path: root/vendor/winapi/build.rs
diff options
authorValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-07-19 15:37:58 +0300
committerValentin Popov <valentin@popov.link>2024-07-19 15:37:58 +0300
commita990de90fe41456a23e58bd087d2f107d321f3a1 (patch)
tree15afc392522a9e85dc3332235e311b7d39352ea9 /vendor/winapi/build.rs
parent3d48cd3f81164bbfc1a755dc1d4a9a02f98c8ddd (diff)
Deleted vendor folder
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/winapi/build.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 527 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/winapi/build.rs b/vendor/winapi/build.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6220504..0000000
--- a/vendor/winapi/build.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-// <LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option.
-// All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-use std::cell::Cell;
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::env::var;
-// (header name, &[header dependencies], &[library dependencies])
-const DATA: &'static [(&'static str, &'static [&'static str], &'static [&'static str])] = &[
- // km
- ("d3dkmthk", &["basetsd", "d3dukmdt", "minwindef", "ntdef", "windef"], &[]),
- // mmos
- // shared
- ("basetsd", &[], &[]),
- ("bcrypt", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["bcrypt"]),
- ("bthdef", &["bthsdpdef", "guiddef", "minwindef", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("bthioctl", &["bthdef", "bthsdpdef", "minwindef", "ntdef", "winioctl"], &[]),
- ("bthsdpdef", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("bugcodes", &["ntdef"], &[]),
- ("cderr", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("cfg", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("d3d9", &["basetsd", "d3d9caps", "d3d9types", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "wingdi", "winnt"], &["d3d9"]),
- ("d3d9caps", &["d3d9types", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("d3d9types", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "windef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("d3dkmdt", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("d3dukmdt", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("dcomptypes", &["dxgitype", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("devguid", &[], &[]),
- ("devpkey", &["devpropdef"], &[]),
- ("devpropdef", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("dinputd", &[], &[]),
- ("dxgi", &["basetsd", "dxgiformat", "dxgitype", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &["dxgi"]),
- ("dxgi1_2", &["basetsd", "dxgi", "dxgiformat", "dxgitype", "guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("dxgi1_3", &["dxgi", "dxgi1_2", "dxgiformat", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &["dxgi"]),
- ("dxgi1_4", &["basetsd", "dxgi1_2", "dxgi1_3", "dxgiformat", "dxgitype", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("dxgi1_5", &["basetsd", "dxgi", "dxgi1_2", "dxgi1_3", "dxgi1_4", "dxgiformat", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("dxgi1_6", &["basetsd", "dxgi1_2", "dxgi1_4", "dxgi1_5", "dxgitype", "guiddef", "minwindef", "windef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("dxgiformat", &[], &[]),
- ("dxgitype", &["d3d9types", "dxgiformat", "minwindef"], &[]),
- ("enclaveapi", &["basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "ntdef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("evntprov", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("evntrace", &["basetsd", "evntcons", "evntprov", "guiddef", "handleapi", "minwindef", "timezoneapi", "vadefs", "winnt", "wmistr"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("guiddef", &[], &[]),
- ("hidclass", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winioctl", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("hidpi", &["hidusage", "minwindef", "ntdef", "ntstatus", "winnt"], &["hid"]),
- ("hidsdi", &["guiddef", "hidpi", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["hid"]),
- ("hidusage", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("ifdef", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("ifmib", &["ifdef", "ipifcons", "minwindef", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("in6addr", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("inaddr", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("intsafe", &[], &[]),
- ("ipifcons", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("ipmib", &["ifdef", "ifmib", "minwindef", "nldef", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("iprtrmib", &["ipmib", "minwindef", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("ks", &[], &[]),
- ("ksmedia", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("ktmtypes", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("lmcons", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("minwindef", &["basetsd", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("mmreg", &["guiddef", "minwindef"], &[]),
