path: root/vendor/textwrap/src
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7 files changed, 0 insertions, 4183 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/textwrap/src/core.rs b/vendor/textwrap/src/core.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ab4ef8..0000000
--- a/vendor/textwrap/src/core.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-//! Building blocks for advanced wrapping functionality.
-//! The functions and structs in this module can be used to implement
-//! advanced wrapping functionality when the [`wrap`](super::wrap) and
-//! [`fill`](super::fill) function don't do what you want.
-//! In general, you want to follow these steps when wrapping
-//! something:
-//! 1. Split your input into [`Fragment`]s. These are abstract blocks
-//! of text or content which can be wrapped into lines. See
-//! [`WordSeparator`](crate::word_separators::WordSeparator) for
-//! how to do this for text.
-//! 2. Potentially split your fragments into smaller pieces. This
-//! allows you to implement things like hyphenation. If you use the
-//! `Word` type, you can use [`WordSplitter`](crate::WordSplitter)
-//! enum for this.
-//! 3. Potentially break apart fragments that are still too large to
-//! fit on a single line. This is implemented in [`break_words`].
-//! 4. Finally take your fragments and put them into lines. There are
-//! two algorithms for this in the
-//! [`wrap_algorithms`](crate::wrap_algorithms) module:
-//! [`wrap_optimal_fit`](crate::wrap_algorithms::wrap_optimal_fit)
-//! and [`wrap_first_fit`](crate::wrap_algorithms::wrap_first_fit).
-//! The former produces better line breaks, the latter is faster.
-//! 5. Iterate through the slices returned by the wrapping functions
-//! and construct your lines of output.
-//! Please [open an issue](https://github.com/mgeisler/textwrap/) if
-//! the functionality here is not sufficient or if you have ideas for
-//! improving it. We would love to hear from you!
-/// The CSI or “Control Sequence Introducer” introduces an ANSI escape
-/// sequence. This is typically used for colored text and will be
-/// ignored when computing the text width.
-const CSI: (char, char) = ('\x1b', '[');
-/// The final bytes of an ANSI escape sequence must be in this range.
-const ANSI_FINAL_BYTE: std::ops::RangeInclusive<char> = '\x40'..='\x7e';
-/// Skip ANSI escape sequences. The `ch` is the current `char`, the
-/// `chars` provide the following characters. The `chars` will be
-/// modified if `ch` is the start of an ANSI escape sequence.
-pub(crate) fn skip_ansi_escape_sequence<I: Iterator<Item = char>>(ch: char, chars: &mut I) -> bool {
- if ch == CSI.0 && chars.next() == Some(CSI.1) {
- // We have found the start of an ANSI escape code, typically
- // used for colored terminal text. We skip until we find a
- // "final byte" in the range 0x40–0x7E.
- for ch in chars {
- if ANSI_FINAL_BYTE.contains(&ch) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- false
-#[cfg(feature = "unicode-width")]
-fn ch_width(ch: char) -> usize {
- unicode_width::UnicodeWidthChar::width(ch).unwrap_or(0)
-/// First character which [`ch_width`] will classify as double-width.
-/// Please see [`display_width`].
-#[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-width"))]
-const DOUBLE_WIDTH_CUTOFF: char = '\u{1100}';
-#[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-width"))]
-fn ch_width(ch: char) -> usize {
- 1
- } else {
- 2
- }
-/// Compute the display width of `text` while skipping over ANSI
-/// escape sequences.
-/// # Examples
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::core::display_width;
-/// assert_eq!(display_width("Café Plain"), 10);
-/// assert_eq!(display_width("\u{1b}[31mCafé Rouge\u{1b}[0m"), 10);
-/// ```
-/// **Note:** When the `unicode-width` Cargo feature is disabled, the
-/// width of a `char` is determined by a crude approximation which
-/// simply counts chars below U+1100 as 1 column wide, and all other
-/// characters as 2 columns wide. With the feature enabled, function
-/// will correctly deal with [combining characters] in their
-/// decomposed form (see [Unicode equivalence]).
-/// An example of a decomposed character is “é”, which can be
-/// decomposed into: “e” followed by a combining acute accent: “◌́”.
-/// Without the `unicode-width` Cargo feature, every `char` below
-/// U+1100 has a width of 1. This includes the combining accent:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::core::display_width;
-/// assert_eq!(display_width("Cafe Plain"), 10);
-/// #[cfg(feature = "unicode-width")]
-/// assert_eq!(display_width("Cafe\u{301} Plain"), 10);
-/// #[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-width"))]
-/// assert_eq!(display_width("Cafe\u{301} Plain"), 11);
-/// ```
-/// ## Emojis and CJK Characters
-/// Characters such as emojis and [CJK characters] used in the
-/// Chinese, Japanese, and Korean langauges are seen as double-width,
-/// even if the `unicode-width` feature is disabled:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::core::display_width;
-/// assert_eq!(display_width("😂😭🥺🤣✨😍🙏🥰😊🔥"), 20);
-/// assert_eq!(display_width("你好"), 4); // “Nǐ hǎo” or “Hello” in Chinese
-/// ```
-/// # Limitations
-/// The displayed width of a string cannot always be computed from the
-/// string alone. This is because the width depends on the rendering
-/// engine used. This is particularly visible with [emoji modifier
-/// sequences] where a base emoji is modified with, e.g., skin tone or
-/// hair color modifiers. It is up to the rendering engine to detect
-/// this and to produce a suitable emoji.
-/// A simple example is “❤️”, which consists of “❤” (U+2764: Black
-/// Heart Symbol) followed by U+FE0F (Variation Selector-16). By
-/// itself, “❤” is a black heart, but if you follow it with the
-/// variant selector, you may get a wider red heart.
-/// A more complex example would be “👨‍🦰” which should depict a man
-/// with red hair. Here the computed width is too large — and the
-/// width differs depending on the use of the `unicode-width` feature:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::core::display_width;
-/// assert_eq!("👨‍🦰".chars().collect::<Vec<char>>(), ['\u{1f468}', '\u{200d}', '\u{1f9b0}']);
-/// #[cfg(feature = "unicode-width")]
-/// assert_eq!(display_width("👨‍🦰"), 4);
-/// #[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-width"))]
-/// assert_eq!(display_width("👨‍🦰"), 6);
-/// ```
-/// This happens because the grapheme consists of three code points:
-/// “👨” (U+1F468: Man), Zero Width Joiner (U+200D), and “🦰”
-/// (U+1F9B0: Red Hair). You can see them above in the test. With
-/// `unicode-width` enabled, the ZWJ is correctly seen as having zero
-/// width, without it is counted as a double-width character.
-/// ## Terminal Support
-/// Modern browsers typically do a great job at combining characters
-/// as shown above, but terminals often struggle more. As an example,
-/// Gnome Terminal version 3.38.1, shows “❤️” as a big red heart, but
-/// shows "👨‍🦰" as “👨🦰”.
-/// [combining characters]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combining_character
-/// [Unicode equivalence]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_equivalence
-/// [CJK characters]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CJK_characters
-/// [emoji modifier sequences]: https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-modifiers.html
-pub fn display_width(text: &str) -> usize {
- let mut chars = text.chars();
- let mut width = 0;
- while let Some(ch) = chars.next() {
- if skip_ansi_escape_sequence(ch, &mut chars) {
- continue;
- }
- width += ch_width(ch);
- }
- width
-/// A (text) fragment denotes the unit which we wrap into lines.
-/// Fragments represent an abstract _word_ plus the _whitespace_
-/// following the word. In case the word falls at the end of the line,
-/// the whitespace is dropped and a so-called _penalty_ is inserted
-/// instead (typically `"-"` if the word was hyphenated).
-/// For wrapping purposes, the precise content of the word, the
-/// whitespace, and the penalty is irrelevant. All we need to know is
-/// the displayed width of each part, which this trait provides.
-pub trait Fragment: std::fmt::Debug {
- /// Displayed width of word represented by this fragment.
- fn width(&self) -> f64;
- /// Displayed width of the whitespace that must follow the word
- /// when the word is not at the end of a line.
- fn whitespace_width(&self) -> f64;
- /// Displayed width of the penalty that must be inserted if the
- /// word falls at the end of a line.
- fn penalty_width(&self) -> f64;
-/// A piece of wrappable text, including any trailing whitespace.
-/// A `Word` is an example of a [`Fragment`], so it has a width,
-/// trailing whitespace, and potentially a penalty item.
-#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct Word<'a> {
- /// Word content.
- pub word: &'a str,
- /// Whitespace to insert if the word does not fall at the end of a line.
- pub whitespace: &'a str,
- /// Penalty string to insert if the word falls at the end of a line.
- pub penalty: &'a str,
- // Cached width in columns.
- pub(crate) width: usize,
-impl std::ops::Deref for Word<'_> {
- type Target = str;
- fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
- self.word
- }
-impl<'a> Word<'a> {
- /// Construct a `Word` from a string.
- ///
- /// A trailing stretch of `' '` is automatically taken to be the
- /// whitespace part of the word.
- pub fn from(word: &str) -> Word<'_> {
- let trimmed = word.trim_end_matches(' ');
- Word {
- word: trimmed,
- width: display_width(trimmed),
- whitespace: &word[trimmed.len()..],
- penalty: "",
- }
- }
- /// Break this word into smaller words with a width of at most
- /// `line_width`. The whitespace and penalty from this `Word` is
- /// added to the last piece.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use textwrap::core::Word;
- /// assert_eq!(
- /// Word::from("Hello! ").break_apart(3).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
- /// vec![Word::from("Hel"), Word::from("lo! ")]
- /// );
- /// ```
- pub fn break_apart<'b>(&'b self, line_width: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = Word<'a>> + 'b {
- let mut char_indices = self.word.char_indices();
- let mut offset = 0;
- let mut width = 0;
- std::iter::from_fn(move || {
- while let Some((idx, ch)) = char_indices.next() {
- if skip_ansi_escape_sequence(ch, &mut char_indices.by_ref().map(|(_, ch)| ch)) {
- continue;
- }
- if width > 0 && width + ch_width(ch) > line_width {
- let word = Word {
- word: &self.word[offset..idx],
- width: width,
- whitespace: "",
- penalty: "",
- };
- offset = idx;
- width = ch_width(ch);
- return Some(word);
- }
- width += ch_width(ch);
- }
- if offset < self.word.len() {
- let word = Word {
- word: &self.word[offset..],
- width: width,
- whitespace: self.whitespace,
- penalty: self.penalty,
- };
- offset = self.word.len();
- return Some(word);
- }
- None
- })
- }
-impl Fragment for Word<'_> {
- #[inline]
- fn width(&self) -> f64 {
- self.width as f64
- }
- // We assume the whitespace consist of ' ' only. This allows us to
- // compute the display width in constant time.
- #[inline]
- fn whitespace_width(&self) -> f64 {
- self.whitespace.len() as f64
- }
- // We assume the penalty is `""` or `"-"`. This allows us to
- // compute the display width in constant time.
- #[inline]
- fn penalty_width(&self) -> f64 {
- self.penalty.len() as f64
- }
-/// Forcibly break words wider than `line_width` into smaller words.
-/// This simply calls [`Word::break_apart`] on words that are too
-/// wide. This means that no extra `'-'` is inserted, the word is
-/// simply broken into smaller pieces.
-pub fn break_words<'a, I>(words: I, line_width: usize) -> Vec<Word<'a>>
- I: IntoIterator<Item = Word<'a>>,
- let mut shortened_words = Vec::new();
- for word in words {
- if word.width() > line_width as f64 {
- shortened_words.extend(word.break_apart(line_width));
- } else {
- shortened_words.push(word);
- }
- }
- shortened_words
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- #[cfg(feature = "unicode-width")]
- use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthChar;
- #[test]
- fn skip_ansi_escape_sequence_works() {
- let blue_text = "\u{1b}[34mHello\u{1b}[0m";
- let mut chars = blue_text.chars();
- let ch = chars.next().unwrap();
- assert!(skip_ansi_escape_sequence(ch, &mut chars));
- assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some('H'));
- }
- #[test]
- fn emojis_have_correct_width() {
- use unic_emoji_char::is_emoji;
- // Emojis in the Basic Latin (ASCII) and Latin-1 Supplement
- // blocks all have a width of 1 column. This includes
- // characters such as '#' and '©'.
- for ch in '\u{1}'..'\u{FF}' {
- if is_emoji(ch) {
- let desc = format!("{:?} U+{:04X}", ch, ch as u32);
- #[cfg(feature = "unicode-width")]
- assert_eq!(ch.width().unwrap(), 1, "char: {}", desc);
- #[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-width"))]
- assert_eq!(ch_width(ch), 1, "char: {}", desc);
- }
- }
- // Emojis in the remaining blocks of the Basic Multilingual
- // Plane (BMP), in the Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP),
- // and in the Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP), are all 1
- // or 2 columns wide when unicode-width is used, and always 2
- // columns wide otherwise. This includes all of our favorite
- // emojis such as 😊.
- for ch in '\u{FF}'..'\u{2FFFF}' {
- if is_emoji(ch) {
- let desc = format!("{:?} U+{:04X}", ch, ch as u32);
- #[cfg(feature = "unicode-width")]
- assert!(ch.width().unwrap() <= 2, "char: {}", desc);
- #[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-width"))]
- assert_eq!(ch_width(ch), 2, "char: {}", desc);
- }
- }
- // The remaining planes contain almost no assigned code points
- // and thus also no emojis.
- }
- #[test]
- fn display_width_works() {
- assert_eq!("Café Plain".len(), 11); // “é” is two bytes
- assert_eq!(display_width("Café Plain"), 10);
- assert_eq!(display_width("\u{1b}[31mCafé Rouge\u{1b}[0m"), 10);
- }
- #[test]
- fn display_width_narrow_emojis() {
- #[cfg(feature = "unicode-width")]
- assert_eq!(display_width("⁉"), 1);
- // The ⁉ character is above DOUBLE_WIDTH_CUTOFF.
- #[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-width"))]
- assert_eq!(display_width("⁉"), 2);
- }
- #[test]
- fn display_width_narrow_emojis_variant_selector() {
- #[cfg(feature = "unicode-width")]
- assert_eq!(display_width("⁉\u{fe0f}"), 1);
- // The variant selector-16 is also counted.
- #[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-width"))]
- assert_eq!(display_width("⁉\u{fe0f}"), 4);
- }
- #[test]
- fn display_width_emojis() {
- assert_eq!(display_width("😂😭🥺🤣✨😍🙏🥰😊🔥"), 20);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/textwrap/src/indentation.rs b/vendor/textwrap/src/indentation.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d90c06..0000000
--- a/vendor/textwrap/src/indentation.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-//! Functions related to adding and removing indentation from lines of
-//! text.
-//! The functions here can be used to uniformly indent or dedent
-//! (unindent) word wrapped lines of text.
-/// Indent each line by the given prefix.
-/// # Examples
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::indent;
-/// assert_eq!(indent("First line.\nSecond line.\n", " "),
-/// " First line.\n Second line.\n");
-/// ```
-/// When indenting, trailing whitespace is stripped from the prefix.
-/// This means that empty lines remain empty afterwards:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::indent;
-/// assert_eq!(indent("First line.\n\n\nSecond line.\n", " "),
-/// " First line.\n\n\n Second line.\n");
-/// ```
-/// Notice how `"\n\n\n"` remained as `"\n\n\n"`.
-/// This feature is useful when you want to indent text and have a
-/// space between your prefix and the text. In this case, you _don't_
-/// want a trailing space on empty lines:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::indent;
-/// assert_eq!(indent("foo = 123\n\nprint(foo)\n", "# "),
-/// "# foo = 123\n#\n# print(foo)\n");
-/// ```
-/// Notice how `"\n\n"` became `"\n#\n"` instead of `"\n# \n"` which
-/// would have trailing whitespace.
-/// Leading and trailing whitespace coming from the text itself is
-/// kept unchanged:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::indent;
-/// assert_eq!(indent(" \t Foo ", "->"), "-> \t Foo ");
-/// ```
-pub fn indent(s: &str, prefix: &str) -> String {
- // We know we'll need more than s.len() bytes for the output, but
- // without counting '\n' characters (which is somewhat slow), we
- // don't know exactly how much. However, we can preemptively do
- // the first doubling of the output size.
