path: root/vendor/owo-colors/examples
diff options
authorValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-01-08 00:21:28 +0300
committerValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-01-08 00:21:28 +0300
commit1b6a04ca5504955c571d1c97504fb45ea0befee4 (patch)
tree7579f518b23313e8a9748a88ab6173d5e030b227 /vendor/owo-colors/examples
parent5ecd8cf2cba827454317368b68571df0d13d7842 (diff)
Initial vendor packages
Signed-off-by: Valentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/owo-colors/examples')
8 files changed, 431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/owo-colors/examples/all_xterm_colors.rs b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/all_xterm_colors.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..533423e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/all_xterm_colors.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+use owo_colors::colors::xterm;
+use owo_colors::OwoColorize;
+macro_rules! xterm_colors {
+ ($(
+ $xterm_num:literal $name:ident ($r:literal, $g:literal, $b:literal)
+ )*) => {
+ $(
+ println!(
+ "{} {}",
+ " ".bg::<xterm::$name>(),
+ stringify!($name).fg::<xterm::$name>(),
+ );
+ )*
+ };
+fn main() {
+ // This example is intended as a quick way to view all the available xterm colors
+ //
+ // ```
+ // cargo run --example all_xterm_colors
+ // ```
+ xterm_colors! {
+ 0 UserBlack (0,0,0)
+ 1 UserRed (128,0,0)
+ 2 UserGreen (0,128,0)
+ 3 UserYellow (128,128,0)
+ 4 UserBlue (0,0,128)
+ 5 UserMagenta (128,0,128)
+ 6 UserCyan (0,128,128)
+ 7 UserWhite (192,192,192)
+ 8 UserBrightBlack (128,128,128)
+ 9 UserBrightRed (255,0,0)
+ 10 UserBrightGreen (0,255,0)
+ 11 UserBrightYellow (255,255,0)
+ 12 UserBrightBlue (0,0,255)
+ 13 UserBrightMagenta (255,0,255)
+ 14 UserBrightCyan (0,255,255)
+ 15 UserBrightWhite (255,255,255)
+ 16 Black (0,0,0)
+ 17 StratosBlue (0,0,95)
+ 18 NavyBlue (0,0,135)
+ 19 MidnightBlue (0,0,175)
+ 20 DarkBlue (0,0,215)
+ 21 Blue (0,0,255)
+ 22 CamaroneGreen (0,95,0)
+ 23 BlueStone (0,95,95)
+ 24 OrientBlue (0,95,135)
+ 25 EndeavourBlue (0,95,175)
+ 26 ScienceBlue (0,95,215)
+ 27 BlueRibbon (0,95,255)
+ 28 JapaneseLaurel (0,135,0)
+ 29 DeepSeaGreen (0,135,95)
+ 30 Teal (0,135,135)
+ 31 DeepCerulean (0,135,175)
+ 32 LochmaraBlue (0,135,215)
+ 33 AzureRadiance (0,135,255)
+ 34 LightJapaneseLaurel (0,175,0)
+ 35 Jade (0,175,95)
+ 36 PersianGreen (0,175,135)
+ 37 BondiBlue (0,175,175)
+ 38 Cerulean (0,175,215)
+ 39 LightAzureRadiance (0,175,255)
+ 40 DarkGreen (0,215,0)
+ 41 Malachite (0,215,95)
+ 42 CaribbeanGreen (0,215,135)
+ 43 LightCaribbeanGreen (0,215,175)
+ 44 RobinEggBlue (0,215,215)
+ 45 Aqua (0,215,255)
+ 46 Green (0,255,0)
+ 47 DarkSpringGreen (0,255,95)
+ 48 SpringGreen (0,255,135)
+ 49 LightSpringGreen (0,255,175)
+ 50 BrightTurquoise (0,255,215)
+ 51 Cyan (0,255,255)
+ 52 Rosewood (95,0,0)
+ 53 PompadourMagenta (95,0,95)
+ 54 PigmentIndigo (95,0,135)
+ 55 DarkPurple (95,0,175)
+ 56 ElectricIndigo (95,0,215)
+ 57 ElectricPurple (95,0,255)
+ 58 VerdunGreen (95,95,0)
+ 59 ScorpionOlive (95,95,95)
+ 60 Lilac (95,95,135)
+ 61 ScampiIndigo (95,95,175)