- ("mprapidef", &[], &[]),
- ("mstcpip", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "in6addr", "inaddr", "minwindef", "winnt", "ws2def"], &["ntdll"]),
- ("mswsockdef", &["minwindef", "winnt", "ws2def"], &[]),
- ("netioapi", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "ifdef", "ipifcons", "minwindef", "nldef", "ntddndis", "ntdef", "ws2def", "ws2ipdef"], &["iphlpapi"]),
- ("nldef", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("ntddndis", &["ifdef", "minwindef"], &[]),
- ("ntddscsi", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "ntdef", "winioctl", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("ntddser", &["devpropdef"], &[]),
- ("ntdef", &["basetsd", "guiddef"], &[]),
- ("ntstatus", &["ntdef"], &[]),
- ("qos", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("rpc", &[], &[]),
- ("rpcdce", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "rpc"], &[]),
- ("rpcndr", &[], &[]),
- ("sddl", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("sspi", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "subauth", "wincred", "winnt"], &["credui", "secur32"]),
- ("stralign", &["vcruntime", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("tcpestats", &["basetsd", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("tcpmib", &["basetsd", "in6addr", "minwindef", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("transportsettingcommon", &["guiddef"], &[]),
- ("tvout", &["guiddef", "minwindef"], &[]),
- ("udpmib", &["basetsd", "in6addr", "minwindef", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("usb", &["minwindef", "usbspec", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("usbioctl", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "ntdef", "usb", "usbiodef", "usbspec", "winioctl"], &[]),
- ("usbiodef", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winioctl", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("usbscan", &["ntdef", "winioctl"], &[]),
- ("usbspec", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("windef", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("windot11", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "ntddndis", "winnt", "wlantypes"], &[]),
- ("windowsx", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("winerror", &["minwindef", "wtypesbase"], &[]),
- ("winusbio", &["minwindef", "usb"], &[]),
- ("wlantypes", &["basetsd", "minwindef"], &[]),
- ("wmistr", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("wnnc", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("ws2def", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "inaddr", "minwindef", "vcruntime", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("ws2ipdef", &["in6addr", "inaddr", "minwindef", "ws2def"], &[]),
- ("wtypes", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "ntdef", "rpcndr", "wingdi", "wtypesbase"], &[]),
- ("wtypesbase", &["minwindef", "rpcndr", "winnt"], &[]),
- // ucrt
- ("corecrt", &[], &[]),
- // um
- ("accctrl", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("aclapi", &["accctrl", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("adhoc", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("appmgmt", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("audioclient", &["audiosessiontypes", "basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "mmreg", "strmif", "unknwnbase", "winerror", "winnt", "wtypesbase"], &[]),
- ("audiosessiontypes", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("avrt", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["avrt"]),
- ("bits", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("bits10_1", &["basetsd", "bits", "bits2_0", "bits3_0", "bits5_0", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("bits1_5", &["basetsd", "bits", "rpcndr", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("bits2_0", &["basetsd", "bits", "bits1_5", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("bits2_5", &["minwindef", "rpcndr", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("bits3_0", &["basetsd", "bits", "bits2_0", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("bits4_0", &["basetsd", "bits3_0", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("bits5_0", &["basetsd", "bits1_5", "bits3_0", "bits4_0", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("bitscfg", &["guiddef", "oaidl", "unknwnbase", "winnt", "wtypes"], &["oleaut32"]),
- ("bitsmsg", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("bluetoothapis", &["bthdef", "bthsdpdef", "guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "windef", "winnt"], &["bthprops"]),
- ("bluetoothleapis", &["bthledef", "minwindef", "winerror", "winnt"], &["bluetoothapis"]),
- ("bthledef", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("cfgmgr32", &["basetsd", "cfg", "devpropdef", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt", "winreg"], &["cfgmgr32"]),