- let mut result = String::with_capacity(2 * s.len());
- let trimmed_prefix = prefix.trim_end();
- for (idx, line) in s.split_terminator('\n').enumerate() {
- if idx > 0 {
- result.push('\n');
- }
- if line.trim().is_empty() {
- result.push_str(trimmed_prefix);
- } else {
- result.push_str(prefix);
- }
- result.push_str(line);
- }
- if s.ends_with('\n') {
- // split_terminator will have eaten the final '\n'.
- result.push('\n');
- }
- result
-/// Removes common leading whitespace from each line.
-/// This function will look at each non-empty line and determine the
-/// maximum amount of whitespace that can be removed from all lines:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::dedent;
-/// assert_eq!(dedent("
-/// 1st line
-/// 2nd line
-/// 3rd line
-/// "), "
-/// 1st line
-/// 2nd line
-/// 3rd line
-/// ");
-/// ```
-pub fn dedent(s: &str) -> String {
- let mut prefix = "";
- let mut lines = s.lines();
- // We first search for a non-empty line to find a prefix.
- for line in &mut lines {
- let mut whitespace_idx = line.len();
- for (idx, ch) in line.char_indices() {
- if !ch.is_whitespace() {
- whitespace_idx = idx;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Check if the line had anything but whitespace
- if whitespace_idx < line.len() {
- prefix = &line[..whitespace_idx];
- break;
- }
- }
- // We then continue looking through the remaining lines to
- // possibly shorten the prefix.
- for line in &mut lines {
- let mut whitespace_idx = line.len();
- for ((idx, a), b) in line.char_indices().zip(prefix.chars()) {
- if a != b {
- whitespace_idx = idx;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Check if the line had anything but whitespace and if we
- // have found a shorter prefix
- if whitespace_idx < line.len() && whitespace_idx < prefix.len() {
- prefix = &line[..whitespace_idx];
- }
- }
- // We now go over the lines a second time to build the result.
- let mut result = String::new();
- for line in s.lines() {
- if line.starts_with(&prefix) && line.chars().any(|c| !c.is_whitespace()) {
- let (_, tail) = line.split_at(prefix.len());
- result.push_str(tail);
- }
- result.push('\n');
- }
- if result.ends_with('\n') && !s.ends_with('\n') {
- let new_len = result.len() - 1;
- result.truncate(new_len);
- }
- result
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- #[test]
- fn indent_empty() {
- assert_eq!(indent("\n", " "), "\n");
- }
- #[test]
- #[rustfmt::skip]
- fn indent_nonempty() {
- let text = [
- " foo\n",
- "bar\n",
- " baz\n",
- ].join("");
- let expected = [
- "// foo\n",
- "// bar\n",
- "// baz\n",
- ].join("");
- assert_eq!(indent(&text, "// "), expected);
- }
- #[test]
- #[rustfmt::skip]
- fn indent_empty_line() {
- let text = [
- " foo",
- "bar",
- "",
- " baz",
- ].join("\n");
- let expected = [
- "// foo",
- "// bar",
- "//",
- "// baz",
- ].join("\n");
- assert_eq!(indent(&text, "// "), expected);
- }
- #[test]
- fn dedent_empty() {
- assert_eq!(dedent(""), "");
- }
- #[test]
- #[rustfmt::skip]
- fn dedent_multi_line() {
- let x = [
- " foo",
- " bar",
- " baz",
- ].join("\n");
- let y = [
- " foo",
- "bar",
- " baz"
- ].join("\n");
- assert_eq!(dedent(&x), y);
- }
- #[test]
- #[rustfmt::skip]
- fn dedent_empty_line() {
- let x = [
- " foo",
- " bar",
- " ",
- " baz"
- ].join("\n");
- let y = [
- " foo",
- "bar",
- "",
- " baz"
- ].join("\n");
- assert_eq!(dedent(&x), y);
- }
- #[test]
- #[rustfmt::skip]
- fn dedent_blank_line() {
- let x = [
- " foo",
- "",
- " bar",
- " foo",
- " bar",
- " baz",
- ].join("\n");
- let y = [
- "foo",
- "",
- " bar",
- " foo",
- " bar",
- " baz",
- ].join("\n");
- assert_eq!(dedent(&x), y);
- }
- #[test]
- #[rustfmt::skip]
- fn dedent_whitespace_line() {
- let x = [
- " foo",
- " ",
- " bar",
- " foo",
- " bar",
- " baz",
- ].join("\n");
- let y = [
- "foo",
- "",
- " bar",
- " foo",
- " bar",
- " baz",
- ].join("\n");
- assert_eq!(dedent(&x), y);
- }
- #[test]
- #[rustfmt::skip]
- fn dedent_mixed_whitespace() {
- let x = [
- "\tfoo",
- " bar",
- ].join("\n");
- let y = [
- "\tfoo",
- " bar",
- ].join("\n");
- assert_eq!(dedent(&x), y);
- }
- #[test]
- #[rustfmt::skip]
- fn dedent_tabbed_whitespace() {
- let x = [
- "\t\tfoo",
- "\t\t\tbar",
- ].join("\n");
- let y = [
- "foo",
- "\tbar",
- ].join("\n");
- assert_eq!(dedent(&x), y);
- }
- #[test]
- #[rustfmt::skip]
- fn dedent_mixed_tabbed_whitespace() {
- let x = [
- "\t \tfoo",
- "\t \t\tbar",
- ].join("\n");
- let y = [
- "foo",
- "\tbar",
- ].join("\n");
- assert_eq!(dedent(&x), y);
- }
- #[test]
- #[rustfmt::skip]
- fn dedent_mixed_tabbed_whitespace2() {
- let x = [
- "\t \tfoo",
- "\t \tbar",
- ].join("\n");
- let y = [
- "\tfoo",
- " \tbar",
- ].join("\n");
- assert_eq!(dedent(&x), y);
- }
- #[test]
- #[rustfmt::skip]
- fn dedent_preserve_no_terminating_newline() {
- let x = [
- " foo",
- " bar",
- ].join("\n");
- let y = [
- "foo",
- " bar",
- ].join("\n");
- assert_eq!(dedent(&x), y);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/textwrap/src/lib.rs b/vendor/textwrap/src/lib.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index e570eac..0000000
--- a/vendor/textwrap/src/lib.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1847 +0,0 @@
-//! The textwrap library provides functions for word wrapping and
-//! indenting text.
-//! # Wrapping Text
-//! Wrapping text can be very useful in command-line programs where
-//! you want to format dynamic output nicely so it looks good in a
-//! terminal. A quick example:
-//! ```
-//! # #[cfg(feature = "smawk")] {
-//! let text = "textwrap: a small library for wrapping text.";
-//! assert_eq!(textwrap::wrap(text, 18),
-//! vec!["textwrap: a",
-//! "small library for",
-//! "wrapping text."]);
-//! # }
-//! ```
-//! The [`wrap`] function returns the individual lines, use [`fill`]
-//! is you want the lines joined with `'\n'` to form a `String`.
-//! If you enable the `hyphenation` Cargo feature, you can get
-//! automatic hyphenation for a number of languages:
-//! ```
-//! #[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")] {
-//! use hyphenation::{Language, Load, Standard};
-//! use textwrap::{wrap, Options, WordSplitter};
-//! let text = "textwrap: a small library for wrapping text.";
-//! let dictionary = Standard::from_embedded(Language::EnglishUS).unwrap();
-//! let options = Options::new(18).word_splitter(WordSplitter::Hyphenation(dictionary));
-//! assert_eq!(wrap(text, &options),
-//! vec!["textwrap: a small",
-//! "library for wrap-",
-//! "ping text."]);
-//! }
-//! ```
-//! See also the [`unfill`] and [`refill`] functions which allow you to
-//! manipulate already wrapped text.
-//! ## Wrapping Strings at Compile Time
-//! If your strings are known at compile time, please take a look at
-//! the procedural macros from the [textwrap-macros] crate.
-//! ## Displayed Width vs Byte Size
-//! To word wrap text, one must know the width of each word so one can
-//! know when to break lines. This library will by default measure the
-//! width of text using the _displayed width_, not the size in bytes.
-//! The `unicode-width` Cargo feature controls this.
-//! This is important for non-ASCII text. ASCII characters such as `a`
-//! and `!` are simple and take up one column each. This means that
-//! the displayed width is equal to the string length in bytes.
-//! However, non-ASCII characters and symbols take up more than one
-//! byte when UTF-8 encoded: `é` is `0xc3 0xa9` (two bytes) and `⚙` is
-//! `0xe2 0x9a 0x99` (three bytes) in UTF-8, respectively.
-//! This is why we take care to use the displayed width instead of the
-//! byte count when computing line lengths. All functions in this
-//! library handle Unicode characters like this when the
-//! `unicode-width` Cargo feature is enabled (it is enabled by
-//! default).
-//! # Indentation and Dedentation
-//! The textwrap library also offers functions for adding a prefix to
-//! every line of a string and to remove leading whitespace. As an
-//! example, the [`indent`] function allows you to turn lines of text
-//! into a bullet list:
-//! ```
-//! let before = "\
-//! foo
-//! bar
-//! baz
-//! ";
-//! let after = "\
-//! * foo
-//! * bar
-//! * baz
-//! ";
-//! assert_eq!(textwrap::indent(before, "* "), after);
-//! ```
-//! Removing leading whitespace is done with [`dedent`]:
-//! ```
-//! let before = "
-//! Some
-//! indented
-//! text
-//! ";
-//! let after = "
-//! Some
-//! indented
-//! text
-//! ";
-//! assert_eq!(textwrap::dedent(before), after);
-//! ```
-//! # Cargo Features
-//! The textwrap library can be slimmed down as needed via a number of
-//! Cargo features. This means you only pay for the features you
-//! actually use.
-//! The full dependency graph, where dashed lines indicate optional
-//! dependencies, is shown below:
-//! <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mgeisler/textwrap/master/images/textwrap-0.15.2.svg">
-//! ## Default Features
-//! These features are enabled by default:
-//! * `unicode-linebreak`: enables finding words using the
-//! [unicode-linebreak] crate, which implements the line breaking
-//! algorithm described in [Unicode Standard Annex
-//! #14](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/).
-//! This feature can be disabled if you are happy to find words
-//! separated by ASCII space characters only. People wrapping text
-//! with emojis or East-Asian characters will want most likely want
-//! to enable this feature. See [`WordSeparator`] for details.
-//! * `unicode-width`: enables correct width computation of non-ASCII
-//! characters via the [unicode-width] crate. Without this feature,
-//! every [`char`] is 1 column wide, except for emojis which are 2
-//! columns wide. See the [`core::display_width`] function for
-//! details.
-//! This feature can be disabled if you only need to wrap ASCII
-//! text, or if the functions in [`core`] are used directly with
-//! [`core::Fragment`]s for which the widths have been computed in
-//! other ways.
-//! * `smawk`: enables linear-time wrapping of the whole paragraph via
-//! the [smawk] crate. See the [`wrap_algorithms::wrap_optimal_fit`]
-//! function for details on the optimal-fit algorithm.
-//! This feature can be disabled if you only ever intend to use
-//! [`wrap_algorithms::wrap_first_fit`].
-//! With Rust 1.59.0, the size impact of the above features on your
-//! binary is as follows:
-//! | Configuration | Binary Size | Delta |
-//! | :--- | ---: | ---: |
-//! | quick-and-dirty implementation | 289 KB | — KB |
-//! | textwrap without default features | 301 KB | 12 KB |
-//! | textwrap with smawk | 317 KB | 28 KB |
-//! | textwrap with unicode-width | 313 KB | 24 KB |
-//! | textwrap with unicode-linebreak | 395 KB | 106 KB |
-//! The above sizes are the stripped sizes and the binary is compiled
-//! in release mode with this profile:
-//! ```toml
-//! [profile.release]
-//! lto = true
-//! codegen-units = 1
-//! ```
-//! See the [binary-sizes demo] if you want to reproduce these
-//! results.
-//! ## Optional Features
-//! These Cargo features enable new functionality:
-//! * `terminal_size`: enables automatic detection of the terminal
-//! width via the [terminal_size] crate. See the
-//! [`Options::with_termwidth`] constructor for details.
-//! * `hyphenation`: enables language-sensitive hyphenation via the
-//! [hyphenation] crate. See the [`word_splitters::WordSplitter`]
-//! trait for details.
-//! [unicode-linebreak]: https://docs.rs/unicode-linebreak/
-//! [unicode-width]: https://docs.rs/unicode-width/
-//! [smawk]: https://docs.rs/smawk/
-//! [binary-sizes demo]: https://github.com/mgeisler/textwrap/tree/master/examples/binary-sizes
-//! [textwrap-macros]: https://docs.rs/textwrap-macros/
-//! [terminal_size]: https://docs.rs/terminal_size/
-//! [hyphenation]: https://docs.rs/hyphenation/
-#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/textwrap/0.15.2")]
-#![forbid(unsafe_code)] // See https://github.com/mgeisler/textwrap/issues/210
-// Make `cargo test` execute the README doctests.
-#[doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
-mod readme_doctest {}
-use std::borrow::Cow;
-mod indentation;
-pub use crate::indentation::{dedent, indent};
-mod word_separators;
-pub use word_separators::WordSeparator;
-pub mod word_splitters;
-pub use word_splitters::WordSplitter;
-pub mod wrap_algorithms;
-pub use wrap_algorithms::WrapAlgorithm;
-pub mod core;
-#[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")]
-macro_rules! DefaultWordSeparator {
- () => {
- WordSeparator::UnicodeBreakProperties
- };
-#[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-linebreak"))]
-macro_rules! DefaultWordSeparator {
- () => {
- WordSeparator::AsciiSpace
- };
-/// Holds configuration options for wrapping and filling text.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct Options<'a> {
- /// The width in columns at which the text will be wrapped.
- pub width: usize,
- /// Indentation used for the first line of output. See the
- /// [`Options::initial_indent`] method.
- pub initial_indent: &'a str,
- /// Indentation used for subsequent lines of output. See the
- /// [`Options::subsequent_indent`] method.
- pub subsequent_indent: &'a str,
- /// Allow long words to be broken if they cannot fit on a line.
- /// When set to `false`, some lines may be longer than
- /// `self.width`. See the [`Options::break_words`] method.
- pub break_words: bool,
- /// Wrapping algorithm to use, see the implementations of the
- /// [`wrap_algorithms::WrapAlgorithm`] trait for details.
- pub wrap_algorithm: WrapAlgorithm,
- /// The line breaking algorithm to use, see
- /// [`word_separators::WordSeparator`] trait for an overview and
- /// possible implementations.
- pub word_separator: WordSeparator,
- /// The method for splitting words. This can be used to prohibit
- /// splitting words on hyphens, or it can be used to implement
- /// language-aware machine hyphenation.
- pub word_splitter: WordSplitter,
-impl<'a> From<&'a Options<'a>> for Options<'a> {
- fn from(options: &'a Options<'a>) -> Self {
- Self {
- width: options.width,
- initial_indent: options.initial_indent,
- subsequent_indent: options.subsequent_indent,
- break_words: options.break_words,
- word_separator: options.word_separator,
- wrap_algorithm: options.wrap_algorithm,
- word_splitter: options.word_splitter.clone(),
- }
- }
-impl<'a> From<usize> for Options<'a> {
- fn from(width: usize) -> Self {
- Options::new(width)
- }
-impl<'a> Options<'a> {
- /// Creates a new [`Options`] with the specified width. Equivalent to
- ///
- /// ```
- /// # use textwrap::{Options, WordSplitter, WordSeparator, WrapAlgorithm};
- /// # let width = 80;
- /// # let actual = Options::new(width);
- /// # let expected =
- /// Options {
- /// width: width,
- /// initial_indent: "",
- /// subsequent_indent: "",
- /// break_words: true,
- /// #[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")]
- /// word_separator: WordSeparator::UnicodeBreakProperties,
- /// #[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-linebreak"))]
- /// word_separator: WordSeparator::AsciiSpace,
- /// #[cfg(feature = "smawk")]
- /// wrap_algorithm: WrapAlgorithm::new_optimal_fit(),
- /// #[cfg(not(feature = "smawk"))]
- /// wrap_algorithm: WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit,
- /// word_splitter: WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter,
- /// }
- /// # ;
- /// # assert_eq!(actual.width, expected.width);
- /// # assert_eq!(actual.initial_indent, expected.initial_indent);
- /// # assert_eq!(actual.subsequent_indent, expected.subsequent_indent);
- /// # assert_eq!(actual.break_words, expected.break_words);
- /// # assert_eq!(actual.word_splitter, expected.word_splitter);
- /// ```
- ///
- /// Note that the default word separator and wrap algorithms
- /// changes based on the available Cargo features. The best
- /// available algorithms are used by default.
