path: root/vendor/proc-macro2/tests/test.rs
diff options
authorValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-07-19 15:37:58 +0300
committerValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-07-19 15:37:58 +0300
commita990de90fe41456a23e58bd087d2f107d321f3a1 (patch)
tree15afc392522a9e85dc3332235e311b7d39352ea9 /vendor/proc-macro2/tests/test.rs
parent3d48cd3f81164bbfc1a755dc1d4a9a02f98c8ddd (diff)
Deleted vendor folder
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/proc-macro2/tests/test.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 759 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/proc-macro2/tests/test.rs b/vendor/proc-macro2/tests/test.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index b75cd55..0000000
--- a/vendor/proc-macro2/tests/test.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,759 +0,0 @@
- clippy::assertions_on_result_states,
- clippy::items_after_statements,
- clippy::non_ascii_literal,
- clippy::octal_escapes
-use proc_macro2::{Ident, Literal, Punct, Spacing, Span, TokenStream, TokenTree};
-use std::iter;
-use std::str::{self, FromStr};
-fn idents() {
- assert_eq!(
- Ident::new("String", Span::call_site()).to_string(),
- "String"
- );
- assert_eq!(Ident::new("fn", Span::call_site()).to_string(), "fn");
- assert_eq!(Ident::new("_", Span::call_site()).to_string(), "_");
-fn raw_idents() {
- assert_eq!(
- Ident::new_raw("String", Span::call_site()).to_string(),
- "r#String"
- );
- assert_eq!(Ident::new_raw("fn", Span::call_site()).to_string(), "r#fn");
-#[should_panic(expected = "`r#_` cannot be a raw identifier")]
-fn ident_raw_underscore() {
- Ident::new_raw("_", Span::call_site());
-#[should_panic(expected = "`r#super` cannot be a raw identifier")]
-fn ident_raw_reserved() {
- Ident::new_raw("super", Span::call_site());
-#[should_panic(expected = "Ident is not allowed to be empty; use Option<Ident>")]
-fn ident_empty() {
- Ident::new("", Span::call_site());
-#[should_panic(expected = "Ident cannot be a number; use Literal instead")]
-fn ident_number() {
- Ident::new("255", Span::call_site());
-#[should_panic(expected = "\"a#\" is not a valid Ident")]
-fn ident_invalid() {
- Ident::new("a#", Span::call_site());
-#[should_panic(expected = "not a valid Ident")]
-fn raw_ident_empty() {
- Ident::new("r#", Span::call_site());
-#[should_panic(expected = "not a valid Ident")]
-fn raw_ident_number() {
- Ident::new("r#255", Span::call_site());
-#[should_panic(expected = "\"r#a#\" is not a valid Ident")]
-fn raw_ident_invalid() {
- Ident::new("r#a#", Span::call_site());
-#[should_panic(expected = "not a valid Ident")]
-fn lifetime_empty() {
- Ident::new("'", Span::call_site());
-#[should_panic(expected = "not a valid Ident")]
-fn lifetime_number() {
- Ident::new("'255", Span::call_site());
-#[should_panic(expected = r#""'a#" is not a valid Ident"#)]
-fn lifetime_invalid() {
- Ident::new("'a#", Span::call_site());
-fn literal_string() {
- assert_eq!(Literal::string("foo").to_string(), "\"foo\"");
- assert_eq!(Literal::string("\"").to_string(), "\"\\\"\"");
- assert_eq!(Literal::string("didn't").to_string(), "\"didn't\"");
- assert_eq!(
- Literal::string("a\00b\07c\08d\0e\0").to_string(),
- "\"a\\x000b\\x007c\\08d\\0e\\0\"",
- );
- "\"\\\r\n x\"".parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap();
- "\"\\\r\n \rx\"".parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap_err();
-fn literal_raw_string() {
- "r\"\r\n\"".parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap();
- fn raw_string_literal_with_hashes(n: usize) -> String {
- let mut literal = String::new();