+ 62 Indigo (95,95,215)
+ 63 DarkCornflowerBlue (95,95,255)
+ 64 DarkLimeade (95,135,0)
+ 65 GladeGreen (95,135,95)
+ 66 JuniperGreen (95,135,135)
+ 67 HippieBlue (95,135,175)
+ 68 HavelockBlue (95,135,215)
+ 69 CornflowerBlue (95,135,255)
+ 70 Limeade (95,175,0)
+ 71 FernGreen (95,175,95)
+ 72 SilverTree (95,175,135)
+ 73 Tradewind (95,175,175)
+ 74 ShakespeareBlue (95,175,215)
+ 75 DarkMalibuBlue (95,175,255)
+ 76 DarkBrightGreen (95,215,0)
+ 77 DarkPastelGreen (95,215,95)
+ 78 PastelGreen (95,215,135)
+ 79 DownyTeal (95,215,175)
+ 80 Viking (95,215,215)
+ 81 MalibuBlue (95,215,255)
+ 82 BrightGreen (95,255,0)
+ 83 DarkScreaminGreen (95,255,95)
+ 84 ScreaminGreen (95,255,135)
+ 85 DarkAquamarine (95,255,175)
+ 86 Aquamarine (95,255,215)
+ 87 LightAquamarine (95,255,255)
+ 88 Maroon (135,0,0)
+ 89 DarkFreshEggplant (135,0,95)
+ 90 LightFreshEggplant (135,0,135)
+ 91 Purple (135,0,175)
+ 92 ElectricViolet (135,0,215)
+ 93 LightElectricViolet (135,0,255)
+ 94 Brown (135,95,0)
+ 95 CopperRose (135,95,95)
+ 96 StrikemasterPurple (135,95,135)
+ 97 DelugePurple (135,95,175)
+ 98 DarkMediumPurple (135,95,215)
+ 99 DarkHeliotropePurple (135,95,255)
+ 100 Olive (135,135,0)
+ 101 ClayCreekOlive (135,135,95)
+ 102 DarkGray (135,135,135)
+ 103 WildBlueYonder (135,135,175)
+ 104 ChetwodeBlue (135,135,215)
+ 105 SlateBlue (135,135,255)
+ 106 LightLimeade (135,175,0)
+ 107 ChelseaCucumber (135,175,95)
+ 108 BayLeaf (135,175,135)
+ 109 GulfStream (135,175,175)
+ 110 PoloBlue (135,175,215)
+ 111 LightMalibuBlue (135,175,255)
+ 112 Pistachio (135,215,0)
+ 113 LightPastelGreen (135,215,95)
+ 114 DarkFeijoaGreen (135,215,135)
+ 115 VistaBlue (135,215,175)
+ 116 Bermuda (135,215,215)
+ 117 DarkAnakiwaBlue (135,215,255)
+ 118 ChartreuseGreen (135,255,0)
+ 119 LightScreaminGreen (135,255,95)
+ 120 DarkMintGreen (135,255,135)
+ 121 MintGreen (135,255,175)
+ 122 LighterAquamarine (135,255,215)
+ 123 AnakiwaBlue (135,255,255)
+ 124 BrightRed (175,0,0)
+ 125 DarkFlirt (175,0,95)
+ 126 Flirt (175,0,135)
+ 127 LightFlirt (175,0,175)
+ 128 DarkViolet (175,0,215)
+ 129 BrightElectricViolet (175,0,255)
+ 130 RoseofSharonOrange (175,95,0)
+ 131 MatrixPink (175,95,95)
+ 132 TapestryPink (175,95,135)
+ 133 FuchsiaPink (175,95,175)
+ 134 MediumPurple (175,95,215)
+ 135 Heliotrope (175,95,255)
+ 136 PirateGold (175,135,0)
+ 137 MuesliOrange (175,135,95)
+ 138 PharlapPink (175,135,135)
+ 139 Bouquet (175,135,175)
+ 140 Lavender (175,135,215)
+ 141 LightHeliotrope (175,135,255)
+ 142 BuddhaGold (175,175,0)
+ 143 OliveGreen (175,175,95)
+ 144 HillaryOlive (175,175,135)
+ 145 SilverChalice (175,175,175)
+ 146 WistfulLilac (175,175,215)
+ 147 MelroseLilac (175,175,255)
+ 148 RioGrandeGreen (175,215,0)
+ 149 ConiferGreen (175,215,95)
+ 150 Feijoa (175,215,135)
+ 151 PixieGreen (175,215,175)
+ 152 JungleMist (175,215,215)
+ 153 LightAnakiwaBlue (175,215,255)
+ 154 Lime (175,255,0)
+ 155 GreenYellow (175,255,95)
+ 156 LightMintGreen (175,255,135)
+ 157 Celadon (175,255,175)
+ 158 AeroBlue (175,255,215)
+ 159 FrenchPassLightBlue (175,255,255)
+ 160 GuardsmanRed (215,0,0)
+ 161 RazzmatazzCerise (215,0,95)