- ("cguid", &[], &[]),
- ("combaseapi", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "objidl", "objidlbase", "propidl", "rpcdce", "unknwnbase", "winnt", "wtypesbase"], &["ole32"]),
- ("coml2api", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("commapi", &["minwinbase", "minwindef", "winbase", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("commctrl", &["basetsd", "commoncontrols", "guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "vcruntime", "windef", "winnt", "winuser"], &["comctl32"]),
- ("commdlg", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "prsht", "unknwnbase", "windef", "wingdi", "winnt", "winuser"], &["comdlg32"]),
- ("commoncontrols", &["commctrl", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &["comctl32"]),
- ("consoleapi", &["minwindef", "wincon", "wincontypes", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("corsym", &["basetsd", "objidlbase", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("d2d1", &["basetsd", "d2dbasetypes", "d3dcommon", "dcommon", "dwrite", "dxgi", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "wincodec", "windef", "winnt"], &["d2d1"]),
- ("d2d1_1", &["basetsd", "d2d1", "d2d1effectauthor", "d2dbasetypes", "dcommon", "documenttarget", "dwrite", "dxgi", "dxgiformat", "guiddef", "minwindef", "objidlbase", "unknwnbase", "wincodec", "winnt"], &["d2d1"]),
- ("d2d1_2", &["d2d1", "d2d1_1", "dxgi", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["d2d1"]),
- ("d2d1_3", &["basetsd", "d2d1", "d2d1_1", "d2d1_2", "d2d1effects", "d2d1svg", "dcommon", "dwrite", "dxgi", "dxgitype", "minwindef", "ntdef", "objidlbase", "wincodec", "winerror"], &["d2d1"]),
- ("d2d1effectauthor", &["basetsd", "d2d1", "d2d1_1", "d2dbasetypes", "d3dcommon", "dxgiformat", "guiddef", "minwindef", "ntdef", "unknwnbase", "wincodec"], &[]),
- ("d2d1effects", &[], &[]),
- ("d2d1effects_1", &[], &[]),
- ("d2d1effects_2", &[], &[]),
- ("d2d1svg", &["basetsd", "d2d1", "d2d1_1", "guiddef", "minwindef", "ntdef", "objidlbase", "winerror"], &[]),
- ("d2dbasetypes", &["d3d9types", "dcommon"], &[]),
- ("d3d", &[], &[]),
- ("d3d10", &["d3dcommon"], &[]),
- ("d3d10_1", &[], &[]),
- ("d3d10_1shader", &[], &[]),
- ("d3d10effect", &[], &[]),
- ("d3d10misc", &[], &[]),
- ("d3d10sdklayers", &[], &[]),
- ("d3d10shader", &["d3d10", "d3dcommon", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("d3d11", &["basetsd", "d3dcommon", "dxgi", "dxgiformat", "dxgitype", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &["d3d11"]),
- ("d3d11_1", &["basetsd", "d3d11", "d3dcommon", "dxgiformat", "dxgitype", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("d3d11_2", &["basetsd", "d3d11", "d3d11_1", "dxgiformat", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("d3d11_3", &[], &[]),
- ("d3d11_4", &[], &[]),
- ("d3d11on12", &["d3d11", "d3d12", "d3dcommon", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &["d3d11"]),
- ("d3d11sdklayers", &["basetsd", "d3d11", "dxgi", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("d3d11shader", &["basetsd", "d3dcommon", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("d3d11tokenizedprogramformat", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("d3d12", &["basetsd", "d3dcommon", "dxgiformat", "dxgitype", "guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &["d3d12"]),
- ("d3d12sdklayers", &["basetsd", "d3d12", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("d3d12shader", &["basetsd", "d3dcommon", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("d3dcommon", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("d3dcompiler", &["basetsd", "d3d11shader", "d3dcommon", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["d3dcompiler"]),
- ("d3dcsx", &[], &[]),
- ("d3dx10core", &[], &[]),
- ("d3dx10math", &[], &[]),
- ("d3dx10mesh", &[], &[]),
- ("datetimeapi", &["minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("davclnt", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("dbghelp", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "vcruntime", "winnt"], &["dbghelp"]),
- ("dbt", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt", "winuser"], &[]),
- ("dcommon", &["basetsd", "dxgiformat", "minwindef", "windef"], &[]),
- ("dcomp", &["d2d1", "d2d1_1", "d2d1effects", "d2dbasetypes", "d3d9types", "d3dcommon", "dcompanimation", "dcomptypes", "dxgi", "dxgi1_2", "dxgiformat", "guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "ntdef", "unknwnbase", "windef"], &["dcomp"]),
- ("dcompanimation", &["ntdef", "unknwnbase"], &[]),
- ("dde", &["basetsd", "minwindef"], &["user32"]),
- ("ddraw", &[], &[]),
- ("ddrawi", &[], &[]),
- ("ddrawint", &[], &[]),
- ("debugapi", &["minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("devicetopology", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("dinput", &[], &[]),
- ("dispex", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "oaidl", "servprov", "unknwnbase", "winerror", "winnt", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("dmksctl", &[], &[]),