- literal.push('r');
- literal.extend(iter::repeat('#').take(n));
- literal.push('"');
- literal.push('"');
- literal.extend(iter::repeat('#').take(n));
- literal
- }
- raw_string_literal_with_hashes(255)
- .parse::<TokenStream>()
- .unwrap();
- // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/95251
- raw_string_literal_with_hashes(256)
- .parse::<TokenStream>()
- .unwrap_err();
-fn literal_byte_string() {
- assert_eq!(Literal::byte_string(b"").to_string(), "b\"\"");
- assert_eq!(
- Literal::byte_string(b"\0\t\n\r\"\\2\x10").to_string(),
- "b\"\\0\\t\\n\\r\\\"\\\\2\\x10\"",
- );
- assert_eq!(
- Literal::byte_string(b"a\00b\07c\08d\0e\0").to_string(),
- "b\"a\\x000b\\x007c\\08d\\0e\\0\"",
- );
- "b\"\\\r\n x\"".parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap();
- "b\"\\\r\n \rx\"".parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap_err();
- "b\"\\\r\n \u{a0}x\"".parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap_err();
- "br\"\u{a0}\"".parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap_err();
-fn literal_c_string() {
- let strings = r###"
- c"hello\x80我叫\u{1F980}" // from the RFC
- cr"\"
- cr##"Hello "world"!"##
- c"\t\n\r\"\\"
- "###;
- let mut tokens = strings.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap().into_iter();
- for expected in &[
- r#"c"hello\x80我叫\u{1F980}""#,
- r#"cr"\""#,
- r###"cr##"Hello "world"!"##"###,
- r#"c"\t\n\r\"\\""#,
- ] {
- match tokens.next().unwrap() {
- TokenTree::Literal(literal) => {
- assert_eq!(literal.to_string(), *expected);
- }
- unexpected => panic!("unexpected token: {:?}", unexpected),
- }
- }
- if let Some(unexpected) = tokens.next() {
- panic!("unexpected token: {:?}", unexpected);
- }
- for invalid in &[r#"c"\0""#, r#"c"\x00""#, r#"c"\u{0}""#, "c\"\0\""] {
- if let Ok(unexpected) = invalid.parse::<TokenStream>() {
- panic!("unexpected token: {:?}", unexpected);
- }
- }
-fn literal_character() {
- assert_eq!(Literal::character('x').to_string(), "'x'");
- assert_eq!(Literal::character('\'').to_string(), "'\\''");
- assert_eq!(Literal::character('"').to_string(), "'\"'");
-fn literal_integer() {
- assert_eq!(Literal::u8_suffixed(10).to_string(), "10u8");
- assert_eq!(Literal::u16_suffixed(10).to_string(), "10u16");
- assert_eq!(Literal::u32_suffixed(10).to_string(), "10u32");
- assert_eq!(Literal::u64_suffixed(10).to_string(), "10u64");
- assert_eq!(Literal::u128_suffixed(10).to_string(), "10u128");
- assert_eq!(Literal::usize_suffixed(10).to_string(), "10usize");
- assert_eq!(Literal::i8_suffixed(10).to_string(), "10i8");
- assert_eq!(Literal::i16_suffixed(10).to_string(), "10i16");
- assert_eq!(Literal::i32_suffixed(10).to_string(), "10i32");
- assert_eq!(Literal::i64_suffixed(10).to_string(), "10i64");
- assert_eq!(Literal::i128_suffixed(10).to_string(), "10i128");
- assert_eq!(Literal::isize_suffixed(10).to_string(), "10isize");
- assert_eq!(Literal::u8_unsuffixed(10).to_string(), "10");
- assert_eq!(Literal::u16_unsuffixed(10).to_string(), "10");
- assert_eq!(Literal::u32_unsuffixed(10).to_string(), "10");
- assert_eq!(Literal::u64_unsuffixed(10).to_string(), "10");
- assert_eq!(Literal::u128_unsuffixed(10).to_string(), "10");
- assert_eq!(Literal::usize_unsuffixed(10).to_string(), "10");
- assert_eq!(Literal::i8_unsuffixed(10).to_string(), "10");
- assert_eq!(Literal::i16_unsuffixed(10).to_string(), "10");
- assert_eq!(Literal::i32_unsuffixed(10).to_string(), "10");
- assert_eq!(Literal::i64_unsuffixed(10).to_string(), "10");
- assert_eq!(Literal::i128_unsuffixed(10).to_string(), "10");
- assert_eq!(Literal::isize_unsuffixed(10).to_string(), "10");
