#![deny(missing_docs, missing_debug_implementations, nonstandard_style)]
#![warn(unreachable_pub, rust_2018_idioms)]
//! You run miette? You run her code like the software? Oh. Oh! Error code for
//! coder! Error code for One Thousand Lines!
//! ## About
//! `miette` is a diagnostic library for Rust. It includes a series of
//! traits/protocols that allow you to hook into its error reporting facilities,
//! and even write your own error reports! It lets you define error types that
//! can print out like this (or in any format you like!):
//! > **NOTE: You must enable the `"fancy"` crate feature to get fancy report
//! output like in the screenshots above.** You should only do this in your
//! toplevel crate, as the fancy feature pulls in a number of dependencies that
//! libraries and such might not want.
//! ## Table of Contents
//! - [About](#about)
//! - [Features](#features)
//! - [Installing](#installing)
//! - [Example](#example)
//! - [Using](#using)
//! - [... in libraries](#-in-libraries)
//! - [... in application code](#-in-application-code)
//! - [... in `main()`](#-in-main)
//! - [... diagnostic code URLs](#-diagnostic-code-urls)
//! - [... snippets](#-snippets)
//! - [... multiple related errors](#-multiple-related-errors)
//! - [... delayed source code](#-delayed-source-code)
//! - [... handler options](#-handler-options)
//! - [... dynamic diagnostics](#-dynamic-diagnostics)
//! - [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)
//! - [License](#license)
//! ## Features
//! - Generic [`Diagnostic`] protocol, compatible (and dependent on)
//! [`std::error::Error`].
//! - Unique error codes on every [`Diagnostic`].
//! - Custom links to get more details on error codes.
//! - Super handy derive macro for defining diagnostic metadata.
//! - Replacements for [`anyhow`](https://docs.rs/anyhow)/[`eyre`](https://docs.rs/eyre)
//! types [`Result`], [`Report`] and the [`miette!`] macro for the
//! `anyhow!`/`eyre!` macros.
//! - Generic support for arbitrary [`SourceCode`]s for snippet data, with
//! default support for `String`s included.
//! The `miette` crate also comes bundled with a default [`ReportHandler`] with
//! the following features:
//! - Fancy graphical [diagnostic output](#about), using ANSI/Unicode text
//! - single- and multi-line highlighting support
//! - Screen reader/braille support, gated on [`NO_COLOR`](http://no-color.org/),
//! and other heuristics.
//! - Fully customizable graphical theming (or overriding the printers
//! entirely).
//! - Cause chain printing
//! - Turns diagnostic codes into links in [supported terminals](https://gist.github.com/egmontkob/eb114294efbcd5adb1944c9f3cb5feda).
//! ## Installing
//! ```sh
//! $ cargo add miette
//! ```
//! If you want to use the fancy printer in all these screenshots:
//! ```sh
//! $ cargo add miette --features fancy
//! ```
//! ## Example
//! ```rust
//! /*
//! You can derive a `Diagnostic` from any `std::error::Error` type.
//! `thiserror` is a great way to define them, and plays nicely with `miette`!
//! */
//! use miette::{Diagnostic, SourceSpan};
//! use thiserror::Error;
//! #[derive(Error, Debug, Diagnostic)]
//! #[error("oops!")]
//! #[diagnostic(
//! code(oops::my::bad),
//! url(docsrs),
//! help("try doing it better next time?")
//! )]
//! struct MyBad {
//! // The Source that we're gonna be printing snippets out of.
//! // This can be a String if you don't have or care about file names.
//! #[source_code]
//! src: NamedSource,
//! // Snippets and highlights can be included in the diagnostic!
//! #[label("This bit here")]
//! bad_bit: SourceSpan,
//! }
//! /*
//! Now let's define a function!
//! Use this `Result` type (or its expanded version) as the return type
//! throughout your app (but NOT your libraries! Those should always return
//! concrete types!).