- ("dmusicc", &[], &[]),
- ("docobj", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "oaidl", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("documenttarget", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "ntdef", "unknwnbase"], &[]),
- ("dot1x", &["eaptypes", "guiddef", "l2cmn", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("dpa_dsa", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["comctl32"]),
- ("dpapi", &["minwindef", "wincrypt", "windef", "winnt"], &["crypt32"]),
- ("dsgetdc", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "ntsecapi", "winnt", "ws2def"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("dsound", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "mmsystem", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winerror", "winnt"], &["dsound"]),
- ("dsrole", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("dvp", &[], &[]),
- ("dwmapi", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "uxtheme", "windef", "winnt"], &["dwmapi"]),
- ("dwrite", &["basetsd", "d2d1", "dcommon", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winerror", "wingdi", "winnt"], &["dwrite"]),
- ("dwrite_1", &["basetsd", "dcommon", "dwrite", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("dwrite_2", &["basetsd", "d3d9types", "dcommon", "dwrite", "dwrite_1", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("dwrite_3", &["basetsd", "dcommon", "dwrite", "dwrite_1", "dwrite_2", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "wingdi", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("dxdiag", &[], &[]),
- ("dxfile", &[], &[]),
- ("dxgidebug", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &["dxgi"]),
- ("dxva2api", &["basetsd", "d3d9", "d3d9types", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &["dxva2"]),
- ("dxvahd", &["d3d9", "d3d9types", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &["dxva2"]),
- ("eaptypes", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("endpointvolume", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("errhandlingapi", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("evntcons", &["basetsd", "evntprov", "evntrace", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("exdisp", &["basetsd", "docobj", "oaidl", "ocidl", "winnt", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("fibersapi", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("fileapi", &["minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("functiondiscoverykeys_devpkey", &["wtypes"], &[]),
- ("gl-gl", &[], &["opengl32"]),
- ("handleapi", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("heapapi", &["basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("highlevelmonitorconfigurationapi", &["minwindef", "physicalmonitorenumerationapi", "winnt"], &["dxva2"]),
- ("http", &["guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "sspi", "winnt", "ws2def"], &["httpapi"]),
- ("imm", &["minwindef", "windef"], &["imm32"]),
- ("interlockedapi", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("ioapiset", &["basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("ipexport", &["basetsd", "in6addr", "ntdef"], &[]),
- ("iphlpapi", &["basetsd", "ifdef", "ifmib", "ipexport", "ipmib", "iprtrmib", "iptypes", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "ntdef", "tcpestats", "tcpmib", "udpmib", "ws2def", "ws2ipdef"], &["iphlpapi"]),
- ("iptypes", &["basetsd", "corecrt", "guiddef", "ifdef", "ipifcons", "minwindef", "nldef", "ntdef", "ws2def"], &[]),
- ("jobapi", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("jobapi2", &["basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "ntdef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("knownfolders", &[], &[]),
- ("ktmw32", &["guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["ktmw32"]),
- ("l2cmn", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("libloaderapi", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32", "user32"]),
- ("lmaccess", &["basetsd", "lmcons", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lmalert", &["lmcons", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lmapibuf", &["lmcons", "minwindef"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lmat", &["basetsd", "lmcons", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lmdfs", &["guiddef", "lmcons", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lmerrlog", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("lmjoin", &["lmcons", "minwindef", "wincrypt", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lmmsg", &["lmcons", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lmremutl", &["lmcons", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lmrepl", &["lmcons", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lmserver", &["guiddef", "lmcons", "minwindef", "winnt", "winsvc"], &["advapi32", "netapi32"]),