- pub const fn new(width: usize) -> Self {
- Options {
- width,
- initial_indent: "",
- subsequent_indent: "",
- break_words: true,
- word_separator: DefaultWordSeparator!(),
- wrap_algorithm: WrapAlgorithm::new(),
- word_splitter: WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter,
- }
- }
- /// Creates a new [`Options`] with `width` set to the current
- /// terminal width. If the terminal width cannot be determined
- /// (typically because the standard input and output is not
- /// connected to a terminal), a width of 80 characters will be
- /// used. Other settings use the same defaults as
- /// [`Options::new`].
- ///
- /// Equivalent to:
- ///
- /// ```no_run
- /// use textwrap::{termwidth, Options};
- ///
- /// let options = Options::new(termwidth());
- /// ```
- ///
- /// **Note:** Only available when the `terminal_size` feature is
- /// enabled.
- #[cfg(feature = "terminal_size")]
- pub fn with_termwidth() -> Self {
- Self::new(termwidth())
- }
-impl<'a> Options<'a> {
- /// Change [`self.initial_indent`]. The initial indentation is
- /// used on the very first line of output.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// Classic paragraph indentation can be achieved by specifying an
- /// initial indentation and wrapping each paragraph by itself:
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use textwrap::{wrap, Options};
- ///
- /// let options = Options::new(16).initial_indent(" ");
- /// assert_eq!(wrap("This is a little example.", options),
- /// vec![" This is a",
- /// "little example."]);
- /// ```
- ///
- /// [`self.initial_indent`]: #structfield.initial_indent
- pub fn initial_indent(self, indent: &'a str) -> Self {
- Options {
- initial_indent: indent,
- ..self
- }
- }
- /// Change [`self.subsequent_indent`]. The subsequent indentation
- /// is used on lines following the first line of output.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// Combining initial and subsequent indentation lets you format a
- /// single paragraph as a bullet list:
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use textwrap::{wrap, Options};
- ///
- /// let options = Options::new(12)
- /// .initial_indent("* ")
- /// .subsequent_indent(" ");
- /// #[cfg(feature = "smawk")]
- /// assert_eq!(wrap("This is a little example.", options),
- /// vec!["* This is",
- /// " a little",
- /// " example."]);
- ///
- /// // Without the `smawk` feature, the wrapping is a little different:
- /// #[cfg(not(feature = "smawk"))]
- /// assert_eq!(wrap("This is a little example.", options),
- /// vec!["* This is a",
- /// " little",
- /// " example."]);
- /// ```
- ///
- /// [`self.subsequent_indent`]: #structfield.subsequent_indent
- pub fn subsequent_indent(self, indent: &'a str) -> Self {
- Options {
- subsequent_indent: indent,
- ..self
- }
- }
- /// Change [`self.break_words`]. This controls if words longer
- /// than `self.width` can be broken, or if they will be left
- /// sticking out into the right margin.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use textwrap::{wrap, Options};
- ///
- /// let options = Options::new(4).break_words(true);
- /// assert_eq!(wrap("This is a little example.", options),
- /// vec!["This",
- /// "is a",
- /// "litt",
- /// "le",
- /// "exam",
- /// "ple."]);
- /// ```
- ///
- /// [`self.break_words`]: #structfield.break_words
- pub fn break_words(self, setting: bool) -> Self {
- Options {
- break_words: setting,
- ..self
- }
- }
- /// Change [`self.word_separator`].
- ///
- /// See [`word_separators::WordSeparator`] for details on the choices.
- ///
- /// [`self.word_separator`]: #structfield.word_separator
- pub fn word_separator(self, word_separator: WordSeparator) -> Options<'a> {
- Options {
- width: self.width,
- initial_indent: self.initial_indent,
- subsequent_indent: self.subsequent_indent,
- break_words: self.break_words,
- word_separator: word_separator,
- wrap_algorithm: self.wrap_algorithm,
- word_splitter: self.word_splitter,
- }
- }
- /// Change [`self.wrap_algorithm`].
- ///
- /// See the [`wrap_algorithms::WrapAlgorithm`] trait for details on
- /// the choices.
- ///
- /// [`self.wrap_algorithm`]: #structfield.wrap_algorithm
- pub fn wrap_algorithm(self, wrap_algorithm: WrapAlgorithm) -> Options<'a> {
- Options {
- width: self.width,
- initial_indent: self.initial_indent,
- subsequent_indent: self.subsequent_indent,
- break_words: self.break_words,
- word_separator: self.word_separator,
- wrap_algorithm: wrap_algorithm,
- word_splitter: self.word_splitter,
- }
- }
- /// Change [`self.word_splitter`]. The
- /// [`word_splitters::WordSplitter`] is used to fit part of a word
- /// into the current line when wrapping text.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use textwrap::{Options, WordSplitter};
- /// let opt = Options::new(80);
- /// assert_eq!(opt.word_splitter, WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter);
- /// let opt = opt.word_splitter(WordSplitter::NoHyphenation);
- /// assert_eq!(opt.word_splitter, WordSplitter::NoHyphenation);
- /// ```
- ///
- /// [`self.word_splitter`]: #structfield.word_splitter
- pub fn word_splitter(self, word_splitter: WordSplitter) -> Options<'a> {
- Options {
- width: self.width,
- initial_indent: self.initial_indent,
- subsequent_indent: self.subsequent_indent,
- break_words: self.break_words,
- word_separator: self.word_separator,
- wrap_algorithm: self.wrap_algorithm,
- word_splitter,
- }
- }
-/// Return the current terminal width.
-/// If the terminal width cannot be determined (typically because the
-/// standard output is not connected to a terminal), a default width
-/// of 80 characters will be used.
-/// # Examples
-/// Create an [`Options`] for wrapping at the current terminal width
-/// with a two column margin to the left and the right:
-/// ```no_run
-/// use textwrap::{termwidth, Options};
-/// let width = termwidth() - 4; // Two columns on each side.
-/// let options = Options::new(width)
-/// .initial_indent(" ")
-/// .subsequent_indent(" ");
-/// ```
-/// **Note:** Only available when the `terminal_size` Cargo feature is
-/// enabled.
-#[cfg(feature = "terminal_size")]
-pub fn termwidth() -> usize {
- terminal_size::terminal_size().map_or(80, |(terminal_size::Width(w), _)| w.into())
-/// Fill a line of text at a given width.
-/// The result is a [`String`], complete with newlines between each
-/// line. Use the [`wrap`] function if you need access to the
-/// individual lines.
-/// The easiest way to use this function is to pass an integer for
-/// `width_or_options`:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::fill;
-/// assert_eq!(
-/// fill("Memory safety without garbage collection.", 15),
-/// "Memory safety\nwithout garbage\ncollection."
-/// );
-/// ```
-/// If you need to customize the wrapping, you can pass an [`Options`]
-/// instead of an `usize`:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::{fill, Options};
-/// let options = Options::new(15)
-/// .initial_indent("- ")
-/// .subsequent_indent(" ");
-/// assert_eq!(
-/// fill("Memory safety without garbage collection.", &options),
-/// "- Memory safety\n without\n garbage\n collection."
-/// );
-/// ```
-pub fn fill<'a, Opt>(text: &str, width_or_options: Opt) -> String
- Opt: Into<Options<'a>>,
- // This will avoid reallocation in simple cases (no
- // indentation, no hyphenation).
- let mut result = String::with_capacity(text.len());
- for (i, line) in wrap(text, width_or_options).iter().enumerate() {
- if i > 0 {
- result.push('\n');
- }
- result.push_str(line);
- }
- result
-/// Unpack a paragraph of already-wrapped text.
-/// This function attempts to recover the original text from a single
-/// paragraph of text produced by the [`fill`] function. This means
-/// that it turns
-/// ```text
-/// textwrap: a small
-/// library for
-/// wrapping text.
-/// ```
-/// back into
-/// ```text
-/// textwrap: a small library for wrapping text.
-/// ```
-/// In addition, it will recognize a common prefix among the lines.
-/// The prefix of the first line is returned in
-/// [`Options::initial_indent`] and the prefix (if any) of the the
-/// other lines is returned in [`Options::subsequent_indent`].
-/// In addition to `' '`, the prefixes can consist of characters used
-/// for unordered lists (`'-'`, `'+'`, and `'*'`) and block quotes
-/// (`'>'`) in Markdown as well as characters often used for inline
-/// comments (`'#'` and `'/'`).
-/// The text must come from a single wrapped paragraph. This means
-/// that there can be no `"\n\n"` within the text.
-/// # Examples
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::unfill;
-/// let (text, options) = unfill("\
-/// * This is an
-/// example of
-/// a list item.
-/// ");
-/// assert_eq!(text, "This is an example of a list item.\n");
-/// assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, "* ");
-/// assert_eq!(options.subsequent_indent, " ");
-/// ```
-pub fn unfill(text: &str) -> (String, Options<'_>) {
- let trimmed = text.trim_end_matches('\n');
- let prefix_chars: &[_] = &[' ', '-', '+', '*', '>', '#', '/'];
- let mut options = Options::new(0);
- for (idx, line) in trimmed.split('\n').enumerate() {
- options.width = std::cmp::max(options.width, core::display_width(line));
- let without_prefix = line.trim_start_matches(prefix_chars);
- let prefix = &line[..line.len() - without_prefix.len()];
- if idx == 0 {
- options.initial_indent = prefix;
- } else if idx == 1 {
- options.subsequent_indent = prefix;
- } else if idx > 1 {
- for ((idx, x), y) in prefix.char_indices().zip(options.subsequent_indent.chars()) {
- if x != y {
- options.subsequent_indent = &prefix[..idx];
- break;
- }
- }
- if prefix.len() < options.subsequent_indent.len() {
- options.subsequent_indent = prefix;
- }
- }
- }
- let mut unfilled = String::with_capacity(text.len());
- for (idx, line) in trimmed.split('\n').enumerate() {
- if idx == 0 {
- unfilled.push_str(&line[options.initial_indent.len()..]);
- } else {
- unfilled.push(' ');
- unfilled.push_str(&line[options.subsequent_indent.len()..]);
- }
- }
- unfilled.push_str(&text[trimmed.len()..]);
- (unfilled, options)
-/// Refill a paragraph of wrapped text with a new width.
-/// This function will first use the [`unfill`] function to remove
-/// newlines from the text. Afterwards the text is filled again using
-/// the [`fill`] function.
-/// The `new_width_or_options` argument specify the new width and can
-/// specify other options as well — except for
-/// [`Options::initial_indent`] and [`Options::subsequent_indent`],
-/// which are deduced from `filled_text`.
-/// # Examples
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::refill;
-/// // Some loosely wrapped text. The "> " prefix is recognized automatically.
-/// let text = "\
-/// > Memory
-/// > safety without garbage
-/// > collection.
-/// ";
-/// assert_eq!(refill(text, 20), "\
-/// > Memory safety
-/// > without garbage
-/// > collection.
-/// ");
-/// assert_eq!(refill(text, 40), "\
-/// > Memory safety without garbage
-/// > collection.
-/// ");
-/// assert_eq!(refill(text, 60), "\
-/// > Memory safety without garbage collection.
-/// ");
-/// ```
-/// You can also reshape bullet points:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::refill;
-/// let text = "\
-/// - This is my
-/// list item.
-/// ";
-/// assert_eq!(refill(text, 20), "\
-/// - This is my list
-/// item.
-/// ");
-/// ```
-pub fn refill<'a, Opt>(filled_text: &str, new_width_or_options: Opt) -> String
- Opt: Into<Options<'a>>,
- let trimmed = filled_text.trim_end_matches('\n');
- let (text, options) = unfill(trimmed);
- let mut new_options = new_width_or_options.into();
- new_options.initial_indent = options.initial_indent;
- new_options.subsequent_indent = options.subsequent_indent;
- let mut refilled = fill(&text, new_options);
- refilled.push_str(&filled_text[trimmed.len()..]);
- refilled
-/// Wrap a line of text at a given width.
-/// The result is a vector of lines, each line is of type [`Cow<'_,
-/// str>`](Cow), which means that the line will borrow from the input
-/// `&str` if possible. The lines do not have trailing whitespace,
-/// including a final `'\n'`. Please use the [`fill`] function if you
-/// need a [`String`] instead.
-/// The easiest way to use this function is to pass an integer for
-/// `width_or_options`:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::wrap;
-/// let lines = wrap("Memory safety without garbage collection.", 15);
-/// assert_eq!(lines, &[
-/// "Memory safety",
-/// "without garbage",
-/// "collection.",
-/// ]);
-/// ```
-/// If you need to customize the wrapping, you can pass an [`Options`]
-/// instead of an `usize`:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::{wrap, Options};
-/// let options = Options::new(15)
-/// .initial_indent("- ")
-/// .subsequent_indent(" ");
-/// let lines = wrap("Memory safety without garbage collection.", &options);
-/// assert_eq!(lines, &[
-/// "- Memory safety",
-/// " without",
-/// " garbage",
-/// " collection.",
-/// ]);
-/// ```
-/// # Optimal-Fit Wrapping
-/// By default, `wrap` will try to ensure an even right margin by
-/// finding breaks which avoid short lines. We call this an
-/// “optimal-fit algorithm” since the line breaks are computed by
-/// considering all possible line breaks. The alternative is a
-/// “first-fit algorithm” which simply accumulates words until they no
-/// longer fit on the line.
-/// As an example, using the first-fit algorithm to wrap the famous
-/// Hamlet quote “To be, or not to be: that is the question” in a
-/// narrow column with room for only 10 characters looks like this:
-/// ```
-/// # use textwrap::{WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit, Options, wrap};
-/// #
-/// # let lines = wrap("To be, or not to be: that is the question",
-/// # Options::new(10).wrap_algorithm(FirstFit));
-/// # assert_eq!(lines.join("\n") + "\n", "\
-/// To be, or
-/// not to be:
-/// that is
-/// the
-/// question
-/// # ");
-/// ```
-/// Notice how the second to last line is quite narrow because
-/// “question” was too large to fit? The greedy first-fit algorithm
-/// doesn’t look ahead, so it has no other option than to put
-/// “question” onto its own line.
-/// With the optimal-fit wrapping algorithm, the previous lines are
-/// shortened slightly in order to make the word “is” go into the
-/// second last line:
-/// ```
-/// # #[cfg(feature = "smawk")] {
-/// # use textwrap::{Options, WrapAlgorithm, wrap};
-/// #
-/// # let lines = wrap(
-/// # "To be, or not to be: that is the question",
-/// # Options::new(10).wrap_algorithm(WrapAlgorithm::new_optimal_fit())
-/// # );
-/// # assert_eq!(lines.join("\n") + "\n", "\
-/// To be,
-/// or not to
-/// be: that
-/// is the
-/// question
-/// # "); }
-/// ```
-/// Please see [`WrapAlgorithm`] for details on the choices.
-/// # Examples
-/// The returned iterator yields lines of type `Cow<'_, str>`. If
-/// possible, the wrapped lines will borrow from the input string. As
-/// an example, a hanging indentation, the first line can borrow from
-/// the input, but the subsequent lines become owned strings:
-/// ```
-/// use std::borrow::Cow::{Borrowed, Owned};
-/// use textwrap::{wrap, Options};
-/// let options = Options::new(15).subsequent_indent("....");
-/// let lines = wrap("Wrapping text all day long.", &options);
-/// let annotated = lines
-/// .iter()
-/// .map(|line| match line {
-/// Borrowed(text) => format!("[Borrowed] {}", text),
-/// Owned(text) => format!("[Owned] {}", text),
-/// })
-/// .collect::<Vec<_>>();
-/// assert_eq!(
-/// annotated,
-/// &[
-/// "[Borrowed] Wrapping text",
-/// "[Owned] ....all day",
-/// "[Owned] ....long.",
-/// ]
-/// );
-/// ```
-/// ## Leading and Trailing Whitespace
-/// As a rule, leading whitespace (indentation) is preserved and
-/// trailing whitespace is discarded.