//! */
//! use miette::{NamedSource, Result};
//! fn this_fails() -> Result<()> {
//! // You can use plain strings as a `Source`, or anything that implements
//! // the one-method `Source` trait.
//! let src = "source\n text\n here".to_string();
//! let len = src.len();
//! Err(MyBad {
//! src: NamedSource::new("bad_file.rs", src),
//! bad_bit: (9, 4).into(),
//! })?;
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! /*
//! Now to get everything printed nicely, just return a `Result<()>`
//! and you're all set!
//! Note: You can swap out the default reporter for a custom one using
//! `miette::set_hook()`
//! */
//! fn pretend_this_is_main() -> Result<()> {
//! // kaboom~
//! this_fails()?;
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! And this is the output you'll get if you run this program:
//! ## Using
//! ### ... in libraries
//! `miette` is _fully compatible_ with library usage. Consumers who don't know
//! about, or don't want, `miette` features can safely use its error types as
//! regular [`std::error::Error`].
//! We highly recommend using something like [`thiserror`](https://docs.rs/thiserror)
//! to define unique error types and error wrappers for your library.
//! While `miette` integrates smoothly with `thiserror`, it is _not required_.
//! If you don't want to use the [`Diagnostic`] derive macro, you can implement
//! the trait directly, just like with `std::error::Error`.
//! ```rust
//! // lib/error.rs
//! use miette::{Diagnostic, SourceSpan};
//! use thiserror::Error;
//! #[derive(Error, Diagnostic, Debug)]
//! pub enum MyLibError {
//! #[error(transparent)]
//! #[diagnostic(code(my_lib::io_error))]
//! IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),
//! #[error("Oops it blew up")]
//! #[diagnostic(code(my_lib::bad_code))]
//! BadThingHappened,
//! #[error(transparent)]
//! // Use `#[diagnostic(transparent)]` to wrap another [`Diagnostic`]. You won't see labels otherwise
//! #[diagnostic(transparent)]
//! AnotherError(#[from] AnotherError),
//! }
//! #[derive(Error, Diagnostic, Debug)]
//! #[error("another error")]
//! pub struct AnotherError {
//! #[label("here")]
//! pub at: SourceSpan
//! }
//! ```
//! Then, return this error type from all your fallible public APIs. It's a best
//! practice to wrap any "external" error types in your error `enum` instead of
//! using something like [`Report`] in a library.
//! ### ... in application code
//! Application code tends to work a little differently than libraries. You
//! don't always need or care to define dedicated error wrappers for errors
//! coming from external libraries and tools.
//! For this situation, `miette` includes two tools: [`Report`] and
//! [`IntoDiagnostic`]. They work in tandem to make it easy to convert regular
//! `std::error::Error`s into [`Diagnostic`]s. Additionally, there's a
//! [`Result`] type alias that you can use to be more terse.
//! When dealing with non-`Diagnostic` types, you'll want to
//! `.into_diagnostic()` them:
//! ```rust
//! // my_app/lib/my_internal_file.rs
//! use miette::{IntoDiagnostic, Result};
//! use semver::Version;
//! pub fn some_tool() -> Result {
//! Ok("1.2.x".parse().into_diagnostic()?)
//! }
//! ```
//! `miette` also includes an `anyhow`/`eyre`-style `Context`/`WrapErr` traits
//! that you can import to add ad-hoc context messages to your `Diagnostic`s, as
//! well, though you'll still need to use `.into_diagnostic()` to make use of
//! it:
//! ```rust
//! // my_app/lib/my_internal_file.rs
//! use miette::{IntoDiagnostic, Result, WrapErr};
//! use semver::Version;
//! pub fn some_tool() -> Result {
//! Ok("1.2.x"
//! .parse()
//! .into_diagnostic()
//! .wrap_err("Parsing this tool's semver version failed.")?)