-fn literal_float() {
- assert_eq!(Literal::f32_suffixed(10.0).to_string(), "10f32");
- assert_eq!(Literal::f64_suffixed(10.0).to_string(), "10f64");
- assert_eq!(Literal::f32_unsuffixed(10.0).to_string(), "10.0");
- assert_eq!(Literal::f64_unsuffixed(10.0).to_string(), "10.0");
-fn literal_suffix() {
- fn token_count(p: &str) -> usize {
- p.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap().into_iter().count()
- }
- assert_eq!(token_count("999u256"), 1);
- assert_eq!(token_count("999r#u256"), 3);
- assert_eq!(token_count("1."), 1);
- assert_eq!(token_count("1.f32"), 3);
- assert_eq!(token_count("1.0_0"), 1);
- assert_eq!(token_count("1._0"), 3);
- assert_eq!(token_count("1._m"), 3);
- assert_eq!(token_count("\"\"s"), 1);
- assert_eq!(token_count("r\"\"r"), 1);
- assert_eq!(token_count("b\"\"b"), 1);
- assert_eq!(token_count("br\"\"br"), 1);
- assert_eq!(token_count("r#\"\"#r"), 1);
- assert_eq!(token_count("'c'c"), 1);
- assert_eq!(token_count("b'b'b"), 1);
- assert_eq!(token_count("0E"), 1);
- assert_eq!(token_count("0o0A"), 1);
- assert_eq!(token_count("0E--0"), 4);
- assert_eq!(token_count("0.0ECMA"), 1);
-fn literal_iter_negative() {
- let negative_literal = Literal::i32_suffixed(-3);
- let tokens = TokenStream::from(TokenTree::Literal(negative_literal));
- let mut iter = tokens.into_iter();
- match iter.next().unwrap() {
- TokenTree::Punct(punct) => {
- assert_eq!(punct.as_char(), '-');
- assert_eq!(punct.spacing(), Spacing::Alone);
- }
- unexpected => panic!("unexpected token {:?}", unexpected),
- }
- match iter.next().unwrap() {
- TokenTree::Literal(literal) => {
- assert_eq!(literal.to_string(), "3i32");
- }
- unexpected => panic!("unexpected token {:?}", unexpected),
- }
- assert!(iter.next().is_none());
-fn literal_parse() {
- assert!("1".parse::<Literal>().is_ok());
- assert!("-1".parse::<Literal>().is_ok());
- assert!("-1u12".parse::<Literal>().is_ok());
- assert!("1.0".parse::<Literal>().is_ok());
- assert!("-1.0".parse::<Literal>().is_ok());
- assert!("-1.0f12".parse::<Literal>().is_ok());
- assert!("'a'".parse::<Literal>().is_ok());
- assert!("\"\n\"".parse::<Literal>().is_ok());
- assert!("0 1".parse::<Literal>().is_err());
- assert!(" 0".parse::<Literal>().is_err());
- assert!("0 ".parse::<Literal>().is_err());
- assert!("/* comment */0".parse::<Literal>().is_err());
- assert!("0/* comment */".parse::<Literal>().is_err());
- assert!("0// comment".parse::<Literal>().is_err());
- assert!("- 1".parse::<Literal>().is_err());
- assert!("- 1.0".parse::<Literal>().is_err());
- assert!("-\"\"".parse::<Literal>().is_err());
-fn literal_span() {
- let positive = "0.1".parse::<Literal>().unwrap();
- let negative = "-0.1".parse::<Literal>().unwrap();
- let subspan = positive.subspan(1..2);
- #[cfg(not(span_locations))]
- {
- let _ = negative;
- assert!(subspan.is_none());
- }
- #[cfg(span_locations)]
- {
- assert_eq!(positive.span().start().column, 0);
- assert_eq!(positive.span().end().column, 3);
- assert_eq!(negative.span().start().column, 0);
- assert_eq!(negative.span().end().column, 4);
- assert_eq!(subspan.unwrap().source_text().unwrap(), ".");
- }
- assert!(positive.subspan(1..4).is_none());
-fn source_text() {
- let input = " 𓀕 a z ";
- let mut tokens = input
- .parse::<proc_macro2::TokenStream>()
- .unwrap()
- .into_iter();
- let first = tokens.next().unwrap();
- assert_eq!("𓀕", first.span().source_text().unwrap());
- let second = tokens.next().unwrap();
- let third = tokens.next().unwrap();
- assert_eq!("z", third.span().source_text().unwrap());
- assert_eq!("a", second.span().source_text().unwrap());
-fn roundtrip() {
