .field("ut_host", &self.ut_host) .field("ut_exit", &self.ut_exit) .field("ut_session", &self.ut_session) .field("ut_tv", &self.ut_tv) .field("ut_addr_v6", &self.ut_addr_v6) .field("__glibc_reserved", &self.__glibc_reserved) .finish() } } impl ::hash::Hash for utmpx { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.ut_type.hash(state); self.ut_pid.hash(state); self.ut_line.hash(state); self.ut_id.hash(state); self.ut_user.hash(state); self.ut_host.hash(state); self.ut_exit.hash(state); self.ut_session.hash(state); self.ut_tv.hash(state); self.ut_addr_v6.hash(state); self.__glibc_reserved.hash(state); } } } } impl siginfo_t { pub unsafe fn si_addr(&self) -> *mut ::c_void { self.si_addr } pub unsafe fn si_value(&self) -> ::sigval { self.si_value } pub unsafe fn si_pid(&self) -> ::pid_t { self.si_pid } pub unsafe fn si_uid(&self) -> ::uid_t { self.si_uid } pub unsafe fn si_status(&self) -> ::c_int { self.si_status } } // const // aio.h pub const AIO_CANCELED: ::c_int = 0; pub const AIO_NOTCANCELED: ::c_int = 1; pub const AIO_ALLDONE: ::c_int = 2; pub const LIO_READ: ::c_int = 0; pub const LIO_WRITE: ::c_int = 1; pub const LIO_NOP: ::c_int = 2; pub const LIO_WAIT: ::c_int = 0; pub const LIO_NOWAIT: ::c_int = 1; // glob.h pub const GLOB_ERR: ::c_int = 1 << 0; pub const GLOB_MARK: ::c_int = 1 << 1; pub const GLOB_NOSORT: ::c_int = 1 << 2; pub const GLOB_DOOFFS: ::c_int = 1 << 3; pub const GLOB_NOCHECK: ::c_int = 1 << 4; pub const GLOB_APPEND: ::c_int = 1 << 5; pub const GLOB_NOESCAPE: ::c_int = 1 << 6; pub const GLOB_NOSPACE: ::c_int = 1; pub const GLOB_ABORTED: ::c_int = 2; pub const GLOB_NOMATCH: ::c_int = 3; pub const GLOB_PERIOD: ::c_int = 1 << 7; pub const GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC: ::c_int = 1 << 9; pub const GLOB_BRACE: ::c_int = 1 << 10; pub const GLOB_NOMAGIC: ::c_int = 1 << 11; pub const GLOB_TILDE: ::c_int = 1 << 12; pub const GLOB_ONLYDIR: ::c_int = 1 << 13; pub const GLOB_TILDE_CHECK: ::c_int = 1 << 14; // ipc.h pub const IPC_PRIVATE: ::key_t = 0; pub const IPC_CREAT: ::c_int = 0o1000; pub const IPC_EXCL: ::c_int = 0o2000; pub const IPC_NOWAIT: ::c_int = 0o4000; pub const IPC_RMID: ::c_int = 0; pub const IPC_SET: ::c_int = 1; pub const IPC_STAT: ::c_int = 2; pub const IPC_INFO: ::c_int = 3; pub const MSG_STAT: ::c_int = 11; pub const MSG_INFO: ::c_int = 12; pub const MSG_NOERROR: ::c_int = 0o10000; pub const MSG_EXCEPT: ::c_int = 0o20000; // shm.h pub const SHM_R: ::c_int = 0o400; pub const SHM_W: ::c_int = 0o200; pub const SHM_RDONLY: ::c_int = 0o10000; pub const SHM_RND: ::c_int = 0o20000; pub const SHM_REMAP: ::c_int = 0o40000; pub const SHM_LOCK: ::c_int = 11; pub const SHM_UNLOCK: ::c_int = 12; // unistd.h pub const STDIN_FILENO: ::c_int = 0; pub const STDOUT_FILENO: ::c_int = 1; pub const STDERR_FILENO: ::c_int = 2; pub const __FD_SETSIZE: usize = 256; pub const R_OK: ::c_int = 4; pub const W_OK: ::c_int = 2; pub const X_OK: ::c_int = 1; pub const F_OK: ::c_int = 0; pub const SEEK_SET: ::c_int = 0; pub const SEEK_CUR: ::c_int = 1; pub const SEEK_END: ::c_int = 2; pub const SEEK_DATA: ::c_int = 3; pub const SEEK_HOLE: ::c_int = 4; pub const L_SET: ::c_int = 0; pub const L_INCR: ::c_int = 1; pub const L_XTND: ::c_int = 2; pub const F_ULOCK: ::c_int = 0; pub const F_LOCK: ::c_int = 1; pub const F_TLOCK: ::c_int = 2; pub const F_TEST: ::c_int = 3; pub const CLOSE_RANGE_CLOEXEC: ::c_int = 4; // stdio.h pub const EOF: ::c_int = -1; // stdlib.h pub const WNOHANG: ::c_int = 1; pub const WUNTRACED: ::c_int = 2; pub const WSTOPPED: ::c_int = 2; pub const WCONTINUED: ::c_int = 4; pub const WNOWAIT: ::c_int = 8; pub const WEXITED: ::c_int = 16; pub const __W_CONTINUED: ::c_int = 65535; pub const __WCOREFLAG: ::c_int = 128; pub const RAND_MAX: ::c_int = 2147483647; pub const EXIT_FAILURE: ::c_int = 1; pub const EXIT_SUCCESS: ::c_int = 0; pub const __LITTLE_ENDIAN: usize = 1234; pub const __BIG_ENDIAN: usize = 4321; pub const __PDP_ENDIAN: usize = 3412; pub const __BYTE_ORDER: usize = 1234; pub const __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER: usize = 1234; pub const LITTLE_ENDIAN: usize = 1234; pub const BIG_ENDIAN: usize = 4321; pub const PDP_ENDIAN: usize = 3412; pub const BYTE_ORDER: usize = 1234; // sys/select.h pub const FD_SETSIZE: usize = 256; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEX_T: usize = 32; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_ATTR_T: usize = 32; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_T: usize = 28; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIER_T: usize = 24; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_T: usize = 16; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_COND_T: usize = 20; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_T: usize = 8; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_T: usize = 4; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIERATTR_T: usize = 4; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_ONCE_T: usize = 8; pub const __PTHREAD_SPIN_LOCK_INITIALIZER: ::c_int = 0; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL: ::c_int = 0; // sys/resource.h pub const RLIM_INFINITY: ::rlim_t = 2147483647; pub const RLIM64_INFINITY: ::rlim64_t = 9223372036854775807; pub const RLIM_SAVED_MAX: ::rlim_t = RLIM_INFINITY; pub const RLIM_SAVED_CUR: ::rlim_t = RLIM_INFINITY; pub const PRIO_MIN: ::c_int = -20; pub const PRIO_MAX: ::c_int = 20; // pwd.h pub const NSS_BUFLEN_PASSWD: usize = 1024; // sys/socket.h pub const SOCK_TYPE_MASK: usize = 15; pub const PF_UNSPEC: ::c_int = 0; pub const PF_LOCAL: ::c_int = 1; pub const PF_UNIX: ::c_int = 1; pub const PF_FILE: ::c_int = 1; pub const PF_INET: ::c_int = 2; pub const PF_IMPLINK: ::c_int = 3; pub const PF_PUP: ::c_int = 4; pub const PF_CHAOS: ::c_int = 5; pub const PF_NS: ::c_int = 6; pub const PF_ISO: ::c_int = 7; pub const PF_OSI: ::c_int = 7; pub const PF_ECMA: ::c_int = 8; pub const PF_DATAKIT: ::c_int = 9; pub const PF_CCITT: ::c_int = 10; pub const PF_SNA: ::c_int = 11; pub const PF_DECnet: ::c_int = 12; pub const PF_DLI: ::c_int = 13; pub const PF_LAT: ::c_int = 14; pub const PF_HYLINK: ::c_int = 15; pub const PF_APPLETALK: ::c_int = 16; pub const PF_ROUTE: ::c_int = 17; pub const PF_XTP: ::c_int = 19; pub const PF_COIP: ::c_int = 20; pub const PF_CNT: ::c_int = 21; pub const PF_RTIP: ::c_int = 22; pub const PF_IPX: ::c_int = 23; pub const PF_SIP: ::c_int = 24; pub const PF_PIP: ::c_int = 25; pub const PF_INET6: ::c_int = 26; pub const PF_MAX: ::c_int = 27; pub const AF_UNSPEC: ::c_int = 0; pub const AF_LOCAL: ::c_int = 1; pub const AF_UNIX: ::c_int = 1; pub const AF_FILE: ::c_int = 1; pub const AF_INET: ::c_int = 2; pub const AF_IMPLINK: ::c_int = 3; pub const AF_PUP: ::c_int = 4; pub const AF_CHAOS: ::c_int = 5; pub const AF_NS: ::c_int = 6; pub const AF_ISO: ::c_int = 7; pub const AF_OSI: ::c_int = 7; pub const AF_ECMA: ::c_int = 8; pub const AF_DATAKIT: ::c_int = 9; pub const AF_CCITT: ::c_int = 10; pub const AF_SNA: ::c_int = 11; pub const AF_DECnet: ::c_int = 12; pub const AF_DLI: ::c_int = 13; pub const AF_LAT: ::c_int = 14; pub const AF_HYLINK: ::c_int = 15; pub const AF_APPLETALK: ::c_int = 16; pub const AF_ROUTE: ::c_int = 17; pub const pseudo_AF_XTP: ::c_int = 19; pub const AF_COIP: ::c_int = 20; pub const AF_CNT: ::c_int = 21; pub const pseudo_AF_RTIP: ::c_int = 22; pub const AF_IPX: ::c_int = 23; pub const AF_SIP: ::c_int = 24; pub const pseudo_AF_PIP: ::c_int = 25; pub const AF_INET6: ::c_int = 26; pub const AF_MAX: ::c_int = 27; pub const SOMAXCONN: ::c_int = 4096; pub const _SS_SIZE: usize = 128; pub const CMGROUP_MAX: usize = 16; pub const SOL_SOCKET: ::c_int = 65535; // sys/time.h pub const ITIMER_REAL: ::c_int = 0; pub const ITIMER_VIRTUAL: ::c_int = 1; pub const ITIMER_PROF: ::c_int = 2; // netinet/in.h pub const SOL_IP: ::c_int = 0; pub const SOL_TCP: ::c_int = 6; pub const SOL_UDP: ::c_int = 17; pub const SOL_IPV6: ::c_int = 41; pub const SOL_ICMPV6: ::c_int = 58; pub const IP_OPTIONS: ::c_int = 1; pub const IP_HDRINCL: ::c_int = 2; pub const IP_TOS: ::c_int = 3; pub const IP_TTL: ::c_int = 4; pub const IP_RECVOPTS: ::c_int = 5; pub const IP_RECVRETOPTS: ::c_int = 6; pub const IP_RECVDSTADDR: ::c_int = 7; pub const IP_RETOPTS: ::c_int = 8; pub const IP_MULTICAST_IF: ::c_int = 9; pub const IP_MULTICAST_TTL: ::c_int = 10; pub const IP_MULTICAST_LOOP: ::c_int = 11; pub const IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP: ::c_int = 12; pub const IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP: ::c_int = 13; pub const IPV6_ADDRFORM: ::c_int = 1; pub const IPV6_2292PKTINFO: ::c_int = 2; pub const IPV6_2292HOPOPTS: ::c_int = 3; pub const IPV6_2292DSTOPTS: ::c_int = 4; pub const IPV6_2292RTHDR: ::c_int = 5; pub const IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS: ::c_int = 6; pub const IPV6_CHECKSUM: ::c_int = 7; pub const IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT: ::c_int = 8; pub const IPV6_RXINFO: ::c_int = 2; pub const IPV6_TXINFO: ::c_int = 2; pub const SCM_SRCINFO: ::c_int = 2; pub const IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS: ::c_int = 16; pub const IPV6_MULTICAST_IF: ::c_int = 17; pub const IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS: ::c_int = 18; pub const IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP: ::c_int = 19; pub const IPV6_JOIN_GROUP: ::c_int = 20; pub const IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP: ::c_int = 21; pub const IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT: ::c_int = 22; pub const IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER: ::c_int = 23; pub const IPV6_MTU: ::c_int = 24; pub const IPV6_RECVERR: ::c_int = 25; pub const IPV6_V6ONLY: ::c_int = 26; pub const IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST: ::c_int = 27; pub const IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST: ::c_int = 28; pub const IPV6_RECVPKTINFO: ::c_int = 49; pub const IPV6_PKTINFO: ::c_int = 50; pub const IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT: ::c_int = 51; pub const IPV6_HOPLIMIT: ::c_int = 52; pub const IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS: ::c_int = 53; pub const IPV6_HOPOPTS: ::c_int = 54; pub const IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS: ::c_int = 55; pub const IPV6_RECVRTHDR: ::c_int = 56; pub const IPV6_RTHDR: ::c_int = 57; pub const IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS: ::c_int = 58; pub const IPV6_DSTOPTS: ::c_int = 59; pub const IPV6_RECVPATHMTU: ::c_int = 60; pub const IPV6_PATHMTU: ::c_int = 61; pub const IPV6_DONTFRAG: ::c_int = 62; pub const IPV6_RECVTCLASS: ::c_int = 66; pub const IPV6_TCLASS: ::c_int = 67; pub const IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES: ::c_int = 72; pub const IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT: ::c_int = 73; pub const IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP: ::c_int = 20; pub const IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP: ::c_int = 21; pub const IPV6_RXHOPOPTS: ::c_int = 3; pub const IPV6_RXDSTOPTS: ::c_int = 4; pub const IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE: ::c_int = 0; pub const IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT: ::c_int = 1; pub const IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0: ::c_int = 0; pub const IN_CLASSA_NET: u32 = 4278190080; pub const IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT: usize = 24; pub const IN_CLASSA_HOST: u32 = 16777215; pub const IN_CLASSA_MAX: u32 = 128; pub const IN_CLASSB_NET: u32 = 4294901760; pub const IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT: usize = 16; pub const IN_CLASSB_HOST: u32 = 65535; pub const IN_CLASSB_MAX: u32 = 65536; pub const IN_CLASSC_NET: u32 = 4294967040; pub const IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT: usize = 8; pub const IN_CLASSC_HOST: u32 = 255; pub const IN_LOOPBACKNET: u32 = 127; pub const INET_ADDRSTRLEN: usize = 16; pub const INET6_ADDRSTRLEN: usize = 46; // netinet/ip.h pub const IPTOS_TOS_MASK: u8 = 0x1E; pub const IPTOS_PREC_MASK: u8 = 0xE0; pub const IPTOS_ECN_NOT_ECT: u8 = 0x00; pub const IPTOS_LOWDELAY: u8 = 0x10; pub const IPTOS_THROUGHPUT: u8 = 0x08; pub const IPTOS_RELIABILITY: u8 = 0x04; pub const IPTOS_MINCOST: u8 = 0x02; pub const IPTOS_PREC_NETCONTROL: u8 = 0xe0; pub const IPTOS_PREC_INTERNETCONTROL: u8 = 0xc0; pub const IPTOS_PREC_CRITIC_ECP: u8 = 0xa0; pub const IPTOS_PREC_FLASHOVERRIDE: u8 = 0x80; pub const IPTOS_PREC_FLASH: u8 = 0x60; pub const IPTOS_PREC_IMMEDIATE: u8 = 0x40; pub const IPTOS_PREC_PRIORITY: u8 = 0x20; pub const IPTOS_PREC_ROUTINE: u8 = 0x00; pub const IPTOS_ECN_MASK: u8 = 0x03; pub const IPTOS_ECN_ECT1: u8 = 0x01; pub const IPTOS_ECN_ECT0: u8 = 0x02; pub const IPTOS_ECN_CE: u8 = 0x03; pub const IPOPT_COPY: u8 = 0x80; pub const IPOPT_CLASS_MASK: u8 = 0x60; pub const IPOPT_NUMBER_MASK: u8 = 0x1f; pub const IPOPT_CONTROL: u8 = 0x00; pub const IPOPT_RESERVED1: u8 = 0x20; pub const IPOPT_MEASUREMENT: u8 = 0x40; pub const IPOPT_RESERVED2: u8 = 0x60; pub const IPOPT_END: u8 = 0 | IPOPT_CONTROL; pub const IPOPT_NOOP: u8 = 1 | IPOPT_CONTROL; pub const IPOPT_SEC: u8 = 2 | IPOPT_CONTROL | IPOPT_COPY; pub const IPOPT_LSRR: u8 = 3 | IPOPT_CONTROL | IPOPT_COPY; pub const IPOPT_TIMESTAMP: u8 = 4 | IPOPT_MEASUREMENT; pub const IPOPT_RR: u8 = 7 | IPOPT_CONTROL; pub const IPOPT_SID: u8 = 8 | IPOPT_CONTROL | IPOPT_COPY; pub const IPOPT_SSRR: u8 = 9 | IPOPT_CONTROL | IPOPT_COPY; pub const IPOPT_RA: u8 = 20 | IPOPT_CONTROL | IPOPT_COPY; pub const IPVERSION: u8 = 4; pub const MAXTTL: u8 = 255; pub const IPDEFTTL: u8 = 64; pub const IPOPT_OPTVAL: u8 = 0; pub const IPOPT_OLEN: u8 = 1; pub const IPOPT_OFFSET: u8 = 2; pub const IPOPT_MINOFF: u8 = 4; pub const MAX_IPOPTLEN: u8 = 40; pub const IPOPT_NOP: u8 = IPOPT_NOOP; pub const IPOPT_EOL: u8 = IPOPT_END; pub const IPOPT_TS: u8 = IPOPT_TIMESTAMP; pub const IPOPT_TS_TSONLY: u8 = 0; pub const IPOPT_TS_TSANDADDR: u8 = 1; pub const IPOPT_TS_PRESPEC: u8 = 3; // net/if_arp.h pub const ARPOP_REQUEST: u16 = 1; pub const ARPOP_REPLY: u16 = 2; pub const ARPOP_RREQUEST: u16 = 3; pub const ARPOP_RREPLY: u16 = 4; pub const ARPOP_InREQUEST: u16 = 8; pub const ARPOP_InREPLY: u16 = 9; pub const ARPOP_NAK: u16 = 10; pub const MAX_ADDR_LEN: usize = 7; pub const ARPD_UPDATE: ::c_ushort = 0x01; pub const ARPD_LOOKUP: ::c_ushort = 0x02; pub const ARPD_FLUSH: ::c_ushort = 0x03; pub const ATF_MAGIC: ::c_int = 0x80; pub const ATF_NETMASK: ::c_int = 0x20; pub const ATF_DONTPUB: ::c_int = 0x40; pub const ARPHRD_NETROM: u16 = 0; pub const ARPHRD_ETHER: u16 = 1; pub const ARPHRD_EETHER: u16 = 2; pub const ARPHRD_AX25: u16 = 3; pub const ARPHRD_PRONET: u16 = 4; pub const ARPHRD_CHAOS: u16 = 5; pub const ARPHRD_IEEE802: u16 = 6; pub const ARPHRD_ARCNET: u16 = 7; pub const ARPHRD_APPLETLK: u16 = 8; pub const ARPHRD_DLCI: u16 = 15; pub const ARPHRD_ATM: u16 = 19; pub const ARPHRD_METRICOM: u16 = 23; pub const ARPHRD_IEEE1394: u16 = 24; pub const ARPHRD_EUI64: u16 = 27; pub const ARPHRD_INFINIBAND: u16 = 32; pub const ARPHRD_SLIP: u16 = 256; pub const ARPHRD_CSLIP: u16 = 257; pub const ARPHRD_SLIP6: u16 = 258; pub const ARPHRD_CSLIP6: u16 = 259; pub const ARPHRD_RSRVD: u16 = 260; pub const ARPHRD_ADAPT: u16 = 264; pub const ARPHRD_ROSE: u16 = 270; pub const ARPHRD_X25: u16 = 271; pub const ARPHRD_HWX25: u16 = 272; pub const ARPHRD_CAN: u16 = 280; pub const ARPHRD_PPP: u16 = 512; pub const ARPHRD_CISCO: u16 = 513; pub const ARPHRD_HDLC: u16 = ARPHRD_CISCO; pub const ARPHRD_LAPB: u16 = 516; pub const ARPHRD_DDCMP: u16 = 517; pub const ARPHRD_RAWHDLC: u16 = 518; pub const ARPHRD_TUNNEL: u16 = 768; pub const ARPHRD_TUNNEL6: u16 = 769; pub const ARPHRD_FRAD: u16 = 770; pub const ARPHRD_SKIP: u16 = 771; pub const ARPHRD_LOOPBACK: u16 = 772; pub const ARPHRD_LOCALTLK: u16 = 773; pub const ARPHRD_FDDI: u16 = 774; pub const ARPHRD_BIF: u16 = 775; pub const ARPHRD_SIT: u16 = 776; pub const ARPHRD_IPDDP: u16 = 777; pub const ARPHRD_IPGRE: u16 = 778; pub const ARPHRD_PIMREG: u16 = 779; pub const ARPHRD_HIPPI: u16 = 780; pub const ARPHRD_ASH: u16 = 781; pub const ARPHRD_ECONET: u16 = 782; pub const ARPHRD_IRDA: u16 = 783; pub const ARPHRD_FCPP: u16 = 784; pub const ARPHRD_FCAL: u16 = 785; pub const ARPHRD_FCPL: u16 = 786; pub const ARPHRD_FCFABRIC: u16 = 787; pub const ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR: u16 = 800; pub const ARPHRD_IEEE80211: u16 = 801; pub const ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM: u16 = 802; pub const ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP: u16 = 803; pub const ARPHRD_IEEE802154: u16 = 804; pub const ARPHRD_VOID: u16 = 0xFFFF; pub const ARPHRD_NONE: u16 = 0xFFFE; // bits/posix1_lim.h pub const _POSIX_AIO_LISTIO_MAX: usize = 2; pub const _POSIX_AIO_MAX: usize = 1; pub const _POSIX_ARG_MAX: usize = 4096; pub const _POSIX_CHILD_MAX: usize = 25; pub const _POSIX_DELAYTIMER_MAX: usize = 32; pub const _POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX: usize = 255; pub const _POSIX_LINK_MAX: usize = 8; pub const _POSIX_LOGIN_NAME_MAX: usize = 9; pub const _POSIX_MAX_CANON: usize = 255; pub const _POSIX_MAX_INPUT: usize = 255; pub const _POSIX_MQ_OPEN_MAX: usize = 8; pub const _POSIX_MQ_PRIO_MAX: usize = 32; pub const _POSIX_NAME_MAX: usize = 14; pub const _POSIX_NGROUPS_MAX: usize = 8; pub const _POSIX_OPEN_MAX: usize = 20; pub const _POSIX_FD_SETSIZE: usize = 20; pub const _POSIX_PATH_MAX: usize = 256; pub const _POSIX_PIPE_BUF: usize = 512; pub const _POSIX_RE_DUP_MAX: usize = 255; pub const _POSIX_RTSIG_MAX: usize = 8; pub const _POSIX_SEM_NSEMS_MAX: usize = 256; pub const _POSIX_SEM_VALUE_MAX: usize = 32767; pub const _POSIX_SIGQUEUE_MAX: usize = 32; pub const _POSIX_SSIZE_MAX: usize = 32767; pub const _POSIX_STREAM_MAX: usize = 8; pub const _POSIX_SYMLINK_MAX: usize = 255; pub const _POSIX_SYMLOOP_MAX: usize = 8; pub const _POSIX_TIMER_MAX: usize = 32; pub const _POSIX_TTY_NAME_MAX: usize = 9; pub const _POSIX_TZNAME_MAX: usize = 6; pub const _POSIX_QLIMIT: usize = 1; pub const _POSIX_HIWAT: usize = 512; pub const _POSIX_UIO_MAXIOV: usize = 16; pub const _POSIX_CLOCKRES_MIN: usize = 20000000; pub const NAME_MAX: usize = 255; pub const NGROUPS_MAX: usize = 256; pub const _POSIX_THREAD_KEYS_MAX: usize = 128; pub const _POSIX_THREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS: usize = 4; pub const _POSIX_THREAD_THREADS_MAX: usize = 64; pub const SEM_VALUE_MAX: ::c_int = 2147483647; pub const MAXNAMLEN: usize = 255; // netdb.h pub const _PATH_HEQUIV: &'static [u8; 17usize] = b"/etc/hosts.equiv\0"; pub const _PATH_HOSTS: &'static [u8; 11usize] = b"/etc/hosts\0"; pub const _PATH_NETWORKS: &'static [u8; 14usize] = b"/etc/networks\0"; pub const _PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF: &'static [u8; 19usize] = b"/etc/nsswitch.conf\0"; pub const _PATH_PROTOCOLS: &'static [u8; 15usize] = b"/etc/protocols\0"; pub const _PATH_SERVICES: &'static [u8; 14usize] = b"/etc/services\0"; pub const HOST_NOT_FOUND: ::c_int = 1; pub const TRY_AGAIN: ::c_int = 2; pub const NO_RECOVERY: ::c_int = 3; pub const NO_DATA: ::c_int = 4; pub const NETDB_INTERNAL: ::c_int = -1; pub const NETDB_SUCCESS: ::c_int = 0; pub const NO_ADDRESS: ::c_int = 4; pub const IPPORT_RESERVED: ::c_int = 1024; pub const SCOPE_DELIMITER: u8 = 37u8; pub const GAI_WAIT: ::c_int = 0; pub const GAI_NOWAIT: ::c_int = 1; pub const AI_PASSIVE: ::c_int = 1; pub const AI_CANONNAME: ::c_int = 2; pub const AI_NUMERICHOST: ::c_int = 4; pub const AI_V4MAPPED: ::c_int = 8; pub const AI_ALL: ::c_int = 16; pub const AI_ADDRCONFIG: ::c_int = 32; pub const AI_IDN: ::c_int = 64; pub const AI_CANONIDN: ::c_int = 128; pub const AI_NUMERICSERV: ::c_int = 1024; pub const EAI_BADFLAGS: ::c_int = -1; pub const EAI_NONAME: ::c_int = -2; pub const EAI_AGAIN: ::c_int = -3; pub const EAI_FAIL: ::c_int = -4; pub const EAI_FAMILY: ::c_int = -6; pub const EAI_SOCKTYPE: ::c_int = -7; pub const EAI_SERVICE: ::c_int = -8; pub const EAI_MEMORY: ::c_int = -10; pub const EAI_SYSTEM: ::c_int = -11; pub const EAI_OVERFLOW: ::c_int = -12; pub const EAI_NODATA: ::c_int = -5; pub const EAI_ADDRFAMILY: ::c_int = -9; pub const EAI_INPROGRESS: ::c_int = -100; pub const EAI_CANCELED: ::c_int = -101; pub const EAI_NOTCANCELED: ::c_int = -102; pub const EAI_ALLDONE: ::c_int = -103; pub const EAI_INTR: ::c_int = -104; pub const EAI_IDN_ENCODE: ::c_int = -105; pub const NI_MAXHOST: usize = 1025; pub const NI_MAXSERV: usize = 32; pub const NI_NUMERICHOST: ::c_int = 1; pub const NI_NUMERICSERV: ::c_int = 2; pub const NI_NOFQDN: ::c_int = 4; pub const NI_NAMEREQD: ::c_int = 8; pub const NI_DGRAM: ::c_int = 16; pub const NI_IDN: ::c_int = 32; // time.h pub const CLOCK_REALTIME: ::clockid_t = 0; pub const CLOCK_MONOTONIC: ::clockid_t = 1; pub const CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID: ::clockid_t = 2; pub const CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID: ::clockid_t = 3; pub const CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW: ::clockid_t = 4; pub const CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE: ::clockid_t = 5; pub const CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE: ::clockid_t = 6; pub const TIMER_ABSTIME: ::c_int = 1; pub const TIME_UTC: ::c_int = 1; // sys/poll.h pub const POLLIN: i16 = 1; pub const POLLPRI: i16 = 2; pub const POLLOUT: i16 = 4; pub const POLLRDNORM: i16 = 1; pub const POLLRDBAND: i16 = 2; pub const POLLWRNORM: i16 = 4; pub const POLLWRBAND: i16 = 4; pub const POLLERR: i16 = 8; pub const POLLHUP: i16 = 16; pub const POLLNVAL: i16 = 32; // locale.h pub const __LC_CTYPE: usize = 0; pub const __LC_NUMERIC: usize = 1; pub const __LC_TIME: usize = 2; pub const __LC_COLLATE: usize = 3; pub const __LC_MONETARY: usize = 4; pub const __LC_MESSAGES: usize = 5; pub const __LC_ALL: usize = 6; pub const __LC_PAPER: usize = 7; pub const __LC_NAME: usize = 8; pub const __LC_ADDRESS: usize = 9; pub const __LC_TELEPHONE: usize = 10; pub const __LC_MEASUREMENT: usize = 11; pub const __LC_IDENTIFICATION: usize = 12; pub const LC_CTYPE: ::c_int = 0; pub const LC_NUMERIC: ::c_int = 1; pub const LC_TIME: ::c_int = 2; pub const LC_COLLATE: ::c_int = 3; pub const LC_MONETARY: ::c_int = 4; pub const LC_MESSAGES: ::c_int = 5; pub const LC_ALL: ::c_int = 6; pub const LC_PAPER: ::c_int = 7; pub const LC_NAME: ::c_int = 8; pub const LC_ADDRESS: ::c_int = 9; pub const LC_TELEPHONE: ::c_int = 10; pub const LC_MEASUREMENT: ::c_int = 11; pub const LC_IDENTIFICATION: ::c_int = 12; pub const LC_CTYPE_MASK: ::c_int = 1; pub const LC_NUMERIC_MASK: ::c_int = 2; pub const LC_TIME_MASK: ::c_int = 4; pub const LC_COLLATE_MASK: ::c_int = 8; pub const LC_MONETARY_MASK: ::c_int = 16; pub const LC_MESSAGES_MASK: ::c_int = 32; pub const LC_PAPER_MASK: ::c_int = 128; pub const LC_NAME_MASK: ::c_int = 256; pub const LC_ADDRESS_MASK: ::c_int = 512; pub const LC_TELEPHONE_MASK: ::c_int = 1024; pub const LC_MEASUREMENT_MASK: ::c_int = 2048; pub const LC_IDENTIFICATION_MASK: ::c_int = 4096; pub const LC_ALL_MASK: ::c_int = 8127; pub const ABDAY_1: ::nl_item = 0x20000; pub const ABDAY_2: ::nl_item = 0x20001; pub const ABDAY_3: ::nl_item = 0x20002; pub const ABDAY_4: ::nl_item = 0x20003; pub const ABDAY_5: ::nl_item = 0x20004; pub const ABDAY_6: ::nl_item = 0x20005; pub const ABDAY_7: ::nl_item = 0x20006; pub const DAY_1: ::nl_item = 0x20007; pub const DAY_2: ::nl_item = 0x20008; pub const DAY_3: ::nl_item = 0x20009; pub const DAY_4: ::nl_item = 0x2000A; pub const DAY_5: ::nl_item = 0x2000B; pub const DAY_6: ::nl_item = 0x2000C; pub const DAY_7: ::nl_item = 0x2000D; pub const ABMON_1: ::nl_item = 0x2000E; pub const ABMON_2: ::nl_item = 0x2000F; pub const ABMON_3: ::nl_item = 0x20010; pub const ABMON_4: ::nl_item = 0x20011; pub const ABMON_5: ::nl_item = 0x20012; pub const ABMON_6: ::nl_item = 0x20013; pub const ABMON_7: ::nl_item = 0x20014; pub const ABMON_8: ::nl_item = 0x20015; pub const ABMON_9: ::nl_item = 0x20016; pub const ABMON_10: ::nl_item = 0x20017; pub const ABMON_11: ::nl_item = 0x20018; pub const ABMON_12: ::nl_item = 0x20019; pub const MON_1: ::nl_item = 0x2001A; pub const MON_2: ::nl_item = 0x2001B; pub const MON_3: ::nl_item = 0x2001C; pub const MON_4: ::nl_item = 0x2001D; pub const MON_5: ::nl_item = 0x2001E; pub const MON_6: ::nl_item = 0x2001F; pub const MON_7: ::nl_item = 0x20020; pub const MON_8: ::nl_item = 0x20021; pub const MON_9: ::nl_item = 0x20022; pub const MON_10: ::nl_item = 0x20023; pub const MON_11: ::nl_item = 0x20024; pub const MON_12: ::nl_item = 0x20025; pub const AM_STR: ::nl_item = 0x20026; pub const PM_STR: ::nl_item = 0x20027; pub const D_T_FMT: ::nl_item = 0x20028; pub const D_FMT: ::nl_item = 0x20029; pub const T_FMT: ::nl_item = 0x2002A; pub const T_FMT_AMPM: ::nl_item = 0x2002B; pub const ERA: ::nl_item = 0x2002C; pub const ERA_D_FMT: ::nl_item = 0x2002E; pub const ALT_DIGITS: ::nl_item = 0x2002F; pub const ERA_D_T_FMT: ::nl_item = 0x20030; pub const ERA_T_FMT: ::nl_item = 0x20031; pub const CODESET: ::nl_item = 14; pub const CRNCYSTR: ::nl_item = 0x4000F; pub const RADIXCHAR: ::nl_item = 0x10000; pub const THOUSEP: ::nl_item = 0x10001; pub const YESEXPR: ::nl_item = 0x50000; pub const NOEXPR: ::nl_item = 0x50001; pub const YESSTR: ::nl_item = 0x50002; pub const NOSTR: ::nl_item = 0x50003; // reboot.h pub const RB_AUTOBOOT: ::c_int = 0x0; pub const RB_ASKNAME: ::c_int = 0x1; pub const RB_SINGLE: ::c_int = 0x2; pub const RB_KBD: ::c_int = 0x4; pub const RB_HALT: ::c_int = 0x8; pub const RB_INITNAME: ::c_int = 0x10; pub const RB_DFLTROOT: ::c_int = 0x20; pub const RB_NOBOOTRC: ::c_int = 0x20; pub const RB_ALTBOOT: ::c_int = 0x40; pub const RB_UNIPROC: ::c_int = 0x80; pub const RB_DEBUGGER: ::c_int = 0x1000; // semaphore.h pub const __SIZEOF_SEM_T: usize = 20; pub const SEM_FAILED: *mut ::sem_t = 0 as *mut sem_t; // termios.h pub const IGNBRK: ::tcflag_t = 1; pub const BRKINT: ::tcflag_t = 2; pub const IGNPAR: ::tcflag_t = 4; pub const PARMRK: ::tcflag_t = 8; pub const INPCK: ::tcflag_t = 16; pub const ISTRIP: ::tcflag_t = 32; pub const INLCR: ::tcflag_t = 64; pub const IGNCR: ::tcflag_t = 128; pub const ICRNL: ::tcflag_t = 256; pub const IXON: ::tcflag_t = 512; pub const IXOFF: ::tcflag_t = 1024; pub const IXANY: ::tcflag_t = 2048; pub const IMAXBEL: ::tcflag_t = 8192; pub const IUCLC: ::tcflag_t = 16384; pub const OPOST: ::tcflag_t = 1; pub const ONLCR: ::tcflag_t = 2; pub const ONOEOT: ::tcflag_t = 8; pub const OCRNL: ::tcflag_t = 16; pub const ONOCR: ::tcflag_t = 32; pub const ONLRET: ::tcflag_t = 64; pub const NLDLY: ::tcflag_t = 768; pub const NL0: ::tcflag_t = 0; pub const NL1: ::tcflag_t = 256; pub const TABDLY: ::tcflag_t = 3076; pub const TAB0: ::tcflag_t = 0; pub const TAB1: ::tcflag_t = 1024; pub const TAB2: ::tcflag_t = 2048; pub const TAB3: ::tcflag_t = 4; pub const CRDLY: ::tcflag_t = 12288; pub const CR0: ::tcflag_t = 0; pub const CR1: ::tcflag_t = 4096; pub const CR2: ::tcflag_t = 8192; pub const CR3: ::tcflag_t = 12288; pub const FFDLY: ::tcflag_t = 16384; pub const FF0: ::tcflag_t = 0; pub const FF1: ::tcflag_t = 16384; pub const BSDLY: ::tcflag_t = 32768; pub const BS0: ::tcflag_t = 0; pub const BS1: ::tcflag_t = 32768; pub const VTDLY: ::tcflag_t = 65536; pub const VT0: ::tcflag_t = 0; pub const VT1: ::tcflag_t = 65536; pub const OLCUC: ::tcflag_t = 131072; pub const OFILL: ::tcflag_t = 262144; pub const OFDEL: ::tcflag_t = 524288; pub const CIGNORE: ::tcflag_t = 1; pub const CSIZE: ::tcflag_t = 768; pub const CS5: ::tcflag_t = 0; pub const CS6: ::tcflag_t = 256; pub const CS7: ::tcflag_t = 512; pub const CS8: ::tcflag_t = 768; pub const CSTOPB: ::tcflag_t = 1024; pub const CREAD: ::tcflag_t = 2048; pub const PARENB: ::tcflag_t = 4096; pub const PARODD: ::tcflag_t = 8192; pub const HUPCL: ::tcflag_t = 16384; pub const CLOCAL: ::tcflag_t = 32768; pub const CRTSCTS: ::tcflag_t = 65536; pub const CRTS_IFLOW: ::tcflag_t = 65536; pub const CCTS_OFLOW: ::tcflag_t = 65536; pub const CDTRCTS: ::tcflag_t = 131072; pub const MDMBUF: ::tcflag_t = 1048576; pub const CHWFLOW: ::tcflag_t = 1245184; pub const ECHOKE: ::tcflag_t = 1; pub const _ECHOE: ::tcflag_t = 2; pub const ECHOE: ::tcflag_t = 2; pub const _ECHOK: ::tcflag_t = 4; pub const ECHOK: ::tcflag_t = 4; pub const _ECHO: ::tcflag_t = 8; pub const ECHO: ::tcflag_t = 8; pub const _ECHONL: ::tcflag_t = 16; pub const ECHONL: ::tcflag_t = 16; pub const ECHOPRT: ::tcflag_t = 32; pub const ECHOCTL: ::tcflag_t = 64; pub const _ISIG: ::tcflag_t = 128; pub const ISIG: ::tcflag_t = 128; pub const _ICANON: ::tcflag_t = 256; pub const ICANON: ::tcflag_t = 256; pub const ALTWERASE: ::tcflag_t = 512; pub const _IEXTEN: ::tcflag_t = 1024; pub const IEXTEN: ::tcflag_t = 1024; pub const EXTPROC: ::tcflag_t = 2048; pub const _TOSTOP: ::tcflag_t = 4194304; pub const TOSTOP: ::tcflag_t = 4194304; pub const FLUSHO: ::tcflag_t = 8388608; pub const NOKERNINFO: ::tcflag_t = 33554432; pub const PENDIN: ::tcflag_t = 536870912; pub const _NOFLSH: ::tcflag_t = 2147483648; pub const NOFLSH: ::tcflag_t = 2147483648; pub const VEOF: usize = 0; pub const VEOL: usize = 1; pub const VEOL2: usize = 2; pub const VERASE: usize = 3; pub const VWERASE: usize = 4; pub const VKILL: usize = 5; pub const VREPRINT: usize = 6; pub const VINTR: usize = 8; pub const VQUIT: usize = 9; pub const VSUSP: usize = 10; pub const VDSUSP: usize = 11; pub const VSTART: usize = 12; pub const VSTOP: usize = 13; pub const VLNEXT: usize = 14; pub const VDISCARD: usize = 15; pub const VMIN: usize = 16; pub const VTIME: usize = 17; pub const VSTATUS: usize = 18; pub const NCCS: usize = 20; pub const B0: ::speed_t = 0; pub const B50: ::speed_t = 50; pub const B75: ::speed_t = 75; pub const B110: ::speed_t = 110; pub const B134: ::speed_t = 134; pub const B150: ::speed_t = 150; pub const B200: ::speed_t = 200; pub const B300: ::speed_t = 300; pub const B600: ::speed_t = 600; pub const B1200: ::speed_t = 1200; pub const B1800: ::speed_t = 1800; pub const B2400: ::speed_t = 2400; pub const B4800: ::speed_t = 4800; pub const B9600: ::speed_t = 9600; pub const B7200: ::speed_t = 7200; pub const B14400: ::speed_t = 14400; pub const B19200: ::speed_t = 19200; pub const B28800: ::speed_t = 28800; pub const B38400: ::speed_t = 38400; pub const EXTA: ::speed_t = B19200; pub const EXTB: ::speed_t = B38400; pub const B57600: ::speed_t = 57600; pub const B76800: ::speed_t = 76800; pub const B115200: ::speed_t = 115200; pub const B230400: ::speed_t = 230400; pub const B460800: ::speed_t = 460800; pub const B500000: ::speed_t = 500000; pub const B576000: ::speed_t = 576000; pub const B921600: ::speed_t = 921600; pub const B1000000: ::speed_t = 1000000; pub const B1152000: ::speed_t = 1152000; pub const B1500000: ::speed_t = 1500000; pub const B2000000: ::speed_t = 2000000; pub const B2500000: ::speed_t = 2500000; pub const B3000000: ::speed_t = 3000000; pub const B3500000: ::speed_t = 3500000; pub const B4000000: ::speed_t = 4000000; pub const TCSANOW: ::c_int = 0; pub const TCSADRAIN: ::c_int = 1; pub const TCSAFLUSH: ::c_int = 2; pub const TCSASOFT: ::c_int = 16; pub const TCIFLUSH: ::c_int = 1; pub const TCOFLUSH: ::c_int = 2; pub const TCIOFLUSH: ::c_int = 3; pub const TCOOFF: ::c_int = 1; pub const TCOON: ::c_int = 2; pub const TCIOFF: ::c_int = 3; pub const TCION: ::c_int = 4; pub const TTYDEF_IFLAG: ::tcflag_t = 11042; pub const TTYDEF_LFLAG: ::tcflag_t = 1483; pub const TTYDEF_CFLAG: ::tcflag_t = 23040; pub const TTYDEF_SPEED: ::tcflag_t = 9600; pub const CEOL: u8 = 0u8; pub const CERASE: u8 = 127; pub const CMIN: u8 = 1; pub const CQUIT: u8 = 28; pub const CTIME: u8 = 0; pub const CBRK: u8 = 0u8; // dlfcn.h pub const RTLD_DEFAULT: *mut ::c_void = 0i64 as *mut ::c_void; pub const RTLD_NEXT: *mut ::c_void = -1i64 as *mut ::c_void; pub const RTLD_LAZY: ::c_int = 1; pub const RTLD_NOW: ::c_int = 2; pub const RTLD_BINDING_MASK: ::c_int = 3; pub const RTLD_NOLOAD: ::c_int = 4; pub const RTLD_DEEPBIND: ::c_int = 8; pub const RTLD_GLOBAL: ::c_int = 256; pub const RTLD_LOCAL: ::c_int = 0; pub const RTLD_NODELETE: ::c_int = 4096; pub const DLFO_STRUCT_HAS_EH_DBASE: usize = 1; pub const DLFO_STRUCT_HAS_EH_COUNT: usize = 0; pub const LM_ID_BASE: c_long = 0; pub const LM_ID_NEWLM: c_long = -1; // bits/signum_generic.h pub const SIGINT: ::c_int = 2; pub const SIGILL: ::c_int = 4; pub const SIGABRT: ::c_int = 6; pub const SIGFPE: ::c_int = 8; pub const SIGSEGV: ::c_int = 11; pub const SIGTERM: ::c_int = 15; pub const SIGHUP: ::c_int = 1; pub const SIGQUIT: ::c_int = 3; pub const SIGTRAP: ::c_int = 5; pub const SIGKILL: ::c_int = 9; pub const SIGPIPE: ::c_int = 13; pub const SIGALRM: ::c_int = 14; pub const SIGIOT: ::c_int = 6; pub const SIGBUS: ::c_int = 10; pub const SIGSYS: ::c_int = 12; pub const SIGEMT: ::c_int = 7; pub const SIGINFO: ::c_int = 29; pub const SIGLOST: ::c_int = 32; pub const SIGURG: ::c_int = 16; pub const SIGSTOP: ::c_int = 17; pub const SIGTSTP: ::c_int = 18; pub const SIGCONT: ::c_int = 19; pub const SIGCHLD: ::c_int = 20; pub const SIGTTIN: ::c_int = 