path: root/vendor/rayon/src/range_inclusive.rs
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diff --git a/vendor/rayon/src/range_inclusive.rs b/vendor/rayon/src/range_inclusive.rs
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index b7bb0ca..0000000
--- a/vendor/rayon/src/range_inclusive.rs
+++ /dev/null
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-//! Parallel iterator types for [inclusive ranges][std::range],
-//! the type for values created by `a..=b` expressions
-//! You will rarely need to interact with this module directly unless you have
-//! need to name one of the iterator types.
-//! ```
-//! use rayon::prelude::*;
-//! let r = (0..=100u64).into_par_iter()
-//! .sum();
-//! // compare result with sequential calculation
-//! assert_eq!((0..=100).sum::<u64>(), r);
-//! ```
-//! [std::range]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/core/ops/struct.RangeInclusive.html
-use crate::iter::plumbing::*;
-use crate::iter::*;
-use std::char;
-use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
-/// Parallel iterator over an inclusive range, implemented for all integer types and `char`.
-/// **Note:** The `zip` operation requires `IndexedParallelIterator`
-/// which is only implemented for `u8`, `i8`, `u16`, `i16`, and `char`.
-/// ```
-/// use rayon::prelude::*;
-/// let p = (0..=25u16).into_par_iter()
-/// .zip(0..=25u16)
-/// .filter(|&(x, y)| x % 5 == 0 || y % 5 == 0)
-/// .map(|(x, y)| x * y)
-/// .sum::<u16>();
-/// let s = (0..=25u16).zip(0..=25u16)
-/// .filter(|&(x, y)| x % 5 == 0 || y % 5 == 0)
-/// .map(|(x, y)| x * y)
-/// .sum();
-/// assert_eq!(p, s);
-/// ```
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct Iter<T> {
- range: RangeInclusive<T>,
-impl<T> Iter<T>
- RangeInclusive<T>: Eq,
- T: Ord + Copy,
- /// Returns `Some((start, end))` for `start..=end`, or `None` if it is exhausted.
- ///
- /// Note that `RangeInclusive` does not specify the bounds of an exhausted iterator,
- /// so this is a way for us to figure out what we've got. Thankfully, all of the
- /// integer types we care about can be trivially cloned.
- fn bounds(&self) -> Option<(T, T)> {
- let start = *self.range.start();
- let end = *self.range.end();
- if start <= end && self.range == (start..=end) {
- // If the range is still nonempty, this is obviously true
- // If the range is exhausted, either start > end or
- // the range does not equal start..=end.
- Some((start, end))
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
-/// Implemented for ranges of all primitive integer types and `char`.
-impl<T> IntoParallelIterator for RangeInclusive<T>
- Iter<T>: ParallelIterator,
- type Item = <Iter<T> as ParallelIterator>::Item;
- type Iter = Iter<T>;
- fn into_par_iter(self) -> Self::Iter {
- Iter { range: self }
- }
-/// These traits help drive integer type inference. Without them, an unknown `{integer}` type only
-/// has constraints on `Iter<{integer}>`, which will probably give up and use `i32`. By adding
-/// these traits on the item type, the compiler can see a more direct constraint to infer like
-/// `{integer}: RangeInteger`, which works better. See `test_issue_833` for an example.
-/// They have to be `pub` since they're seen in the public `impl ParallelIterator` constraints, but
-/// we put them in a private modules so they're not actually reachable in our public API.
