path: root/vendor/image/src/math/utils.rs
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authorValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-01-08 00:21:28 +0300
committerValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-01-08 00:21:28 +0300
commit1b6a04ca5504955c571d1c97504fb45ea0befee4 (patch)
tree7579f518b23313e8a9748a88ab6173d5e030b227 /vendor/image/src/math/utils.rs
parent5ecd8cf2cba827454317368b68571df0d13d7842 (diff)
Initial vendor packages
Signed-off-by: Valentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/image/src/math/utils.rs')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/image/src/math/utils.rs b/vendor/image/src/math/utils.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a1f121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/image/src/math/utils.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+//! Shared mathematical utility functions.
+use std::cmp::max;
+/// Calculates the width and height an image should be resized to.
+/// This preserves aspect ratio, and based on the `fill` parameter
+/// will either fill the dimensions to fit inside the smaller constraint
+/// (will overflow the specified bounds on one axis to preserve
+/// aspect ratio), or will shrink so that both dimensions are
+/// completely contained within the given `width` and `height`,
+/// with empty space on one axis.
+pub(crate) fn resize_dimensions(
+ width: u32,
+ height: u32,
+ nwidth: u32,
+ nheight: u32,
+ fill: bool,
+) -> (u32, u32) {
+ let wratio = nwidth as f64 / width as f64;
+ let hratio = nheight as f64 / height as f64;
+ let ratio = if fill {
+ f64::max(wratio, hratio)
+ } else {
+ f64::min(wratio, hratio)
+ };
+ let nw = max((width as f64 * ratio).round() as u64, 1);
+ let nh = max((height as f64 * ratio).round() as u64, 1);
+ if nw > u64::from(u32::MAX) {
+ let ratio = u32::MAX as f64 / width as f64;
+ (u32::MAX, max((height as f64 * ratio).round() as u32, 1))
+ } else if nh > u64::from(u32::MAX) {
+ let ratio = u32::MAX as f64 / height as f64;
+ (max((width as f64 * ratio).round() as u32, 1), u32::MAX)
+ } else {
+ (nw as u32, nh as u32)
+ }
+mod test {
+ quickcheck! {
+ fn resize_bounds_correctly_width(old_w: u32, new_w: u32) -> bool {
+ if old_w == 0 || new_w == 0 { return true; }
+ // In this case, the scaling is limited by scaling of height.
+ // We could check that case separately but it does not conform to the same expectation.
+ if new_w as u64 * 400u64 >= old_w as u64 * u64::from(u32::MAX) { return true; }
+ let result = super::resize_dimensions(old_w, 400, new_w, ::std::u32::MAX, false);
+ let exact = (400 as f64 * new_w as f64 / old_w as f64).round() as u32;
+ result.0 == new_w && result.1 == exact.max(1)
+ }
+ }
+ quickcheck! {
+ fn resize_bounds_correctly_height(old_h: u32, new_h: u32) -> bool {
+ if old_h == 0 || new_h == 0 { return true; }
+ // In this case, the scaling is limited by scaling of width.
+ // We could check that case separately but it does not conform to the same expectation.
+ if 400u64 * new_h as u64 >= old_h as u64 * u64::from(u32::MAX) { return true; }
+ let result = super::resize_dimensions(400, old_h, ::std::u32::MAX, new_h, false);
+ let exact = (400 as f64 * new_h as f64 / old_h as f64).round() as u32;
+ result.1 == new_h && result.0 == exact.max(1)
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn resize_handles_fill() {
+ let result = super::resize_dimensions(100, 200, 200, 500, true);
+ assert!(result.0 == 250);
+ assert!(result.1 == 500);
+ let result = super::resize_dimensions(200, 100, 500, 200, true);
+ assert!(result.0 == 500);
+ assert!(result.1 == 250);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn resize_never_rounds_to_zero() {
+ let result = super::resize_dimensions(1, 150, 128, 128, false);
+ assert!(result.0 > 0);
+ assert!(result.1 > 0);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn resize_handles_overflow() {
+ let result = super::resize_dimensions(100, ::std::u32::MAX, 200, ::std::u32::MAX, true);
+ assert!(result.0 == 100);
+ assert!(result.1 == ::std::u32::MAX);
+ let result = super::resize_dimensions(::std::u32::MAX, 100, ::std::u32::MAX, 200, true);
+ assert!(result.0 == ::std::u32::MAX);
+ assert!(result.1 == 100);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn resize_rounds() {
+ // Only truncation will result in (3840, 2229) and (2160, 3719)
+ let result = super::resize_dimensions(4264, 2476, 3840, 2160, true);
+ assert_eq!(result, (3840, 2230));
+ let result = super::resize_dimensions(2476, 4264, 2160, 3840, false);
+ assert_eq!(result, (2160, 3720));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn resize_handles_zero() {
+ let result = super::resize_dimensions(0, 100, 100, 100, false);
+ assert_eq!(result, (1, 100));
+ let result = super::resize_dimensions(100, 0, 100, 100, false);
+ assert_eq!(result, (100, 1));
+ let result = super::resize_dimensions(100, 100, 0, 100, false);
+ assert_eq!(result, (1, 1));
+ let result = super::resize_dimensions(100, 100, 100, 0, false);
+ assert_eq!(result, (1, 1));
+ }