21; pub const SIGTTOU: ::c_int = 22; pub const SIGPOLL: ::c_int = 23; pub const SIGXCPU: ::c_int = 24; pub const SIGVTALRM: ::c_int = 26; pub const SIGPROF: ::c_int = 27; pub const SIGXFSZ: ::c_int = 25; pub const SIGUSR1: ::c_int = 30; pub const SIGUSR2: ::c_int = 31; pub const SIGWINCH: ::c_int = 28; pub const SIGIO: ::c_int = 23; pub const SIGCLD: ::c_int = 20; pub const __SIGRTMIN: usize = 32; pub const __SIGRTMAX: usize = 32; pub const _NSIG: usize = 33; pub const NSIG: usize = 33; // bits/sigaction.h pub const SA_ONSTACK: ::c_int = 1; pub const SA_RESTART: ::c_int = 2; pub const SA_NODEFER: ::c_int = 16; pub const SA_RESETHAND: ::c_int = 4; pub const SA_NOCLDSTOP: ::c_int = 8; pub const SA_SIGINFO: ::c_int = 64; pub const SA_INTERRUPT: ::c_int = 0; pub const SA_NOMASK: ::c_int = 16; pub const SA_ONESHOT: ::c_int = 4; pub const SA_STACK: ::c_int = 1; pub const SIG_BLOCK: ::c_int = 1; pub const SIG_UNBLOCK: ::c_int = 2; pub const SIG_SETMASK: ::c_int = 3; // bits/sigcontext.h pub const FPC_IE: u16 = 1; pub const FPC_IM: u16 = 1; pub const FPC_DE: u16 = 2; pub const FPC_DM: u16 = 2; pub const FPC_ZE: u16 = 4; pub const FPC_ZM: u16 = 4; pub const FPC_OE: u16 = 8; pub const FPC_OM: u16 = 8; pub const FPC_UE: u16 = 16; pub const FPC_PE: u16 = 32; pub const FPC_PC: u16 = 768; pub const FPC_PC_24: u16 = 0; pub const FPC_PC_53: u16 = 512; pub const FPC_PC_64: u16 = 768; pub const FPC_RC: u16 = 3072; pub const FPC_RC_RN: u16 = 0; pub const FPC_RC_RD: u16 = 1024; pub const FPC_RC_RU: u16 = 2048; pub const FPC_RC_CHOP: u16 = 3072; pub const FPC_IC: u16 = 4096; pub const FPC_IC_PROJ: u16 = 0; pub const FPC_IC_AFF: u16 = 4096; pub const FPS_IE: u16 = 1; pub const FPS_DE: u16 = 2; pub const FPS_ZE: u16 = 4; pub const FPS_OE: u16 = 8; pub const FPS_UE: u16 = 16; pub const FPS_PE: u16 = 32; pub const FPS_SF: u16 = 64; pub const FPS_ES: u16 = 128; pub const FPS_C0: u16 = 256; pub const FPS_C1: u16 = 512; pub const FPS_C2: u16 = 1024; pub const FPS_TOS: u16 = 14336; pub const FPS_TOS_SHIFT: u16 = 11; pub const FPS_C3: u16 = 16384; pub const FPS_BUSY: u16 = 32768; pub const FPE_INTOVF_TRAP: ::c_int = 1; pub const FPE_INTDIV_FAULT: ::c_int = 2; pub const FPE_FLTOVF_FAULT: ::c_int = 3; pub const FPE_FLTDIV_FAULT: ::c_int = 4; pub const FPE_FLTUND_FAULT: ::c_int = 5; pub const FPE_SUBRNG_FAULT: ::c_int = 7; pub const FPE_FLTDNR_FAULT: ::c_int = 8; pub const FPE_FLTINX_FAULT: ::c_int = 9; pub const FPE_EMERR_FAULT: ::c_int = 10; pub const FPE_EMBND_FAULT: ::c_int = 11; pub const ILL_INVOPR_FAULT: ::c_int = 1; pub const ILL_STACK_FAULT: ::c_int = 2; pub const ILL_FPEOPR_FAULT: ::c_int = 3; pub const DBG_SINGLE_TRAP: ::c_int = 1; pub const DBG_BRKPNT_FAULT: ::c_int = 2; pub const __NGREG: usize = 19; pub const NGREG: usize = 19; // bits/sigstack.h pub const MINSIGSTKSZ: usize = 8192; pub const SIGSTKSZ: usize = 40960; // sys/stat.h pub const __S_IFMT: mode_t = 61440; pub const __S_IFDIR: mode_t = 16384; pub const __S_IFCHR: mode_t = 8192; pub const __S_IFBLK: mode_t = 24576; pub const __S_IFREG: mode_t = 32768; pub const __S_IFLNK: mode_t = 40960; pub const __S_IFSOCK: mode_t = 49152; pub const __S_IFIFO: mode_t = 4096; pub const __S_ISUID: mode_t = 2048; pub const __S_ISGID: mode_t = 1024; pub const __S_ISVTX: mode_t = 512; pub const __S_IREAD: mode_t = 256; pub const __S_IWRITE: mode_t = 128; pub const __S_IEXEC: mode_t = 64; pub const S_INOCACHE: mode_t = 65536; pub const S_IUSEUNK: mode_t = 131072; pub const S_IUNKNOWN: mode_t = 1835008; pub const S_IUNKSHIFT: mode_t = 12; pub const S_IPTRANS: mode_t = 2097152; pub const S_IATRANS: mode_t = 4194304; pub const S_IROOT: mode_t = 8388608; pub const S_ITRANS: mode_t = 14680064; pub const S_IMMAP0: mode_t = 16777216; pub const CMASK: mode_t = 18; pub const UF_SETTABLE: ::c_uint = 65535; pub const UF_NODUMP: ::c_uint = 1; pub const UF_IMMUTABLE: ::c_uint = 2; pub const UF_APPEND: ::c_uint = 4; pub const UF_OPAQUE: ::c_uint = 8; pub const UF_NOUNLINK: ::c_uint = 16; pub const SF_SETTABLE: ::c_uint = 4294901760; pub const SF_ARCHIVED: ::c_uint = 65536; pub const SF_IMMUTABLE: ::c_uint = 131072; pub const SF_APPEND: ::c_uint = 262144; pub const SF_NOUNLINK: ::c_uint = 1048576; pub const SF_SNAPSHOT: ::c_uint = 2097152; pub const UTIME_NOW: ::c_long = -1; pub const UTIME_OMIT: ::c_long = -2; pub const S_IFMT: ::mode_t = 61440; pub const S_IFDIR: ::mode_t = 16384; pub const S_IFCHR: ::mode_t = 8192; pub const S_IFBLK: ::mode_t = 24576; pub const S_IFREG: ::mode_t = 32768; pub const S_IFIFO: ::mode_t = 4096; pub const S_IFLNK: ::mode_t = 40960; pub const S_IFSOCK: ::mode_t = 49152; pub const S_ISUID: ::mode_t = 2048; pub const S_ISGID: ::mode_t = 1024; pub const S_ISVTX: ::mode_t = 512; pub const S_IRUSR: ::mode_t = 256; pub const S_IWUSR: ::mode_t = 128; pub const S_IXUSR: ::mode_t = 64; pub const S_IRWXU: ::mode_t = 448; pub const S_IREAD: ::mode_t = 256; pub const S_IWRITE: ::mode_t = 128; pub const S_IEXEC: ::mode_t = 64; pub const S_IRGRP: ::mode_t = 32; pub const S_IWGRP: ::mode_t = 16; pub const S_IXGRP: ::mode_t = 8; pub const S_IRWXG: ::mode_t = 56; pub const S_IROTH: ::mode_t = 4; pub const S_IWOTH: ::mode_t = 2; pub const S_IXOTH: ::mode_t = 1; pub const S_IRWXO: ::mode_t = 7; pub const ACCESSPERMS: ::mode_t = 511; pub const ALLPERMS: ::mode_t = 4095; pub const DEFFILEMODE: ::mode_t = 438; pub const S_BLKSIZE: usize = 512; pub const STATX_TYPE: ::c_uint = 1; pub const STATX_MODE: ::c_uint = 2; pub const STATX_NLINK: ::c_uint = 4; pub const STATX_UID: ::c_uint = 8; pub const STATX_GID: ::c_uint = 16; pub const STATX_ATIME: ::c_uint = 32; pub const STATX_MTIME: ::c_uint = 64; pub const STATX_CTIME: ::c_uint = 128; pub const STATX_INO: ::c_uint = 256; pub const STATX_SIZE: ::c_uint = 512; pub const STATX_BLOCKS: ::c_uint = 1024; pub const STATX_BASIC_STATS: ::c_uint = 2047; pub const STATX_ALL: ::c_uint = 4095; pub const STATX_BTIME: ::c_uint = 2048; pub const STATX_MNT_ID: ::c_uint = 4096; pub const STATX_DIOALIGN: ::c_uint = 8192; pub const STATX__RESERVED: ::c_uint = 2147483648; pub const STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED: ::c_uint = 4; pub const STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE: ::c_uint = 16; pub const STATX_ATTR_APPEND: ::c_uint = 32; pub const STATX_ATTR_NODUMP: ::c_uint = 64; pub const STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED: ::c_uint = 2048; pub const STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT: ::c_uint = 4096; pub const STATX_ATTR_MOUNT_ROOT: ::c_uint = 8192; pub const STATX_ATTR_VERITY: ::c_uint = 1048576; pub const STATX_ATTR_DAX: ::c_uint = 2097152; // sys/ioctl.h pub const TIOCM_LE: ::c_int = 1; pub const TIOCM_DTR: ::c_int = 2; pub const TIOCM_RTS: ::c_int = 4; pub const TIOCM_ST: ::c_int = 8; pub const TIOCM_SR: ::c_int = 16; pub const TIOCM_CTS: ::c_int = 32; pub const TIOCM_CAR: ::c_int = 64; pub const TIOCM_CD: ::c_int = 64; pub const TIOCM_RNG: ::c_int = 128; pub const TIOCM_RI: ::c_int = 128; pub const TIOCM_DSR: ::c_int = 256; pub const TIOCPKT_DATA: ::c_int = 0; pub const TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD: ::c_int = 1; pub const TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE: ::c_int = 2; pub const TIOCPKT_STOP: ::c_int = 4; pub const TIOCPKT_START: ::c_int = 8; pub const TIOCPKT_NOSTOP: ::c_int = 16; pub const TIOCPKT_DOSTOP: ::c_int = 32; pub const TIOCPKT_IOCTL: ::c_int = 64; pub const TTYDISC: ::c_int = 0; pub const TABLDISC: ::c_int = 3; pub const SLIPDISC: ::c_int = 4; pub const TANDEM: ::tcflag_t = 1; pub const CBREAK: ::tcflag_t = 2; pub const LCASE: ::tcflag_t = 4; pub const CRMOD: ::tcflag_t = 16; pub const RAW: ::tcflag_t = 32; pub const ODDP: ::tcflag_t = 64; pub const EVENP: ::tcflag_t = 128; pub const ANYP: ::tcflag_t = 192; pub const NLDELAY: ::tcflag_t = 768; pub const NL2: ::tcflag_t = 512; pub const NL3: ::tcflag_t = 768; pub const TBDELAY: ::tcflag_t = 3072; pub const XTABS: ::tcflag_t = 3072; pub const CRDELAY: ::tcflag_t = 12288; pub const VTDELAY: ::tcflag_t = 16384; pub const BSDELAY: ::tcflag_t = 32768; pub const ALLDELAY: ::tcflag_t = 65280; pub const CRTBS: ::tcflag_t = 65536; pub const PRTERA: ::tcflag_t = 131072; pub const CRTERA: ::tcflag_t = 262144; pub const TILDE: ::tcflag_t = 524288; pub const LITOUT: ::tcflag_t = 2097152; pub const NOHANG: ::tcflag_t = 16777216; pub const L001000: ::tcflag_t = 33554432; pub const CRTKIL: ::tcflag_t = 67108864; pub const PASS8: ::tcflag_t = 134217728; pub const CTLECH: ::tcflag_t = 268435456; pub const DECCTQ: ::tcflag_t = 1073741824; pub const FIONBIO: ::c_ulong = 0xa008007e; pub const FIONREAD: ::c_ulong = 0x6008007f; pub const TIOCSWINSZ: ::c_ulong = 0x90200767; pub const TIOCGWINSZ: ::c_ulong = 0x50200768; pub const TIOCEXCL: ::c_ulong = 0x70d; pub const TIOCNXCL: ::c_ulong = 0x70e; pub const TIOCSCTTY: ::c_ulong = 0x761; pub const FIOCLEX: ::c_ulong = 1; // fcntl.h pub const O_EXEC: ::c_int = 4; pub const O_NORW: ::c_int = 0; pub const O_RDONLY: ::c_int = 1; pub const O_WRONLY: ::c_int = 2; pub const O_RDWR: ::c_int = 3; pub const O_ACCMODE: ::c_int = 3; pub const O_LARGEFILE: ::c_int = 0; pub const O_CREAT: ::c_int = 16; pub const O_EXCL: ::c_int = 32; pub const O_NOLINK: ::c_int = 64; pub const O_NOTRANS: ::c_int = 128; pub const O_NOFOLLOW: ::c_int = 1048576; pub const O_DIRECTORY: ::c_int = 2097152; pub const O_APPEND: ::c_int = 256; pub const O_ASYNC: ::c_int = 512; pub const O_FSYNC: ::c_int = 1024; pub const O_SYNC: ::c_int = 1024; pub const O_NOATIME: ::c_int = 2048; pub const O_SHLOCK: ::c_int = 131072; pub const O_EXLOCK: ::c_int = 262144; pub const O_DSYNC: ::c_int = 1024; pub const O_RSYNC: ::c_int = 1024; pub const O_NONBLOCK: ::c_int = 8; pub const O_NDELAY: ::c_int = 8; pub const O_HURD: ::c_int = 458751; pub const O_TRUNC: ::c_int = 65536; pub const O_CLOEXEC: ::c_int = 4194304; pub const O_IGNORE_CTTY: ::c_int = 524288; pub const O_TMPFILE: ::c_int = 8388608; pub const O_NOCTTY: ::c_int = 0; pub const FREAD: ::c_int = 1; pub const FWRITE: ::c_int = 2; pub const FASYNC: ::c_int = 512; pub const FCREAT: ::c_int = 16; pub const FEXCL: ::c_int = 32; pub const FTRUNC: ::c_int = 65536; pub const FNOCTTY: ::c_int = 0; pub const FFSYNC: ::c_int = 1024; pub const FSYNC: ::c_int = 1024; pub const FAPPEND: ::c_int = 256; pub const FNONBLOCK: ::c_int = 8; pub const FNDELAY: ::c_int = 8; pub const F_DUPFD: ::c_int = 0; pub const F_GETFD: ::c_int = 1; pub const F_SETFD: ::c_int = 2; pub const F_GETFL: ::c_int = 3; pub const F_SETFL: ::c_int = 4; pub const F_GETOWN: ::c_int = 5; pub const F_SETOWN: ::c_int = 6; pub const F_GETLK: ::c_int = 7; pub const F_SETLK: ::c_int = 8; pub const F_SETLKW: ::c_int = 9; pub const F_GETLK64: ::c_int = 10; pub const F_SETLK64: ::c_int = 11; pub const F_SETLKW64: ::c_int = 12; pub const F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC: ::c_int = 1030; pub const FD_CLOEXEC: ::c_int = 1; pub const F_RDLCK: ::c_int = 1; pub const F_WRLCK: ::c_int = 2; pub const F_UNLCK: ::c_int = 3; pub const POSIX_FADV_NORMAL: ::c_int = 0; pub const POSIX_FADV_RANDOM: ::c_int = 1; pub const POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL: ::c_int = 2; pub const POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED: ::c_int = 3; pub const POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED: ::c_int = 4; pub const POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE: ::c_int = 5; pub const AT_FDCWD: ::c_int = -100; pub const AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW: ::c_int = 256; pub const AT_REMOVEDIR: ::c_int = 512; pub const AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW: ::c_int = 1024; pub const AT_NO_AUTOMOUNT: ::c_int = 2048; pub const AT_EMPTY_PATH: ::c_int = 4096; pub const AT_STATX_SYNC_TYPE: ::c_int = 24576; pub const AT_STATX_SYNC_AS_STAT: ::c_int = 0; pub const AT_STATX_FORCE_SYNC: ::c_int = 8192; pub const AT_STATX_DONT_SYNC: ::c_int = 16384; pub const AT_RECURSIVE: ::c_int = 32768; pub const AT_EACCESS: ::c_int = 512; // sys/uio.h pub const RWF_HIPRI: ::c_int = 1; pub const RWF_DSYNC: ::c_int = 2; pub const RWF_SYNC: ::c_int = 4; pub const RWF_NOWAIT: ::c_int = 8; pub const RWF_APPEND: ::c_int = 16; // errno.h pub const EPERM: ::c_int = 1073741825; pub const ENOENT: ::c_int = 1073741826; pub const ESRCH: ::c_int = 1073741827; pub const EINTR: ::c_int = 1073741828; pub const EIO: ::c_int = 1073741829; pub const ENXIO: ::c_int = 1073741830; pub const E2BIG: ::c_int = 1073741831; pub const ENOEXEC: ::c_int = 1073741832; pub const EBADF: ::c_int = 1073741833; pub const ECHILD: ::c_int = 1073741834; pub const EDEADLK: ::c_int = 1073741835; pub const ENOMEM: ::c_int = 1073741836; pub const EACCES: ::c_int = 1073741837; pub const EFAULT: ::c_int = 1073741838; pub const ENOTBLK: ::c_int = 1073741839; pub const EBUSY: ::c_int = 1073741840; pub const EEXIST: ::c_int = 1073741841; pub const EXDEV: ::c_int = 1073741842; pub const ENODEV: ::c_int = 1073741843; pub const ENOTDIR: ::c_int = 1073741844; pub const EISDIR: ::c_int = 1073741845; pub const EINVAL: ::c_int = 1073741846; pub const EMFILE: ::c_int = 1073741848; pub const ENFILE: ::c_int = 1073741847; pub const ENOTTY: ::c_int = 1073741849; pub const ETXTBSY: ::c_int = 1073741850; pub const EFBIG: ::c_int = 1073741851; pub const ENOSPC: ::c_int = 1073741852; pub const ESPIPE: ::c_int = 1073741853; pub const EROFS: ::c_int = 1073741854; pub const EMLINK: ::c_int = 1073741855; pub const EPIPE: ::c_int = 1073741856; pub const EDOM: ::c_int = 1073741857; pub const ERANGE: ::c_int = 1073741858; pub const EAGAIN: ::c_int = 1073741859; pub const EWOULDBLOCK: ::c_int = 1073741859; pub const EINPROGRESS: ::c_int = 1073741860; pub const EALREADY: ::c_int = 1073741861; pub const ENOTSOCK: ::c_int = 1073741862; pub const EMSGSIZE: ::c_int = 1073741864; pub const EPROTOTYPE: ::c_int = 1073741865; pub const ENOPROTOOPT: ::c_int = 1073741866; pub const EPROTONOSUPPORT: ::c_int = 1073741867; pub const ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: ::c_int = 1073741868; pub const EOPNOTSUPP: ::c_int = 1073741869; pub const EPFNOSUPPORT: ::c_int = 1073741870; pub const EAFNOSUPPORT: ::c_int = 1073741871; pub const EADDRINUSE: ::c_int = 1073741872; pub const EADDRNOTAVAIL: ::c_int = 1073741873; pub const ENETDOWN: ::c_int = 1073741874; pub const ENETUNREACH: ::c_int = 1073741875; pub const ENETRESET: ::c_int = 1073741876; pub const ECONNABORTED: ::c_int = 1073741877; pub const ECONNRESET: ::c_int = 1073741878; pub const ENOBUFS: ::c_int = 1073741879; pub const EISCONN: ::c_int = 1073741880; pub const ENOTCONN: ::c_int = 1073741881; pub const EDESTADDRREQ: ::c_int = 1073741863; pub const ESHUTDOWN: ::c_int = 1073741882; pub const ETOOMANYREFS: ::c_int = 1073741883; pub const ETIMEDOUT: ::c_int = 1073741884; pub const ECONNREFUSED: ::c_int = 1073741885; pub const ELOOP: ::c_int = 1073741886; pub const ENAMETOOLONG: ::c_int = 1073741887; pub const EHOSTDOWN: ::c_int = 1073741888; pub const EHOSTUNREACH: ::c_int = 1073741889; pub const ENOTEMPTY: ::c_int = 1073741890; pub const EPROCLIM: ::c_int = 1073741891; pub const EUSERS: ::c_int = 1073741892; pub const EDQUOT: ::c_int = 1073741893; pub const ESTALE: ::c_int = 1073741894; pub const EREMOTE: ::c_int = 1073741895; pub const EBADRPC: ::c_int = 1073741896; pub const ERPCMISMATCH: ::c_int = 1073741897; pub const EPROGUNAVAIL: ::c_int = 1073741898; pub const EPROGMISMATCH: ::c_int = 1073741899; pub const EPROCUNAVAIL: ::c_int = 1073741900; pub const ENOLCK: ::c_int = 1073741901; pub const EFTYPE: ::c_int = 1073741903; pub const EAUTH: ::c_int = 1073741904; pub const ENEEDAUTH: ::c_int = 1073741905; pub const ENOSYS: ::c_int = 1073741902; pub const ELIBEXEC: ::c_int = 1073741907; pub const ENOTSUP: ::c_int = 1073741942; pub const EILSEQ: ::c_int = 1073741930; pub const EBACKGROUND: ::c_int = 1073741924; pub const EDIED: ::c_int = 1073741925; pub const EGREGIOUS: ::c_int = 1073741927; pub const EIEIO: ::c_int = 1073741928; pub const EGRATUITOUS: ::c_int = 1073741929; pub const EBADMSG: ::c_int = 1073741931; pub const EIDRM: ::c_int = 1073741932; pub const EMULTIHOP: ::c_int = 1073741933; pub const ENODATA: ::c_int = 1073741934; pub const ENOLINK: ::c_int = 1073741935; pub const ENOMSG: ::c_int = 1073741936; pub const ENOSR: ::c_int = 1073741937; pub const ENOSTR: ::c_int = 1073741938; pub const EOVERFLOW: ::c_int = 1073741939; pub const EPROTO: ::c_int = 1073741940; pub const ETIME: ::c_int = 1073741941; pub const ECANCELED: ::c_int = 1073741943; pub const EOWNERDEAD: ::c_int = 