-mod private {
- use super::*;
- /// Implementation details of `ParallelIterator for Iter<Self>`
- pub trait RangeInteger: Sized + Send {
- private_decl! {}
- fn drive_unindexed<C>(iter: Iter<Self>, consumer: C) -> C::Result
- where
- C: UnindexedConsumer<Self>;
- fn opt_len(iter: &Iter<Self>) -> Option<usize>;
- }
- /// Implementation details of `IndexedParallelIterator for Iter<Self>`
- pub trait IndexedRangeInteger: RangeInteger {
- private_decl! {}
- fn drive<C>(iter: Iter<Self>, consumer: C) -> C::Result
- where
- C: Consumer<Self>;
- fn len(iter: &Iter<Self>) -> usize;
- fn with_producer<CB>(iter: Iter<Self>, callback: CB) -> CB::Output
- where
- CB: ProducerCallback<Self>;
- }
-use private::{IndexedRangeInteger, RangeInteger};
-impl<T: RangeInteger> ParallelIterator for Iter<T> {
- type Item = T;
- fn drive_unindexed<C>(self, consumer: C) -> C::Result
- where
- C: UnindexedConsumer<T>,
- {
- T::drive_unindexed(self, consumer)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn opt_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
- T::opt_len(self)
- }
-impl<T: IndexedRangeInteger> IndexedParallelIterator for Iter<T> {
- fn drive<C>(self, consumer: C) -> C::Result
- where
- C: Consumer<T>,
- {
- T::drive(self, consumer)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn len(&self) -> usize {
- T::len(self)
- }
- fn with_producer<CB>(self, callback: CB) -> CB::Output
- where
- CB: ProducerCallback<T>,
- {
- T::with_producer(self, callback)
- }
-macro_rules! convert {
- ( $iter:ident . $method:ident ( $( $arg:expr ),* ) ) => {
- if let Some((start, end)) = $iter.bounds() {
- if let Some(end) = end.checked_add(1) {
- (start..end).into_par_iter().$method($( $arg ),*)
- } else {
- (start..end).into_par_iter().chain(once(end)).$method($( $arg ),*)
- }
- } else {
- empty::<Self>().$method($( $arg ),*)
- }
- };
-macro_rules! parallel_range_impl {
- ( $t:ty ) => {
- impl RangeInteger for $t {
- private_impl! {}
- fn drive_unindexed<C>(iter: Iter<$t>, consumer: C) -> C::Result
- where
- C: UnindexedConsumer<$t>,
- {
- convert!(iter.drive_unindexed(consumer))
- }
- fn opt_len(iter: &Iter<$t>) -> Option<usize> {
- convert!(iter.opt_len())
- }
- }
- };
-macro_rules! indexed_range_impl {
- ( $t:ty ) => {
- parallel_range_impl! { $t }
- impl IndexedRangeInteger for $t {
- private_impl! {}
- fn drive<C>(iter: Iter<$t>, consumer: C) -> C::Result
- where
- C: Consumer<$t>,
- {
- convert!(iter.drive(consumer))
- }
- fn len(iter: &Iter<$t>) -> usize {
- iter.range.len()
- }
- fn with_producer<CB>(iter: Iter<$t>, callback: CB) -> CB::Output
- where
- CB: ProducerCallback<$t>,
- {
- convert!(iter.with_producer(callback))
- }
- }
- };
-// all RangeInclusive<T> with ExactSizeIterator
-indexed_range_impl! {u8}
-indexed_range_impl! {u16}
-indexed_range_impl! {i8}
-indexed_range_impl! {i16}
-// other RangeInclusive<T> with just Iterator
-parallel_range_impl! {usize}
-parallel_range_impl! {isize}
-parallel_range_impl! {u32}
-parallel_range_impl! {i32}
-parallel_range_impl! {u64}
-parallel_range_impl! {i64}
-parallel_range_impl! {u128}
-parallel_range_impl! {i128}
-// char is special
-macro_rules! convert_char {
- ( $self:ident . $method:ident ( $( $arg:expr ),* ) ) => {
- if let Some((start, end)) = $self.bounds() {
- let start = start as u32;
- let end = end as u32;
- if start < 0xD800 && 0xE000 <= end {
- // chain the before and after surrogate range fragments
- (start..0xD800)
- .into_par_iter()
- .chain(0xE000..end + 1) // cannot use RangeInclusive, so add one to end
- .map(|codepoint| unsafe { char::from_u32_unchecked(codepoint) })