+ 162 MediumVioletRed (215,0,135)
+ 163 HollywoodCerise (215,0,175)
+ 164 DarkPurplePizzazz (215,0,215)
+ 165 BrighterElectricViolet (215,0,255)
+ 166 TennOrange (215,95,0)
+ 167 RomanOrange (215,95,95)
+ 168 CranberryPink (215,95,135)
+ 169 HopbushPink (215,95,175)
+ 170 Orchid (215,95,215)
+ 171 LighterHeliotrope (215,95,255)
+ 172 MangoTango (215,135,0)
+ 173 Copperfield (215,135,95)
+ 174 SeaPink (215,135,135)
+ 175 CanCanPink (215,135,175)
+ 176 LightOrchid (215,135,215)
+ 177 BrightHeliotrope (215,135,255)
+ 178 DarkCorn (215,175,0)
+ 179 DarkTachaOrange (215,175,95)
+ 180 TanBeige (215,175,135)
+ 181 ClamShell (215,175,175)
+ 182 ThistlePink (215,175,215)
+ 183 Mauve (215,175,255)
+ 184 Corn (215,215,0)
+ 185 TachaOrange (215,215,95)
+ 186 DecoOrange (215,215,135)
+ 187 PaleGoldenrod (215,215,175)
+ 188 AltoBeige (215,215,215)
+ 189 FogPink (215,215,255)
+ 190 ChartreuseYellow (215,255,0)
+ 191 Canary (215,255,95)
+ 192 Honeysuckle (215,255,135)
+ 193 ReefPaleYellow (215,255,175)
+ 194 SnowyMint (215,255,215)
+ 195 OysterBay (215,255,255)
+ 196 Red (255,0,0)
+ 197 DarkRose (255,0,95)
+ 198 Rose (255,0,135)
+ 199 LightHollywoodCerise (255,0,175)
+ 200 PurplePizzazz (255,0,215)
+ 201 Fuchsia (255,0,255)
+ 202 BlazeOrange (255,95,0)
+ 203 BittersweetOrange (255,95,95)
+ 204 WildWatermelon (255,95,135)
+ 205 DarkHotPink (255,95,175)
+ 206 HotPink (255,95,215)
+ 207 PinkFlamingo (255,95,255)
+ 208 FlushOrange (255,135,0)
+ 209 Salmon (255,135,95)
+ 210 VividTangerine (255,135,135)
+ 211 PinkSalmon (255,135,175)
+ 212 DarkLavenderRose (255,135,215)
+ 213 BlushPink (255,135,255)
+ 214 YellowSea (255,175,0)
+ 215 TexasRose (255,175,95)
+ 216 Tacao (255,175,135)
+ 217 Sundown (255,175,175)
+ 218 CottonCandy (255,175,215)
+ 219 LavenderRose (255,175,255)
+ 220 Gold (255,215,0)
+ 221 Dandelion (255,215,95)
+ 222 GrandisCaramel (255,215,135)
+ 223 Caramel (255,215,175)
+ 224 CosmosSalmon (255,215,215)
+ 225 PinkLace (255,215,255)
+ 226 Yellow (255,255,0)
+ 227 LaserLemon (255,255,95)
+ 228 DollyYellow (255,255,135)
+ 229 PortafinoYellow (255,255,175)
+ 230 Cumulus (255,255,215)
+ 231 White (255,255,255)
+ 232 DarkCodGray (8,8,8)
+ 233 CodGray (18,18,18)
+ 234 LightCodGray (28,28,28)
+ 235 DarkMineShaft (38,38,38)
+ 236 MineShaft (48,48,48)
+ 237 LightMineShaft (58,58,58)
+ 238 DarkTundora (68,68,68)
+ 239 Tundora (78,78,78)
+ 240 ScorpionGray (88,88,88)
+ 241 DarkDoveGray (98,98,98)
+ 242 DoveGray (108,108,108)
+ 243 Boulder (118,118,118)
+ 244 Gray (128,128,128)
+ 245 LightGray (138,138,138)
+ 246 DustyGray (148,148,148)
+ 247 NobelGray (158,158,158)
+ 248 DarkSilverChalice (168,168,168)
+ 249 LightSilverChalice (178,178,178)
+ 250 DarkSilver (188,188,188)
+ 251 Silver (198,198,198)
+ 252 DarkAlto (208,208,208)
+ 253 Alto (218,218,218)
+ 254 Mercury (228,228,228)
+ 255 GalleryGray (238,238,238)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/owo-colors/examples/banner.rs b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/banner.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28f68fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/banner.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+use owo_colors::{DynColors, OwoColorize};