1073741944; pub const ENOTRECOVERABLE: ::c_int = 1073741945; pub const EMACH_SEND_IN_PROGRESS: ::c_int = 268435457; pub const EMACH_SEND_INVALID_DATA: ::c_int = 268435458; pub const EMACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST: ::c_int = 268435459; pub const EMACH_SEND_TIMED_OUT: ::c_int = 268435460; pub const EMACH_SEND_WILL_NOTIFY: ::c_int = 268435461; pub const EMACH_SEND_NOTIFY_IN_PROGRESS: ::c_int = 268435462; pub const EMACH_SEND_INTERRUPTED: ::c_int = 268435463; pub const EMACH_SEND_MSG_TOO_SMALL: ::c_int = 268435464; pub const EMACH_SEND_INVALID_REPLY: ::c_int = 268435465; pub const EMACH_SEND_INVALID_RIGHT: ::c_int = 268435466; pub const EMACH_SEND_INVALID_NOTIFY: ::c_int = 268435467; pub const EMACH_SEND_INVALID_MEMORY: ::c_int = 268435468; pub const EMACH_SEND_NO_BUFFER: ::c_int = 268435469; pub const EMACH_SEND_NO_NOTIFY: ::c_int = 268435470; pub const EMACH_SEND_INVALID_TYPE: ::c_int = 268435471; pub const EMACH_SEND_INVALID_HEADER: ::c_int = 268435472; pub const EMACH_RCV_IN_PROGRESS: ::c_int = 268451841; pub const EMACH_RCV_INVALID_NAME: ::c_int = 268451842; pub const EMACH_RCV_TIMED_OUT: ::c_int = 268451843; pub const EMACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE: ::c_int = 268451844; pub const EMACH_RCV_INTERRUPTED: ::c_int = 268451845; pub const EMACH_RCV_PORT_CHANGED: ::c_int = 268451846; pub const EMACH_RCV_INVALID_NOTIFY: ::c_int = 268451847; pub const EMACH_RCV_INVALID_DATA: ::c_int = 268451848; pub const EMACH_RCV_PORT_DIED: ::c_int = 268451849; pub const EMACH_RCV_IN_SET: ::c_int = 268451850; pub const EMACH_RCV_HEADER_ERROR: ::c_int = 268451851; pub const EMACH_RCV_BODY_ERROR: ::c_int = 268451852; pub const EKERN_INVALID_ADDRESS: ::c_int = 1; pub const EKERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE: ::c_int = 2; pub const EKERN_NO_SPACE: ::c_int = 3; pub const EKERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT: ::c_int = 4; pub const EKERN_FAILURE: ::c_int = 5; pub const EKERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE: ::c_int = 6; pub const EKERN_NOT_RECEIVER: ::c_int = 7; pub const EKERN_NO_ACCESS: ::c_int = 8; pub const EKERN_MEMORY_FAILURE: ::c_int = 9; pub const EKERN_MEMORY_ERROR: ::c_int = 10; pub const EKERN_NOT_IN_SET: ::c_int = 12; pub const EKERN_NAME_EXISTS: ::c_int = 13; pub const EKERN_ABORTED: ::c_int = 14; pub const EKERN_INVALID_NAME: ::c_int = 15; pub const EKERN_INVALID_TASK: ::c_int = 16; pub const EKERN_INVALID_RIGHT: ::c_int = 17; pub const EKERN_INVALID_VALUE: ::c_int = 18; pub const EKERN_UREFS_OVERFLOW: ::c_int = 19; pub const EKERN_INVALID_CAPABILITY: ::c_int = 20; pub const EKERN_RIGHT_EXISTS: ::c_int = 21; pub const EKERN_INVALID_HOST: ::c_int = 22; pub const EKERN_MEMORY_PRESENT: ::c_int = 23; pub const EKERN_WRITE_PROTECTION_FAILURE: ::c_int = 24; pub const EKERN_TERMINATED: ::c_int = 26; pub const EKERN_TIMEDOUT: ::c_int = 27; pub const EKERN_INTERRUPTED: ::c_int = 28; pub const EMIG_TYPE_ERROR: ::c_int = -300; pub const EMIG_REPLY_MISMATCH: ::c_int = -301; pub const EMIG_REMOTE_ERROR: ::c_int = -302; pub const EMIG_BAD_ID: ::c_int = -303; pub const EMIG_BAD_ARGUMENTS: ::c_int = -304; pub const EMIG_NO_REPLY: ::c_int = -305; pub const EMIG_EXCEPTION: ::c_int = -306; pub const EMIG_ARRAY_TOO_LARGE: ::c_int = -307; pub const EMIG_SERVER_DIED: ::c_int = -308; pub const EMIG_DESTROY_REQUEST: ::c_int = -309; pub const ED_IO_ERROR: ::c_int = 2500; pub const ED_WOULD_BLOCK: ::c_int = 2501; pub const ED_NO_SUCH_DEVICE: ::c_int = 2502; pub const ED_ALREADY_OPEN: ::c_int = 2503; pub const ED_DEVICE_DOWN: ::c_int = 2504; pub const ED_INVALID_OPERATION: ::c_int = 2505; pub const ED_INVALID_RECNUM: ::c_int = 2506; pub const ED_INVALID_SIZE: ::c_int = 2507; pub const ED_NO_MEMORY: ::c_int = 2508; pub const ED_READ_ONLY: ::c_int = 2509; pub const _HURD_ERRNOS: usize = 122; // sched.h pub const SCHED_OTHER: ::c_int = 0; pub const SCHED_FIFO: ::c_int = 1; pub const SCHED_RR: ::c_int = 2; pub const _BITS_TYPES_STRUCT_SCHED_PARAM: usize = 1; pub const __CPU_SETSIZE: usize = 1024; pub const CPU_SETSIZE: usize = 1024; // pthread.h pub const PTHREAD_SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER: ::c_int = 0; pub const PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE: ::c_int = 0; pub const PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE: ::c_int = 1; pub const PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED: ::c_int = 0; pub const PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS: ::c_int = 1; pub const PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD: ::c_int = -1; // netinet/tcp.h pub const TCP_NODELAY: ::c_int = 1; pub const TCP_MAXSEG: ::c_int = 2; pub const TCP_CORK: ::c_int = 3; pub const TCP_KEEPIDLE: ::c_int = 4; pub const TCP_KEEPINTVL: ::c_int = 5; pub const TCP_KEEPCNT: ::c_int = 6; pub const TCP_SYNCNT: ::c_int = 7; pub const TCP_LINGER2: ::c_int = 8; pub const TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT: ::c_int = 9; pub const TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP: ::c_int = 10; pub const TCP_INFO: ::c_int = 11; pub const TCP_QUICKACK: ::c_int = 12; pub const TCP_CONGESTION: ::c_int = 13; pub const TCP_MD5SIG: ::c_int = 14; pub const TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS: ::c_int = 15; pub const TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS: ::c_int = 16; pub const TCP_THIN_DUPACK: ::c_int = 17; pub const TCP_USER_TIMEOUT: ::c_int = 18; pub const TCP_REPAIR: ::c_int = 19; pub const TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE: ::c_int = 20; pub const TCP_QUEUE_SEQ: ::c_int = 21; pub const TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS: ::c_int = 22; pub const TCP_FASTOPEN: ::c_int = 23; pub const TCP_TIMESTAMP: ::c_int = 24; pub const TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT: ::c_int = 25; pub const TCP_CC_INFO: ::c_int = 26; pub const TCP_SAVE_SYN: ::c_int = 27; pub const TCP_SAVED_SYN: ::c_int = 28; pub const TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW: ::c_int = 29; pub const TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT: ::c_int = 30; pub const TCP_ULP: ::c_int = 31; pub const TCP_MD5SIG_EXT: ::c_int = 32; pub const TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY: ::c_int = 33; pub const TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE: ::c_int = 34; pub const TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE: ::c_int = 35; pub const TCP_INQ: ::c_int = 36; pub const TCP_CM_INQ: ::c_int = 36; pub const TCP_TX_DELAY: ::c_int = 37; pub const TCP_REPAIR_ON: ::c_int = 1; pub const TCP_REPAIR_OFF: ::c_int = 0; pub const TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP: ::c_int = -1; // stdint.h pub const INT8_MIN: i8 = -128; pub const INT16_MIN: i16 = -32768; pub const INT32_MIN: i32 = -2147483648; pub const INT8_MAX: i8 = 127; pub const INT16_MAX: i16 = 32767; pub const INT32_MAX: i32 = 2147483647; pub const UINT8_MAX: u8 = 255; pub const UINT16_MAX: u16 = 65535; pub const UINT32_MAX: u32 = 4294967295; pub const INT_LEAST8_MIN: int_least8_t = -128; pub const INT_LEAST16_MIN: int_least16_t = -32768; pub const INT_LEAST32_MIN: int_least32_t = -2147483648; pub const INT_LEAST8_MAX: int_least8_t = 127; pub const INT_LEAST16_MAX: int_least16_t = 32767; pub const INT_LEAST32_MAX: int_least32_t = 2147483647; pub const UINT_LEAST8_MAX: uint_least8_t = 255; pub const UINT_LEAST16_MAX: uint_least16_t = 65535; pub const UINT_LEAST32_MAX: uint_least32_t = 4294967295; pub const INT_FAST8_MIN: int_fast8_t = -128; pub const INT_FAST16_MIN: int_fast16_t = -2147483648; pub const INT_FAST32_MIN: int_fast32_t = -2147483648; pub const INT_FAST8_MAX: int_fast8_t = 127; pub const INT_FAST16_MAX: int_fast16_t = 2147483647; pub const INT_FAST32_MAX: int_fast32_t = 2147483647; pub const UINT_FAST8_MAX: uint_fast8_t = 255; pub const UINT_FAST16_MAX: uint_fast16_t = 4294967295; pub const UINT_FAST32_MAX: uint_fast32_t = 4294967295; pub const INTPTR_MIN: __intptr_t = -2147483648; pub const INTPTR_MAX: __intptr_t = 2147483647; pub const UINTPTR_MAX: usize = 4294967295; pub const PTRDIFF_MIN: __ptrdiff_t = -2147483648; pub const PTRDIFF_MAX: __ptrdiff_t = 2147483647; pub const SIG_ATOMIC_MIN: __sig_atomic_t = -2147483648; pub const SIG_ATOMIC_MAX: __sig_atomic_t = 2147483647; pub const SIZE_MAX: usize = 4294967295; pub const WINT_MIN: wint_t = 0; pub const WINT_MAX: wint_t = 4294967295; pub const INT8_WIDTH: usize = 8; pub const UINT8_WIDTH: usize = 8; pub const INT16_WIDTH: usize = 16; pub const UINT16_WIDTH: usize = 16; pub const INT32_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const UINT32_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const INT64_WIDTH: usize = 64; pub const UINT64_WIDTH: usize = 64; pub const INT_LEAST8_WIDTH: usize = 8; pub const UINT_LEAST8_WIDTH: usize = 8; pub const INT_LEAST16_WIDTH: usize = 16; pub const UINT_LEAST16_WIDTH: usize = 16; pub const INT_LEAST32_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const UINT_LEAST32_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const INT_LEAST64_WIDTH: usize = 64; pub const UINT_LEAST64_WIDTH: usize = 64; pub const INT_FAST8_WIDTH: usize = 8; pub const UINT_FAST8_WIDTH: usize = 8; pub const INT_FAST16_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const UINT_FAST16_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const INT_FAST32_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const UINT_FAST32_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const INT_FAST64_WIDTH: usize = 64; pub const UINT_FAST64_WIDTH: usize = 64; pub const INTPTR_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const UINTPTR_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const INTMAX_WIDTH: usize = 64; pub const UINTMAX_WIDTH: usize = 64; pub const PTRDIFF_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const SIG_ATOMIC_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const SIZE_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const WCHAR_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const WINT_WIDTH: usize = 32; pub const TH_FIN: u8 = 1; pub const TH_SYN: u8 = 2; pub const TH_RST: u8 = 4; pub const TH_PUSH: u8 = 8; pub const TH_ACK: u8 = 16; pub const TH_URG: u8 = 32; pub const TCPOPT_EOL: u8 = 0; pub const TCPOPT_NOP: u8 = 1; pub const TCPOPT_MAXSEG: u8 = 2; pub const TCPOLEN_MAXSEG: u8 = 4; pub const TCPOPT_WINDOW: u8 = 3; pub const TCPOLEN_WINDOW: u8 = 3; pub const TCPOPT_SACK_PERMITTED: u8 = 4; pub const TCPOLEN_SACK_PERMITTED: u8 = 2; pub const TCPOPT_SACK: u8 = 5; pub const TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP: u8 = 8; pub const TCPOLEN_TIMESTAMP: u8 = 10; pub const TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_APPA: u8 = 12; pub const TCPOPT_TSTAMP_HDR: u32 = 16844810; pub const TCP_MSS: usize = 512; pub const TCP_MAXWIN: usize = 65535; pub const TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT: usize = 14; pub const TCPI_OPT_TIMESTAMPS: u8 = 1; pub const TCPI_OPT_SACK: u8 = 2; pub const TCPI_OPT_WSCALE: u8 = 4; pub const TCPI_OPT_ECN: u8 = 8; pub const TCPI_OPT_ECN_SEEN: u8 = 16; pub const TCPI_OPT_SYN_DATA: u8 = 32; pub const TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN: usize = 80; pub const TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX: usize = 1; pub const TCP_COOKIE_MIN: usize = 8; pub const TCP_COOKIE_MAX: usize = 16; pub const TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE: usize = 32; pub const TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS: ::c_int = 1; pub const TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER: ::c_int = 2; pub const TCP_S_DATA_IN: ::c_int = 4; pub const TCP_S_DATA_OUT: ::c_int = 8; pub const TCP_MSS_DEFAULT: usize = 536; pub const TCP_MSS_DESIRED: usize = 1220; // sys/wait.h pub const WCOREFLAG: ::c_int = 128; pub const WAIT_ANY: pid_t = -1; pub const WAIT_MYPGRP: pid_t = 0; // sys/file.h pub const LOCK_SH: ::c_int = 1; pub const LOCK_EX: ::c_int = 2; pub const LOCK_UN: ::c_int = 8; pub const LOCK_NB: ::c_int = 4; // sys/mman.h pub const PROT_NONE: ::c_int = 0; pub const PROT_READ: ::c_int = 4; pub const PROT_WRITE: ::c_int = 2; pub const PROT_EXEC: ::c_int = 1; pub const MAP_FILE: ::c_int = 1; pub const MAP_ANON: ::c_int = 2; pub const MAP_ANONYMOUS: ::c_int = MAP_ANON; pub const MAP_TYPE: ::c_int = 15; pub const MAP_COPY: ::c_int = 32; pub const MAP_SHARED: ::c_int = 16; pub const MAP_PRIVATE: ::c_int = 0; pub const MAP_FIXED: ::c_int = 256; pub const MAP_NOEXTEND: ::c_int = 512; pub const MAP_HASSEMPHORE: ::c_int = 1024; pub const MAP_INHERIT: ::c_int = 2048; pub const MAP_FAILED: *mut ::c_void = !0 as *mut ::c_void; pub const MADV_NORMAL: ::c_int = 0; pub const MADV_RANDOM: ::c_int = 1; pub const MADV_SEQUENTIAL: ::c_int = 2; pub const MADV_WILLNEED: ::c_int = 3; pub const MADV_DONTNEED: ::c_int = 4; pub const POSIX_MADV_NORMAL: ::c_int = 0; pub const POSIX_MADV_RANDOM: ::c_int = 1; pub const POSIX_MADV_SEQUENTIAL: ::c_int = 2; pub const POSIX_MADV_WILLNEED: ::c_int = 3; pub const POSIX_MADV_WONTNEED: ::c_int = 4; pub const MS_ASYNC: ::c_int = 1; pub const MS_SYNC: ::c_int = 0; pub const MS_INVALIDATE: ::c_int = 2; pub const MREMAP_MAYMOVE: ::c_int = 1; pub const MREMAP_FIXED: ::c_int = 2; pub const MCL_CURRENT: ::c_int = 0x0001; pub const MCL_FUTURE: ::c_int = 0x0002; // spawn.h pub const POSIX_SPAWN_USEVFORK: ::c_int = 64; pub const POSIX_SPAWN_SETSID: ::c_int = 128; // sys/syslog.h pub const LOG_CRON: ::c_int = 9 << 3; pub const LOG_AUTHPRIV: ::c_int = 10 << 3; pub const LOG_FTP: ::c_int = 11 << 3; pub const LOG_PERROR: ::c_int = 0x20; // net/if.h pub const IFF_UP: ::c_int = 0x1; pub const IFF_BROADCAST: ::c_int = 0x2; pub const IFF_DEBUG: ::c_int = 0x4; pub const IFF_LOOPBACK: ::c_int = 0x8; pub const IFF_POINTOPOINT: ::c_int = 0x10; pub const IFF_NOTRAILERS: ::c_int = 0x20; pub const IFF_RUNNING: ::c_int = 0x40; pub const IFF_NOARP: ::c_int = 0x80; pub const IFF_PROMISC: ::c_int = 0x100; pub const IFF_ALLMULTI: ::c_int = 0x200; pub const IFF_MASTER: ::c_int = 0x400; pub const IFF_SLAVE: ::c_int = 0x800; pub const IFF_MULTICAST: ::c_int = 0x1000; pub const IFF_PORTSEL: ::c_int = 0x2000; pub const IFF_AUTOMEDIA: ::c_int = 0x4000; pub const IFF_DYNAMIC: ::c_int = 0x8000; // random.h pub const GRND_NONBLOCK: ::c_uint = 1; pub const GRND_RANDOM: ::c_uint = 2; pub const GRND_INSECURE: ::c_uint = 4; pub const _PC_LINK_MAX: ::c_int = 0; pub const _PC_MAX_CANON: ::c_int = 1; pub const _PC_MAX_INPUT: ::c_int = 2; pub const _PC_NAME_MAX: ::c_int = 3; pub const _PC_PATH_MAX: ::c_int = 4; pub const _PC_PIPE_BUF: ::c_int = 5; pub const _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED: ::c_int = 6; pub const _PC_NO_TRUNC: ::c_int = 7; pub const _PC_VDISABLE: ::c_int = 8; pub const _PC_SYNC_IO: ::c_int = 9; pub const _PC_ASYNC_IO: ::c_int = 10; pub const _PC_PRIO_IO: ::c_int = 11; pub const _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF: ::c_int = 12; pub const _PC_FILESIZEBITS: ::c_int = 13; pub const _PC_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE: ::c_int = 14; pub const _PC_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE: ::c_int = 15; pub const _PC_REC_MIN_XFER_SIZE: ::c_int = 16; pub const _PC_REC_XFER_ALIGN: ::c_int = 17; pub const _PC_ALLOC_SIZE_MIN: ::c_int = 18; pub const _PC_SYMLINK_MAX: ::c_int = 19; pub const _PC_2_SYMLINKS: ::c_int = 20; pub const _SC_ARG_MAX: ::c_int = 0; pub const _SC_CHILD_MAX: ::c_int = 1; pub const _SC_CLK_TCK: ::c_int = 2; pub const _SC_NGROUPS_MAX: ::c_int = 3; pub const _SC_OPEN_MAX: ::c_int = 4; pub const _SC_STREAM_MAX: ::c_int = 5; pub const _SC_TZNAME_MAX: ::c_int = 6; pub const _SC_JOB_CONTROL: ::c_int = 7; pub const _SC_SAVED_IDS: ::c_int = 8; pub const _SC_REALTIME_SIGNALS: ::c_int = 9; pub const _SC_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING: ::c_int = 10; pub const _SC_TIMERS: ::c_int = 11; pub const _SC_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO: ::c_int = 12; pub const _SC_PRIORITIZED_IO: ::c_int = 13; pub const _SC_SYNCHRONIZED_IO: ::c_int = 14; pub const _SC_FSYNC: ::c_int = 15; pub const _SC_MAPPED_FILES: ::c_int = 16; pub const _SC_MEMLOCK: ::c_int = 17; pub const _SC_MEMLOCK_RANGE: ::c_int = 18; pub const _SC_MEMORY_PROTECTION: ::c_int = 19; pub const _SC_MESSAGE_PASSING: ::c_int = 20; pub const _SC_SEMAPHORES: ::c_int = 21; pub const _SC_SHARED_MEMORY_OBJECTS: ::c_int = 22; pub const _SC_AIO_LISTIO_MAX: ::c_int = 23; pub const _SC_AIO_MAX: ::c_int = 24; pub const _SC_AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX: ::c_int = 25; pub const _SC_DELAYTIMER_MAX: ::c_int = 26; pub const _SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX: ::c_int = 27; pub const _SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX: ::c_int = 28; pub const _SC_VERSION: ::c_int = 29; pub const _SC_PAGESIZE: ::c_int = 30; pub const _SC_PAGE_SIZE: ::c_int = 30; pub const _SC_RTSIG_MAX: ::c_int = 31; pub const _SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX: ::c_int = 32; pub const _SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX: ::c_int = 33; pub const _SC_SIGQUEUE_MAX: ::c_int = 34; pub const _SC_TIMER_MAX: ::c_int = 35; pub const _SC_BC_BASE_MAX: ::c_int = 36; pub const _SC_BC_DIM_MAX: ::c_int = 37; pub const _SC_BC_SCALE_MAX: ::c_int = 38; pub const _SC_BC_STRING_MAX: ::c_int = 39; pub const _SC_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX: ::c_int = 40; pub const _SC_EQUIV_CLASS_MAX: ::c_int = 41; pub const _SC_EXPR_NEST_MAX: ::c_int = 42; pub const _SC_LINE_MAX: ::c_int = 43; pub const _SC_RE_DUP_MAX: ::c_int = 44; pub const _SC_CHARCLASS_NAME_MAX: ::c_int = 45; pub const _SC_2_VERSION: ::c_int = 46; pub const _SC_2_C_BIND: ::c_int = 47; pub const _SC_2_C_DEV: ::c_int = 48; pub const _SC_2_FORT_DEV: ::c_int = 49; pub const _SC_2_FORT_RUN: ::c_int = 50; pub const _SC_2_SW_DEV: ::c_int = 51; pub const _SC_2_LOCALEDEF: ::c_int = 52; pub const _SC_PII: ::c_int = 53; pub const _SC_PII_XTI: ::c_int = 54; pub const _SC_PII_SOCKET: ::c_int = 55; pub const _SC_PII_INTERNET: ::c_int = 56; pub const _SC_PII_OSI: ::c_int = 57; pub const _SC_POLL: ::c_int = 58; pub const _SC_SELECT: ::c_int = 59; pub const _SC_UIO_MAXIOV: ::c_int = 60; pub const _SC_IOV_MAX: ::c_int = 60; pub const _SC_PII_INTERNET_STREAM: ::c_int = 61; pub const _SC_PII_INTERNET_DGRAM: ::c_int = 62; pub const _SC_PII_OSI_COTS: ::c_int = 63; pub const _SC_PII_OSI_CLTS: ::c_int = 64; pub const _SC_PII_OSI_M: ::c_int = 65; pub const _SC_T_IOV_MAX: ::c_int = 66; pub const _SC_THREADS: ::c_int = 67; pub const _SC_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS: ::c_int = 68; pub const _SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX: ::c_int = 69; pub const _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX: ::c_int = 70; pub const _SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX: ::c_int = 71; pub const _SC_TTY_NAME_MAX: ::c_int = 72; pub const _SC_THREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS: ::c_int = 73; pub const _SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX: ::c_int = 74; pub const _SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN: ::c_int = 75; pub const _SC_THREAD_THREADS_MAX: ::c_int = 76; pub const _SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR: ::c_int = 77; pub const _SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE: ::c_int = 78; pub const _SC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING: ::c_int = 79; pub const _SC_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT: ::c_int = 80; pub const _SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT: ::c_int = 81; pub const _SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED: ::c_int = 82; pub const _SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF: ::c_int = 83; pub const _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN: ::c_int = 84; pub const _SC_PHYS_PAGES: ::c_int = 85; pub const _SC_AVPHYS_PAGES: ::c_int = 86; pub const _SC_ATEXIT_MAX: ::c_int = 87; pub const _SC_PASS_MAX: ::c_int = 88; pub const _SC_XOPEN_VERSION: ::c_int = 89; pub const _SC_XOPEN_XCU_VERSION: ::c_int = 90; pub const _SC_XOPEN_UNIX: ::c_int = 91; pub const _SC_XOPEN_CRYPT: ::c_int = 92; pub const _SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N: ::c_int = 93; pub const _SC_XOPEN_SHM: ::c_int = 94; pub const _SC_2_CHAR_TERM: ::c_int = 95; pub const _SC_2_C_VERSION: ::c_int = 96; pub const _SC_2_UPE: ::c_int = 97; pub const _SC_XOPEN_XPG2: ::c_int = 98; pub const _SC_XOPEN_XPG3: ::c_int = 99; pub const _SC_XOPEN_XPG4: ::c_int = 100; pub const _SC_CHAR_BIT: ::c_int = 101; pub const _SC_CHAR_MAX: ::c_int = 102; pub const _SC_CHAR_MIN: ::c_int = 103; pub const _SC_INT_MAX: ::c_int = 104; pub const _SC_INT_MIN: ::c_int = 105; pub const _SC_LONG_BIT: ::c_int = 106; pub const _SC_WORD_BIT: ::c_int = 107; pub const _SC_MB_LEN_MAX: ::c_int = 108; pub const _SC_NZERO: ::c_int = 109; pub const _SC_SSIZE_MAX: ::c_int = 110; pub const _SC_SCHAR_MAX: ::c_int = 111; pub const _SC_SCHAR_MIN: ::c_int = 112; pub const _SC_SHRT_MAX: ::c_int = 113; pub const _SC_SHRT_MIN: ::c_int = 114; pub const _SC_UCHAR_MAX: ::c_int = 115; pub const _SC_UINT_MAX: ::c_int = 116; pub const _SC_ULONG_MAX: ::c_int = 117; pub const _SC_USHRT_MAX: ::c_int = 118; pub const _SC_NL_ARGMAX: ::c_int = 119; pub const _SC_NL_LANGMAX: ::c_int = 120; pub const _SC_NL_MSGMAX: ::c_int = 121; pub const _SC_NL_NMAX: ::c_int = 122; pub const _SC_NL_SETMAX: ::c_int = 123; pub const _SC_NL_TEXTMAX: ::c_int = 124; pub const _SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32: ::c_int = 125; pub const _SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG: ::c_int = 126; pub const _SC_XBS5_LP64_OFF64: ::c_int = 127; pub const _SC_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG: ::c_int = 128; pub const _SC_XOPEN_LEGACY: ::c_int = 129; pub const _SC_XOPEN_REALTIME: ::c_int = 130; pub const _SC_XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS: ::c_int = 131; pub const _SC_ADVISORY_INFO: ::c_int = 132; pub const _SC_BARRIERS: ::c_int = 133; pub const _SC_BASE: ::c_int = 134; pub const _SC_C_LANG_SUPPORT: ::c_int = 135; pub const _SC_C_LANG_SUPPORT_R: ::c_int = 136; pub const _SC_CLOCK_SELECTION: ::c_int = 137; pub const _SC_CPUTIME: ::c_int = 138; pub const _SC_THREAD_CPUTIME: ::c_int = 139; pub const _SC_DEVICE_IO: ::c_int = 140; pub const _SC_DEVICE_SPECIFIC: ::c_int = 141; pub const _SC_DEVICE_SPECIFIC_R: ::c_int = 142; pub const _SC_FD_MGMT: ::c_int = 143; pub const _SC_FIFO: ::c_int = 144; pub const _SC_PIPE: ::c_int = 145; pub const _SC_FILE_ATTRIBUTES: ::c_int = 146; pub const _SC_FILE_LOCKING: ::c_int = 147; pub const _SC_FILE_SYSTEM: ::c_int = 148; pub const _SC_MONOTONIC_CLOCK: ::c_int = 149; pub const _SC_MULTI_PROCESS: ::c_int = 150; pub const _SC_SINGLE_PROCESS: ::c_int = 151; pub const _SC_NETWORKING: ::c_int = 152; pub const _SC_READER_WRITER_LOCKS: ::c_int = 153; pub const _SC_SPIN_LOCKS: ::c_int = 154; pub const _SC_REGEXP: ::c_int = 155; pub const _SC_REGEX_VERSION: ::c_int = 156; pub const _SC_SHELL: ::c_int = 157; pub const _SC_SIGNALS: ::c_int = 158; pub const _SC_SPAWN: ::c_int = 159; pub const _SC_SPORADIC_SERVER: ::c_int = 160; pub const _SC_THREAD_SPORADIC_SERVER: ::c_int = 161; pub const _SC_SYSTEM_DATABASE: ::c_int = 162; pub const _SC_SYSTEM_DATABASE_R: ::c_int = 163; pub const _SC_TIMEOUTS: ::c_int = 164; pub const _SC_TYPED_MEMORY_OBJECTS: ::c_int = 165; pub const _SC_USER_GROUPS: ::c_int = 166; pub const _SC_USER_GROUPS_R: ::c_int = 167; pub const _SC_2_PBS: ::c_int = 168; pub const _SC_2_PBS_ACCOUNTING: ::c_int = 169; pub const _SC_2_PBS_LOCATE: ::c_int = 170; pub const _SC_2_PBS_MESSAGE: ::c_int = 171; pub const _SC_2_PBS_TRACK: ::c_int = 172; pub const _SC_SYMLOOP_MAX: ::c_int = 173; pub const _SC_STREAMS: ::c_int = 174; pub const _SC_2_PBS_CHECKPOINT: ::c_int = 175; pub const _SC_V6_ILP32_OFF32: ::c_int = 176; pub const _SC_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG: ::c_int = 177; pub const _SC_V6_LP64_OFF64: ::c_int = 178; pub const _SC_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG: ::c_int = 179; pub const _SC_HOST_NAME_MAX: ::c_int = 180; pub const _SC_TRACE: ::c_int = 181; pub const _SC_TRACE_EVENT_FILTER: ::c_int = 182; pub const _SC_TRACE_INHERIT: ::c_int = 183; pub const _SC_TRACE_LOG: ::c_int = 184; pub const _SC_LEVEL1_ICACHE_SIZE: ::c_int = 185; pub const _SC_LEVEL1_ICACHE_ASSOC: ::c_int = 186; pub const _SC_LEVEL1_ICACHE_LINESIZE: ::c_int = 187; pub const _SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_SIZE: ::c_int = 188; pub const _SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_ASSOC: ::c_int = 189; pub const _SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE: ::c_int = 190; pub const _SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_SIZE: ::c_int = 191; pub const _SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_ASSOC: ::c_int = 192; pub const _SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_LINESIZE: ::c_int = 193; pub const _SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_SIZE: ::c_int = 194; pub const _SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_ASSOC: ::c_int = 195; pub const _SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_LINESIZE: ::c_int = 196; pub const _SC_LEVEL4_CACHE_SIZE: ::c_int = 197; pub const _SC_LEVEL4_CACHE_ASSOC: ::c_int = 198; pub const _SC_LEVEL4_CACHE_LINESIZE: ::c_int = 199; pub const _SC_IPV6: ::c_int = 235; pub const _SC_RAW_SOCKETS: ::c_int = 236; pub const _SC_V7_ILP32_OFF32: ::c_int = 237; pub const _SC_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG: ::c_int = 238; pub const _SC_V7_LP64_OFF64: ::c_int = 239; pub const _SC_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG: ::c_int = 240; pub const _SC_SS_REPL_MAX: ::c_int = 241; pub const _SC_TRACE_EVENT_NAME_MAX: ::c_int = 242; pub const _SC_TRACE_NAME_MAX: ::c_int = 243; pub const _SC_TRACE_SYS_MAX: ::c_int = 244; pub const _SC_TRACE_USER_EVENT_MAX: ::c_int = 245; pub const _SC_XOPEN_STREAMS: ::c_int = 246; pub const _SC_THREAD_ROBUST_PRIO_INHERIT: ::c_int = 247; pub const _SC_THREAD_ROBUST_PRIO_PROTECT: ::c_int = 248; pub const _SC_MINSIGSTKSZ: ::c_int = 249; pub const _SC_SIGSTKSZ: ::c_int = 250; pub const _CS_PATH: ::c_int = 0; pub const _CS_V6_WIDTH_RESTRICTED_ENVS: ::c_int = 1; pub const _CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION: ::c_int = 2; pub const _CS_GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION: ::c_int = 3; pub const _CS_V5_WIDTH_RESTRICTED_ENVS: ::c_int = 4; pub const _CS_V7_WIDTH_RESTRICTED_ENVS: ::c_int = 5; pub const _CS_LFS_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1000; pub const _CS_LFS_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1001; pub const _CS_LFS_LIBS: ::c_int = 1002; pub const _CS_LFS_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1003; pub const _CS_LFS64_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1004; pub const _CS_LFS64_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1005; pub const _CS_LFS64_LIBS: ::c_int = 1006; pub const _CS_LFS64_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1007; pub const _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1100; pub const _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1101; pub const _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS: ::c_int = 1102; pub const _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1103; pub const _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1104; pub const _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1105; pub const _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS: ::c_int = 1106; pub const _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1107; pub const _CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1108; pub const _CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1109; pub const _CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LIBS: ::c_int = 1110; pub const _CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1111; pub const _CS_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1112; pub const _CS_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1113; pub const _CS_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LIBS: ::c_int = 1114; pub const _CS_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1115; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1116; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1117; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS: ::c_int = 1118; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1119; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1120; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1121; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS: ::c_int = 1122; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1123; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1124; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1125; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LIBS: ::c_int = 1126; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1127; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1128; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1129; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LIBS: ::c_int = 1130; pub const _CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1131; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1132; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1133; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS: ::c_int = 1134; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1135; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1136; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1137; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS: ::c_int = 1138; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1139; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1140; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1141; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LIBS: ::c_int = 1142; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1143; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG_CFLAGS: ::c_int = 1144; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS: ::c_int = 1145; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LIBS: ::c_int = 1146; pub const _CS_POSIX_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LINTFLAGS: ::c_int = 1147; pub const _CS_V6_ENV: ::c_int = 1148; pub const _CS_V7_ENV: ::c_int = 1149; pub const PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE: __pthread_process_shared = 0; pub const PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED: __pthread_process_shared = 1; pub const PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED: __pthread_inheritsched = 0; pub const PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED: __pthread_inheritsched = 1; pub const PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM: __pthread_contentionscope = 0; pub const PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS: __pthread_contentionscope = 1; pub const PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE: __pthread_detachstate = 0; pub const PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED: __pthread_detachstate = 1; pub const PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE: __pthread_mutex_protocol = 0; pub const PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT: __pthread_mutex_protocol = 1; pub const PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT: __pthread_mutex_protocol = 2; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_TIMED: __pthread_mutex_type = 0; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK: __pthread_mutex_type = 1; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE: __pthread_mutex_type = 2; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_STALLED: __pthread_mutex_robustness = 0; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST: __pthread_mutex_robustness = 256; pub const RLIMIT_CPU: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 0; pub const RLIMIT_FSIZE: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 1; pub const RLIMIT_DATA: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 2; pub const RLIMIT_STACK: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 3; pub const RLIMIT_CORE: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 4; pub const RLIMIT_RSS: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 5; pub const RLIMIT_MEMLOCK: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 6; pub const RLIMIT_NPROC: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 7; pub const RLIMIT_OFILE: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 8; pub const RLIMIT_NOFILE: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 8; pub const RLIMIT_SBSIZE: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 9; pub const RLIMIT_AS: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 10; pub const RLIMIT_VMEM: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 