- .$method($( $arg ),*)
- } else {
- // no surrogate range to worry about
- (start..end + 1) // cannot use RangeInclusive, so add one to end
- .into_par_iter()
- .map(|codepoint| unsafe { char::from_u32_unchecked(codepoint) })
- .$method($( $arg ),*)
- }
- } else {
- empty::<char>().$method($( $arg ),*)
- }
- };
-impl ParallelIterator for Iter<char> {
- type Item = char;
- fn drive_unindexed<C>(self, consumer: C) -> C::Result
- where
- C: UnindexedConsumer<Self::Item>,
- {
- convert_char!(self.drive(consumer))
- }
- fn opt_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
- Some(self.len())
- }
-// Range<u32> is broken on 16 bit platforms, may as well benefit from it
-impl IndexedParallelIterator for Iter<char> {
- // Split at the surrogate range first if we're allowed to
- fn drive<C>(self, consumer: C) -> C::Result
- where
- C: Consumer<Self::Item>,
- {
- convert_char!(self.drive(consumer))
- }
- fn len(&self) -> usize {
- if let Some((start, end)) = self.bounds() {
- // Taken from <char as Step>::steps_between
- let start = start as u32;
- let end = end as u32;
- let mut count = end - start;
- if start < 0xD800 && 0xE000 <= end {
- count -= 0x800
- }
- (count + 1) as usize // add one for inclusive
- } else {
- 0
- }
- }
- fn with_producer<CB>(self, callback: CB) -> CB::Output
- where
- CB: ProducerCallback<Self::Item>,
- {
- convert_char!(self.with_producer(callback))
- }
-#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
-fn test_u32_opt_len() {
- use std::u32;
- assert_eq!(Some(101), (0..=100u32).into_par_iter().opt_len());
- assert_eq!(
- Some(u32::MAX as usize),
- (0..=u32::MAX - 1).into_par_iter().opt_len()
- );
- assert_eq!(
- Some(u32::MAX as usize + 1),
- (0..=u32::MAX).into_par_iter().opt_len()
- );
-fn test_u64_opt_len() {
- use std::{u64, usize};
- assert_eq!(Some(101), (0..=100u64).into_par_iter().opt_len());
- assert_eq!(
- Some(usize::MAX),
- (0..=usize::MAX as u64 - 1).into_par_iter().opt_len()
- );
- assert_eq!(None, (0..=usize::MAX as u64).into_par_iter().opt_len());
- assert_eq!(None, (0..=u64::MAX).into_par_iter().opt_len());
-fn test_u128_opt_len() {
- use std::{u128, usize};
- assert_eq!(Some(101), (0..=100u128).into_par_iter().opt_len());
- assert_eq!(
- Some(usize::MAX),
- (0..=usize::MAX as u128 - 1).into_par_iter().opt_len()
- );
- assert_eq!(None, (0..=usize::MAX as u128).into_par_iter().opt_len());
- assert_eq!(None, (0..=u128::MAX).into_par_iter().opt_len());
-// `usize as i64` can overflow, so make sure to wrap it appropriately
-// when using the `opt_len` "indexed" mode.
-#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
-fn test_usize_i64_overflow() {
- use crate::ThreadPoolBuilder;
- use std::i64;
- let iter = (-2..=i64::MAX).into_par_iter();
- assert_eq!(iter.opt_len(), Some(i64::MAX as usize + 3));
- // always run with multiple threads to split into, or this will take forever...
- let pool = ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(8).build().unwrap();
- pool.install(|| assert_eq!(iter.find_last(|_| true), Some(i64::MAX)));
-fn test_issue_833() {
- fn is_even(n: i64) -> bool {
- n % 2 == 0
- }
- // The integer type should be inferred from `is_even`
- let v: Vec<_> = (1..=100).into_par_iter().filter(|&x| is_even(x)).collect();
- assert!(v.into_iter().eq((2..=100).step_by(2)));
- // Try examples with indexed iterators too
- let pos = (0..=100).into_par_iter().position_any(|x| x == 50i16);
- assert_eq!(pos, Some(50usize));
- assert!((0..=100)
- .into_par_iter()
- .zip(0..=100)
- .all(|(a, b)| i16::eq(&a, &b)));