-/// In more details, when wrapping words into lines, words are found
-/// by splitting the input text on space characters. One or more
-/// spaces (shown here as “␣”) are attached to the end of each word:
-/// ```text
-/// "Foo␣␣␣bar␣baz" -> ["Foo␣␣␣", "bar␣", "baz"]
-/// ```
-/// These words are then put into lines. The interword whitespace is
-/// preserved, unless the lines are wrapped so that the `"Foo␣␣␣"`
-/// word falls at the end of a line:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::wrap;
-/// assert_eq!(wrap("Foo bar baz", 10), vec!["Foo bar", "baz"]);
-/// assert_eq!(wrap("Foo bar baz", 8), vec!["Foo", "bar baz"]);
-/// ```
-/// Notice how the trailing whitespace is removed in both case: in the
-/// first example, `"bar␣"` becomes `"bar"` and in the second case
-/// `"Foo␣␣␣"` becomes `"Foo"`.
-/// Leading whitespace is preserved when the following word fits on
-/// the first line. To understand this, consider how words are found
-/// in a text with leading spaces:
-/// ```text
-/// "␣␣foo␣bar" -> ["␣␣", "foo␣", "bar"]
-/// ```
-/// When put into lines, the indentation is preserved if `"foo"` fits
-/// on the first line, otherwise you end up with an empty line:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::wrap;
-/// assert_eq!(wrap(" foo bar", 8), vec![" foo", "bar"]);
-/// assert_eq!(wrap(" foo bar", 4), vec!["", "foo", "bar"]);
-/// ```
-pub fn wrap<'a, Opt>(text: &str, width_or_options: Opt) -> Vec<Cow<'_, str>>
- Opt: Into<Options<'a>>,
- let options = width_or_options.into();
- let initial_width = options
- .width
- .saturating_sub(core::display_width(options.initial_indent));
- let subsequent_width = options
- .width
- .saturating_sub(core::display_width(options.subsequent_indent));
- let mut lines = Vec::new();
- for line in text.split('\n') {
- let words = options.word_separator.find_words(line);
- let split_words = word_splitters::split_words(words, &options.word_splitter);
- let broken_words = if options.break_words {
- let mut broken_words = core::break_words(split_words, subsequent_width);
- if !options.initial_indent.is_empty() {
- // Without this, the first word will always go into
- // the first line. However, since we break words based
- // on the _second_ line width, it can be wrong to
- // unconditionally put the first word onto the first
- // line. An empty zero-width word fixed this.
- broken_words.insert(0, core::Word::from(""));
- }
- broken_words
- } else {
- split_words.collect::<Vec<_>>()
- };
- let line_widths = [initial_width, subsequent_width];
- let wrapped_words = options.wrap_algorithm.wrap(&broken_words, &line_widths);
- let mut idx = 0;
- for words in wrapped_words {
- let last_word = match words.last() {
- None => {
- lines.push(Cow::from(""));
- continue;
- }
- Some(word) => word,
- };
- // We assume here that all words are contiguous in `line`.
- // That is, the sum of their lengths should add up to the
- // length of `line`.
- let len = words
- .iter()
- .map(|word| word.len() + word.whitespace.len())
- .sum::<usize>()
- - last_word.whitespace.len();
- // The result is owned if we have indentation, otherwise
- // we can simply borrow an empty string.
- let mut result = if lines.is_empty() && !options.initial_indent.is_empty() {
- Cow::Owned(options.initial_indent.to_owned())
- } else if !lines.is_empty() && !options.subsequent_indent.is_empty() {
- Cow::Owned(options.subsequent_indent.to_owned())
- } else {
- // We can use an empty string here since string
- // concatenation for `Cow` preserves a borrowed value
- // when either side is empty.
- Cow::from("")
- };
- result += &line[idx..idx + len];
- if !last_word.penalty.is_empty() {
- result.to_mut().push_str(last_word.penalty);
- }
- lines.push(result);
- // Advance by the length of `result`, plus the length of
- // `last_word.whitespace` -- even if we had a penalty, we
- // need to skip over the whitespace.
- idx += len + last_word.whitespace.len();
- }
- }
- lines
-/// Wrap text into columns with a given total width.
-/// The `left_gap`, `middle_gap` and `right_gap` arguments specify the
-/// strings to insert before, between, and after the columns. The
-/// total width of all columns and all gaps is specified using the
-/// `total_width_or_options` argument. This argument can simply be an
-/// integer if you want to use default settings when wrapping, or it
-/// can be a [`Options`] value if you want to customize the wrapping.
-/// If the columns are narrow, it is recommended to set
-/// [`Options::break_words`] to `true` to prevent words from
-/// protruding into the margins.
-/// The per-column width is computed like this:
-/// ```
-/// # let (left_gap, middle_gap, right_gap) = ("", "", "");
-/// # let columns = 2;
-/// # let options = textwrap::Options::new(80);
-/// let inner_width = options.width
-/// - textwrap::core::display_width(left_gap)
-/// - textwrap::core::display_width(right_gap)
-/// - textwrap::core::display_width(middle_gap) * (columns - 1);
-/// let column_width = inner_width / columns;
-/// ```
-/// The `text` is wrapped using [`wrap`] and the given `options`
-/// argument, but the width is overwritten to the computed
-/// `column_width`.
-/// # Panics
-/// Panics if `columns` is zero.
-/// # Examples
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::wrap_columns;
-/// let text = "\
-/// This is an example text, which is wrapped into three columns. \
-/// Notice how the final column can be shorter than the others.";
-/// #[cfg(feature = "smawk")]
-/// assert_eq!(wrap_columns(text, 3, 50, "| ", " | ", " |"),
-/// vec!["| This is | into three | column can be |",
-/// "| an example | columns. | shorter than |",
-/// "| text, which | Notice how | the others. |",
-/// "| is wrapped | the final | |"]);
-/// // Without the `smawk` feature, the middle column is a little more uneven:
-/// #[cfg(not(feature = "smawk"))]
-/// assert_eq!(wrap_columns(text, 3, 50, "| ", " | ", " |"),
-/// vec!["| This is an | three | column can be |",
-/// "| example text, | columns. | shorter than |",
-/// "| which is | Notice how | the others. |",
-/// "| wrapped into | the final | |"]);
-pub fn wrap_columns<'a, Opt>(
- text: &str,
- columns: usize,
- total_width_or_options: Opt,
- left_gap: &str,
- middle_gap: &str,
- right_gap: &str,
-) -> Vec<String>
- Opt: Into<Options<'a>>,
- assert!(columns > 0);
- let mut options = total_width_or_options.into();
- let inner_width = options
- .width
- .saturating_sub(core::display_width(left_gap))
- .saturating_sub(core::display_width(right_gap))
- .saturating_sub(core::display_width(middle_gap) * (columns - 1));
- let column_width = std::cmp::max(inner_width / columns, 1);
- options.width = column_width;
- let last_column_padding = " ".repeat(inner_width % column_width);
- let wrapped_lines = wrap(text, options);
- let lines_per_column =
- wrapped_lines.len() / columns + usize::from(wrapped_lines.len() % columns > 0);
- let mut lines = Vec::new();
- for line_no in 0..lines_per_column {
- let mut line = String::from(left_gap);
- for column_no in 0..columns {
- match wrapped_lines.get(line_no + column_no * lines_per_column) {
- Some(column_line) => {
- line.push_str(column_line);
- line.push_str(&" ".repeat(column_width - core::display_width(column_line)));
- }
- None => {
- line.push_str(&" ".repeat(column_width));
- }
- }
- if column_no == columns - 1 {
- line.push_str(&last_column_padding);
- } else {
- line.push_str(middle_gap);
- }
- }
- line.push_str(right_gap);
- lines.push(line);
- }
- lines
-/// Fill `text` in-place without reallocating the input string.
-/// This function works by modifying the input string: some `' '`
-/// characters will be replaced by `'\n'` characters. The rest of the
-/// text remains untouched.
-/// Since we can only replace existing whitespace in the input with
-/// `'\n'`, we cannot do hyphenation nor can we split words longer
-/// than the line width. We also need to use `AsciiSpace` as the word
-/// separator since we need `' '` characters between words in order to
-/// replace some of them with a `'\n'`. Indentation is also ruled out.
-/// In other words, `fill_inplace(width)` behaves as if you had called
-/// [`fill`] with these options:
-/// ```
-/// # use textwrap::{core, Options, WordSplitter, WordSeparator, WrapAlgorithm};
-/// # let width = 80;
-/// Options {
-/// width: width,
-/// initial_indent: "",
-/// subsequent_indent: "",
-/// break_words: false,
-/// word_separator: WordSeparator::AsciiSpace,
-/// wrap_algorithm: WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit,
-/// word_splitter: WordSplitter::NoHyphenation,
-/// };
-/// ```
-/// The wrap algorithm is [`WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit`] since this
-/// is the fastest algorithm — and the main reason to use
-/// `fill_inplace` is to get the string broken into newlines as fast
-/// as possible.
-/// A last difference is that (unlike [`fill`]) `fill_inplace` can
-/// leave trailing whitespace on lines. This is because we wrap by
-/// inserting a `'\n'` at the final whitespace in the input string:
-/// ```
-/// let mut text = String::from("Hello World!");
-/// textwrap::fill_inplace(&mut text, 10);
-/// assert_eq!(text, "Hello \nWorld!");
-/// ```
-/// If we didn't do this, the word `World!` would end up being
-/// indented. You can avoid this if you make sure that your input text
-/// has no double spaces.
-/// # Performance
-/// In benchmarks, `fill_inplace` is about twice as fast as [`fill`].
-/// Please see the [`linear`
-/// benchmark](https://github.com/mgeisler/textwrap/blob/master/benches/linear.rs)
-/// for details.
-pub fn fill_inplace(text: &mut String, width: usize) {
- let mut indices = Vec::new();
- let mut offset = 0;
- for line in text.split('\n') {
- let words = WordSeparator::AsciiSpace
- .find_words(line)
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- let wrapped_words = wrap_algorithms::wrap_first_fit(&words, &[width as f64]);
- let mut line_offset = offset;
- for words in &wrapped_words[..wrapped_words.len() - 1] {
- let line_len = words
- .iter()
- .map(|word| word.len() + word.whitespace.len())
- .sum::<usize>();
- line_offset += line_len;
- // We've advanced past all ' ' characters -- want to move
- // one ' ' backwards and insert our '\n' there.
- indices.push(line_offset - 1);
- }
- // Advance past entire line, plus the '\n' which was removed
- // by the split call above.
- offset += line.len() + 1;
- }
- let mut bytes = std::mem::take(text).into_bytes();
- for idx in indices {
- bytes[idx] = b'\n';
- }
- *text = String::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap();
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- #[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
- use hyphenation::{Language, Load, Standard};
- #[test]
- fn options_agree_with_usize() {
- let opt_usize = Options::from(42_usize);
- let opt_options = Options::new(42);
- assert_eq!(opt_usize.width, opt_options.width);
- assert_eq!(opt_usize.initial_indent, opt_options.initial_indent);
- assert_eq!(opt_usize.subsequent_indent, opt_options.subsequent_indent);
- assert_eq!(opt_usize.break_words, opt_options.break_words);
- assert_eq!(
- opt_usize.word_splitter.split_points("hello-world"),
- opt_options.word_splitter.split_points("hello-world")
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn no_wrap() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo", 10), vec!["foo"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn wrap_simple() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo bar baz", 5), vec!["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn to_be_or_not() {
- assert_eq!(
- wrap(
- "To be, or not to be, that is the question.",
- Options::new(10).wrap_algorithm(WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit)
- ),
- vec!["To be, or", "not to be,", "that is", "the", "question."]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn multiple_words_on_first_line() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo bar baz", 10), vec!["foo bar", "baz"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn long_word() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo", 0), vec!["f", "o", "o"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn long_words() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo bar", 0), vec!["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn max_width() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo bar", usize::MAX), vec!["foo bar"]);
- let text = "Hello there! This is some English text. \
- It should not be wrapped given the extents below.";
- assert_eq!(wrap(text, usize::MAX), vec![text]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn leading_whitespace() {
- assert_eq!(wrap(" foo bar", 6), vec![" foo", "bar"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn leading_whitespace_empty_first_line() {
- // If there is no space for the first word, the first line
- // will be empty. This is because the string is split into
- // words like [" ", "foobar ", "baz"], which puts "foobar " on
- // the second line. We never output trailing whitespace
- assert_eq!(wrap(" foobar baz", 6), vec!["", "foobar", "baz"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn trailing_whitespace() {
- // Whitespace is only significant inside a line. After a line
- // gets too long and is broken, the first word starts in
- // column zero and is not indented.
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo bar baz ", 5), vec!["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn issue_99() {
- // We did not reset the in_whitespace flag correctly and did
- // not handle single-character words after a line break.
- assert_eq!(
- wrap("aaabbbccc x yyyzzzwww", 9),
- vec!["aaabbbccc", "x", "yyyzzzwww"]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn issue_129() {
- // The dash is an em-dash which takes up four bytes. We used
- // to panic since we tried to index into the character.
- let options = Options::new(1).word_separator(WordSeparator::AsciiSpace);
- assert_eq!(wrap("x – x", options), vec!["x", "–", "x"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn wide_character_handling() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("Hello, World!", 15), vec!["Hello, World!"]);
- assert_eq!(
- wrap(
- "Hello, World!",
- Options::new(15).word_separator(WordSeparator::AsciiSpace)
- ),
- vec!["Hello,", "World!"]
- );
- // Wide characters are allowed to break if the
- // unicode-linebreak feature is enabled.
- #[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")]
- assert_eq!(
- wrap(
- "Hello, World!",
- Options::new(15).word_separator(WordSeparator::UnicodeBreakProperties)
- ),
- vec!["Hello, W", "orld!"]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn empty_line_is_indented() {
- // Previously, indentation was not applied to empty lines.
- // However, this is somewhat inconsistent and undesirable if
- // the indentation is something like a border ("| ") which you
- // want to apply to all lines, empty or not.
- let options = Options::new(10).initial_indent("!!!");
- assert_eq!(fill("", &options), "!!!");
- }
- #[test]
- fn indent_single_line() {
- let options = Options::new(10).initial_indent(">>>"); // No trailing space
- assert_eq!(fill("foo", &options), ">>>foo");
- }
- #[test]
- fn indent_first_emoji() {
- let options = Options::new(10).initial_indent("👉👉");
- assert_eq!(
- wrap("x x x x x x x x x x x x x", &options),
- vec!["👉👉x x x", "x x x x x", "x x x x x"]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn indent_multiple_lines() {
- let options = Options::new(6).initial_indent("* ").subsequent_indent(" ");
- assert_eq!(
- wrap("foo bar baz", &options),
- vec!["* foo", " bar", " baz"]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn indent_break_words() {
- let options = Options::new(5).initial_indent("* ").subsequent_indent(" ");
- assert_eq!(wrap("foobarbaz", &options), vec!["* foo", " bar", " baz"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn initial_indent_break_words() {
- // This is a corner-case showing how the long word is broken
- // according to the width of the subsequent lines. The first
- // fragment of the word no longer fits on the first line,
- // which ends up being pure indentation.