- ("lmshare", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "lmcons", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lmstats", &["lmcons", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lmsvc", &["lmcons", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lmuse", &["lmcons", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lmwksta", &["lmcons", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("lowlevelmonitorconfigurationapi", &["minwindef", "physicalmonitorenumerationapi", "winnt"], &["dxva2"]),
- ("lsalookup", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "ntdef", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("memoryapi", &["basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("minschannel", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "wincrypt", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("minwinbase", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "ntstatus", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("mmdeviceapi", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "propidl", "propsys", "unknwnbase", "winnt", "wtypes"], &["mmdevapi"]),
- ("mmeapi", &["basetsd", "imm", "minwindef", "mmsystem", "winnt"], &["winmm"]),
- ("mmsystem", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "mmreg", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("msaatext", &[], &[]),
- ("mscat", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "mssip", "wincrypt", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("mschapp", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("mssip", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "mscat", "wincrypt", "winnt"], &["crypt32"]),
- ("mswsock", &["minwinbase", "minwindef", "mswsockdef", "winnt", "winsock2", "ws2def"], &["mswsock"]),
- ("namedpipeapi", &["minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["advapi32", "kernel32"]),
- ("namespaceapi", &["minwinbase", "minwindef", "ntdef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("nb30", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["netapi32"]),
- ("ncrypt", &["basetsd", "bcrypt", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["ncrypt"]),
- ("ntlsa", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "lsalookup", "minwindef", "ntdef", "ntsecapi", "subauth", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("ntsecapi", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "lsalookup", "minwindef", "ntdef", "sspi", "subauth", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("oaidl", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "rpcndr", "unknwnbase", "winnt", "wtypes", "wtypesbase"], &[]),
- ("objbase", &["combaseapi", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["ole32"]),
- ("objidl", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "ntdef", "objidlbase", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt", "wtypes", "wtypesbase"], &[]),
- ("objidlbase", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt", "wtypesbase"], &[]),
- ("ocidl", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "ntdef", "oaidl", "unknwnbase", "wtypes", "wtypesbase"], &[]),
- ("ole2", &["minwindef", "oleidl", "windef", "winnt"], &["ole32"]),
- ("oleauto", &["basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "oaidl", "winnt", "wtypes", "wtypesbase"], &["oleaut32"]),
- ("olectl", &["winerror", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("oleidl", &["minwindef", "ntdef", "objidl", "unknwnbase", "windef"], &[]),
- ("opmapi", &["basetsd", "d3d9", "d3d9types", "dxva2api", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &["dxva2"]),
- ("pdh", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "windef", "winnt"], &["pdh"]),
- ("perflib", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("physicalmonitorenumerationapi", &["d3d9", "minwindef", "windef", "winnt"], &["dxva2"]),
- ("playsoundapi", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["winmm"]),
- ("portabledevice", &["basetsd", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("portabledeviceapi", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "objidlbase", "portabledevicetypes", "propkeydef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("portabledevicetypes", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "propidl", "propkeydef", "propsys", "unknwnbase", "winnt", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("powerbase", &["minwindef", "winnt", "winuser"], &["powrprof"]),
- ("powersetting", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt", "winuser"], &["powrprof"]),
- ("powrprof", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt", "winreg"], &["powrprof"]),
- ("processenv", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("processsnapshot", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("processthreadsapi", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["advapi32", "kernel32"]),