10; pub const RLIMIT_NLIMITS: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 11; pub const RLIM_NLIMITS: ::__rlimit_resource_t = 11; pub const RUSAGE_SELF: __rusage_who = 0; pub const RUSAGE_CHILDREN: __rusage_who = -1; pub const PRIO_PROCESS: __priority_which = 0; pub const PRIO_PGRP: __priority_which = 1; pub const PRIO_USER: __priority_which = 2; pub const __UT_LINESIZE: usize = 32; pub const __UT_NAMESIZE: usize = 32; pub const __UT_HOSTSIZE: usize = 256; pub const SOCK_STREAM: ::c_int = 1; pub const SOCK_DGRAM: ::c_int = 2; pub const SOCK_RAW: ::c_int = 3; pub const SOCK_RDM: ::c_int = 4; pub const SOCK_SEQPACKET: ::c_int = 5; pub const SOCK_CLOEXEC: ::c_int = 4194304; pub const SOCK_NONBLOCK: ::c_int = 2048; pub const MSG_OOB: ::c_int = 1; pub const MSG_PEEK: ::c_int = 2; pub const MSG_DONTROUTE: ::c_int = 4; pub const MSG_EOR: ::c_int = 8; pub const MSG_TRUNC: ::c_int = 16; pub const MSG_CTRUNC: ::c_int = 32; pub const MSG_WAITALL: ::c_int = 64; pub const MSG_DONTWAIT: ::c_int = 128; pub const MSG_NOSIGNAL: ::c_int = 1024; pub const MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC: ::c_int = 0x40000000; pub const SCM_RIGHTS: ::c_int = 1; pub const SCM_TIMESTAMP: ::c_int = 2; pub const SCM_CREDS: ::c_int = 3; pub const SO_DEBUG: ::c_int = 1; pub const SO_ACCEPTCONN: ::c_int = 2; pub const SO_REUSEADDR: ::c_int = 4; pub const SO_KEEPALIVE: ::c_int = 8; pub const SO_DONTROUTE: ::c_int = 16; pub const SO_BROADCAST: ::c_int = 32; pub const SO_USELOOPBACK: ::c_int = 64; pub const SO_LINGER: ::c_int = 128; pub const SO_OOBINLINE: ::c_int = 256; pub const SO_REUSEPORT: ::c_int = 512; pub const SO_SNDBUF: ::c_int = 4097; pub const SO_RCVBUF: ::c_int = 4098; pub const SO_SNDLOWAT: ::c_int = 4099; pub const SO_RCVLOWAT: ::c_int = 4100; pub const SO_SNDTIMEO: ::c_int = 4101; pub const SO_RCVTIMEO: ::c_int = 4102; pub const SO_ERROR: ::c_int = 4103; pub const SO_STYLE: ::c_int = 4104; pub const SO_TYPE: ::c_int = 4104; pub const IPPROTO_IP: ::c_int = 0; pub const IPPROTO_ICMP: ::c_int = 1; pub const IPPROTO_IGMP: ::c_int = 2; pub const IPPROTO_IPIP: ::c_int = 4; pub const IPPROTO_TCP: ::c_int = 6; pub const IPPROTO_EGP: ::c_int = 8; pub const IPPROTO_PUP: ::c_int = 12; pub const IPPROTO_UDP: ::c_int = 17; pub const IPPROTO_IDP: ::c_int = 22; pub const IPPROTO_TP: ::c_int = 29; pub const IPPROTO_DCCP: ::c_int = 33; pub const IPPROTO_IPV6: ::c_int = 41; pub const IPPROTO_RSVP: ::c_int = 46; pub const IPPROTO_GRE: ::c_int = 47; pub const IPPROTO_ESP: ::c_int = 50; pub const IPPROTO_AH: ::c_int = 51; pub const IPPROTO_MTP: ::c_int = 92; pub const IPPROTO_BEETPH: ::c_int = 94; pub const IPPROTO_ENCAP: ::c_int = 98; pub const IPPROTO_PIM: ::c_int = 103; pub const IPPROTO_COMP: ::c_int = 108; pub const IPPROTO_L2TP: ::c_int = 115; pub const IPPROTO_SCTP: ::c_int = 132; pub const IPPROTO_UDPLITE: ::c_int = 136; pub const IPPROTO_MPLS: ::c_int = 137; pub const IPPROTO_ETHERNET: ::c_int = 143; pub const IPPROTO_RAW: ::c_int = 255; pub const IPPROTO_MPTCP: ::c_int = 262; pub const IPPROTO_MAX: ::c_int = 263; pub const IPPROTO_HOPOPTS: ::c_int = 0; pub const IPPROTO_ROUTING: ::c_int = 43; pub const IPPROTO_FRAGMENT: ::c_int = 44; pub const IPPROTO_ICMPV6: ::c_int = 58; pub const IPPROTO_NONE: ::c_int = 59; pub const IPPROTO_DSTOPTS: ::c_int = 60; pub const IPPROTO_MH: ::c_int = 135; pub const IPPORT_ECHO: in_port_t = 7; pub const IPPORT_DISCARD: in_port_t = 9; pub const IPPORT_SYSTAT: in_port_t = 11; pub const IPPORT_DAYTIME: in_port_t = 13; pub const IPPORT_NETSTAT: in_port_t = 15; pub const IPPORT_FTP: in_port_t = 21; pub const IPPORT_TELNET: in_port_t = 23; pub const IPPORT_SMTP: in_port_t = 25; pub const IPPORT_TIMESERVER: in_port_t = 37; pub const IPPORT_NAMESERVER: in_port_t = 42; pub const IPPORT_WHOIS: in_port_t = 43; pub const IPPORT_MTP: in_port_t = 57; pub const IPPORT_TFTP: in_port_t = 69; pub const IPPORT_RJE: in_port_t = 77; pub const IPPORT_FINGER: in_port_t = 79; pub const IPPORT_TTYLINK: in_port_t = 87; pub const IPPORT_SUPDUP: in_port_t = 95; pub const IPPORT_EXECSERVER: in_port_t = 512; pub const IPPORT_LOGINSERVER: in_port_t = 513; pub const IPPORT_CMDSERVER: in_port_t = 514; pub const IPPORT_EFSSERVER: in_port_t = 520; pub const IPPORT_BIFFUDP: in_port_t = 512; pub const IPPORT_WHOSERVER: in_port_t = 513; pub const IPPORT_ROUTESERVER: in_port_t = 520; pub const IPPORT_USERRESERVED: in_port_t = 5000; pub const DT_UNKNOWN: ::c_uchar = 0; pub const DT_FIFO: ::c_uchar = 1; pub const DT_CHR: ::c_uchar = 2; pub const DT_DIR: ::c_uchar = 4; pub const DT_BLK: ::c_uchar = 6; pub const DT_REG: ::c_uchar = 8; pub const DT_LNK: ::c_uchar = 10; pub const DT_SOCK: ::c_uchar = 12; pub const DT_WHT: ::c_uchar = 14; pub const ST_RDONLY: ::c_ulong = 1; pub const ST_NOSUID: ::c_ulong = 2; pub const ST_NOEXEC: ::c_ulong = 8; pub const ST_SYNCHRONOUS: ::c_ulong = 16; pub const ST_NOATIME: ::c_ulong = 32; pub const ST_RELATIME: ::c_ulong = 64; pub const RTLD_DI_LMID: ::c_int = 1; pub const RTLD_DI_LINKMAP: ::c_int = 2; pub const RTLD_DI_CONFIGADDR: ::c_int = 3; pub const RTLD_DI_SERINFO: ::c_int = 4; pub const RTLD_DI_SERINFOSIZE: ::c_int = 5; pub const RTLD_DI_ORIGIN: ::c_int = 6; pub const RTLD_DI_PROFILENAME: ::c_int = 7; pub const RTLD_DI_PROFILEOUT: ::c_int = 8; pub const RTLD_DI_TLS_MODID: ::c_int = 9; pub const RTLD_DI_TLS_DATA: ::c_int = 10; pub const RTLD_DI_PHDR: ::c_int = 11; pub const RTLD_DI_MAX: ::c_int = 11; pub const SI_ASYNCIO: ::c_int = -4; pub const SI_MESGQ: ::c_int = -3; pub const SI_TIMER: ::c_int = -2; pub const SI_QUEUE: ::c_int = -1; pub const SI_USER: ::c_int = 0; pub const ILL_ILLOPC: ::c_int = 1; pub const ILL_ILLOPN: ::c_int = 2; pub const ILL_ILLADR: ::c_int = 3; pub const ILL_ILLTRP: ::c_int = 4; pub const ILL_PRVOPC: ::c_int = 5; pub const ILL_PRVREG: ::c_int = 6; pub const ILL_COPROC: ::c_int = 7; pub const ILL_BADSTK: ::c_int = 8; pub const FPE_INTDIV: ::c_int = 1; pub const FPE_INTOVF: ::c_int = 2; pub const FPE_FLTDIV: ::c_int = 3; pub const FPE_FLTOVF: ::c_int = 4; pub const FPE_FLTUND: ::c_int = 5; pub const FPE_FLTRES: ::c_int = 6; pub const FPE_FLTINV: ::c_int = 7; pub const FPE_FLTSUB: ::c_int = 8; pub const SEGV_MAPERR: ::c_int = 1; pub const SEGV_ACCERR: ::c_int = 2; pub const BUS_ADRALN: ::c_int = 1; pub const BUS_ADRERR: ::c_int = 2; pub const BUS_OBJERR: ::c_int = 3; pub const TRAP_BRKPT: ::c_int = 1; pub const TRAP_TRACE: ::c_int = 2; pub const CLD_EXITED: ::c_int = 1; pub const CLD_KILLED: ::c_int = 2; pub const CLD_DUMPED: ::c_int = 3; pub const CLD_TRAPPED: ::c_int = 4; pub const CLD_STOPPED: ::c_int = 5; pub const CLD_CONTINUED: ::c_int = 6; pub const POLL_IN: ::c_int = 1; pub const POLL_OUT: ::c_int = 2; pub const POLL_MSG: ::c_int = 3; pub const POLL_ERR: ::c_int = 4; pub const POLL_PRI: ::c_int = 5; pub const POLL_HUP: ::c_int = 6; pub const SIGEV_SIGNAL: ::c_int = 0; pub const SIGEV_NONE: ::c_int = 1; pub const SIGEV_THREAD: ::c_int = 2; pub const REG_GS: ::c_uint = 0; pub const REG_FS: ::c_uint = 1; pub const REG_ES: ::c_uint = 2; pub const REG_DS: ::c_uint = 3; pub const REG_EDI: ::c_uint = 4; pub const REG_ESI: ::c_uint = 5; pub const REG_EBP: ::c_uint = 6; pub const REG_ESP: ::c_uint = 7; pub const REG_EBX: ::c_uint = 8; pub const REG_EDX: ::c_uint = 9; pub const REG_ECX: ::c_uint = 10; pub const REG_EAX: ::c_uint = 11; pub const REG_TRAPNO: ::c_uint = 12; pub const REG_ERR: ::c_uint = 13; pub const REG_EIP: ::c_uint = 14; pub const REG_CS: ::c_uint = 15; pub const REG_EFL: ::c_uint = 16; pub const REG_UESP: ::c_uint = 17; pub const REG_SS: ::c_uint = 18; pub const IOC_VOID: __ioctl_dir = 0; pub const IOC_OUT: __ioctl_dir = 1; pub const IOC_IN: __ioctl_dir = 2; pub const IOC_INOUT: __ioctl_dir = 3; pub const IOC_8: __ioctl_datum = 0; pub const IOC_16: __ioctl_datum = 1; pub const IOC_32: __ioctl_datum = 2; pub const IOC_64: __ioctl_datum = 3; pub const TCP_ESTABLISHED: ::c_uint = 1; pub const TCP_SYN_SENT: ::c_uint = 2; pub const TCP_SYN_RECV: ::c_uint = 3; pub const TCP_FIN_WAIT1: ::c_uint = 4; pub const TCP_FIN_WAIT2: ::c_uint = 5; pub const TCP_TIME_WAIT: ::c_uint = 6; pub const TCP_CLOSE: ::c_uint = 7; pub const TCP_CLOSE_WAIT: ::c_uint = 8; pub const TCP_LAST_ACK: ::c_uint = 9; pub const TCP_LISTEN: ::c_uint = 10; pub const TCP_CLOSING: ::c_uint = 11; pub const TCP_CA_Open: tcp_ca_state = 0; pub const TCP_CA_Disorder: tcp_ca_state = 1; pub const TCP_CA_CWR: tcp_ca_state = 2; pub const TCP_CA_Recovery: tcp_ca_state = 3; pub const TCP_CA_Loss: tcp_ca_state = 4; pub const TCP_NO_QUEUE: ::c_uint = 0; pub const TCP_RECV_QUEUE: ::c_uint = 1; pub const TCP_SEND_QUEUE: ::c_uint = 2; pub const TCP_QUEUES_NR: ::c_uint = 3; pub const P_ALL: idtype_t = 0; pub const P_PID: idtype_t = 1; pub const P_PGID: idtype_t = 2; pub const SS_ONSTACK: ::c_int = 1; pub const SS_DISABLE: ::c_int = 4; pub const SHUT_RD: ::c_int = 0; pub const SHUT_WR: ::c_int = 1; pub const SHUT_RDWR: ::c_int = 2; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER: pthread_mutex_t = pthread_mutex_t { __lock: 0, __owner_id: 0, __cnt: 0, __shpid: 0, __type: PTHREAD_MUTEX_TIMED as ::c_int, __flags: 0, __reserved1: 0, __reserved2: 0, }; pub const PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER: pthread_cond_t = pthread_cond_t { __lock: __PTHREAD_SPIN_LOCK_INITIALIZER, __queue: 0i64 as *mut __pthread, __attr: 0i64 as *mut __pthread_condattr, __wrefs: 0, __data: 0i64 as *mut ::c_void, }; pub const PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER: pthread_rwlock_t = pthread_rwlock_t { __held: __PTHREAD_SPIN_LOCK_INITIALIZER, __lock: __PTHREAD_SPIN_LOCK_INITIALIZER, __readers: 0, __readerqueue: 0i64 as *mut __pthread, __writerqueue: 0i64 as *mut __pthread, __attr: 0i64 as *mut __pthread_rwlockattr, __data: 0i64 as *mut ::c_void, }; pub const PTHREAD_STACK_MIN: ::size_t = 0; const_fn! { {const} fn CMSG_ALIGN(len: usize) -> usize { len + ::mem::size_of::() - 1 & !(::mem::size_of::() - 1) } } // functions f! { pub fn CMSG_FIRSTHDR(mhdr: *const msghdr) -> *mut cmsghdr { if (*mhdr).msg_controllen as usize >= ::mem::size_of::() { (*mhdr).msg_control as *mut cmsghdr } else { 0 as *mut cmsghdr } } pub fn CMSG_DATA(cmsg: *const cmsghdr) -> *mut ::c_uchar { cmsg.offset(1) as *mut ::c_uchar } pub {const} fn CMSG_SPACE(length: ::c_uint) -> ::c_uint { (CMSG_ALIGN(length as usize) + CMSG_ALIGN(::mem::size_of::())) as ::c_uint } pub {const} fn CMSG_LEN(length: ::c_uint) -> ::c_uint { CMSG_ALIGN(::mem::size_of::()) as ::c_uint + length } pub fn CMSG_NXTHDR(mhdr: *const msghdr, cmsg: *const cmsghdr) -> *mut cmsghdr { if ((*cmsg).cmsg_len as usize) < ::mem::size_of::() { return 0 as *mut cmsghdr; }; let next = (cmsg as usize + CMSG_ALIGN((*cmsg).cmsg_len as usize)) as *mut cmsghdr; let max = (*mhdr).msg_control as usize + (*mhdr).msg_controllen as usize; if (next.offset(1)) as usize > max || next as usize + CMSG_ALIGN((*next).cmsg_len as usize) > max { 0 as *mut cmsghdr } else { next as *mut cmsghdr } } pub fn CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(count: ::c_int) -> ::size_t { let _dummy: cpu_set_t = ::mem::zeroed(); let size_in_bits = 8 * ::mem::size_of_val(&_dummy.bits[0]); ((count as ::size_t + size_in_bits - 1) / 8) as ::size_t } pub fn CPU_ZERO(cpuset: &mut cpu_set_t) -> () { for slot in cpuset.bits.iter_mut() { *slot = 0; } } pub fn CPU_SET(cpu: usize, cpuset: &mut cpu_set_t) -> () { let size_in_bits = 8 * ::mem::size_of_val(&cpuset.bits[0]); // 32, 64 etc let (idx, offset) = (cpu / size_in_bits, cpu % size_in_bits); cpuset.bits[idx] |= 1 << offset; () } pub fn CPU_CLR(cpu: usize, cpuset: &mut cpu_set_t) -> () { let size_in_bits = 8 * ::mem::size_of_val(&cpuset.bits[0]); // 32, 64 etc let (idx, offset) = (cpu / size_in_bits, cpu % size_in_bits); cpuset.bits[idx] &= !(1 << offset); () } pub fn CPU_ISSET(cpu: usize, cpuset: &cpu_set_t) -> bool { let size_in_bits = 8 * ::mem::size_of_val(&cpuset.bits[0]); let (idx, offset) = (cpu / size_in_bits, cpu % size_in_bits); 0 != (cpuset.bits[idx] & (1 << offset)) } pub fn CPU_COUNT_S(size: usize, cpuset: &cpu_set_t) -> ::c_int { let mut s: u32 = 0; let size_of_mask = ::mem::size_of_val(&cpuset.bits[0]); for i in cpuset.bits[..(size / size_of_mask)].iter() { s += i.count_ones(); }; s as ::c_int } pub fn CPU_COUNT(cpuset: &cpu_set_t) -> ::c_int { CPU_COUNT_S(::mem::size_of::(), cpuset) } pub fn CPU_EQUAL(set1: &cpu_set_t, set2: &cpu_set_t) -> bool { set1.bits == set2.bits } pub fn major(dev: ::dev_t) -> ::c_uint { ((dev >> 8) & 0xff) as ::c_uint } pub fn minor(dev: ::dev_t) -> ::c_uint { (dev & 0xffff00ff) as ::c_uint } pub fn IPTOS_TOS(tos: u8) -> u8 { tos & IPTOS_TOS_MASK } pub fn IPTOS_PREC(tos: u8) -> u8 { tos & IPTOS_PREC_MASK } pub fn FD_CLR(fd: ::c_int, set: *mut fd_set) -> () { let fd = fd as usize; let size = ::mem::size_of_val(&(*set).fds_bits[0]) * 8; (*set).fds_bits[fd / size] &= !(1 << (fd % size)); return } pub fn FD_ISSET(fd: ::c_int, set: *const fd_set) -> bool { let fd = fd as usize; let size = ::mem::size_of_val(&(*set).fds_bits[0]) * 8; return ((*set).fds_bits[fd / size] & (1 << (fd % size))) != 0 } pub fn FD_SET(fd: ::c_int, set: *mut fd_set) -> () { let fd = fd as usize; let size = ::mem::size_of_val(&(*set).fds_bits[0]) * 8; (*set).fds_bits[fd / size] |= 1 << (fd % size); return } pub fn FD_ZERO(set: *mut fd_set) -> () { for slot in (*set).fds_bits.iter_mut() { *slot = 0; } } } extern "C" { pub fn lutimes(file: *const ::c_char, times: *const ::timeval) -> ::c_int; pub fn futimes(fd: ::c_int, times: *const ::timeval) -> ::c_int; pub fn futimens(__fd: ::c_int, __times: *const ::timespec) -> ::c_int; pub fn utimensat( dirfd: ::c_int, path: *const ::c_char, times: *const ::timespec, flag: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn mkfifoat(__fd: ::c_int, __path: *const ::c_char, __mode: __mode_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn mknodat( dirfd: ::c_int, pathname: *const ::c_char, mode: ::mode_t, dev: dev_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn __libc_current_sigrtmin() -> ::c_int; pub fn __libc_current_sigrtmax() -> ::c_int; pub fn wait4( pid: ::pid_t, status: *mut ::c_int, options: ::c_int, rusage: *mut ::rusage, ) -> ::pid_t; pub fn waitid(idtype: idtype_t, id: id_t, infop: *mut ::siginfo_t, options: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn sigwait(__set: *const sigset_t, __sig: *mut ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn sigsuspend(mask: *const ::sigset_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn sigtimedwait( set: *const sigset_t, info: *mut siginfo_t, timeout: *const ::timespec, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn sigwaitinfo(set: *const sigset_t, info: *mut siginfo_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn sigaltstack(ss: *const stack_t, oss: *mut stack_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn ioctl(__fd: ::c_int, __request: ::c_ulong, ...) -> ::c_int; pub fn pipe2(fds: *mut ::c_int, flags: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn dup3(oldfd: ::c_int, newfd: ::c_int, flags: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn pread64(fd: ::c_int, buf: *mut ::c_void, count: ::size_t, offset: off64_t) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn pwrite64( fd: ::c_int, buf: *const ::c_void, count: ::size_t, offset: off64_t, ) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn readv(__fd: ::c_int, __iovec: *const ::iovec, __count: ::c_int) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn writev(__fd: ::c_int, __iovec: *const ::iovec, __count: ::c_int) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn preadv( __fd: ::c_int, __iovec: *const ::iovec, __count: ::c_int, __offset: __off_t, ) -> ssize_t; pub fn pwritev( __fd: ::c_int, __iovec: *const ::iovec, __count: ::c_int, __offset: __off_t, ) -> ssize_t; pub fn preadv64( fd: ::c_int, iov: *const ::iovec, iovcnt: ::c_int, offset: ::off64_t, ) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn pwritev64( fd: ::c_int, iov: *const ::iovec, iovcnt: ::c_int, offset: ::off64_t, ) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn fread_unlocked( buf: *mut ::c_void, size: ::size_t, nobj: ::size_t, stream: *mut ::FILE, ) -> ::size_t; pub fn aio_read(aiocbp: *mut aiocb) -> ::c_int; pub fn aio_write(aiocbp: *mut aiocb) -> ::c_int; pub fn aio_fsync(op: ::c_int, aiocbp: *mut aiocb) -> ::c_int; pub fn aio_error(aiocbp: *const aiocb) -> ::c_int; pub fn aio_return(aiocbp: *mut aiocb) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn aio_suspend( aiocb_list: *const *const