<?php // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. /** * This file contains the functions used by the plugin. * * @package local_webhooks * @copyright 2017 "Valentin Popov" <info@valentineus.link> * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined("MOODLE_INTERNAL") || die(); define("LOCAL_WEBHOOKS_TABLE_SERVICES", "local_webhooks_service"); define("LOCAL_WEBHOOKS_TABLE_EVENTS", "local_webhooks_events"); require_once(__DIR__ . "/locallib.php"); /** * Change the status of the service. * * @param number $serviceid * @return boolean */ function local_webhooks_change_status($serviceid) { global $DB; $status = $DB->get_field(LOCAL_WEBHOOKS_TABLE_SERVICES, "status", array("id" => $serviceid), IGNORE_MISSING); $result = $DB->set_field(LOCAL_WEBHOOKS_TABLE_SERVICES, "status", !boolval($status), array("id" => $serviceid)); return $result; } /** * Search for services that contain the specified event. * * @param string $eventname * @param number $limitfrom * @param number $limitnum * @return array */ function local_webhooks_search_record($eventname, $limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0) { global $DB; /* Checks for the presence of a cache */ $namecache = "${eventname}_${limitfrom}_${limitnum}"; if (is_array($records = local_webhooks_cache_get($namecache))) { return $records; } /* Loads a list of events */ $rs = $DB->get_recordset(LOCAL_WEBHOOKS_TABLE_EVENTS, array("name" => $eventname, "status" => true), "id", "*", $limitfrom, $limitnum); $result = array(); /* Loads services */ foreach ($rs as $event) { if ($record = $DB->get_record(LOCAL_WEBHOOKS_TABLE_SERVICES, array("id" => $event->serviceid, "status" => true), "*", IGNORE_MISSING)) { $result[] = $record; } } $rs->close(); /* Saves the result in the cache */ local_webhooks_cache_set($namecache, $result); return $result; } /** * Get the record from the database. * * @param number $serviceid * @return object */ function local_webhooks_get_record($serviceid) { global $DB; $record = $DB->get_record(LOCAL_WEBHOOKS_TABLE_SERVICES, array("id" => $serviceid), "*", IGNORE_MISSING); $record->events = local_webhooks_get_list_events_for_service($serviceid); return $record; } /** * Get all records from the database. * * @param number $limitfrom * @param number $limitnum * @param array $conditions * @return array */ function local_webhooks_get_list_records($limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0, $conditions = array()) { global $DB; $records = $DB->get_records(LOCAL_WEBHOOKS_TABLE_SERVICES, $conditions, "id", "*", $limitfrom, $limitnum); foreach ($records as $record) { $record->events = local_webhooks_get_list_events_for_service($record->id); } return $records; } /** * Get a list of all system events. * * @return array */ function local_webhooks_get_list_events() { return report_eventlist_list_generator::get_all_events_list(true); } /** * Create an entry in the database. * * @param object $record * @return number */ function local_webhooks_create_record($record) { global $DB; if (empty($record->events)) { $record->events = array(); } /* Adding entries */ $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction(); $serviceid = $DB->insert_record(LOCAL_WEBHOOKS_TABLE_SERVICES, $record, true, false); local_webhooks_insert_events_for_service($serviceid, $record->events); $transaction->allow_commit(); /* Clear the plugin cache */ local_webhooks_cache_reset(); /* Event notification */ local_webhooks_events::service_added($serviceid); return $serviceid; } /** * Update the record in the database. * * @param object $record * @return boolean */ function local_webhooks_update_record($record) { global $DB; if (empty($record->id)) { print_error("missingparam", "error", null, "id"); } if (empty($record->events)) { $record->events = array(); } /* Update records */ $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction(); $result = $DB->update_record(LOCAL_WEBHOOKS_TABLE_SERVICES, $record, false); local_webhooks_insert_events_for_service($record->id, $record->events); $transaction->allow_commit(); /* Clear the plugin cache */ local_webhooks_cache_reset(); /* Event notification */ local_webhooks_events::service_updated($record->id); return boolval($result); } /** * Delete the record from the database. * * @param number $serviceid * @return boolean */ function local_webhooks_delete_record($serviceid) { global $DB; $result = $DB->delete_records(LOCAL_WEBHOOKS_TABLE_SERVICES, array("id" => $serviceid)); local_webhooks_delete_events_for_service($serviceid); /* Clear the plugin cache */ local_webhooks_cache_reset(); /* Event notification */ local_webhooks_events::service_deleted($serviceid); return boolval($result); } /** * Delete all records from the database. * * @return boolean */ function local_webhooks_delete_all_records() { global $DB; $result = $DB->delete_records(LOCAL_WEBHOOKS_TABLE_SERVICES, null); $DB->delete_records(LOCAL_WEBHOOKS_TABLE_EVENTS, null); /* Clear the plugin cache */ local_webhooks_cache_reset(); /* Event notification */ local_webhooks_events::service_deletedall(); return boolval($result); } /** * Create a backup. * * @return string */ function local_webhooks_create_backup() { $records = local_webhooks_get_list_records(); $result = false; if ($serialize = serialize($records)) { $result = gzcompress($serialize, 9); } /* Event notification */ local_webhooks_events::backup_performed(); return base64_encode($result); } /** * Restore from a backup. * * @param string $data */ function local_webhooks_restore_backup($backup) { global $DB; $serialize = gzuncompress(base64_decode($backup)); $records = unserialize($serialize); $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction(); local_webhooks_delete_all_records(); foreach ($records as $record) { local_webhooks_create_record($record); } $transaction->allow_commit(); /* Event notification */ local_webhooks_events::backup_restored(); return true; } /** * Send the event remotely to the service. * * @param object $event * @param object $record * @return array */ function local_webhooks_send_request($event, $record) { global $CFG; $event["host"] = parse_url($CFG->wwwroot)["host"]; /* @todo: Fucking shit */ $event["token"] = $record->token; $event["extra"] = $record->other; $curl = new curl(); $curl->setHeader(array("Content-Type: application/" . $record->type)); $curl->post($record->url, json_encode($event)); $response = $curl->getResponse(); /* Event notification */ local_webhooks_events::response_answer($record->id, $response); return $response; }