//! }
//! ```
//! To construct your own simple adhoc error use the [miette!] macro:
//! ```rust
//! // my_app/lib/my_internal_file.rs
//! use miette::{miette, IntoDiagnostic, Result, WrapErr};
//! use semver::Version;
//! pub fn some_tool() -> Result {
//! let version = "1.2.x";
//! Ok(version
//! .parse()
//! .map_err(|_| miette!("Invalid version {}", version))?)
//! }
//! ```
//! There are also similar [bail!] and [ensure!] macros.
//! ### ... in `main()`
//! `main()` is just like any other part of your application-internal code. Use
//! `Result` as your return value, and it will pretty-print your diagnostics
//! automatically.
//! > **NOTE:** You must enable the `"fancy"` crate feature to get fancy report
//! output like in the screenshots here.** You should only do this in your
//! toplevel crate, as the fancy feature pulls in a number of dependencies that
//! libraries and such might not want.
//! ```rust
//! use miette::{IntoDiagnostic, Result};
//! use semver::Version;
//! fn pretend_this_is_main() -> Result<()> {
//! let version: Version = "1.2.x".parse().into_diagnostic()?;
//! println!("{}", version);
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! Please note: in order to get fancy diagnostic rendering with all the pretty
//! colors and arrows, you should install `miette` with the `fancy` feature
//! enabled:
//! ```toml
//! miette = { version = "X.Y.Z", features = ["fancy"] }
//! ```
//! ### ... diagnostic code URLs
//! `miette` supports providing a URL for individual diagnostics. This URL will
//! be displayed as an actual link in supported terminals, like so:
//! To use this, you can add a `url()` sub-param to your `#[diagnostic]`
//! attribute:
//! ```rust
//! use miette::Diagnostic;
//! use thiserror::Error;
//! #[derive(Error, Diagnostic, Debug)]
//! #[error("kaboom")]
//! #[diagnostic(
//! code(my_app::my_error),
//! // You can do formatting!
//! url("https://my_website.com/error_codes#{}", self.code().unwrap())
//! )]
//! struct MyErr;
//! ```
//! Additionally, if you're developing a library and your error type is exported
//! from your crate's top level, you can use a special `url(docsrs)` option
//! instead of manually constructing the URL. This will automatically create a
//! link to this diagnostic on `docs.rs`, so folks can just go straight to your
//! (very high quality and detailed!) documentation on this diagnostic:
//! ```rust
//! use miette::Diagnostic;
//! use thiserror::Error;
//! #[derive(Error, Diagnostic, Debug)]
//! #[diagnostic(
//! code(my_app::my_error),
//! // Will link users to https://docs.rs/my_crate/0.0.0/my_crate/struct.MyErr.html
//! url(docsrs)
//! )]
//! #[error("kaboom")]
//! struct MyErr;
//! ```
//! ### ... snippets
//! Along with its general error handling and reporting features, `miette` also
//! includes facilities for adding error spans/annotations/labels to your
//! output. This can be very useful when an error is syntax-related, but you can
//! even use it to print out sections of your own source code!
//! To achieve this, `miette` defines its own lightweight [`SourceSpan`] type.
//! This is a basic byte-offset and length into an associated [`SourceCode`]
//! and, along with the latter, gives `miette` all the information it needs to
//! pretty-print some snippets! You can also use your own `Into`
//! types as label spans.
//! The easiest way to define errors like this is to use the
//! `derive(Diagnostic)` macro:
//! ```rust
//! use miette::{Diagnostic, SourceSpan};
//! use thiserror::Error;
//! #[derive(Diagnostic, Debug, Error)]
//! #[error("oops")]
//! #[diagnostic(code(my_lib::random_error))]
//! pub struct MyErrorType {
//! // The `Source` that miette will use.
//! #[source_code]
//! src: String,
//! // This will underline/mark the specific code inside the larger
//! // snippet context.
//! #[label = "This is the highlight"]
//! err_span: SourceSpan,
//! // You can add as many labels as you want.
//! // They'll be rendered sequentially.
//! #[label("This is bad")]
//! snip2: (usize, usize), // `(usize, usize)` is `Into`!