aiocb, nitems: ::c_int, timeout: *const ::timespec, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn aio_cancel(fd: ::c_int, aiocbp: *mut aiocb) -> ::c_int; pub fn lio_listio( mode: ::c_int, aiocb_list: *const *mut aiocb, nitems: ::c_int, sevp: *mut ::sigevent, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn mq_open(name: *const ::c_char, oflag: ::c_int, ...) -> ::mqd_t; pub fn mq_close(mqd: ::mqd_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn mq_unlink(name: *const ::c_char) -> ::c_int; pub fn mq_receive( mqd: ::mqd_t, msg_ptr: *mut ::c_char, msg_len: ::size_t, msg_prio: *mut ::c_uint, ) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn mq_timedreceive( mqd: ::mqd_t, msg_ptr: *mut ::c_char, msg_len: ::size_t, msg_prio: *mut ::c_uint, abs_timeout: *const ::timespec, ) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn mq_send( mqd: ::mqd_t, msg_ptr: *const ::c_char, msg_len: ::size_t, msg_prio: ::c_uint, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn mq_timedsend( mqd: ::mqd_t, msg_ptr: *const ::c_char, msg_len: ::size_t, msg_prio: ::c_uint, abs_timeout: *const ::timespec, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn mq_getattr(mqd: ::mqd_t, attr: *mut ::mq_attr) -> ::c_int; pub fn mq_setattr(mqd: ::mqd_t, newattr: *const ::mq_attr, oldattr: *mut ::mq_attr) -> ::c_int; pub fn lseek64(__fd: ::c_int, __offset: __off64_t, __whence: ::c_int) -> __off64_t; pub fn lseek(__fd: ::c_int, __offset: __off_t, __whence: ::c_int) -> __off_t; pub fn fgetpos64(stream: *mut ::FILE, ptr: *mut fpos64_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn fseeko64(stream: *mut ::FILE, offset: ::off64_t, whence: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn fsetpos64(stream: *mut ::FILE, ptr: *const fpos64_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn ftello64(stream: *mut ::FILE) -> ::off64_t; pub fn bind(__fd: ::c_int, __addr: *const sockaddr, __len: socklen_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn accept4( fd: ::c_int, addr: *mut ::sockaddr, len: *mut ::socklen_t, flg: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn ppoll( fds: *mut ::pollfd, nfds: nfds_t, timeout: *const ::timespec, sigmask: *const sigset_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn recvmsg(__fd: ::c_int, __message: *mut msghdr, __flags: ::c_int) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn sendmsg(__fd: ::c_int, __message: *const msghdr, __flags: ::c_int) -> ssize_t; pub fn recvfrom( socket: ::c_int, buf: *mut ::c_void, len: ::size_t, flags: ::c_int, addr: *mut ::sockaddr, addrlen: *mut ::socklen_t, ) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn sendfile( out_fd: ::c_int, in_fd: ::c_int, offset: *mut off_t, count: ::size_t, ) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn sendfile64( out_fd: ::c_int, in_fd: ::c_int, offset: *mut off64_t, count: ::size_t, ) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn shutdown(__fd: ::c_int, __how: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn sethostname(name: *const ::c_char, len: ::size_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn getdomainname(name: *mut ::c_char, len: ::size_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn setdomainname(name: *const ::c_char, len: ::size_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn if_nameindex() -> *mut if_nameindex; pub fn if_freenameindex(ptr: *mut if_nameindex); pub fn getnameinfo( sa: *const ::sockaddr, salen: ::socklen_t, host: *mut ::c_char, hostlen: ::socklen_t, serv: *mut ::c_char, servlen: ::socklen_t, flags: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn getifaddrs(ifap: *mut *mut ::ifaddrs) -> ::c_int; pub fn freeifaddrs(ifa: *mut ::ifaddrs); pub fn uname(buf: *mut ::utsname) -> ::c_int; pub fn gethostid() -> ::c_long; pub fn sethostid(hostid: ::c_long) -> ::c_int; pub fn setpwent(); pub fn endpwent(); pub fn getpwent() -> *mut passwd; pub fn setgrent(); pub fn endgrent(); pub fn getgrent() -> *mut ::group; pub fn setspent(); pub fn endspent(); pub fn getspent() -> *mut spwd; pub fn getspnam(name: *const ::c_char) -> *mut spwd; pub fn getpwent_r( pwd: *mut ::passwd, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::size_t, result: *mut *mut ::passwd, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn getgrent_r( grp: *mut ::group, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::size_t, result: *mut *mut ::group, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn fgetpwent_r( stream: *mut ::FILE, pwd: *mut ::passwd, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::size_t, result: *mut *mut ::passwd, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn fgetgrent_r( stream: *mut ::FILE, grp: *mut ::group, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::size_t, result: *mut *mut ::group, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn putpwent(p: *const ::passwd, stream: *mut ::FILE) -> ::c_int; pub fn putgrent(grp: *const ::group, stream: *mut ::FILE) -> ::c_int; pub fn getpwnam_r( name: *const ::c_char, pwd: *mut passwd, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::size_t, result: *mut *mut passwd, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn getpwuid_r( uid: ::uid_t, pwd: *mut passwd, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::size_t, result: *mut *mut passwd, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn fgetspent_r( fp: *mut ::FILE, spbuf: *mut ::spwd, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::size_t, spbufp: *mut *mut ::spwd, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn sgetspent_r( s: *const ::c_char, spbuf: *mut ::spwd, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::size_t, spbufp: *mut *mut ::spwd, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn getspent_r( spbuf: *mut ::spwd, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::size_t, spbufp: *mut *mut ::spwd, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn getspnam_r( name: *const ::c_char, spbuf: *mut spwd, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::size_t, spbufp: *mut *mut spwd, ) -> ::c_int; // mntent.h pub fn getmntent_r( stream: *mut ::FILE, mntbuf: *mut ::mntent, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::c_int, ) -> *mut ::mntent; pub fn utmpname(file: *const ::c_char) -> ::c_int; pub fn utmpxname(file: *const ::c_char) -> ::c_int; pub fn getutxent() -> *mut utmpx; pub fn getutxid(ut: *const utmpx) -> *mut utmpx; pub fn getutxline(ut: *const utmpx) -> *mut utmpx; pub fn pututxline(ut: *const utmpx) -> *mut utmpx; pub fn setutxent(); pub fn endutxent(); pub fn getresuid(ruid: *mut ::uid_t, euid: *mut ::uid_t, suid: *mut ::uid_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn getresgid(rgid: *mut ::gid_t, egid: *mut ::gid_t, sgid: *mut ::gid_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn setresuid(ruid: ::uid_t, euid: ::uid_t, suid: ::uid_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn setresgid(rgid: ::gid_t, egid: ::gid_t, sgid: ::gid_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn initgroups(user: *const ::c_char, group: ::gid_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn getgrgid(gid: ::gid_t) -> *mut ::group; pub fn getgrgid_r( gid: ::gid_t, grp: *mut ::group, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::size_t, result: *mut *mut ::group, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn getgrnam(name: *const ::c_char) -> *mut ::group; pub fn getgrnam_r( name: *const ::c_char, grp: *mut ::group, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::size_t, result: *mut *mut ::group, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn getgrouplist( user: *const ::c_char, group: ::gid_t, groups: *mut ::gid_t, ngroups: *mut ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn setgroups(ngroups: ::size_t, ptr: *const ::gid_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn acct(filename: *const ::c_char) -> ::c_int; pub fn setmntent(filename: *const ::c_char, ty: *const ::c_char) -> *mut ::FILE; pub fn getmntent(stream: *mut ::FILE) -> *mut ::mntent; pub fn addmntent(stream: *mut ::FILE, mnt: *const ::mntent) -> ::c_int; pub fn endmntent(streamp: *mut ::FILE) -> ::c_int; pub fn hasmntopt(mnt: *const ::mntent, opt: *const ::c_char) -> *mut ::c_char; pub fn pthread_create( native: *mut ::pthread_t, attr: *const ::pthread_attr_t, f: extern "C" fn(*mut ::c_void) -> *mut ::c_void, value: *mut ::c_void, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_kill(__threadid: ::pthread_t, __signo: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_cancel(thread: ::pthread_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn __pthread_equal(__t1: __pthread_t, __t2: __pthread_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_getattr_np(__thr: ::pthread_t, __attr: *mut pthread_attr_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_attr_getguardsize( __attr: *const pthread_attr_t, __guardsize: *mut ::size_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_attr_setguardsize(attr: *mut ::pthread_attr_t, guardsize: ::size_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_attr_getstack( __attr: *const pthread_attr_t, __stackaddr: *mut *mut ::c_void, __stacksize: *mut ::size_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_mutexattr_getpshared( attr: *const pthread_mutexattr_t, pshared: *mut ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_mutexattr_setpshared( attr: *mut pthread_mutexattr_t, pshared: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_mutex_timedlock( lock: *mut pthread_mutex_t, abstime: *const ::timespec, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared( attr: *const pthread_rwlockattr_t, val: *mut ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(attr: *mut pthread_rwlockattr_t, val: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_condattr_getclock( attr: *const pthread_condattr_t, clock_id: *mut clockid_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_condattr_setclock( __attr: *mut pthread_condattr_t, __clock_id: __clockid_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_condattr_getpshared( attr: *const pthread_condattr_t, pshared: *mut ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_condattr_setpshared(attr: *mut pthread_condattr_t, pshared: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_once(control: *mut pthread_once_t, routine: extern "C" fn()) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_barrierattr_init(attr: *mut ::pthread_barrierattr_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_barrierattr_destroy(attr: *mut ::pthread_barrierattr_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_barrierattr_getpshared( attr: *const ::pthread_barrierattr_t, shared: *mut ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_barrierattr_setpshared( attr: *mut ::pthread_barrierattr_t, shared: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_barrier_init( barrier: *mut pthread_barrier_t, attr: *const ::pthread_barrierattr_t, count: ::c_uint, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_barrier_destroy(barrier: *mut pthread_barrier_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_barrier_wait(barrier: *mut pthread_barrier_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_spin_init(lock: *mut ::pthread_spinlock_t, pshared: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_spin_destroy(lock: *mut ::pthread_spinlock_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_spin_lock(lock: *mut ::pthread_spinlock_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_spin_trylock(lock: *mut ::pthread_spinlock_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_spin_unlock(lock: *mut ::pthread_spinlock_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_atfork( prepare: ::Option, parent: ::Option, child: ::Option, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_sigmask( __how: ::c_int, __newmask: *const __sigset_t, __oldmask: *mut __sigset_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn sched_getparam(pid: ::pid_t, param: *mut ::sched_param) -> ::c_int; pub fn sched_setparam(pid: ::pid_t, param: *const ::sched_param) -> ::c_int; pub fn sched_getscheduler(pid: ::pid_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn sched_setscheduler( pid: ::pid_t, policy: ::c_int, param: *const ::sched_param, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_getschedparam( native: ::pthread_t, policy: *mut ::c_int, param: *mut ::sched_param, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_setschedparam( native: ::pthread_t, policy: ::c_int, param: *const ::sched_param, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn pthread_getcpuclockid(thread: ::pthread_t, clk_id: *mut ::clockid_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn sem_init(sem: *mut sem_t, pshared: ::c_int, value: ::c_uint) -> ::c_int; pub fn sem_destroy(sem: *mut sem_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn sem_timedwait(sem: *mut sem_t, abstime: *const ::timespec) -> ::c_int; pub fn sem_getvalue(sem: *mut sem_t, sval: *mut ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn clock_getres(__clock_id: clockid_t, __res: *mut ::timespec) -> ::c_int; pub fn clock_gettime(__clock_id: clockid_t, __tp: *mut ::timespec) -> ::c_int; pub fn clock_settime(__clock_id: clockid_t, __tp: *const ::timespec) -> ::c_int; pub fn clock_getcpuclockid(pid: ::pid_t, clk_id: *mut ::clockid_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn clock_nanosleep( clk_id: ::clockid_t, flags: ::c_int, rqtp: *const ::timespec, rmtp: *mut ::timespec, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn gettimeofday(tp: *mut ::timeval, tz: *mut ::timezone) -> ::c_int; pub fn settimeofday(tv: *const ::timeval, tz: *const ::timezone) -> ::c_int; pub fn asctime_r(tm: *const ::tm, buf: *mut ::c_char) -> *mut ::c_char; pub fn ctime_r(timep: *const time_t, buf: *mut ::c_char) -> *mut ::c_char; pub fn strftime( s: *mut ::c_char, max: ::size_t, format: *const ::c_char, tm: *const ::tm, ) -> ::size_t; pub fn strptime(s: *const ::c_char, format: *const ::c_char, tm: *mut ::tm) -> *mut ::c_char; pub fn timer_create( clockid: ::clockid_t, sevp: *mut ::sigevent, timerid: *mut ::timer_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn timer_delete(timerid: ::timer_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn timer_getoverrun(timerid: ::timer_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn timer_gettime(timerid: ::timer_t, curr_value: *mut ::itimerspec) -> ::c_int; pub fn timer_settime( timerid: ::timer_t, flags: ::c_int, new_value: *const ::itimerspec, old_value: *mut ::itimerspec, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn fstat(__fd: ::c_int, __buf: *mut stat) -> ::c_int; pub fn fstat64(__fd: ::c_int, __buf: *mut stat64) -> ::c_int; pub fn fstatat( __fd: ::c_int, __file: *const ::c_char, __buf: *mut stat, __flag: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn fstatat64( __fd: ::c_int, __file: *const ::c_char, __buf: *mut stat64, __flag: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn statx( dirfd: ::c_int, pathname: *const c_char, flags: ::c_int, mask: ::c_uint, statxbuf: *mut statx, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn ftruncate(__fd: ::c_int, __length: __off_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn ftruncate64(__fd: ::c_int, __length: __off64_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn truncate64(__file: *const ::c_char, __length: __off64_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn lstat(__file: *const ::c_char, __buf: *mut stat) -> ::c_int; pub fn lstat64(__file: *const ::c_char, __buf: *mut stat64) -> ::c_int; pub fn statfs(path: *const ::c_char, buf: *mut statfs) -> ::c_int; pub fn statfs64(__file: *const ::c_char, __buf: *mut statfs64) -> ::c_int; pub fn fstatfs(fd: ::c_int, buf: *mut statfs) -> ::c_int; pub fn fstatfs64(__fildes: ::c_int, __buf: *mut statfs64) -> ::c_int; pub fn statvfs(__file: *const ::c_char, __buf: *mut statvfs) -> ::c_int; pub fn statvfs64(__file: *const ::c_char, __buf: *mut statvfs64) -> ::c_int; pub fn fstatvfs(__fildes: ::c_int, __buf: *mut statvfs) -> ::c_int; pub fn fstatvfs64(__fildes: ::c_int, __buf: *mut statvfs64) -> ::c_int; pub fn open(__file: *const ::c_char, __oflag: ::c_int, ...) -> ::c_int; pub fn open64(__file: *const ::c_char, __oflag: ::c_int, ...) -> ::c_int; pub fn openat(__fd: ::c_int, __file: *const ::c_char, __oflag: ::c_int, ...) -> ::c_int; pub fn openat64(__fd: ::c_int, __file: *const ::c_char, __oflag: ::c_int, ...) -> ::c_int; pub