- ("processtopologyapi", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("profileapi", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("propidl", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "ntdef", "oaidl", "objidlbase", "unknwnbase", "wtypes", "wtypesbase"], &["ole32"]),
- ("propkey", &["minwindef", "ntdef", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("propkeydef", &["guiddef", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("propsys", &["minwindef", "propidl", "propkeydef", "unknwnbase", "winnt", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("prsht", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "windef", "winnt", "winuser"], &["comctl32"]),
- ("psapi", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32", "psapi"]),
- ("realtimeapiset", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("reason", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("restartmanager", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["rstrtmgr"]),
- ("restrictederrorinfo", &["unknwnbase", "winnt", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("rmxfguid", &[], &[]),
- ("rtinfo", &["basetsd"], &[]),
- ("sapi", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "sapi53", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("sapi51", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "mmreg", "oaidl", "objidlbase", "rpcndr", "servprov", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt", "wtypes", "wtypesbase"], &[]),
- ("sapi53", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "oaidl", "sapi51", "unknwnbase", "urlmon", "winnt", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("sapiddk", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "sapi", "sapiddk51", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("sapiddk51", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "mmreg", "oaidl", "objidlbase", "sapi", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("schannel", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "wincrypt", "windef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("securityappcontainer", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("securitybaseapi", &["guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["advapi32", "kernel32"]),
- ("servprov", &["guiddef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("setupapi", &["basetsd", "commctrl", "devpropdef", "guiddef", "minwindef", "prsht", "spapidef", "windef", "winnt", "winreg"], &["setupapi"]),
- ("shellapi", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "processthreadsapi", "windef", "winnt", "winuser"], &["shell32", "shlwapi"]),
- ("shellscalingapi", &["minwindef", "windef", "winnt"], &["shcore"]),
- ("shlobj", &["guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "shtypes", "windef", "winnt"], &["shell32"]),
- ("shobjidl", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "propsys", "shobjidl_core", "shtypes", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("shobjidl_core", &["commctrl", "guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "objidl", "propkeydef", "propsys", "shtypes", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("shtypes", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("softpub", &[], &[]),
- ("spapidef", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("spellcheck", &["minwindef", "ntdef", "objidlbase", "unknwnbase", "winerror"], &[]),
- ("sporder", &["guiddef", "minwindef"], &["sporder"]),
- ("sql", &["sqltypes"], &["odbc32"]),
- ("sqlext", &["sql", "sqltypes"], &[]),
- ("sqltypes", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "windef"], &[]),
- ("sqlucode", &["sqltypes"], &["odbc32"]),
- ("stringapiset", &["minwindef", "winnls", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("strmif", &["winnt"], &[]),
- ("subauth", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("synchapi", &["basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32", "synchronization"]),
- ("sysinfoapi", &["basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("systemtopologyapi", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("taskschd", &["minwinbase", "minwindef", "oaidl", "unknwnbase", "winnt", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("textstor", &[], &[]),
- ("threadpoolapiset", &["basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("threadpoollegacyapiset", &["minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("timeapi", &["minwindef", "mmsystem"], &["winmm"]),
- ("timezoneapi", &["minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["advapi32", "kernel32"]),
- ("tlhelp32", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("unknwnbase", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("urlhist", &["docobj", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt", "wtypesbase"], &[]),
- ("urlmon", &["minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("userenv", &["minwindef", "winnt", "winreg"], &["userenv"]),