+const OWO: &str = r#"
+ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗ ██████╗
+ ██╔═══██╗██║ ██║██╔═══██╗
+ ██║ ██║██║ █╗ ██║██║ ██║
+ ██║ ██║██║███╗██║██║ ██║
+ ╚██████╔╝╚███╔███╔╝╚██████╔╝
+ ╚═════╝ ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═════╝
+const COLORS: &str = r#"
+ .o88b. | .d88b. |db | .d88b. |d8888b. |.d8888.
+ d8P Y8 |.8P Y8. |88 |.8P Y8. |88 `8D |88' YP
+ 8P |88 88 |88 |88 88 |88oobY' |`8bo.
+ 8b |88 88 |88 |88 88 |88`8b | `Y8b.
+ Y8b d8 |`8b d8' |88booo. |`8b d8' |88 `88. |db 8D
+ `Y88P' | `Y88P' |Y88888P | `Y88P' |88 YD |`8888Y' "#;
+fn main() {
+ let colors: [DynColors; 6] = [
+ "#B80A41", "#4E4BA8", "#6EB122", "#DAAC06", "#00938A", "#E23838",
+ ]
+ .map(|color| color.parse().unwrap());
+ println!("\n\n\n\n\n{}", OWO.fg_rgb::<0x2E, 0x31, 0x92>().bold());
+ for line in COLORS.split_inclusive('\n') {
+ for (text, color) in line.split('|').zip(colors.iter().copied()) {
+ print!("{}", text.color(color).bold());
+ }
+ }
+ println!("\n\n\n\n\n\n");
diff --git a/vendor/owo-colors/examples/colors.rs b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/colors.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c2a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/colors.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+use owo_colors::{colors::*, OwoColorize};
+fn main() {
+ // normal usage
+ println!("{}", "green".green());
+ println!("{}", "yellow".yellow());
+ println!("{}", "blue".blue());
+ println!("{}", "black".black());
+ // generic examples
+ println!("{}", "red".fg::<Red>());
+ println!("{}", "magenta".fg::<Magenta>());
+ println!("{}", "white".fg::<White>());
+ println!("{}", "cyan".fg::<Cyan>());
+ println!("\nBrights\n-------");
+ println!("{}", "green".fg::<BrightGreen>());
+ println!("{}", "yellow".fg::<BrightYellow>());
+ println!("{}", "blue".fg::<BrightBlue>());
+ println!("{}", "black".fg::<BrightBlack>());
+ println!("{}", "red".fg::<BrightRed>());
+ println!("{}", "magenta".fg::<BrightMagenta>());
+ println!("{}", "white".fg::<BrightWhite>());
+ println!("{}", "cyan".fg::<BrightCyan>());
+ println!("\nStyles\n-------");
+ println!("{}", "underline".underline());
+ println!("{}", "bold".bold());
+ println!("{}", "italic".italic());
+ println!("{}", "strikethrough".strikethrough());
+ println!("{}", "reverse".reversed());
+ println!("1{}3", "2".hidden());
+ println!("{}", "blink".blink());
+ println!("{}", "blink fast".blink_fast());
+ // foreground and background
+ let red_on_white = "red on white".red().on_white();
+ println!("{}", red_on_white);
diff --git a/vendor/owo-colors/examples/custom_colors.rs b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/custom_colors.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c0d12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/custom_colors.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use owo_colors::colors::CustomColor;
+use owo_colors::OwoColorize;
+fn main() {
+ println!("{}", "custom purple".fg::<CustomColor<141, 59, 212>>());