- fn roundtrip(p: &str) {
- println!("parse: {}", p);
- let s = p.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap().to_string();
- println!("first: {}", s);
- let s2 = s.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap().to_string();
- assert_eq!(s, s2);
- }
- roundtrip("a");
- roundtrip("<<");
- roundtrip("<<=");
- roundtrip(
- "
- 1
- 1.0
- 1f32
- 2f64
- 1usize
- 4isize
- 4e10
- 1_000
- 1_0i32
- 8u8
- 9
- 0
- 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
- 1x
- 1u80
- 1f320
- ",
- );
- roundtrip("'a");
- roundtrip("'_");
- roundtrip("'static");
- roundtrip("'\\u{10__FFFF}'");
- roundtrip("\"\\u{10_F0FF__}foo\\u{1_0_0_0__}\"");
-fn fail() {
- fn fail(p: &str) {
- if let Ok(s) = p.parse::<TokenStream>() {
- panic!("should have failed to parse: {}\n{:#?}", p, s);
- }
- }
- fail("' static");
- fail("r#1");
- fail("r#_");
- fail("\"\\u{0000000}\""); // overlong unicode escape (rust allows at most 6 hex digits)
- fail("\"\\u{999999}\""); // outside of valid range of char
- fail("\"\\u{_0}\""); // leading underscore
- fail("\"\\u{}\""); // empty
- fail("b\"\r\""); // bare carriage return in byte string
- fail("r\"\r\""); // bare carriage return in raw string
- fail("\"\\\r \""); // backslash carriage return
- fail("'aa'aa");
- fail("br##\"\"#");
- fail("\"\\\n\u{85}\r\"");
-fn span_test() {
- check_spans(
- "\
-/// This is a document comment
-testing 123
- testing 234
- &[
- (1, 0, 1, 30), // #
- (1, 0, 1, 30), // [ ... ]
- (1, 0, 1, 30), // doc
- (1, 0, 1, 30), // =
- (1, 0, 1, 30), // "This is..."
- (2, 0, 2, 7), // testing
- (2, 8, 2, 11), // 123
- (3, 0, 5, 1), // { ... }
- (4, 2, 4, 9), // testing
- (4, 10, 4, 13), // 234
- ],
- );
-fn default_span() {
- let start = Span::call_site().start();
- assert_eq!(start.line, 1);
- assert_eq!(start.column, 0);
- let end = Span::call_site().end();
- assert_eq!(end.line, 1);
- assert_eq!(end.column, 0);
- let source_file = Span::call_site().source_file();
- assert_eq!(source_file.path().to_string_lossy(), "<unspecified>");
- assert!(!source_file.is_real());
-fn span_join() {
- let source1 = "aaa\nbbb"
- .parse::<TokenStream>()
- .unwrap()
- .into_iter()
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- let source2 = "ccc\nddd"
- .parse::<TokenStream>()
- .unwrap()
- .into_iter()
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- assert!(source1[0].span().source_file() != source2[0].span().source_file());
- assert_eq!(
- source1[0].span().source_file(),
- source1[1].span().source_file()
- );
- let joined1 = source1[0].span().join(source1[1].span());
- let joined2 = source1[0].span().join(source2[0].span());
- assert!(joined1.is_some());
- assert!(joined2.is_none());
- let start = joined1.unwrap().start();
- let end = joined1.unwrap().end();
- assert_eq!(start.line, 1);
- assert_eq!(start.column, 0);
- assert_eq!(end.line, 2);
- assert_eq!(end.column, 3);
- assert_eq!(
- joined1.unwrap().source_file(),
- source1[0].span().source_file()
- );
-fn no_panic() {
- let s = str::from_utf8(b"b\'\xc2\x86 \x00\x00\x00^\"").unwrap();
- assert!(s.parse::<TokenStream>().is_err());
-fn punct_before_comment() {
- let mut tts = TokenStream::from_str("~// comment").unwrap().into_iter();
- match tts.next().unwrap() {
- TokenTree::Punct(tt) => {
- assert_eq!(tt.as_char(), '~');
- assert_eq!(tt.spacing(), Spacing::Alone);
- }
- wrong => panic!("wrong token {:?}", wrong),
- }
-fn joint_last_token() {
- // This test verifies that we match the behavior of libproc_macro *not* in
- // the range nightly-2020-09-06 through nightly-2020-09-10, in which this
- // behavior was temporarily broken.
- // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/76399
- let joint_punct = Punct::new(':', Spacing::Joint);
- let stream = TokenStream::from(TokenTree::Punct(joint_punct));
- let punct = match stream.into_iter().next().unwrap() {
- TokenTree::Punct(punct) => punct,
- _ => unreachable!(),
- };
- assert_eq!(punct.spacing(), Spacing::Joint);
-fn raw_identifier() {
- let mut tts = TokenStream::from_str("r#dyn").unwrap().into_iter();
- match tts.next().unwrap() {
- TokenTree::Ident(raw) => assert_eq!("r#dyn", raw.to_string()),
- wrong => panic!("wrong token {:?}", wrong),
- }
- assert!(tts.next().is_none());
-fn test_debug_ident() {
- let ident = Ident::new("proc_macro", Span::call_site());
- #[cfg(not(span_locations))]
- let expected = "Ident(proc_macro)";
- #[cfg(span_locations)]
- let expected = "Ident { sym: proc_macro }";
- assert_eq!(expected, format!("{:?}", ident));
-fn test_debug_tokenstream() {
- let tts = TokenStream::from_str("[a + 1]").unwrap();
- #[cfg(not(span_locations))]
- let expected = "\
-TokenStream [
- Group {
- delimiter: Bracket,
- stream: TokenStream [
- Ident {
- sym: a,
- },
- Punct {
- char: '+',
- spacing: Alone,
- },
- Literal {
- lit: 1,
- },
- ],
- },
- ";
- #[cfg(not(span_locations))]
- let expected_before_trailing_commas = "\
-TokenStream [
- Group {
- delimiter: Bracket,
- stream: TokenStream [
- Ident {
- sym: a
- },
- Punct {
- char: '+',
- spacing: Alone
- },
- Literal {
- lit: 1
- }
- ]
- }
- ";
- #[cfg(span_locations)]
- let expected = "\
-TokenStream [
- Group {
- delimiter: Bracket,
- stream: TokenStream [
- Ident {
- sym: a,
- span: bytes(2..3),
- },
- Punct {
- char: '+',
- spacing: Alone,
- span: bytes(4..5),
- },
- Literal {
- lit: 1,
- span: bytes(6..7),
- },
- ],
- span: bytes(1..8),
- },
- ";
- #[cfg(span_locations)]
- let expected_before_trailing_commas = "\
-TokenStream [
- Group {
- delimiter: Bracket,
- stream: TokenStream [
- Ident {
- sym: a,
- span: bytes(2..3)
- },
- Punct {
- char: '+',
- spacing: Alone,
- span: bytes(4..5)
- },
- Literal {
- lit: 1,
- span: bytes(6..7)
- }
- ],
- span: bytes(1..8)
- }
- ";
- let actual = format!("{:#?}", tts);
- if actual.ends_with(",\n]") {
- assert_eq!(expected, actual);
- } else {
- assert_eq!(expected_before_trailing_commas, actual);
- }
-fn default_tokenstream_is_empty() {
- let default_token_stream = <TokenStream as Default>::default();
- assert!(default_token_stream.is_empty());
-fn tokenstream_size_hint() {
- let tokens = "a b (c d) e".parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(tokens.into_iter().size_hint(), (4, Some(4)));
-fn tuple_indexing() {
- // This behavior may change depending on https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/71322
- let mut tokens = "tuple.0.0".parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap().into_iter();
- assert_eq!("tuple", tokens.next().unwrap().to_string());
- assert_eq!(".", tokens.next().unwrap().to_string());
- assert_eq!("0.0", tokens.next().unwrap().to_string());
- assert!(tokens.next().is_none());
-fn non_ascii_tokens() {
- check_spans("// abc", &[]);
- check_spans("// ábc", &[]);
- check_spans("// abc x", &[]);
- check_spans("// ábc x", &[]);
- check_spans("/* abc */ x", &[(1, 10, 1, 11)]);
