# Authorization by token's Token-based authentication (also known as [JSON Web Token authentication](https://jwt.io/)) is a new way of handling authentication of users in applications. It is an alternative to [session-based authentication](https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/81756/). The most notable difference between the session-based and token-based authentication is that former relies heavily on the server. A record is created for each logged-in user. Token-based authentication is stateless - it does not store anything on the server but creates a unique encoded token that gets checked every time a request is made. Unlike session-based authentication, a token approach would not associate a user with login information but with a unique token that is used to carry client-host transactions. Many applications, including Facebook, Google, and GitHub, use the token-based approach. ## Requirements * **PHP**: 5.6.32+; * **Moodle**: 3.2+; * **Plug-in**: [tool_managertokens](https://github.com/valentineus/moodle-tool_managertokens); ## Documentation * [Install the plugin](docs/getting-started.md); * [User's Manual](docs/getting-started.md); ## License GNU Banner [GNU GPLv3](LICENSE.txt). Copyright (c) [Valentin Popov](mailto:info@valentineus.link).