+ println!("{}", "custom green".fg_rgb::<50, 209, 42>());
diff --git a/vendor/owo-colors/examples/dyn_colors.rs b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/dyn_colors.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0272f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/dyn_colors.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+use owo_colors::{AnsiColors, DynColors, OwoColorize, Rgb, XtermColors};
+fn random_number() -> u32 {
+ 2
+fn main() {
+ let mut color = AnsiColors::Red;
+ println!("{}", "red".color(color));
+ color = AnsiColors::Blue;
+ println!("{}", "blue".color(color));
+ let color = XtermColors::Fuchsia;
+ println!("{}", "fuchsia".color(color));
+ let color = Rgb(141, 59, 212);
+ println!("{}", "custom purple".color(color));
+ let color = match random_number() {
+ 1 => DynColors::Rgb(141, 59, 212),
+ 2 => DynColors::Ansi(AnsiColors::BrightGreen),
+ 3 => "#F3F3F3".parse().unwrap(),
+ _ => DynColors::Xterm(XtermColors::Aqua),
+ };
+ println!("{}", "mystery color".color(color));
diff --git a/vendor/owo-colors/examples/extra_colors.rs b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/extra_colors.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c62b6a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/extra_colors.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+use owo_colors::{colors::xterm, OwoColorize};
+fn main() {
+ println!("{}", "Electric violet".fg::<xterm::ElectricViolet>());
+ println!("{}", "Matrix".fg::<xterm::MatrixPink>());
+ println!("{}", "Flirt".fg::<xterm::Flirt>());
+ println!("{}", "Cyan2".fg::<xterm::Cyan>());
+ println!("{}", "Cyan".fg::<xterm::UserCyan>());
+ println!("{}", "Lime".fg::<xterm::Lime>());
+ println!("{}", "Jade".fg::<xterm::Jade>());
+ println!("{}", "Reef".fg::<xterm::Mauve>());
diff --git a/vendor/owo-colors/examples/override.rs b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/override.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abdd2bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/override.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+use owo_colors::{OwoColorize, Stream::Stdout};
+fn main() {
+ println!("Override color=always");
+ owo_colors::set_override(true);
+ println!("{}", "blue".if_supports_color(Stdout, |text| text.blue()));
+ println!("Override color=never");
+ owo_colors::set_override(false);
+ println!("{}", "green".if_supports_color(Stdout, |text| text.green()));
+ println!("Override color=auto");
+ owo_colors::unset_override();
+ println!(
+ "{}",
+ "yellow".if_supports_color(Stdout, |text| text.bright_yellow())
+ );
diff --git a/vendor/owo-colors/examples/supports_color.rs b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/supports_color.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df4fc9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/owo-colors/examples/supports_color.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+use owo_colors::{OwoColorize, Stream::Stdout};
+fn main() {
+ println!(
+ "{}",
+ "This will be red if viewed through a compatible terminal!"
+ .if_supports_color(Stdout, |x| x.red())
+ );