- let options = Options::new(5).initial_indent("-->");
- assert_eq!(wrap("foobarbaz", &options), vec!["-->", "fooba", "rbaz"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn hyphens() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo-bar", 5), vec!["foo-", "bar"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn trailing_hyphen() {
- let options = Options::new(5).break_words(false);
- assert_eq!(wrap("foobar-", &options), vec!["foobar-"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn multiple_hyphens() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo-bar-baz", 5), vec!["foo-", "bar-", "baz"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn hyphens_flag() {
- let options = Options::new(5).break_words(false);
- assert_eq!(
- wrap("The --foo-bar flag.", &options),
- vec!["The", "--foo-", "bar", "flag."]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn repeated_hyphens() {
- let options = Options::new(4).break_words(false);
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo--bar", &options), vec!["foo--bar"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn hyphens_alphanumeric() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("Na2-CH4", 5), vec!["Na2-", "CH4"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn hyphens_non_alphanumeric() {
- let options = Options::new(5).break_words(false);
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo(-)bar", &options), vec!["foo(-)bar"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn multiple_splits() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo-bar-baz", 9), vec!["foo-bar-", "baz"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn forced_split() {
- let options = Options::new(5).break_words(false);
- assert_eq!(wrap("foobar-baz", &options), vec!["foobar-", "baz"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn multiple_unbroken_words_issue_193() {
- let options = Options::new(3).break_words(false);
- assert_eq!(
- wrap("small large tiny", &options),
- vec!["small", "large", "tiny"]
- );
- assert_eq!(
- wrap("small large tiny", &options),
- vec!["small", "large", "tiny"]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn very_narrow_lines_issue_193() {
- let options = Options::new(1).break_words(false);
- assert_eq!(wrap("fooo x y", &options), vec!["fooo", "x", "y"]);
- assert_eq!(wrap("fooo x y", &options), vec!["fooo", "x", "y"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn simple_hyphens() {
- let options = Options::new(8).word_splitter(WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter);
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo bar-baz", &options), vec!["foo bar-", "baz"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn no_hyphenation() {
- let options = Options::new(8).word_splitter(WordSplitter::NoHyphenation);
- assert_eq!(wrap("foo bar-baz", &options), vec!["foo", "bar-baz"]);
- }
- #[test]
- #[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
- fn auto_hyphenation_double_hyphenation() {
- let dictionary = Standard::from_embedded(Language::EnglishUS).unwrap();
- let options = Options::new(10);
- assert_eq!(
- wrap("Internationalization", &options),
- vec!["Internatio", "nalization"]
- );
- let options = Options::new(10).word_splitter(WordSplitter::Hyphenation(dictionary));
- assert_eq!(
- wrap("Internationalization", &options),
- vec!["Interna-", "tionaliza-", "tion"]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- #[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
- fn auto_hyphenation_issue_158() {
- let dictionary = Standard::from_embedded(Language::EnglishUS).unwrap();
- let options = Options::new(10);
- assert_eq!(
- wrap("participation is the key to success", &options),
- vec!["participat", "ion is", "the key to", "success"]
- );
- let options = Options::new(10).word_splitter(WordSplitter::Hyphenation(dictionary));
- assert_eq!(
- wrap("participation is the key to success", &options),
- vec!["partici-", "pation is", "the key to", "success"]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- #[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
- fn split_len_hyphenation() {
- // Test that hyphenation takes the width of the whitespace
- // into account.
- let dictionary = Standard::from_embedded(Language::EnglishUS).unwrap();
- let options = Options::new(15).word_splitter(WordSplitter::Hyphenation(dictionary));
- assert_eq!(
- wrap("garbage collection", &options),
- vec!["garbage col-", "lection"]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- #[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
- fn borrowed_lines() {
- // Lines that end with an extra hyphen are owned, the final
- // line is borrowed.
- use std::borrow::Cow::{Borrowed, Owned};
- let dictionary = Standard::from_embedded(Language::EnglishUS).unwrap();
- let options = Options::new(10).word_splitter(WordSplitter::Hyphenation(dictionary));
- let lines = wrap("Internationalization", &options);
- assert_eq!(lines, vec!["Interna-", "tionaliza-", "tion"]);
- if let Borrowed(s) = lines[0] {
- assert!(false, "should not have been borrowed: {:?}", s);
- }
- if let Borrowed(s) = lines[1] {
- assert!(false, "should not have been borrowed: {:?}", s);
- }
- if let Owned(ref s) = lines[2] {
- assert!(false, "should not have been owned: {:?}", s);
- }
- }
- #[test]
- #[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
- fn auto_hyphenation_with_hyphen() {
- let dictionary = Standard::from_embedded(Language::EnglishUS).unwrap();
- let options = Options::new(8).break_words(false);
- assert_eq!(
- wrap("over-caffinated", &options),
- vec!["over-", "caffinated"]
- );
- let options = options.word_splitter(WordSplitter::Hyphenation(dictionary));
- assert_eq!(
- wrap("over-caffinated", &options),
- vec!["over-", "caffi-", "nated"]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn break_words() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("foobarbaz", 3), vec!["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn break_words_wide_characters() {
- // Even the poor man's version of `ch_width` counts these
- // characters as wide.
- let options = Options::new(5).word_separator(WordSeparator::AsciiSpace);
- assert_eq!(wrap("Hello", options), vec!["He", "ll", "o"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn break_words_zero_width() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("foobar", 0), vec!["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn break_long_first_word() {
- assert_eq!(wrap("testx y", 4), vec!["test", "x y"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn break_words_line_breaks() {
- assert_eq!(fill("ab\ncdefghijkl", 5), "ab\ncdefg\nhijkl");
- assert_eq!(fill("abcdefgh\nijkl", 5), "abcde\nfgh\nijkl");
- }
- #[test]
- fn break_words_empty_lines() {
- assert_eq!(
- fill("foo\nbar", &Options::new(2).break_words(false)),
- "foo\nbar"
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn preserve_line_breaks() {
- assert_eq!(fill("", 80), "");
- assert_eq!(fill("\n", 80), "\n");
- assert_eq!(fill("\n\n\n", 80), "\n\n\n");
- assert_eq!(fill("test\n", 80), "test\n");
- assert_eq!(fill("test\n\na\n\n", 80), "test\n\na\n\n");
- assert_eq!(
- fill(
- "1 3 5 7\n1 3 5 7",
- Options::new(7).wrap_algorithm(WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit)
- ),
- "1 3 5 7\n1 3 5 7"
- );
- assert_eq!(
- fill(
- "1 3 5 7\n1 3 5 7",
- Options::new(5).wrap_algorithm(WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit)
- ),
- "1 3 5\n7\n1 3 5\n7"
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn preserve_line_breaks_with_whitespace() {
- assert_eq!(fill(" ", 80), "");
- assert_eq!(fill(" \n ", 80), "\n");
- assert_eq!(fill(" \n \n \n ", 80), "\n\n\n");
- }
- #[test]
- fn non_breaking_space() {
- let options = Options::new(5).break_words(false);
- assert_eq!(fill("foo bar baz", &options), "foo bar baz");
- }
- #[test]
- fn non_breaking_hyphen() {
- let options = Options::new(5).break_words(false);
- assert_eq!(fill("foo‑bar‑baz", &options), "foo‑bar‑baz");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fill_simple() {
- assert_eq!(fill("foo bar baz", 10), "foo bar\nbaz");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fill_colored_text() {
- // The words are much longer than 6 bytes, but they remain
- // intact after filling the text.
- let green_hello = "\u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[32mHello\u{1b}[0m";
- let blue_world = "\u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[34mWorld!\u{1b}[0m";
- assert_eq!(
- fill(&(String::from(green_hello) + " " + &blue_world), 6),
- String::from(green_hello) + "\n" + &blue_world
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn fill_unicode_boundary() {
- // https://github.com/mgeisler/textwrap/issues/390
- fill("\u{1b}!Ͽ", 10);
- }
- #[test]
- fn fill_inplace_empty() {
- let mut text = String::from("");
- fill_inplace(&mut text, 80);
- assert_eq!(text, "");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fill_inplace_simple() {
- let mut text = String::from("foo bar baz");
- fill_inplace(&mut text, 10);
- assert_eq!(text, "foo bar\nbaz");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fill_inplace_multiple_lines() {
- let mut text = String::from("Some text to wrap over multiple lines");
- fill_inplace(&mut text, 12);
- assert_eq!(text, "Some text to\nwrap over\nmultiple\nlines");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fill_inplace_long_word() {
- let mut text = String::from("Internationalization is hard");
- fill_inplace(&mut text, 10);
- assert_eq!(text, "Internationalization\nis hard");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fill_inplace_no_hyphen_splitting() {
- let mut text = String::from("A well-chosen example");
- fill_inplace(&mut text, 10);
- assert_eq!(text, "A\nwell-chosen\nexample");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fill_inplace_newlines() {
- let mut text = String::from("foo bar\n\nbaz\n\n\n");
- fill_inplace(&mut text, 10);
- assert_eq!(text, "foo bar\n\nbaz\n\n\n");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fill_inplace_newlines_reset_line_width() {
- let mut text = String::from("1 3 5\n1 3 5 7 9\n1 3 5 7 9 1 3");
- fill_inplace(&mut text, 10);
- assert_eq!(text, "1 3 5\n1 3 5 7 9\n1 3 5 7 9\n1 3");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fill_inplace_leading_whitespace() {
- let mut text = String::from(" foo bar baz");
- fill_inplace(&mut text, 10);
- assert_eq!(text, " foo bar\nbaz");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fill_inplace_trailing_whitespace() {
- let mut text = String::from("foo bar baz ");
- fill_inplace(&mut text, 10);
- assert_eq!(text, "foo bar\nbaz ");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fill_inplace_interior_whitespace() {
- // To avoid an unwanted indentation of "baz", it is important
- // to replace the final ' ' with '\n'.
- let mut text = String::from("foo bar baz");
- fill_inplace(&mut text, 10);
- assert_eq!(text, "foo bar \nbaz");
- }
- #[test]
- fn unfill_simple() {
- let (text, options) = unfill("foo\nbar");
- assert_eq!(text, "foo bar");
- assert_eq!(options.width, 3);
- }
- #[test]
- fn unfill_trailing_newlines() {
- let (text, options) = unfill("foo\nbar\n\n\n");
- assert_eq!(text, "foo bar\n\n\n");
- assert_eq!(options.width, 3);
- }
- #[test]
- fn unfill_initial_indent() {
- let (text, options) = unfill(" foo\nbar\nbaz");
- assert_eq!(text, "foo bar baz");
- assert_eq!(options.width, 5);
- assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, " ");
- }
- #[test]
- fn unfill_differing_indents() {
- let (text, options) = unfill(" foo\n bar\n baz");
- assert_eq!(text, "foo bar baz");
- assert_eq!(options.width, 7);
- assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, " ");
- assert_eq!(options.subsequent_indent, " ");
- }
- #[test]
- fn unfill_list_item() {
- let (text, options) = unfill("* foo\n bar\n baz");
- assert_eq!(text, "foo bar baz");
- assert_eq!(options.width, 5);
- assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, "* ");
- assert_eq!(options.subsequent_indent, " ");
- }
- #[test]
- fn unfill_multiple_char_prefix() {
- let (text, options) = unfill(" // foo bar\n // baz\n // quux");
- assert_eq!(text, "foo bar baz quux");
- assert_eq!(options.width, 14);
- assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, " // ");
- assert_eq!(options.subsequent_indent, " // ");
- }
- #[test]
- fn unfill_block_quote() {
- let (text, options) = unfill("> foo\n> bar\n> baz");
- assert_eq!(text, "foo bar baz");
- assert_eq!(options.width, 5);
- assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, "> ");
- assert_eq!(options.subsequent_indent, "> ");
- }
- #[test]
- fn unfill_whitespace() {
- assert_eq!(unfill("foo bar").0, "foo bar");
- }
- #[test]
- fn wrap_columns_empty_text() {
- assert_eq!(wrap_columns("", 1, 10, "| ", "", " |"), vec!["| |"]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn wrap_columns_single_column() {
- assert_eq!(
- wrap_columns("Foo", 3, 30, "| ", " | ", " |"),
- vec!["| Foo | | |"]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn wrap_columns_uneven_columns() {
- // The gaps take up a total of 5 columns, so the columns are
- // (21 - 5)/4 = 4 columns wide:
- assert_eq!(
- wrap_columns("Foo Bar Baz Quux", 4, 21, "|", "|", "|"),
- vec!["|Foo |Bar |Baz |Quux|"]
- );
- // As the total width increases, the last column absorbs the
- // excess width:
- assert_eq!(
- wrap_columns("Foo Bar Baz Quux", 4, 24, "|", "|", "|"),
- vec!["|Foo |Bar |Baz |Quux |"]
- );
- // Finally, when the width is 25, the columns can be resized
- // to a width of (25 - 5)/4 = 5 columns:
- assert_eq!(
- wrap_columns("Foo Bar Baz Quux", 4, 25, "|", "|", "|"),
- vec!["|Foo |Bar |Baz |Quux |"]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- #[cfg(feature = "unicode-width")]
- fn wrap_columns_with_emojis() {
- assert_eq!(
- wrap_columns(
- "Words and a few emojis 😍 wrapped in ⓶ columns",
- 2,
- 30,
- "✨ ",
- " ⚽ ",
- " 👀"
- ),
- vec![
- "✨ Words ⚽ wrapped in 👀",
- "✨ and a few ⚽ ⓶ columns 👀",
- "✨ emojis 😍 ⚽ 👀"
- ]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn wrap_columns_big_gaps() {
- // The column width shrinks to 1 because the gaps take up all
- // the space.
- assert_eq!(
- wrap_columns("xyz", 2, 10, "----> ", " !!! ", " <----"),
- vec![
- "----> x !!! z <----", //
- "----> y !!! <----"
- ]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- #[should_panic]
- fn wrap_columns_panic_with_zero_columns() {
- wrap_columns("", 0, 10, "", "", "");
- }
diff --git a/vendor/textwrap/src/word_separators.rs b/vendor/textwrap/src/word_separators.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 25adf31..0000000
--- a/vendor/textwrap/src/word_separators.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
-//! Functionality for finding words.
-//! In order to wrap text, we need to know where the legal break
-//! points are, i.e., where the words of the text are. This means that
-//! we need to define what a "word" is.
-//! A simple approach is to simply split the text on whitespace, but
-//! this does not work for East-Asian languages such as Chinese or
-//! Japanese where there are no spaces between words. Breaking a long
-//! sequence of emojis is another example where line breaks might be
-//! wanted even if there are no whitespace to be found.
-//! The [`WordSeparator`] trait is responsible for determining where
-//! there words are in a line of text. Please refer to the trait and
-//! the structs which implement it for more information.
-#[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")]
-use crate::core::skip_ansi_escape_sequence;
-use crate::core::Word;
-/// Describes where words occur in a line of text.
-/// The simplest approach is say that words are separated by one or
-/// more ASCII spaces (`' '`). This works for Western languages
-/// without emojis. A more complex approach is to use the Unicode line
-/// breaking algorithm, which finds break points in non-ASCII text.
-/// The line breaks occur between words, please see
-/// [`WordSplitter`](crate::WordSplitter) for options of how to handle
-/// hyphenation of individual words.
-/// # Examples
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::core::Word;
-/// use textwrap::WordSeparator::AsciiSpace;
-/// let words = AsciiSpace.find_words("Hello World!").collect::<Vec<_>>();
-/// assert_eq!(words, vec![Word::from("Hello "), Word::from("World!")]);
-/// ```
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum WordSeparator {
- /// Find words by splitting on runs of `' '` characters.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use textwrap::core::Word;
- /// use textwrap::WordSeparator::AsciiSpace;
- ///
- /// let words = AsciiSpace.find_words("Hello World!").collect::<Vec<_>>();
- /// assert_eq!(words, vec![Word::from("Hello "),
- /// Word::from("World!")]);
- /// ```
- AsciiSpace,
- /// Split `line` into words using Unicode break properties.
- ///
- /// This word separator uses the Unicode line breaking algorithm
- /// described in [Unicode Standard Annex
- /// #14](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/) to find legal places
- /// to break lines. There is a small difference in that the U+002D
- /// (Hyphen-Minus) and U+00AD (Soft Hyphen) don’t create a line break:
- /// to allow a line break at a hyphen, use
- /// [`WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter`](crate::WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter).
- /// Soft hyphens are not currently supported.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// Unlike [`WordSeparator::AsciiSpace`], the Unicode line
- /// breaking algorithm will find line break opportunities between
- /// some characters with no intervening whitespace:
- ///
- /// ```
- /// #[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")] {
- /// use textwrap::core::Word;
- /// use textwrap::WordSeparator::UnicodeBreakProperties;
- ///
- /// assert_eq!(UnicodeBreakProperties.find_words("Emojis: 😂😍").collect::<Vec<_>>(),
- /// vec![Word::from("Emojis: "),
- /// Word::from("😂"),
- /// Word::from("😍")]);
- ///
- /// assert_eq!(UnicodeBreakProperties.find_words("CJK: 你好").collect::<Vec<_>>(),
- /// vec![Word::from("CJK: "),
- /// Word::from("你"),
- /// Word::from("好")]);
- /// }
- /// ```
- ///
- /// A U+2060 (Word Joiner) character can be inserted if you want to
- /// manually override the defaults and keep the characters together:
- ///
- /// ```
- /// #[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")] {
- /// use textwrap::core::Word;
- /// use textwrap::WordSeparator::UnicodeBreakProperties;
- ///
- /// assert_eq!(UnicodeBreakProperties.find_words("Emojis: 😂\u{2060}😍").collect::<Vec<_>>(),
- /// vec![Word::from("Emojis: "),
- /// Word::from("😂\u{2060}😍")]);
- /// }
- /// ```
- ///
- /// The Unicode line breaking algorithm will also automatically
- /// suppress break breaks around certain punctuation characters::
- ///
- /// ```
- /// #[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")] {
- /// use textwrap::core::Word;
- /// use textwrap::WordSeparator::UnicodeBreakProperties;
- ///
- /// assert_eq!(UnicodeBreakProperties.find_words("[ foo ] bar !").collect::<Vec<_>>(),
- /// vec![Word::from("[ foo ] "),
- /// Word::from("bar !")]);
- /// }
- /// ```
- #[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")]
- UnicodeBreakProperties,
- /// Find words using a custom word separator
- Custom(fn(line: &str) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Word<'_>> + '_>),
-impl std::fmt::Debug for WordSeparator {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
- match self {
- WordSeparator::AsciiSpace => f.write_str("AsciiSpace"),
- #[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")]
- WordSeparator::UnicodeBreakProperties => f.write_str("UnicodeBreakProperties"),
- WordSeparator::Custom(_) => f.write_str("Custom(...)"),
- }
- }
-impl WordSeparator {
- // This function should really return impl Iterator<Item = Word>, but
- // this isn't possible until Rust supports higher-kinded types:
- // https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1522-conservative-impl-trait.md
- /// Find all words in `line`.