- check_spans("/* ábc */ x", &[(1, 10, 1, 11)]);
- check_spans("/* ab\nc */ x", &[(2, 5, 2, 6)]);
- check_spans("/* áb\nc */ x", &[(2, 5, 2, 6)]);
- check_spans("/*** abc */ x", &[(1, 12, 1, 13)]);
- check_spans("/*** ábc */ x", &[(1, 12, 1, 13)]);
- check_spans(r#""abc""#, &[(1, 0, 1, 5)]);
- check_spans(r#""ábc""#, &[(1, 0, 1, 5)]);
- check_spans(r##"r#"abc"#"##, &[(1, 0, 1, 8)]);
- check_spans(r##"r#"ábc"#"##, &[(1, 0, 1, 8)]);
- check_spans("r#\"a\nc\"#", &[(1, 0, 2, 3)]);
- check_spans("r#\"á\nc\"#", &[(1, 0, 2, 3)]);
- check_spans("'a'", &[(1, 0, 1, 3)]);
- check_spans("'á'", &[(1, 0, 1, 3)]);
- check_spans("//! abc", &[(1, 0, 1, 7), (1, 0, 1, 7), (1, 0, 1, 7)]);
- check_spans("//! ábc", &[(1, 0, 1, 7), (1, 0, 1, 7), (1, 0, 1, 7)]);
- check_spans("//! abc\n", &[(1, 0, 1, 7), (1, 0, 1, 7), (1, 0, 1, 7)]);
- check_spans("//! ábc\n", &[(1, 0, 1, 7), (1, 0, 1, 7), (1, 0, 1, 7)]);
- check_spans("/*! abc */", &[(1, 0, 1, 10), (1, 0, 1, 10), (1, 0, 1, 10)]);
- check_spans("/*! ábc */", &[(1, 0, 1, 10), (1, 0, 1, 10), (1, 0, 1, 10)]);
- check_spans("/*! a\nc */", &[(1, 0, 2, 4), (1, 0, 2, 4), (1, 0, 2, 4)]);
- check_spans("/*! á\nc */", &[(1, 0, 2, 4), (1, 0, 2, 4), (1, 0, 2, 4)]);
- check_spans("abc", &[(1, 0, 1, 3)]);
- check_spans("ábc", &[(1, 0, 1, 3)]);
- check_spans("ábć", &[(1, 0, 1, 3)]);
- check_spans("abc// foo", &[(1, 0, 1, 3)]);
- check_spans("ábc// foo", &[(1, 0, 1, 3)]);
- check_spans("ábć// foo", &[(1, 0, 1, 3)]);
- check_spans("b\"a\\\n c\"", &[(1, 0, 2, 3)]);
-fn check_spans(p: &str, mut lines: &[(usize, usize, usize, usize)]) {
- let ts = p.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap();
- check_spans_internal(ts, &mut lines);
- assert!(lines.is_empty(), "leftover ranges: {:?}", lines);
-fn check_spans_internal(ts: TokenStream, lines: &mut &[(usize, usize, usize, usize)]) {
- for i in ts {
- if let Some((&(sline, scol, eline, ecol), rest)) = lines.split_first() {
- *lines = rest;
- let start = i.span().start();
- assert_eq!(start.line, sline, "sline did not match for {}", i);
- assert_eq!(start.column, scol, "scol did not match for {}", i);
- let end = i.span().end();
- assert_eq!(end.line, eline, "eline did not match for {}", i);
- assert_eq!(end.column, ecol, "ecol did not match for {}", i);
- if let TokenTree::Group(g) = i {
- check_spans_internal(g.stream().clone(), lines);
- }
- }
- }
-fn whitespace() {
- // space, horizontal tab, vertical tab, form feed, carriage return, line
- // feed, non-breaking space, left-to-right mark, right-to-left mark
- let various_spaces = " \t\u{b}\u{c}\r\n\u{a0}\u{200e}\u{200f}";
- let tokens = various_spaces.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(tokens.into_iter().count(), 0);
- let lone_carriage_returns = " \r \r\r\n ";
- lone_carriage_returns.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap();
-fn byte_order_mark() {
- let string = "\u{feff}foo";
- let tokens = string.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap();
- match tokens.into_iter().next().unwrap() {
- TokenTree::Ident(ident) => assert_eq!(ident, "foo"),
- _ => unreachable!(),
- }
- let string = "foo\u{feff}";
- string.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap_err();