- ("usp10", &["minwindef", "ntdef", "windef", "winerror", "wingdi", "winnt"], &["usp10"]),
- ("utilapiset", &["minwindef", "ntdef"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("uxtheme", &["commctrl", "minwindef", "windef", "wingdi", "winnt"], &["uxtheme"]),
- ("vsbackup", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "vss", "vswriter", "winnt", "wtypes"], &["vssapi"]),
- ("vss", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("vsserror", &["winnt"], &[]),
- ("vswriter", &["minwindef", "unknwnbase", "vss", "winnt", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("wbemads", &["oaidl", "wbemdisp", "winerror", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("wbemcli", &["minwindef", "oaidl", "rpcndr", "unknwnbase", "winerror", "winnt", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("wbemdisp", &["oaidl", "unknwnbase", "winerror", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("wbemprov", &["minwindef", "oaidl", "unknwnbase", "wbemcli", "winerror", "winnt", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("wbemtran", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "wbemcli", "winerror", "winnt", "wtypes"], &[]),
- ("wct", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("werapi", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32", "wer"]),
- ("winbase", &["basetsd", "cfgmgr32", "fileapi", "guiddef", "libloaderapi", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "processthreadsapi", "vadefs", "windef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("wincodec", &["basetsd", "d2d1", "d2d1_1", "dcommon", "dxgiformat", "dxgitype", "guiddef", "minwindef", "ntdef", "objidlbase", "ocidl", "propidl", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winerror", "winnt"], &["windowscodecs"]),
- ("wincodecsdk", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "oaidl", "objidl", "objidlbase", "ocidl", "propidl", "unknwnbase", "wincodec", "winnt", "wtypes"], &["ole32", "oleaut32", "windowscodecs"]),
- ("wincon", &["minwinbase", "minwindef", "wincontypes", "windef", "wingdi", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("wincontypes", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("wincred", &["minwindef", "sspi", "windef", "winnt"], &["advapi32", "credui"]),
- ("wincrypt", &["basetsd", "bcrypt", "guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "ncrypt", "vcruntime", "winnt"], &["advapi32", "crypt32", "cryptnet"]),
- ("windowsceip", &["minwindef"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("winefs", &["basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "wincrypt", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("winevt", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "vcruntime", "winnt"], &["wevtapi"]),
- ("wingdi", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "windef", "winnt"], &["gdi32", "msimg32", "opengl32", "winspool"]),
- ("winhttp", &["basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["winhttp"]),
- ("wininet", &["basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "ntdef", "windef", "winineti", "winnt"], &["wininet"]),
- ("winineti", &["minwindef"], &[]),
- ("winioctl", &["basetsd", "devpropdef", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("winnetwk", &["basetsd", "minwindef", "windef", "winerror", "winnt"], &["mpr"]),
- ("winnls", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("winnt", &["basetsd", "excpt", "guiddef", "ktmtypes", "minwindef", "ntdef", "vcruntime"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("winreg", &["basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "reason", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("winsafer", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "wincrypt", "windef", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("winscard", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "rpcdce", "windef", "winnt", "winsmcrd"], &["winscard"]),
- ("winsmcrd", &["minwindef", "winioctl"], &[]),
- ("winsock2", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "inaddr", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "qos", "winbase", "windef", "winerror", "winnt", "ws2def", "wtypesbase"], &["ws2_32"]),
- ("winspool", &["guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "vcruntime", "windef", "winerror", "wingdi", "winnt"], &["winspool"]),
- ("winsvc", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["advapi32"]),
- ("wintrust", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "ntdef", "wincrypt", "windef"], &["wintrust"]),
- ("winusb", &["minwinbase", "minwindef", "usb", "usbspec", "winnt", "winusbio"], &["winusb"]),
- ("winuser", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "limits", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "vadefs", "windef", "wingdi", "winnt"], &["user32"]),
- ("winver", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32", "version"]),
- ("wlanapi", &["devpropdef", "eaptypes", "guiddef", "l2cmn", "minwindef", "windef", "windot11", "winnt", "wlantypes"], &["wlanapi"]),