- pub fn find_words<'a>(&self, line: &'a str) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Word<'a>> + 'a> {
- match self {
- WordSeparator::AsciiSpace => find_words_ascii_space(line),
- #[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")]
- WordSeparator::UnicodeBreakProperties => find_words_unicode_break_properties(line),
- WordSeparator::Custom(func) => func(line),
- }
- }
-fn find_words_ascii_space<'a>(line: &'a str) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Word<'a>> + 'a> {
- let mut start = 0;
- let mut in_whitespace = false;
- let mut char_indices = line.char_indices();
- Box::new(std::iter::from_fn(move || {
- // for (idx, ch) in char_indices does not work, gives this
- // error:
- //
- // > cannot move out of `char_indices`, a captured variable in
- // > an `FnMut` closure
- #[allow(clippy::while_let_on_iterator)]
- while let Some((idx, ch)) = char_indices.next() {
- if in_whitespace && ch != ' ' {
- let word = Word::from(&line[start..idx]);
- start = idx;
- in_whitespace = ch == ' ';
- return Some(word);
- }
- in_whitespace = ch == ' ';
- }
- if start < line.len() {
- let word = Word::from(&line[start..]);
- start = line.len();
- return Some(word);
- }
- None
- }))
-// Strip all ANSI escape sequences from `text`.
-#[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")]
-fn strip_ansi_escape_sequences(text: &str) -> String {
- let mut result = String::with_capacity(text.len());
- let mut chars = text.chars();
- while let Some(ch) = chars.next() {
- if skip_ansi_escape_sequence(ch, &mut chars) {
- continue;
- }
- result.push(ch);
- }
- result
-/// Soft hyphen, also knows as a “shy hyphen”. Should show up as ‘-’
-/// if a line is broken at this point, and otherwise be invisible.
-/// Textwrap does not currently support breaking words at soft
-/// hyphens.
-#[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")]
-const SHY: char = '\u{00ad}';
-/// Find words in line. ANSI escape sequences are ignored in `line`.
-#[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")]
-fn find_words_unicode_break_properties<'a>(
- line: &'a str,
-) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Word<'a>> + 'a> {
- // Construct an iterator over (original index, stripped index)
- // tuples. We find the Unicode linebreaks on a stripped string,
- // but we need the original indices so we can form words based on
- // the original string.
- let mut last_stripped_idx = 0;
- let mut char_indices = line.char_indices();
- let mut idx_map = std::iter::from_fn(move || match char_indices.next() {
- Some((orig_idx, ch)) => {
- let stripped_idx = last_stripped_idx;
- if !skip_ansi_escape_sequence(ch, &mut char_indices.by_ref().map(|(_, ch)| ch)) {
- last_stripped_idx += ch.len_utf8();
- }
- Some((orig_idx, stripped_idx))
- }
- None => None,
- });
- let stripped = strip_ansi_escape_sequences(line);
- let mut opportunities = unicode_linebreak::linebreaks(&stripped)
- .filter(|(idx, _)| {
- #[allow(clippy::match_like_matches_macro)]
- match &stripped[..*idx].chars().next_back() {
- // We suppress breaks at ‘-’ since we want to control
- // this via the WordSplitter.
- Some('-') => false,
- // Soft hyphens are currently not supported since we
- // require all `Word` fragments to be continuous in
- // the input string.
- Some(SHY) => false,
- // Other breaks should be fine!
- _ => true,
- }
- })
- .collect::<Vec<_>>()
- .into_iter();
- // Remove final break opportunity, we will add it below using
- // &line[start..]; This ensures that we correctly include a
- // trailing ANSI escape sequence.
- opportunities.next_back();
- let mut start = 0;
- Box::new(std::iter::from_fn(move || {
- #[allow(clippy::while_let_on_iterator)]
- while let Some((idx, _)) = opportunities.next() {
- if let Some((orig_idx, _)) = idx_map.find(|&(_, stripped_idx)| stripped_idx == idx) {
- let word = Word::from(&line[start..orig_idx]);
- start = orig_idx;
- return Some(word);
- }
- }
- if start < line.len() {
- let word = Word::from(&line[start..]);
- start = line.len();
- return Some(word);
- }
- None
- }))
-mod tests {
- use super::WordSeparator::*;
- use super::*;
- // Like assert_eq!, but the left expression is an iterator.
- macro_rules! assert_iter_eq {
- ($left:expr, $right:expr) => {
- assert_eq!($left.collect::<Vec<_>>(), $right);
- };
- }
- fn to_words<'a>(words: Vec<&'a str>) -> Vec<Word<'a>> {
- words.into_iter().map(|w: &str| Word::from(&w)).collect()
- }
- macro_rules! test_find_words {
- ($ascii_name:ident,
- $unicode_name:ident,
- $([ $line:expr, $ascii_words:expr, $unicode_words:expr ]),+) => {
- #[test]
- fn $ascii_name() {
- $(
- let expected_words = to_words($ascii_words.to_vec());
- let actual_words = WordSeparator::AsciiSpace
- .find_words($line)
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- assert_eq!(actual_words, expected_words, "Line: {:?}", $line);
- )+
- }
- #[test]
- #[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")]
- fn $unicode_name() {
- $(
- let expected_words = to_words($unicode_words.to_vec());
- let actual_words = WordSeparator::UnicodeBreakProperties
- .find_words($line)
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- assert_eq!(actual_words, expected_words, "Line: {:?}", $line);
- )+
- }
- };
- }
- test_find_words!(ascii_space_empty, unicode_empty, ["", [], []]);
- test_find_words!(
- ascii_single_word,
- unicode_single_word,
- ["foo", ["foo"], ["foo"]]
- );
- test_find_words!(
- ascii_two_words,
- unicode_two_words,
- ["foo bar", ["foo ", "bar"], ["foo ", "bar"]]
- );
- test_find_words!(
- ascii_multiple_words,
- unicode_multiple_words,
- ["foo bar", ["foo ", "bar"], ["foo ", "bar"]],
- ["x y z", ["x ", "y ", "z"], ["x ", "y ", "z"]]
- );
- test_find_words!(
- ascii_only_whitespace,
- unicode_only_whitespace,
- [" ", [" "], [" "]],
- [" ", [" "], [" "]]
- );
- test_find_words!(
- ascii_inter_word_whitespace,
- unicode_inter_word_whitespace,
- ["foo bar", ["foo ", "bar"], ["foo ", "bar"]]
- );
- test_find_words!(
- ascii_trailing_whitespace,
- unicode_trailing_whitespace,
- ["foo ", ["foo "], ["foo "]]
- );
- test_find_words!(
- ascii_leading_whitespace,
- unicode_leading_whitespace,
- [" foo", [" ", "foo"], [" ", "foo"]]
- );
- test_find_words!(
- ascii_multi_column_char,
- unicode_multi_column_char,
- ["\u{1f920}", ["\u{1f920}"], ["\u{1f920}"]] // cowboy emoji 🤠
- );
- test_find_words!(
- ascii_hyphens,
- unicode_hyphens,
- ["foo-bar", ["foo-bar"], ["foo-bar"]],
- ["foo- bar", ["foo- ", "bar"], ["foo- ", "bar"]],
- ["foo - bar", ["foo ", "- ", "bar"], ["foo ", "- ", "bar"]],
- ["foo -bar", ["foo ", "-bar"], ["foo ", "-bar"]]
- );
- test_find_words!(
- ascii_newline,
- unicode_newline,
- ["foo\nbar", ["foo\nbar"], ["foo\n", "bar"]]
- );
- test_find_words!(
- ascii_tab,
- unicode_tab,
- ["foo\tbar", ["foo\tbar"], ["foo\t", "bar"]]
- );
- test_find_words!(
- ascii_non_breaking_space,
- unicode_non_breaking_space,
- ["foo\u{00A0}bar", ["foo\u{00A0}bar"], ["foo\u{00A0}bar"]]
- );
- #[test]
- #[cfg(unix)]
- fn find_words_colored_text() {
- use termion::color::{Blue, Fg, Green, Reset};
- let green_hello = format!("{}Hello{} ", Fg(Green), Fg(Reset));
- let blue_world = format!("{}World!{}", Fg(Blue), Fg(Reset));
- assert_iter_eq!(
- AsciiSpace.find_words(&format!("{}{}", green_hello, blue_world)),
- vec![Word::from(&green_hello), Word::from(&blue_world)]
- );
- #[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")]
- assert_iter_eq!(
- UnicodeBreakProperties.find_words(&format!("{}{}", green_hello, blue_world)),
- vec![Word::from(&green_hello), Word::from(&blue_world)]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn find_words_color_inside_word() {
- let text = "foo\u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[32mbar\u{1b}[0mbaz";
- assert_iter_eq!(AsciiSpace.find_words(&text), vec![Word::from(text)]);
- #[cfg(feature = "unicode-linebreak")]
- assert_iter_eq!(
- UnicodeBreakProperties.find_words(&text),
- vec![Word::from(text)]
- );
- }
diff --git a/vendor/textwrap/src/word_splitters.rs b/vendor/textwrap/src/word_splitters.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 69e246f..0000000
--- a/vendor/textwrap/src/word_splitters.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-//! Word splitting functionality.
-//! To wrap text into lines, long words sometimes need to be split
-//! across lines. The [`WordSplitter`] enum defines this
-//! functionality.
-use crate::core::{display_width, Word};
-/// The `WordSplitter` enum describes where words can be split.
-/// If the textwrap crate has been compiled with the `hyphenation`
-/// Cargo feature enabled, you will find a
-/// [`WordSplitter::Hyphenation`] variant. Use this struct for
-/// language-aware hyphenation:
-/// ```
-/// #[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")] {
-/// use hyphenation::{Language, Load, Standard};
-/// use textwrap::{wrap, Options, WordSplitter};
-/// let text = "Oxidation is the loss of electrons.";
-/// let dictionary = Standard::from_embedded(Language::EnglishUS).unwrap();
-/// let options = Options::new(8).word_splitter(WordSplitter::Hyphenation(dictionary));
-/// assert_eq!(wrap(text, &options), vec!["Oxida-",
-/// "tion is",
-/// "the loss",
-/// "of elec-",
-/// "trons."]);
-/// }
-/// ```
-/// Please see the documentation for the [hyphenation] crate for more
-/// details.
-/// [hyphenation]: https://docs.rs/hyphenation/
-pub enum WordSplitter {
- /// Use this as a [`Options.word_splitter`] to avoid any kind of
- /// hyphenation:
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use textwrap::{wrap, Options, WordSplitter};
- ///
- /// let options = Options::new(8).word_splitter(WordSplitter::NoHyphenation);
- /// assert_eq!(wrap("foo bar-baz", &options),
- /// vec!["foo", "bar-baz"]);
- /// ```
- ///
- /// [`Options.word_splitter`]: super::Options::word_splitter
- NoHyphenation,
- /// `HyphenSplitter` is the default `WordSplitter` used by
- /// [`Options::new`](super::Options::new). It will split words on
- /// existing hyphens in the word.
- ///
- /// It will only use hyphens that are surrounded by alphanumeric
- /// characters, which prevents a word like `"--foo-bar"` from
- /// being split into `"--"` and `"foo-bar"`.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use textwrap::WordSplitter;
- ///
- /// assert_eq!(WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter.split_points("--foo-bar"),
- /// vec![6]);
- /// ```
- HyphenSplitter,
- /// Use a custom function as the word splitter.
- ///
- /// This varian lets you implement a custom word splitter using
- /// your own function.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use textwrap::WordSplitter;
- ///
- /// fn split_at_underscore(word: &str) -> Vec<usize> {
- /// word.match_indices('_').map(|(idx, _)| idx + 1).collect()
- /// }
- ///
- /// let word_splitter = WordSplitter::Custom(split_at_underscore);
- /// assert_eq!(word_splitter.split_points("a_long_identifier"),
- /// vec![2, 7]);
- /// ```
- Custom(fn(word: &str) -> Vec<usize>),
- /// A hyphenation dictionary can be used to do language-specific
- /// hyphenation using patterns from the [hyphenation] crate.
- ///
- /// **Note:** Only available when the `hyphenation` Cargo feature is
- /// enabled.
- ///
- /// [hyphenation]: https://docs.rs/hyphenation/
- #[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
- Hyphenation(hyphenation::Standard),
-impl std::fmt::Debug for WordSplitter {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
- match self {
- WordSplitter::NoHyphenation => f.write_str("NoHyphenation"),
- WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter => f.write_str("HyphenSplitter"),
- WordSplitter::Custom(_) => f.write_str("Custom(...)"),
- #[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
- WordSplitter::Hyphenation(dict) => write!(f, "Hyphenation({})", dict.language()),
- }
- }
-impl PartialEq<WordSplitter> for WordSplitter {
- fn eq(&self, other: &WordSplitter) -> bool {
- match (self, other) {
- (WordSplitter::NoHyphenation, WordSplitter::NoHyphenation) => true,
- (WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter, WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter) => true,
- #[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
- (WordSplitter::Hyphenation(this_dict), WordSplitter::Hyphenation(other_dict)) => {
- this_dict.language() == other_dict.language()
- }
- (_, _) => false,
- }
- }
-impl WordSplitter {
- /// Return all possible indices where `word` can be split.
- ///
- /// The indices are in the range `0..word.len()`. They point to
- /// the index _after_ the split point, i.e., after `-` if
- /// splitting on hyphens. This way, `word.split_at(idx)` will
- /// break the word into two well-formed pieces.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use textwrap::WordSplitter;
- /// assert_eq!(WordSplitter::NoHyphenation.split_points("cannot-be-split"), vec![]);
- /// assert_eq!(WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter.split_points("can-be-split"), vec![4, 7]);
- /// assert_eq!(WordSplitter::Custom(|word| vec![word.len()/2]).split_points("middle"), vec![3]);
- /// ```
- pub fn split_points(&self, word: &str) -> Vec<usize> {
- match self {
- WordSplitter::NoHyphenation => Vec::new(),
- WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter => {
- let mut splits = Vec::new();
- for (idx, _) in word.match_indices('-') {
- // We only use hyphens that are surrounded by alphanumeric
- // characters. This is to avoid splitting on repeated hyphens,
- // such as those found in --foo-bar.
- let prev = word[..idx].chars().next_back();
- let next = word[idx + 1..].chars().next();
- if prev.filter(|ch| ch.is_alphanumeric()).is_some()
- && next.filter(|ch| ch.is_alphanumeric()).is_some()
- {
- splits.push(idx + 1); // +1 due to width of '-'.
- }
- }
- splits
- }
- WordSplitter::Custom(splitter_func) => splitter_func(word),
- #[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
- WordSplitter::Hyphenation(dictionary) => {
- use hyphenation::Hyphenator;
- dictionary.hyphenate(word).breaks
- }
- }
- }
-/// Split words into smaller words according to the split points given
-/// by `word_splitter`.
-/// Note that we split all words, regardless of their length. This is
-/// to more cleanly separate the business of splitting (including
-/// automatic hyphenation) from the business of word wrapping.