fn fopen64(filename: *const c_char, mode: *const c_char) -> *mut ::FILE; pub fn freopen64( filename: *const c_char, mode: *const c_char, file: *mut ::FILE, ) -> *mut ::FILE; pub fn creat64(path: *const c_char, mode: mode_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn mkostemp(template: *mut ::c_char, flags: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn mkostemps(template: *mut ::c_char, suffixlen: ::c_int, flags: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn mkstemps(template: *mut ::c_char, suffixlen: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn tmpfile64() -> *mut ::FILE; pub fn popen(command: *const c_char, mode: *const c_char) -> *mut ::FILE; pub fn getdtablesize() -> ::c_int; // Added in `glibc` 2.34 pub fn close_range(first: ::c_uint, last: ::c_uint, flags: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn openpty( __amaster: *mut ::c_int, __aslave: *mut ::c_int, __name: *mut ::c_char, __termp: *const termios, __winp: *const ::winsize, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn forkpty( __amaster: *mut ::c_int, __name: *mut ::c_char, __termp: *const termios, __winp: *const ::winsize, ) -> ::pid_t; pub fn getpt() -> ::c_int; pub fn ptsname_r(fd: ::c_int, buf: *mut ::c_char, buflen: ::size_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn login_tty(fd: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn ctermid(s: *mut ::c_char) -> *mut ::c_char; pub fn clearenv() -> ::c_int; pub fn execveat( dirfd: ::c_int, pathname: *const ::c_char, argv: *const *mut c_char, envp: *const *mut c_char, flags: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn execvpe( file: *const ::c_char, argv: *const *const ::c_char, envp: *const *const ::c_char, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn fexecve( fd: ::c_int, argv: *const *const ::c_char, envp: *const *const ::c_char, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn daemon(nochdir: ::c_int, noclose: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; // posix/spawn.h pub fn posix_spawn( pid: *mut ::pid_t, path: *const ::c_char, file_actions: *const ::posix_spawn_file_actions_t, attrp: *const ::posix_spawnattr_t, argv: *const *mut ::c_char, envp: *const *mut ::c_char, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnp( pid: *mut ::pid_t, file: *const ::c_char, file_actions: *const ::posix_spawn_file_actions_t, attrp: *const ::posix_spawnattr_t, argv: *const *mut ::c_char, envp: *const *mut ::c_char, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_init(attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_destroy(attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault( attr: *const posix_spawnattr_t, default: *mut ::sigset_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault( attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t, default: *const ::sigset_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_getsigmask( attr: *const posix_spawnattr_t, default: *mut ::sigset_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_setsigmask( attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t, default: *const ::sigset_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_getflags( attr: *const posix_spawnattr_t, flags: *mut ::c_short, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_setflags(attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t, flags: ::c_short) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_getpgroup( attr: *const posix_spawnattr_t, flags: *mut ::pid_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_setpgroup(attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t, flags: ::pid_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_getschedpolicy( attr: *const posix_spawnattr_t, flags: *mut ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicy(attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t, flags: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_getschedparam( attr: *const posix_spawnattr_t, param: *mut ::sched_param, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_setschedparam( attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t, param: *const ::sched_param, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_init(actions: *mut posix_spawn_file_actions_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(actions: *mut posix_spawn_file_actions_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen( actions: *mut posix_spawn_file_actions_t, fd: ::c_int, path: *const ::c_char, oflag: ::c_int, mode: ::mode_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose( actions: *mut posix_spawn_file_actions_t, fd: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2( actions: *mut posix_spawn_file_actions_t, fd: ::c_int, newfd: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; // Added in `glibc` 2.29 pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_addchdir_np( actions: *mut ::posix_spawn_file_actions_t, path: *const ::c_char, ) -> ::c_int; // Added in `glibc` 2.29 pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_addfchdir_np( actions: *mut ::posix_spawn_file_actions_t, fd: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; // Added in `glibc` 2.34 pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_addclosefrom_np( actions: *mut ::posix_spawn_file_actions_t, from: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; // Added in `glibc` 2.35 pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_addtcsetpgrp_np( actions: *mut ::posix_spawn_file_actions_t, tcfd: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn shm_open(name: *const c_char, oflag: ::c_int, mode: mode_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn shm_unlink(name: *const ::c_char) -> ::c_int; pub fn euidaccess(pathname: *const ::c_char, mode: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn eaccess(pathname: *const ::c_char, mode: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn faccessat( dirfd: ::c_int, pathname: *const ::c_char, mode: ::c_int, flags: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn stat(__file: *const ::c_char, __buf: *mut stat) -> ::c_int; pub fn stat64(__file: *const ::c_char, __buf: *mut stat64) -> ::c_int; pub fn readdir(dirp: *mut ::DIR) -> *mut ::dirent; pub fn readdir64(dirp: *mut ::DIR) -> *mut ::dirent64; pub fn readdir_r(dirp: *mut ::DIR, entry: *mut ::dirent, result: *mut *mut ::dirent) -> ::c_int; pub fn readdir64_r( dirp: *mut ::DIR, entry: *mut ::dirent64, result: *mut *mut ::dirent64, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn seekdir(dirp: *mut ::DIR, loc: ::c_long); pub fn telldir(dirp: *mut ::DIR) -> ::c_long; pub fn dirfd(dirp: *mut ::DIR) -> ::c_int; #[link_name = "__xpg_strerror_r"] pub fn strerror_r(__errnum: ::c_int, __buf: *mut ::c_char, __buflen: ::size_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn __errno_location() -> *mut ::c_int; pub fn mmap64( __addr: *mut ::c_void, __len: size_t, __prot: ::c_int, __flags: ::c_int, __fd: ::c_int, __offset: __off64_t, ) -> *mut ::c_void; pub fn mremap( addr: *mut ::c_void, len: ::size_t, new_len: ::size_t, flags: ::c_int, ... ) -> *mut ::c_void; pub fn mprotect(__addr: *mut ::c_void, __len: ::size_t, __prot: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn msync(__addr: *mut ::c_void, __len: ::size_t, __flags: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn sync(); pub fn syncfs(fd: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn fdatasync(fd: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn fallocate64(fd: ::c_int, mode: ::c_int, offset: ::off64_t, len: ::off64_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_fallocate(fd: ::c_int, offset: ::off_t, len: ::off_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_fallocate64(fd: ::c_int, offset: ::off64_t, len: ::off64_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_fadvise(fd: ::c_int, offset: ::off_t, len: ::off_t, advise: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_fadvise64( fd: ::c_int, offset: ::off64_t, len: ::off64_t, advise: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn madvise(__addr: *mut ::c_void, __len: ::size_t, __advice: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn posix_madvise(addr: *mut ::c_void, len: ::size_t, advice: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn getrlimit(resource: ::__rlimit_resource_t, rlim: *mut ::rlimit) -> ::c_int; pub fn getrlimit64(resource: ::__rlimit_resource_t, rlim: *mut ::rlimit64) -> ::c_int; pub fn setrlimit(resource: ::__rlimit_resource_t, rlim: *const ::rlimit) -> ::c_int; pub fn setrlimit64(resource: ::__rlimit_resource_t, rlim: *const ::rlimit64) -> ::c_int; pub fn getpriority(which: ::__priority_which, who: ::id_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn setpriority(which: ::__priority_which, who: ::id_t, prio: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn getrandom(__buffer: *mut ::c_void, __length: ::size_t, __flags: ::c_uint) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn getentropy(__buffer: *mut ::c_void, __length: ::size_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn memrchr(cx: *const ::c_void, c: ::c_int, n: ::size_t) -> *mut ::c_void; pub fn memmem( haystack: *const ::c_void, haystacklen: ::size_t, needle: *const ::c_void, needlelen: ::size_t, ) -> *mut ::c_void; pub fn strchrnul(s: *const ::c_char, c: ::c_int) -> *mut ::c_char; pub fn abs(i: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn labs(i: ::c_long) -> ::c_long; pub fn rand() -> ::c_int; pub fn srand(seed: ::c_uint); pub fn drand48() -> ::c_double; pub fn erand48(xseed: *mut ::c_ushort) -> ::c_double; pub fn lrand48() -> ::c_long; pub fn nrand48(xseed: *mut ::c_ushort) -> ::c_long; pub fn mrand48() -> ::c_long; pub fn jrand48(xseed: *mut ::c_ushort) -> ::c_long; pub fn srand48(seed: ::c_long); pub fn seed48(xseed: *mut ::c_ushort) -> *mut ::c_ushort; pub fn lcong48(p: *mut ::c_ushort); pub fn qsort_r( base: *mut ::c_void, num: ::size_t, size: ::size_t, compar: ::Option< unsafe extern "C" fn(*const ::c_void, *const ::c_void, *mut ::c_void) -> ::c_int, >, arg: *mut ::c_void, ); pub fn brk(addr: *mut ::c_void) -> ::c_int; pub fn sbrk(increment: ::intptr_t) -> *mut ::c_void; pub fn memalign(align: ::size_t, size: ::size_t) -> *mut ::c_void; pub fn mallopt(param: ::c_int, value: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn mallinfo() -> ::mallinfo; pub fn mallinfo2() -> ::mallinfo2; pub fn malloc_info(options: ::c_int, stream: *mut ::FILE) -> ::c_int; pub fn malloc_usable_size(ptr: *mut ::c_void) -> ::size_t; pub fn malloc_trim(__pad: ::size_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn iconv_open(tocode: *const ::c_char, fromcode: *const ::c_char) -> iconv_t; pub fn iconv( cd: iconv_t, inbuf: *mut *mut ::c_char, inbytesleft: *mut ::size_t, outbuf: *mut *mut ::c_char, outbytesleft: *mut ::size_t, ) -> ::size_t; pub fn iconv_close(cd: iconv_t) -> ::c_int; pub fn getopt_long( argc: ::c_int, argv: *const *mut c_char, optstring: *const c_char, longopts: *const option, longindex: *mut ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn backtrace(buf: *mut *mut ::c_void, sz: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn reboot(how_to: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn getloadavg(loadavg: *mut ::c_double, nelem: ::c_int) -> ::c_int; pub fn regexec( preg: *const ::regex_t, input: *const ::c_char, nmatch: ::size_t, pmatch: *mut regmatch_t, eflags: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn regerror( errcode: ::c_int, preg: *const ::regex_t, errbuf: *mut ::c_char, errbuf_size: ::size_t, ) -> ::size_t; pub fn regfree(preg: *mut ::regex_t); pub fn glob( pattern: *const c_char, flags: ::c_int, errfunc: ::Option ::c_int>, pglob: *mut ::glob_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn globfree(pglob: *mut ::glob_t); pub fn glob64( pattern: *const ::c_char, flags: ::c_int, errfunc: ::Option ::c_int>, pglob: *mut glob64_t, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn globfree64(pglob: *mut glob64_t); pub fn getxattr( path: *const c_char, name: *const c_char, value: *mut ::c_void, size: ::size_t, ) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn lgetxattr( path: *const c_char, name: *const c_char, value: *mut ::c_void, size: ::size_t, ) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn fgetxattr( filedes: ::c_int, name: *const c_char, value: *mut ::c_void, size: ::size_t, ) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn setxattr( path: *const c_char, name: *const c_char, value: *const ::c_void, size: ::size_t, flags: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn lsetxattr( path: *const c_char, name: *const c_char, value: *const ::c_void, size: ::size_t, flags: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn fsetxattr( filedes: ::c_int, name: *const c_char, value: *const ::c_void, size: ::size_t, flags: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn listxattr(path: *const c_char, list: *mut c_char, size: ::size_t) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn llistxattr(path: *const c_char, list: *mut c_char, size: ::size_t) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn flistxattr(filedes: ::c_int, list: *mut c_char, size: ::size_t) -> ::ssize_t; pub fn removexattr(path: *const c_char, name: *const c_char) -> ::c_int; pub fn lremovexattr(path: *const c_char, name: *const c_char) -> ::c_int; pub fn fremovexattr(filedes: ::c_int, name: *const c_char) -> ::c_int; pub fn dirname(path: *mut ::c_char) -> *mut ::c_char; /// POSIX version of `basename(3)`, defined in `libgen.h`. #[link_name = "__xpg_basename"] pub fn posix_basename(path: *mut ::c_char) -> *mut ::c_char; /// GNU version of `basename(3)`, defined in `string.h`. #[link_name = "basename"] pub fn gnu_basename(path: *const ::c_char) -> *mut ::c_char; pub fn dlmopen(lmid: Lmid_t, filename: *const ::c_char, flag: ::c_int) -> *mut ::c_void; pub fn dlinfo(handle: *mut ::c_void, request: ::c_int, info: *mut ::c_void) -> ::c_int; pub fn dladdr1( addr: *const ::c_void, info: *mut ::Dl_info, extra_info: *mut *mut ::c_void, flags: ::c_int, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn duplocale(base: ::locale_t) -> ::locale_t; pub fn freelocale(loc: ::locale_t); pub fn newlocale(mask: ::c_int, locale: *const ::c_char, base: ::locale_t) -> ::locale_t; pub fn uselocale(loc: ::locale_t) -> ::locale_t; pub fn nl_langinfo(item: ::nl_item) -> *mut ::c_char; pub fn nl_langinfo_l(item: ::nl_item, locale: ::locale_t) -> *mut ::c_char; pub fn dl_iterate_phdr( callback: ::Option< unsafe extern "C" fn( info: *mut ::dl_phdr_info, size: ::size_t, data: *mut ::c_void, ) -> ::c_int, >, data: *mut ::c_void, ) -> ::c_int; pub fn gnu_get_libc_release() -> *const ::c_char; pub fn gnu_get_libc_version() -> *const ::c_char; } safe_f! { pub {const} fn makedev(major: ::c_uint, minor: ::c_uint) -> ::dev_t { let major = major as ::dev_t; let minor = minor as ::dev_t; let mut dev = 0; dev |= major << 8; dev |= minor; dev } pub fn SIGRTMAX() -> ::c_int { unsafe { __libc_current_sigrtmax() } } pub fn SIGRTMIN() -> ::c_int { unsafe { __libc_current_sigrtmin() } } pub {const} fn WIFSTOPPED(status: ::c_int) -> bool { (status & 0xff) == 0x7f } pub {const} fn WSTOPSIG(status: ::c_int) -> ::c_int { (status >> 8) & 0xff } pub {const} fn WIFCONTINUED(status: ::c_int) -> bool { status == 0xffff } pub {const} fn WIFSIGNALED(status: ::c_int) -> bool { ((status & 0x7f) + 1) as i8 >= 2 } pub {const} fn WTERMSIG(status: ::c_int) -> ::c_int { status & 0x7f } pub {const} fn WIFEXITED(status: ::c_int) -> bool { (status & 0x7f) == 0 } pub {const} fn WEXITSTATUS(status: ::c_int) -> ::c_int { (status >> 8) & 0xff } pub {const} fn WCOREDUMP(status: ::c_int) -> bool { (status & 0x80) != 0 } pub {const} fn W_EXITCODE(ret: ::c_int, sig: ::c_int) -> ::c_int { (ret << 8) | sig } pub {const} fn W_STOPCODE(sig: ::c_int) -> ::c_int { (sig << 8) | 0x7f } pub {const} fn QCMD(cmd: ::c_int, type_: ::c_int) -> ::c_int { (cmd << 8) | (type_ & 0x00ff) } pub {const} fn IPOPT_COPIED(o: u8) -> u8 { o & IPOPT_COPY } pub {const} fn IPOPT_CLASS(o: u8) -> u8 { o & IPOPT_CLASS_MASK } pub {const} fn IPOPT_NUMBER(o: u8) -> u8 { o & IPOPT_NUMBER_MASK } pub {const} fn IPTOS_ECN(x: u8) -> u8 { x & ::IPTOS_ECN_MASK } } cfg_if! { if #[cfg(libc_align)] { mod align; pub use self::align::*; } else { mod no_align; pub use self::no_align::*; } } cfg_if! { if #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] { mod b64; pub use self::b64::*; } else { mod b32; pub use self::b32::*; } }