- ("wlanihv", &["basetsd", "dot1x", "eaptypes", "guiddef", "l2cmn", "minwindef", "windot11", "winnt", "winuser", "wlanihvtypes", "wlantypes", "wlclient"], &[]),
- ("wlanihvtypes", &["eaptypes", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt", "wlantypes"], &[]),
- ("wlclient", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "windot11", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("wow64apiset", &["minwindef", "winnt"], &["kernel32"]),
- ("wpdmtpextensions", &["wtypes"], &[]),
- ("ws2bth", &["bthdef", "bthsdpdef", "guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt", "ws2def"], &[]),
- ("ws2spi", &["basetsd", "guiddef", "minwindef", "vcruntime", "windef", "winnt", "winsock2", "ws2def", "wtypesbase"], &["ws2_32"]),
- ("ws2tcpip", &["guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "mstcpip", "vcruntime", "winerror", "winnt", "winsock2", "ws2def", "wtypesbase"], &["fwpuclnt", "ws2_32"]),
- ("wtsapi32", &["minwindef", "ntdef"], &["wtsapi32"]),
- ("xinput", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["xinput"]),
- // vc
- ("excpt", &[], &[]),
- ("limits", &[], &[]),
- ("vadefs", &[], &[]),
- ("vcruntime", &[], &[]),
- // winrt
- ("activation", &["inspectable", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("hstring", &["winnt"], &[]),
- ("inspectable", &["guiddef", "hstring", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]),
- ("roapi", &["activation", "basetsd", "guiddef", "hstring", "inspectable", "objidl", "winnt"], &["runtimeobject"]),
- ("robuffer", &["objidl", "winnt"], &["runtimeobject"]),
- ("roerrorapi", &["basetsd", "hstring", "minwindef", "restrictederrorinfo", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &["runtimeobject"]),
- ("winstring", &["basetsd", "hstring", "minwindef", "winnt"], &["runtimeobject"]),
-struct Header {
- required: bool,
- included: Cell<bool>,
- dependencies: &'static [&'static str],
- libraries: &'static [&'static str],
-struct Graph(HashMap<&'static str, Header>);
-impl Graph {
- fn generate() -> Graph {
- Graph(DATA.iter().map(|&(name, dependencies, libraries)| {
- let header = Header {
- required: false,
- included: Cell::new(false),
- dependencies: dependencies,
- libraries: libraries,
- };
- (name, header)
- }).collect())
- }
- fn identify_required(&mut self) {
- for (name, header) in &mut self.0 {
- if let Ok(_) = var(&format!("CARGO_FEATURE_{}", name.to_uppercase())) {
- header.required = true;
- header.included.set(true);
- }
- }
- }
- fn check_everything(&self) {
- if let Ok(_) = var("CARGO_FEATURE_EVERYTHING") {
- for (_, header) in &self.0 {
- header.included.set(true);
- }
- }
- }
- fn resolve_dependencies(&self) {
- let mut done = false;
- while !done {
- done = true;
- for (_, header) in &self.0 {
- if header.included.get() {
- for dep in header.dependencies {
- let dep = &self.0.get(dep).expect(dep);
- if !dep.included.get() {
- done = false;
- dep.included.set(true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fn emit_features(&self) {
- for (name, header) in &self.0 {
- if header.included.get() && !header.required {
- println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=feature=\"{}\"", name);
- }
- }
- }
- fn emit_libraries(&self) {
- let mut libs = self.0.iter().filter(|&(_, header)| {
- header.included.get()
- }).flat_map(|(_, header)| {
- header.libraries.iter()
- }).collect::<Vec<_>>();
- libs.sort();
- libs.dedup();
- // FIXME Temporary hacks until build script is redesigned.
- libs.retain(|&&lib| match &*var("TARGET").unwrap() {
- "aarch64-pc-windows-msvc" | "aarch64-uwp-windows-msvc" | "thumbv7a-pc-windows-msvc" => {
- if lib == "opengl32" { false }
- else { true }
- },
- _ => true,
- });
- let prefix = library_prefix();
- let kind = library_kind();
- for lib in libs {
- println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}={}{}", kind, prefix, lib);
- }
- }
-fn library_prefix() -> &'static str {
- if var("TARGET").map(|target|
- target == "i686-pc-windows-gnu" || target == "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu"
- ).unwrap_or(false) && var("WINAPI_NO_BUNDLED_LIBRARIES").is_err() {
- "winapi_"
- } else {
- ""
- }
-fn library_kind() -> &'static str {
- if var("WINAPI_STATIC_NOBUNDLE").is_ok() {
- "static-nobundle"
- } else {
- "dylib"
- }
-fn try_everything() {
- let mut graph = Graph::generate();
- graph.identify_required();
- graph.check_everything();
- graph.resolve_dependencies();
- graph.emit_features();
- graph.emit_libraries();
-fn main() {
- println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=build.rs");
- println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=WINAPI_NO_BUNDLED_LIBRARIES");
- println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=WINAPI_STATIC_NOBUNDLE");
- let target = var("TARGET").unwrap();
- let target: Vec<_> = target.split('-').collect();
- if target.get(2) == Some(&"windows") {
- try_everything();
- }