-pub fn split_words<'a, I>(
- words: I,
- word_splitter: &'a WordSplitter,
-) -> impl Iterator<Item = Word<'a>>
- I: IntoIterator<Item = Word<'a>>,
- words.into_iter().flat_map(move |word| {
- let mut prev = 0;
- let mut split_points = word_splitter.split_points(&word).into_iter();
- std::iter::from_fn(move || {
- if let Some(idx) = split_points.next() {
- let need_hyphen = !word[..idx].ends_with('-');
- let w = Word {
- word: &word.word[prev..idx],
- width: display_width(&word[prev..idx]),
- whitespace: "",
- penalty: if need_hyphen { "-" } else { "" },
- };
- prev = idx;
- return Some(w);
- }
- if prev < word.word.len() || prev == 0 {
- let w = Word {
- word: &word.word[prev..],
- width: display_width(&word[prev..]),
- whitespace: word.whitespace,
- penalty: word.penalty,
- };
- prev = word.word.len() + 1;
- return Some(w);
- }
- None
- })
- })
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- // Like assert_eq!, but the left expression is an iterator.
- macro_rules! assert_iter_eq {
- ($left:expr, $right:expr) => {
- assert_eq!($left.collect::<Vec<_>>(), $right);
- };
- }
- #[test]
- fn split_words_no_words() {
- assert_iter_eq!(split_words(vec![], &WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter), vec![]);
- }
- #[test]
- fn split_words_empty_word() {
- assert_iter_eq!(
- split_words(vec![Word::from(" ")], &WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter),
- vec![Word::from(" ")]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn split_words_single_word() {
- assert_iter_eq!(
- split_words(vec![Word::from("foobar")], &WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter),
- vec![Word::from("foobar")]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn split_words_hyphen_splitter() {
- assert_iter_eq!(
- split_words(vec![Word::from("foo-bar")], &WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter),
- vec![Word::from("foo-"), Word::from("bar")]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn split_words_no_hyphenation() {
- assert_iter_eq!(
- split_words(vec![Word::from("foo-bar")], &WordSplitter::NoHyphenation),
- vec![Word::from("foo-bar")]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn split_words_adds_penalty() {
- let fixed_split_point = |_: &str| vec![3];
- assert_iter_eq!(
- split_words(
- vec![Word::from("foobar")].into_iter(),
- &WordSplitter::Custom(fixed_split_point)
- ),
- vec![
- Word {
- word: "foo",
- width: 3,
- whitespace: "",
- penalty: "-"
- },
- Word {
- word: "bar",
- width: 3,
- whitespace: "",
- penalty: ""
- }
- ]
- );
- assert_iter_eq!(
- split_words(
- vec![Word::from("fo-bar")].into_iter(),
- &WordSplitter::Custom(fixed_split_point)
- ),
- vec![
- Word {
- word: "fo-",
- width: 3,
- whitespace: "",
- penalty: ""
- },
- Word {
- word: "bar",
- width: 3,
- whitespace: "",
- penalty: ""
- }
- ]
- );
- }
diff --git a/vendor/textwrap/src/wrap_algorithms.rs b/vendor/textwrap/src/wrap_algorithms.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ca49c3..0000000
--- a/vendor/textwrap/src/wrap_algorithms.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-//! Word wrapping algorithms.
-//! After a text has been broken into words (or [`Fragment`]s), one
-//! now has to decide how to break the fragments into lines. The
-//! simplest algorithm for this is implemented by [`wrap_first_fit`]:
-//! it uses no look-ahead and simply adds fragments to the line as
-//! long as they fit. However, this can lead to poor line breaks if a
-//! large fragment almost-but-not-quite fits on a line. When that
-//! happens, the fragment is moved to the next line and it will leave
-//! behind a large gap. A more advanced algorithm, implemented by
-//! [`wrap_optimal_fit`], will take this into account. The optimal-fit
-//! algorithm considers all possible line breaks and will attempt to
-//! minimize the gaps left behind by overly short lines.
-//! While both algorithms run in linear time, the first-fit algorithm
-//! is about 4 times faster than the optimal-fit algorithm.
-#[cfg(feature = "smawk")]
-mod optimal_fit;
-#[cfg(feature = "smawk")]
-pub use optimal_fit::{wrap_optimal_fit, OverflowError, Penalties};
-use crate::core::{Fragment, Word};
-/// Describes how to wrap words into lines.
-/// The simplest approach is to wrap words one word at a time and
-/// accept the first way of wrapping which fit
-/// ([`WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit`]). If the `smawk` Cargo feature is
-/// enabled, a more complex algorithm is available which will look at
-/// an entire paragraph at a time in order to find optimal line breaks
-/// ([`WrapAlgorithm::OptimalFit`]).
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum WrapAlgorithm {
- /// Wrap words using a fast and simple algorithm.
- ///
- /// This algorithm uses no look-ahead when finding line breaks.
- /// Implemented by [`wrap_first_fit`], please see that function for
- /// details and examples.
- FirstFit,
- /// Wrap words using an advanced algorithm with look-ahead.
- ///
- /// This wrapping algorithm considers the entire paragraph to find
- /// optimal line breaks. When wrapping text, "penalties" are
- /// assigned to line breaks based on the gaps left at the end of
- /// lines. See [`Penalties`] for details.
- ///
- /// The underlying wrapping algorithm is implemented by
- /// [`wrap_optimal_fit`], please see that function for examples.
- ///
- /// **Note:** Only available when the `smawk` Cargo feature is
- /// enabled.
- #[cfg(feature = "smawk")]
- OptimalFit(Penalties),
- /// Custom wrapping function.
- ///
- /// Use this if you want to implement your own wrapping algorithm.
- /// The function can freely decide how to turn a slice of
- /// [`Word`]s into lines.
- ///
- /// # Example
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use textwrap::core::Word;
- /// use textwrap::{wrap, Options, WrapAlgorithm};
- ///
- /// fn stair<'a, 'b>(words: &'b [Word<'a>], _: &'b [usize]) -> Vec<&'b [Word<'a>]> {
- /// let mut lines = Vec::new();
- /// let mut step = 1;
- /// let mut start_idx = 0;
- /// while start_idx + step <= words.len() {
- /// lines.push(&words[start_idx .. start_idx+step]);
- /// start_idx += step;
- /// step += 1;
- /// }
- /// lines
- /// }
- ///
- /// let options = Options::new(10).wrap_algorithm(WrapAlgorithm::Custom(stair));
- /// assert_eq!(wrap("First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth", options),
- /// vec!["First,",
- /// "second, third,",
- /// "fourth, fifth, sixth"]);
- /// ```
- Custom(for<'a, 'b> fn(words: &'b [Word<'a>], line_widths: &'b [usize]) -> Vec<&'b [Word<'a>]>),
-impl std::fmt::Debug for WrapAlgorithm {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
- match self {
- WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit => f.write_str("FirstFit"),
- #[cfg(feature = "smawk")]
- WrapAlgorithm::OptimalFit(penalties) => write!(f, "OptimalFit({:?})", penalties),
- WrapAlgorithm::Custom(_) => f.write_str("Custom(...)"),
- }
- }
-impl WrapAlgorithm {
- /// Create new wrap algorithm.
- ///
- /// The best wrapping algorithm is used by default, i.e.,
- /// [`WrapAlgorithm::OptimalFit`] if available, otherwise
- /// [`WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit`].
- pub const fn new() -> Self {
- #[cfg(not(feature = "smawk"))]
- {
- WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "smawk")]
- {
- WrapAlgorithm::new_optimal_fit()
- }
- }
- /// New [`WrapAlgorithm::OptimalFit`] with default penalties. This
- /// works well for monospace text.
- ///
- /// **Note:** Only available when the `smawk` Cargo feature is
- /// enabled.
- #[cfg(feature = "smawk")]
- pub const fn new_optimal_fit() -> Self {
- WrapAlgorithm::OptimalFit(Penalties::new())
- }
- /// Wrap words according to line widths.
- ///
- /// The `line_widths` slice gives the target line width for each
- /// line (the last slice element is repeated as necessary). This
- /// can be used to implement hanging indentation.
- #[inline]
- pub fn wrap<'a, 'b>(
- &self,
- words: &'b [Word<'a>],
- line_widths: &'b [usize],
- ) -> Vec<&'b [Word<'a>]> {
- // Every integer up to 2u64.pow(f64::MANTISSA_DIGITS) = 2**53
- // = 9_007_199_254_740_992 can be represented without loss by
- // a f64. Larger line widths will be rounded to the nearest
- // representable number.
- let f64_line_widths = line_widths.iter().map(|w| *w as f64).collect::<Vec<_>>();
- match self {
- WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit => wrap_first_fit(words, &f64_line_widths),
- #[cfg(feature = "smawk")]
- WrapAlgorithm::OptimalFit(penalties) => {
- // The computation cannnot overflow when the line
- // widths are restricted to usize.
- wrap_optimal_fit(words, &f64_line_widths, penalties).unwrap()
- }
- WrapAlgorithm::Custom(func) => func(words, line_widths),
- }
- }
-impl Default for WrapAlgorithm {
- fn default() -> Self {
- WrapAlgorithm::new()
- }
-/// Wrap abstract fragments into lines with a first-fit algorithm.
-/// The `line_widths` slice gives the target line width for each line
-/// (the last slice element is repeated as necessary). This can be
-/// used to implement hanging indentation.
-/// The fragments must already have been split into the desired
-/// widths, this function will not (and cannot) attempt to split them
-/// further when arranging them into lines.
-/// # First-Fit Algorithm
-/// This implements a simple “greedy” algorithm: accumulate fragments
-/// one by one and when a fragment no longer fits, start a new line.
-/// There is no look-ahead, we simply take first fit of the fragments
-/// we find.
-/// While fast and predictable, this algorithm can produce poor line
-/// breaks when a long fragment is moved to a new line, leaving behind
-/// a large gap:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::core::Word;
-/// use textwrap::wrap_algorithms::wrap_first_fit;
-/// use textwrap::WordSeparator;
-/// // Helper to convert wrapped lines to a Vec<String>.
-/// fn lines_to_strings(lines: Vec<&[Word<'_>]>) -> Vec<String> {
-/// lines.iter().map(|line| {
-/// line.iter().map(|word| &**word).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(" ")
-/// }).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-/// }
-/// let text = "These few words will unfortunately not wrap nicely.";
-/// let words = WordSeparator::AsciiSpace.find_words(text).collect::<Vec<_>>();
-/// assert_eq!(lines_to_strings(wrap_first_fit(&words, &[15.0])),
-/// vec!["These few words",
-/// "will", // <-- short line
-/// "unfortunately",
-/// "not wrap",
-/// "nicely."]);
-/// // We can avoid the short line if we look ahead:
-/// #[cfg(feature = "smawk")]
-/// use textwrap::wrap_algorithms::{wrap_optimal_fit, Penalties};
-/// #[cfg(feature = "smawk")]
-/// assert_eq!(lines_to_strings(wrap_optimal_fit(&words, &[15.0], &Penalties::new()).unwrap()),
-/// vec!["These few",
-/// "words will",
-/// "unfortunately",
-/// "not wrap",
-/// "nicely."]);
-/// ```
-/// The [`wrap_optimal_fit`] function was used above to get better
-/// line breaks. It uses an advanced algorithm which tries to avoid
-/// short lines. This function is about 4 times faster than
-/// [`wrap_optimal_fit`].
-/// # Examples
-/// Imagine you're building a house site and you have a number of
-/// tasks you need to execute. Things like pour foundation, complete
-/// framing, install plumbing, electric cabling, install insulation.
-/// The construction workers can only work during daytime, so they
-/// need to pack up everything at night. Because they need to secure
-/// their tools and move machines back to the garage, this process
-/// takes much more time than the time it would take them to simply
-/// switch to another task.
-/// You would like to make a list of tasks to execute every day based
-/// on your estimates. You can model this with a program like this:
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::core::{Fragment, Word};
-/// use textwrap::wrap_algorithms::wrap_first_fit;
-/// #[derive(Debug)]
-/// struct Task<'a> {
-/// name: &'a str,
-/// hours: f64, // Time needed to complete task.
-/// sweep: f64, // Time needed for a quick sweep after task during the day.
-/// cleanup: f64, // Time needed for full cleanup if day ends with this task.
-/// }
-/// impl Fragment for Task<'_> {
-/// fn width(&self) -> f64 { self.hours }
-/// fn whitespace_width(&self) -> f64 { self.sweep }
-/// fn penalty_width(&self) -> f64 { self.cleanup }
-/// }
-/// // The morning tasks
-/// let tasks = vec![
-/// Task { name: "Foundation", hours: 4.0, sweep: 2.0, cleanup: 3.0 },
-/// Task { name: "Framing", hours: 3.0, sweep: 1.0, cleanup: 2.0 },
-/// Task { name: "Plumbing", hours: 2.0, sweep: 2.0, cleanup: 2.0 },
-/// Task { name: "Electrical", hours: 2.0, sweep: 1.0, cleanup: 2.0 },
-/// Task { name: "Insulation", hours: 2.0, sweep: 1.0, cleanup: 2.0 },
-/// Task { name: "Drywall", hours: 3.0, sweep: 1.0, cleanup: 2.0 },
-/// Task { name: "Floors", hours: 3.0, sweep: 1.0, cleanup: 2.0 },
-/// Task { name: "Countertops", hours: 1.0, sweep: 1.0, cleanup: 2.0 },
-/// Task { name: "Bathrooms", hours: 2.0, sweep: 1.0, cleanup: 2.0 },
-/// ];
-/// // Fill tasks into days, taking `day_length` into account. The
-/// // output shows the hours worked per day along with the names of
-/// // the tasks for that day.
-/// fn assign_days<'a>(tasks: &[Task<'a>], day_length: f64) -> Vec<(f64, Vec<&'a str>)> {
-/// let mut days = Vec::new();
-/// // Assign tasks to days. The assignment is a vector of slices,
-/// // with a slice per day.
-/// let assigned_days: Vec<&[Task<'a>]> = wrap_first_fit(&tasks, &[day_length]);
-/// for day in assigned_days.iter() {
-/// let last = day.last().unwrap();
-/// let work_hours: f64 = day.iter().map(|t| t.hours + t.sweep).sum();
-/// let names = day.iter().map(|t| t.name).collect::<Vec<_>>();
-/// days.push((work_hours - last.sweep + last.cleanup, names));
-/// }
-/// days
-/// }
-/// // With a single crew working 8 hours a day:
-/// assert_eq!(
-/// assign_days(&tasks, 8.0),
-/// [
-/// (7.0, vec!["Foundation"]),
-/// (8.0, vec!["Framing", "Plumbing"]),
-/// (7.0, vec!["Electrical", "Insulation"]),
-/// (5.0, vec!["Drywall"]),
-/// (7.0, vec!["Floors", "Countertops"]),
-/// (4.0, vec!["Bathrooms"]),
-/// ]
-/// );
-/// // With two crews working in shifts, 16 hours a day:
-/// assert_eq!(
-/// assign_days(&tasks, 16.0),
-/// [
-/// (14.0, vec!["Foundation", "Framing", "Plumbing"]),
-/// (15.0, vec!["Electrical", "Insulation", "Drywall", "Floors"]),
-/// (6.0, vec!["Countertops", "Bathrooms"]),
-/// ]
-/// );
-/// ```
-/// Apologies to anyone who actually knows how to build a house and
-/// knows how long each step takes :-)
-pub fn wrap_first_fit<'a, 'b, T: Fragment>(
- fragments: &'a [T],
- line_widths: &'b [f64],
-) -> Vec<&'a [T]> {
- // The final line width is used for all remaining lines.
- let default_line_width = line_widths.last().copied().unwrap_or(0.0);
- let mut lines = Vec::new();
- let mut start = 0;
- let mut width = 0.0;
- for (idx, fragment) in fragments.iter().enumerate() {
- let line_width = line_widths
- .get(lines.len())
- .copied()
- .unwrap_or(default_line_width);
- if width + fragment.width() + fragment.penalty_width() > line_width && idx > start {
- lines.push(&fragments[start..idx]);
- start = idx;
- width = 0.0;
- }
- width += fragment.width() + fragment.whitespace_width();
- }
- lines.push(&fragments[start..]);
- lines
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
- struct Word(f64);
- #[rustfmt::skip]
- impl Fragment for Word {
- fn width(&self) -> f64 { self.0 }
- fn whitespace_width(&self) -> f64 { 1.0 }
- fn penalty_width(&self) -> f64 { 0.0 }
- }
- #[test]
- fn wrap_string_longer_than_f64() {
- let words = vec![
- Word(1e307),
- Word(2e307),
- Word(3e307),
- Word(4e307),
- Word(5e307),
- Word(6e307),
- ];
- // Wrap at just under f64::MAX (~19e307). The tiny
- // whitespace_widths disappear because of loss of precision.