//! // Snippets can be optional, by using Option:
//! #[label("some text")]
//! snip3: Option,
//! // with or without label text
//! #[label]
//! snip4: Option,
//! }
//! ```
//! #### ... help text
//! `miette` provides two facilities for supplying help text for your errors:
//! The first is the `#[help()]` format attribute that applies to structs or
//! enum variants:
//! ```rust
//! use miette::Diagnostic;
//! use thiserror::Error;
//! #[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
//! #[error("welp")]
//! #[diagnostic(help("try doing this instead"))]
//! struct Foo;
//! ```
//! The other is by programmatically supplying the help text as a field to
//! your diagnostic:
//! ```rust
//! use miette::Diagnostic;
//! use thiserror::Error;
//! #[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
//! #[error("welp")]
//! #[diagnostic()]
//! struct Foo {
//! #[help]
//! advice: Option, // Can also just be `String`
//! }
//! let err = Foo {
//! advice: Some("try doing this instead".to_string()),
//! };
//! ```
//! ### ... multiple related errors
//! `miette` supports collecting multiple errors into a single diagnostic, and
//! printing them all together nicely.
//! To do so, use the `#[related]` tag on any `IntoIter` field in your
//! `Diagnostic` type:
//! ```rust
//! use miette::Diagnostic;
//! use thiserror::Error;
//! #[derive(Debug, Error, Diagnostic)]
//! #[error("oops")]
//! struct MyError {
//! #[related]
//! others: Vec,
//! }
//! ```
//! ### ... delayed source code
//! Sometimes it makes sense to add source code to the error message later.
//! One option is to use [`with_source_code()`](Report::with_source_code)
//! method for that:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use miette::{Diagnostic, SourceSpan};
//! use thiserror::Error;
//! #[derive(Diagnostic, Debug, Error)]
//! #[error("oops")]
//! #[diagnostic()]
//! pub struct MyErrorType {
//! // Note: label but no source code
//! #[label]
//! err_span: SourceSpan,
//! }
//! fn do_something() -> miette::Result<()> {
//! // This function emits actual error with label
//! return Err(MyErrorType {
//! err_span: (7..11).into(),
//! })?;
//! }
//! fn main() -> miette::Result<()> {
//! do_something().map_err(|error| {
//! // And this code provides the source code for inner error
//! error.with_source_code(String::from("source code"))
//! })
//! }
//! ```
//! Also source code can be provided by a wrapper type. This is especially
//! useful in combination with `related`, when multiple errors should be
//! emitted at the same time:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use miette::{Diagnostic, Report, SourceSpan};
//! use thiserror::Error;
//! #[derive(Diagnostic, Debug, Error)]
//! #[error("oops")]
//! #[diagnostic()]
//! pub struct InnerError {
//! // Note: label but no source code
//! #[label]
//! err_span: SourceSpan,
//! }
//! #[derive(Diagnostic, Debug, Error)]
//! #[error("oops: multiple errors")]
//! #[diagnostic()]
//! pub struct MultiError {
//! // Note source code by no labels
//! #[source_code]
//! source_code: String,
//! // The source code above is used for these errors
//! #[related]
//! related: Vec,
//! }
//! fn do_something() -> Result<(), Vec> {
//! Err(vec![
//! InnerError {
//! err_span: (0..6).into(),
//! },
//! InnerError {
//! err_span: (7..11).into(),
//! },
//! ])
//! }
//! fn main() -> miette::Result<()> {
//! do_something().map_err(|err_list| MultiError {
//! source_code: "source code".into(),
//! related: err_list,
//! })?;
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! ### ... Diagnostic-based error sources.
//! When one uses the `#[source]` attribute on a field, that usually comes
//! from `thiserror`, and implements a method for
//! [`std::error::Error::source`]. This works in many cases, but it's lossy:
//! if the source of the diagnostic is a diagnostic itself, the source will
//! simply be treated as an `std::error::Error`.