- assert_eq!(
- wrap_first_fit(&words, &[15e307]),
- &[
- vec![
- Word(1e307),
- Word(2e307),
- Word(3e307),
- Word(4e307),
- Word(5e307)
- ],
- vec![Word(6e307)]
- ]
- );
- }
diff --git a/vendor/textwrap/src/wrap_algorithms/optimal_fit.rs b/vendor/textwrap/src/wrap_algorithms/optimal_fit.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0625e28..0000000
--- a/vendor/textwrap/src/wrap_algorithms/optimal_fit.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-use std::cell::RefCell;
-use crate::core::Fragment;
-/// Penalties for
-/// [`WrapAlgorithm::OptimalFit`](crate::WrapAlgorithm::OptimalFit)
-/// and [`wrap_optimal_fit`].
-/// This wrapping algorithm in [`wrap_optimal_fit`] considers the
-/// entire paragraph to find optimal line breaks. When wrapping text,
-/// "penalties" are assigned to line breaks based on the gaps left at
-/// the end of lines. The penalties are given by this struct, with
-/// [`Penalties::default`] assigning penalties that work well for
-/// monospace text.
-/// If you are wrapping proportional text, you are advised to assign
-/// your own penalties according to your font size. See the individual
-/// penalties below for details.
-/// **Note:** Only available when the `smawk` Cargo feature is
-/// enabled.
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
-pub struct Penalties {
- /// Per-line penalty. This is added for every line, which makes it
- /// expensive to output more lines than the minimum required.
- pub nline_penalty: usize,
- /// Per-character cost for lines that overflow the target line width.
- ///
- /// With a default value of 50², every single character costs as
- /// much as leaving a gap of 50 characters behind. This is because
- /// we assign as cost of `gap * gap` to a short line. When
- /// wrapping monospace text, we can overflow the line by 1
- /// character in extreme cases:
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use textwrap::core::Word;
- /// use textwrap::wrap_algorithms::{wrap_optimal_fit, Penalties};
- ///
- /// let short = "foo ";
- /// let long = "x".repeat(50);
- /// let length = (short.len() + long.len()) as f64;
- /// let fragments = vec![Word::from(short), Word::from(&long)];
- /// let penalties = Penalties::new();
- ///
- /// // Perfect fit, both words are on a single line with no overflow.
- /// let wrapped = wrap_optimal_fit(&fragments, &[length], &penalties).unwrap();
- /// assert_eq!(wrapped, vec![&[Word::from(short), Word::from(&long)]]);
- ///
- /// // The words no longer fit, yet we get a single line back. While
- /// // the cost of overflow (`1 * 2500`) is the same as the cost of the
- /// // gap (`50 * 50 = 2500`), the tie is broken by `nline_penalty`
- /// // which makes it cheaper to overflow than to use two lines.
- /// let wrapped = wrap_optimal_fit(&fragments, &[length - 1.0], &penalties).unwrap();
- /// assert_eq!(wrapped, vec![&[Word::from(short), Word::from(&long)]]);
- ///
- /// // The cost of overflow would be 2 * 2500, whereas the cost of
- /// // the gap is only `49 * 49 + nline_penalty = 2401 + 1000 =
- /// // 3401`. We therefore get two lines.
- /// let wrapped = wrap_optimal_fit(&fragments, &[length - 2.0], &penalties).unwrap();
- /// assert_eq!(wrapped, vec![&[Word::from(short)],
- /// &[Word::from(&long)]]);
- /// ```
- ///
- /// This only happens if the overflowing word is 50 characters
- /// long _and_ if the word overflows the line by exactly one
- /// character. If it overflows by more than one character, the
- /// overflow penalty will quickly outgrow the cost of the gap, as
- /// seen above.
- pub overflow_penalty: usize,
- /// When should the a single word on the last line be considered
- /// "too short"?
- ///
- /// If the last line of the text consist of a single word and if
- /// this word is shorter than `1 / short_last_line_fraction` of
- /// the line width, then the final line will be considered "short"
- /// and `short_last_line_penalty` is added as an extra penalty.
- ///
- /// The effect of this is to avoid a final line consisting of a
- /// single small word. For example, with a
- /// `short_last_line_penalty` of 25 (the default), a gap of up to
- /// 5 columns will be seen as more desirable than having a final
- /// short line.
- ///
- /// ## Examples
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use textwrap::{wrap, wrap_algorithms, Options, WrapAlgorithm};
- ///
- /// let text = "This is a demo of the short last line penalty.";
- ///
- /// // The first-fit algorithm leaves a single short word on the last line:
- /// assert_eq!(wrap(text, Options::new(37).wrap_algorithm(WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit)),
- /// vec!["This is a demo of the short last line",
- /// "penalty."]);
- ///
- /// #[cfg(feature = "smawk")] {
- /// let mut penalties = wrap_algorithms::Penalties::new();
- ///
- /// // Since "penalty." is shorter than 25% of the line width, the
- /// // optimal-fit algorithm adds a penalty of 25. This is enough
- /// // to move "line " down:
- /// assert_eq!(wrap(text, Options::new(37).wrap_algorithm(WrapAlgorithm::OptimalFit(penalties))),
- /// vec!["This is a demo of the short last",
- /// "line penalty."]);
- ///
- /// // We can change the meaning of "short" lines. Here, only words
- /// // shorter than 1/10th of the line width will be considered short:
- /// penalties.short_last_line_fraction = 10;
- /// assert_eq!(wrap(text, Options::new(37).wrap_algorithm(WrapAlgorithm::OptimalFit(penalties))),
- /// vec!["This is a demo of the short last line",
- /// "penalty."]);
- ///
- /// // If desired, the penalty can also be disabled:
- /// penalties.short_last_line_fraction = 4;
- /// penalties.short_last_line_penalty = 0;
- /// assert_eq!(wrap(text, Options::new(37).wrap_algorithm(WrapAlgorithm::OptimalFit(penalties))),
- /// vec!["This is a demo of the short last line",
- /// "penalty."]);
- /// }
- /// ```
- pub short_last_line_fraction: usize,
- /// Penalty for a last line with a single short word.
- ///
- /// Set this to zero if you do not want to penalize short last lines.
- pub short_last_line_penalty: usize,
- /// Penalty for lines ending with a hyphen.
- pub hyphen_penalty: usize,
-impl Penalties {
- /// Default penalties for monospace text.
- ///
- /// The penalties here work well for monospace text. This is
- /// because they expect the gaps at the end of lines to be roughly
- /// in the range `0..100`. If the gaps are larger, the
- /// `overflow_penalty` and `hyphen_penalty` become insignificant.
- pub const fn new() -> Self {
- Penalties {
- nline_penalty: 1000,
- overflow_penalty: 50 * 50,
- short_last_line_fraction: 4,
- short_last_line_penalty: 25,
- hyphen_penalty: 25,
- }
- }
-impl Default for Penalties {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self::new()
- }
-/// Cache for line numbers. This is necessary to avoid a O(n**2)
-/// behavior when computing line numbers in [`wrap_optimal_fit`].
-struct LineNumbers {
- line_numbers: RefCell<Vec<usize>>,
-impl LineNumbers {
- fn new(size: usize) -> Self {
- let mut line_numbers = Vec::with_capacity(size);
- line_numbers.push(0);
- LineNumbers {
- line_numbers: RefCell::new(line_numbers),
- }
- }
- fn get<T>(&self, i: usize, minima: &[(usize, T)]) -> usize {
- while self.line_numbers.borrow_mut().len() < i + 1 {
- let pos = self.line_numbers.borrow().len();
- let line_number = 1 + self.get(minima[pos].0, minima);
- self.line_numbers.borrow_mut().push(line_number);
- }
- self.line_numbers.borrow()[i]
- }
-/// Overflow error during the [`wrap_optimal_fit`] computation.
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct OverflowError;
-impl std::fmt::Display for OverflowError {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
- write!(f, "wrap_optimal_fit cost computation overflowed")
- }
-impl std::error::Error for OverflowError {}
-/// Wrap abstract fragments into lines with an optimal-fit algorithm.
-/// The `line_widths` slice gives the target line width for each line
-/// (the last slice element is repeated as necessary). This can be
-/// used to implement hanging indentation.
-/// The fragments must already have been split into the desired
-/// widths, this function will not (and cannot) attempt to split them
-/// further when arranging them into lines.
-/// # Optimal-Fit Algorithm
-/// The algorithm considers all possible break points and picks the
-/// breaks which minimizes the gaps at the end of each line. More
-/// precisely, the algorithm assigns a cost or penalty to each break
-/// point, determined by `cost = gap * gap` where `gap = target_width -
-/// line_width`. Shorter lines are thus penalized more heavily since
-/// they leave behind a larger gap.
-/// We can illustrate this with the text “To be, or not to be: that is
-/// the question”. We will be wrapping it in a narrow column with room
-/// for only 10 characters. The [greedy
-/// algorithm](super::wrap_first_fit) will produce these lines, each
-/// annotated with the corresponding penalty:
-/// ```text
-/// "To be, or" 1² = 1
-/// "not to be:" 0² = 0
-/// "that is" 3² = 9
-/// "the" 7² = 49
-/// "question" 2² = 4
-/// ```
-/// We see that line four with “the” leaves a gap of 7 columns, which
-/// gives it a penalty of 49. The sum of the penalties is 63.
-/// There are 10 words, which means that there are `2_u32.pow(9)` or
-/// 512 different ways to typeset it. We can compute
-/// the sum of the penalties for each possible line break and search
-/// for the one with the lowest sum:
-/// ```text
-/// "To be," 4² = 16
-/// "or not to" 1² = 1
-/// "be: that" 2² = 4
-/// "is the" 4² = 16
-/// "question" 2² = 4
-/// ```
-/// The sum of the penalties is 41, which is better than what the
-/// greedy algorithm produced.
-/// Searching through all possible combinations would normally be
-/// prohibitively slow. However, it turns out that the problem can be
-/// formulated as the task of finding column minima in a cost matrix.
-/// This matrix has a special form (totally monotone) which lets us
-/// use a [linear-time algorithm called
-/// SMAWK](https://lib.rs/crates/smawk) to find the optimal break
-/// points.
-/// This means that the time complexity remains O(_n_) where _n_ is
-/// the number of words. Compared to
-/// [`wrap_first_fit`](super::wrap_first_fit), this function is about
-/// 4 times slower.
-/// The optimization of per-line costs over the entire paragraph is
-/// inspired by the line breaking algorithm used in TeX, as described
-/// in the 1981 article [_Breaking Paragraphs into
-/// Lines_](http://www.eprg.org/G53DOC/pdfs/knuth-plass-breaking.pdf)
-/// by Knuth and Plass. The implementation here is based on [Python
-/// code by David
-/// Eppstein](https://github.com/jfinkels/PADS/blob/master/pads/wrap.py).
-/// # Errors
-/// In case of an overflow during the cost computation, an `Err` is
-/// returned. Overflows happens when fragments or lines have infinite
-/// widths (`f64::INFINITY`) or if the widths are so large that the
-/// gaps at the end of lines have sizes larger than `f64::MAX.sqrt()`
-/// (approximately 1e154):
-/// ```
-/// use textwrap::core::Fragment;
-/// use textwrap::wrap_algorithms::{wrap_optimal_fit, OverflowError, Penalties};
-/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
-/// struct Word(f64);
-/// impl Fragment for Word {
-/// fn width(&self) -> f64 { self.0 }
-/// fn whitespace_width(&self) -> f64 { 1.0 }
-/// fn penalty_width(&self) -> f64 { 0.0 }
-/// }
-/// // Wrapping overflows because 1e155 * 1e155 = 1e310, which is
-/// // larger than f64::MAX:
-/// assert_eq!(wrap_optimal_fit(&[Word(0.0), Word(0.0)], &[1e155], &Penalties::default()),
-/// Err(OverflowError));
-/// ```
-/// When using fragment widths and line widths which fit inside an
-/// `u64`, overflows cannot happen. This means that fragments derived
-/// from a `&str` cannot cause overflows.
-/// **Note:** Only available when the `smawk` Cargo feature is
-/// enabled.
-pub fn wrap_optimal_fit<'a, 'b, T: Fragment>(
- fragments: &'a [T],
- line_widths: &'b [f64],
- penalties: &'b Penalties,
-) -> Result<Vec<&'a [T]>, OverflowError> {
- // The final line width is used for all remaining lines.
- let default_line_width = line_widths.last().copied().unwrap_or(0.0);
- let mut widths = Vec::with_capacity(fragments.len() + 1);
- let mut width = 0.0;
- widths.push(width);
- for fragment in fragments {
- width += fragment.width() + fragment.whitespace_width();
- widths.push(width);
- }
- let line_numbers = LineNumbers::new(fragments.len());
- let minima = smawk::online_column_minima(0.0, widths.len(), |minima, i, j| {
- // Line number for fragment `i`.
- let line_number = line_numbers.get(i, minima);
- let line_width = line_widths
- .get(line_number)
- .copied()
- .unwrap_or(default_line_width);
- let target_width = line_width.max(1.0);
- // Compute the width of a line spanning fragments[i..j] in
- // constant time. We need to adjust widths[j] by subtracting
- // the whitespace of fragment[j-1] and then add the penalty.
- let line_width = widths[j] - widths[i] - fragments[j - 1].whitespace_width()
- + fragments[j - 1].penalty_width();
- // We compute cost of the line containing fragments[i..j]. We
- // start with values[i].1, which is the optimal cost for
- // breaking before fragments[i].
- //
- // First, every extra line cost NLINE_PENALTY.
- let mut cost = minima[i].1 + penalties.nline_penalty as f64;
- // Next, we add a penalty depending on the line length.
- if line_width > target_width {
- // Lines that overflow get a hefty penalty.
- let overflow = line_width - target_width;
- cost += overflow * penalties.overflow_penalty as f64;
- } else if j < fragments.len() {
- // Other lines (except for the last line) get a milder
- // penalty which depend on the size of the gap.
- let gap = target_width - line_width;
- cost += gap * gap;
- } else if i + 1 == j
- && line_width < target_width / penalties.short_last_line_fraction as f64
- {
- // The last line can have any size gap, but we do add a
- // penalty if the line is very short (typically because it
- // contains just a single word).
- cost += penalties.short_last_line_penalty as f64;
- }
- // Finally, we discourage hyphens.
- if fragments[j - 1].penalty_width() > 0.0 {
- // TODO: this should use a penalty value from the fragment
- // instead.
- cost += penalties.hyphen_penalty as f64;
- }
- cost
- });
- for (_, cost) in &minima {
- if cost.is_infinite() {
- return Err(OverflowError);
- }
- }
- let mut lines = Vec::with_capacity(line_numbers.get(fragments.len(), &minima));
- let mut pos = fragments.len();
- loop {
- let prev = minima[pos].0;
- lines.push(&fragments[prev..pos]);
- pos = prev;
- if pos == 0 {
- break;
- }
- }
- lines.reverse();
- Ok(lines)
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
- struct Word(f64);
- #[rustfmt::skip]
- impl Fragment for Word {
- fn width(&self) -> f64 { self.0 }
- fn whitespace_width(&self) -> f64 { 1.0 }
- fn penalty_width(&self) -> f64 { 0.0 }
- }
- #[test]
- fn wrap_fragments_with_infinite_widths() {
- let words = vec![Word(f64::INFINITY)];
- assert_eq!(
- wrap_optimal_fit(&words, &[0.0], &Penalties::default()),
- Err(OverflowError)
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn wrap_fragments_with_huge_widths() {
- let words = vec![Word(1e200), Word(1e250), Word(1e300)];
- assert_eq!(
- wrap_optimal_fit(&words, &[1e300], &Penalties::default()),
- Err(OverflowError)
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn wrap_fragments_with_large_widths() {
- // The gaps will be of the sizes between 1e25 and 1e75. This
- // makes the `gap * gap` cost fit comfortably in a f64.
- let words = vec![Word(1e25), Word(1e50), Word(1e75)];
- assert_eq!(
- wrap_optimal_fit(&words, &[1e100], &Penalties::default()),
- Ok(vec![&vec![Word(1e25), Word(1e50), Word(1e75)][..]])
- );
- }