//! While this has no effect on the existing _reporters_, since they don't use
//! that information right now, APIs who might want this information will have
//! no access to it.
//! If it's important for you for this information to be available to users,
//! you can use `#[diagnostic_source]` alongside `#[source]`. Not that you
//! will likely want to use _both_:
//! ```rust
//! use miette::Diagnostic;
//! use thiserror::Error;
//! #[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
//! #[error("MyError")]
//! struct MyError {
//! #[source]
//! #[diagnostic_source]
//! the_cause: OtherError,
//! }
//! #[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
//! #[error("OtherError")]
//! struct OtherError;
//! ```
//! ### ... handler options
//! [`MietteHandler`] is the default handler, and is very customizable. In
//! most cases, you can simply use [`MietteHandlerOpts`] to tweak its behavior
//! instead of falling back to your own custom handler.
//! Usage is like so:
//! ```rust,ignore
//! miette::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {
//! Box::new(
//! miette::MietteHandlerOpts::new()
//! .terminal_links(true)
//! .unicode(false)
//! .context_lines(3)
//! .tab_width(4)
//! .build(),
//! )
//! }))
//! # .unwrap()
//! ```
//! See the docs for [`MietteHandlerOpts`] for more details on what you can
//! customize!
//! ### ... dynamic diagnostics
//! If you...
//! - ...don't know all the possible errors upfront
//! - ...need to serialize/deserialize errors
//! then you may want to use [`miette!`], [`diagnostic!`] macros or
//! [`MietteDiagnostic`] directly to create diagnostic on the fly.
//! ```rust,ignore
//! # use miette::{miette, LabeledSpan, Report};
//! let source = "2 + 2 * 2 = 8".to_string();
//! let report = miette!(
//! labels = vec[
//! LabeledSpan::at(12..13, "this should be 6"),
//! ],
//! help = "'*' has greater precedence than '+'",
//! "Wrong answer"
//! ).with_source_code(source);
//! println!("{:?}", report)
//! ```
//! ## Acknowledgements
//! `miette` was not developed in a void. It owes enormous credit to various
//! other projects and their authors:
//! - [`anyhow`](http://crates.io/crates/anyhow) and [`color-eyre`](https://crates.io/crates/color-eyre):
//! these two enormously influential error handling libraries have pushed
//! forward the experience of application-level error handling and error
//! reporting. `miette`'s `Report` type is an attempt at a very very rough
//! version of their `Report` types.
//! - [`thiserror`](https://crates.io/crates/thiserror) for setting the standard
//! for library-level error definitions, and for being the inspiration behind
//! `miette`'s derive macro.
//! - `rustc` and [@estebank](https://github.com/estebank) for their
//! state-of-the-art work in compiler diagnostics.
//! - [`ariadne`](https://crates.io/crates/ariadne) for pushing forward how
//! _pretty_ these diagnostics can really look!
//! ## License
//! `miette` is released to the Rust community under the [Apache license
//! 2.0](./LICENSE).
//! It also includes code taken from [`eyre`](https://github.com/yaahc/eyre),
//! and some from [`thiserror`](https://github.com/dtolnay/thiserror), also
//! under the Apache License. Some code is taken from
//! [`ariadne`](https://github.com/zesterer/ariadne), which is MIT licensed.
pub use miette_derive::*;
pub use error::*;
pub use eyreish::*;
#[cfg(feature = "fancy-no-backtrace")]
pub use handler::*;
pub use handlers::*;
pub use miette_diagnostic::*;
pub use named_source::*;
#[cfg(feature = "fancy")]
pub use panic::*;
pub use protocol::*;
mod chain;
mod diagnostic_chain;
mod error;
mod eyreish;
#[cfg(feature = "fancy-no-backtrace")]
mod handler;
mod handlers;
pub mod macro_helpers;
mod miette_diagnostic;
mod named_source;
#[cfg(feature = "fancy")]
mod panic;
mod protocol;
mod source_impls;